Family Charms

A/N: Hello everyone, I was re-watching Charmed for the umpteenth time and this little story popped in my head (and by "little" I mean twenty something chapters and counting…).

First of all a huge thank you to Ruggrad for naming it and for listening to me grumble and rumble for MONTHS without telling me to shut up and write the thing! Seriously, girl you rock!

Secondly, the first chapter is in 1st pov but I'm unsure if I should change it to 3rd pov later on. Lemme know, will you?

On and one last thing. I still own nothing. If I did, seasons 5 to 8 would be a LOT different and they weren't, so….

I'm gonna wallow in misery now. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

The room around me was big, sunlit, had a strange blue light going through it, deathly quiet and most of all empty and clean. The mirrors on all walls were shiny and clean. The ballet bars cool to the touch.

Sounds normal, right? It's not.

A minute ago this same room was destroyed. The mirrors were broken, the ballet bars sticky with my blood, the hardwood floors covered in mirror shards, destroyed in places. The heavy green drapes were drawn blocking the sun and the place was crawling with vampires.

A minute ago I was beaten up, tortured, crying with pain. Now I felt healthy as a horse. A minute ago I was sure I was dying. Am I dead now?

"Hello? Anyone here?"

My voice echoed in the empty room. Kinda scary. Standing slowly, I tested my leg. A minute ago it was broken, the calf bone sticking straight through the flesh. Now it was mended and walking wasn't painful at all. I walked to the double doors of the dance school. The street out was empty. Not a single living soul anywhere.

With a glance to the empty studio I walked out. The strange bluish light made everything look wrong. Like aged photographs, everything was the wrong color. My footsteps were loud as I walked down the familiar streets.

The normally busy streets of Phoenix were empty. Not a car, person or even stray dog in sight.

"Guess I'm not in Kansas anymore"

I said loudly, just to hear my voice. Crossing the street that would take me to my house, well my mother's house, well my mother's old house, I felt a breeze. A step to the side and the breeze was no more.


A step back and the breeze was there, like an invisible fan was blowing air in the middle of the street.

"I'm either dead or dreaming all of this up. What do I have to lose?"

I reasoned with myself and gave in to the slow hypnotic chant inside my head that urged me to walk towards the breeze. I hadn't taken more than a dozen steps before the setting around me changed. Gone was the downtown Phoenix and desert was around me.

"What the..."

Intrigued, I kept walking. This time my steps were slower and I was looking around me. Even though my steps were small, the scenery changed fast. First to countryside, then forests, then to civilization, then more countryside and then to cities. I stopped walking when I got tired and recognized a street sign.

"Welcome to... Modesto?"

As in Modesto, California? There is no way I got to California. I had been walking for barely 15 minutes. I felt a pull to keep walking though, so I did. I ended up leaving Modesto and entering San Francisco. That I recognized from having lived there as a child. A couple steps more brought me to a house.

The breeze was stronger there. There was a circle of stones surrounding the property and instinct ordered to not disturb them when I stepped over them. Unthinkingly I climbed the stone steps up to the small porch and the double half painted glass doors and pushed them open.

There was no breeze in the house. Everything was as quiet and dead as the streets outside.


I called out again. A groan guided me under an arch to a main foyer room thing. There, directly in front of the stairs were two women, fallen backwards, fading in and out of existence

"Now I know I'm not dreaming. My dreams are never this weird"

When the women faded in again I walked closer to them. The one with the longer hair faded back out again. The one with the shorter hair didn't. She blinked, swore under her breath and stood up with enviable grace.

"Am I dead again?"

She asked. She probably wasn't asking me but I decided to respond with a shrug for good measure.

"Beats me. If you are, then I guess so am I"
"Who are you?"

Her hazel eyes squinted as if something was supposed to happen. I extended a hand

"Bella Swan"

When nothing happened she shook my hand

"Prue Halliwell"