Sorry for the very, very long wait. I didn't know how to pick up from where i finished, but i finally did it.

Enjoy :)

Four POV

Did I seriously just do that with her? With Beatrice Prior? Why in the hell would I ever be interested in her? Sure, she's pretty, and smart, and funny, but why would I be interested in her? She's bossy, and rude, and snippy. I mean, she's a bitch.

I cannot believe I started sucking her thumb. Of all things her little, adorable thumb. I mean it wasn't my fault I was starting to feel a little turned on by her. this may be the first time in 3 years that someone has interacted with her, but my lord. She knew what she was doing to me and she was enjoying it.

God, I was going to get crap from the boys sooner or later. She would tell Christina, who would tell Will, who would tell everyone of mine and Tris's encounter.

I leaned my head against the wall of my new bedroom and sighed. This was not good. I had other things to worry about. Like surviving this stupid plague. I could die at any second and what I'm worried about is if some girl was turned on as much as I was.

Was she? I mean I know I am a good flirt, but did she seem interested in me? Not that I care wether or not she was interested in me or not, but still. Did I leave a mark on her?

Will walked in seconds later, smirking at me before sitting down on his bed, opening up a book Caleb gave him. He didn't say anything to me, not one thing. I squinted at him, waiting for some kind of response to what happened. but nothing happened. I was getting mad that he wasn't asking questions about what happened. I don't even know why I was caring, but I did. I wanted him to ask me questions, but he wasn't.

Finally when someone called us for lunch, his attention was on me.

"So, you made out with Tris's thumb in front of her dad. Real smooth Four" he told me before walking out of our room. I stood dumbfounded. I would at least think he would be interested in how it started, but he wasn't. He was… bored.

I followed after him, only to bump into Tris of all people. She looked up at me, going bright red before chasing after Christina. I smirked after her and followed her down to the kitchen where we were having lunch. Since we weren't going hunting till later, there was no good meat in the house, so we had tinned spaghetti. Which wasn't so bad.

Lunch wasn't that bad too, but I was put next to Tris, in closed by Will and that stupid girl Christina. Christina is not someone to have a conversation with. She will make the conversation about her, and then move onto a different topic, which still involved her.

I kept bumping my leg into Tris, on accident. I was one of those people who needed to bounce their leg when they sat down. it was out of impulse, but her leg was too close for comfort and I kept banging it. She was getting annoyed by this too.

She kept hitting my leg back, glaring at me, or even shoving me sometimes. It was a cute effort, but I was a lot stronger then she was, and everyone knew it. Sure, she had a good body, and was fit, but I was a lot stronger then she would ever be.

By the end of lunch, everyone was watching us, especially now since Tris was whispering shit into my ear.

"Will you please stop showing your liking to me. I'm not interested".

"Please. If I was interested in you, I would let you know".

"Like when you sucked my thumb? Does that count?".

I growled at that comment. I was getting mad now. She didn't need to bring that up. Maybe I did enjoy that interment moment, but that was nothing. She was nothing. At least I thought she was nothing.

When lunch finally finished, I quickly exited from the room, an retreated to my room. Just as I made it to the door, I felt a warm, soft hand on my arm. I looked down to see Tris smiling up at me. I knew she was faking it. I smirked back and motioned her to come into the room. She took my offer and walked into the room, towards my bed.

"Can we talk about what happened this morning?" She asked as she sat down crossed legged onto the bed. I followed after her, sitting on the edge of the bed and nodded.

"I don't know what the hell that was, but it will never happen again, right?" She asked me. I felt a tinge of hurt in my chest, but ignored and nodded at her. She smiled, nodding her head and leaned back against the bed rest. I smiled at her, taking her in.

she was pretty, really pretty. She had shiny blond hair, bleached from the sun. Her grey blue eyes shined in the afternoon light casting a orange glare into the room. She wore a long sleeved shirt, and some shorts showing off her short, thin legs. She was short, just reaching my chin, but she made up the shortness with her stubbiness.

She tilted her head at me, probably wondering what I was doing, but I shook my head and looked out the window. The sun was bright today, and the streets looked deserted. In moments like this, when I was looking at Tris, you forget that there are no other humans outside those doors expect for the ones in here.

"Four. Can I ask you a couple of questions?" Tris spoke up in the silence we shared. I looked back at her, nodding before resting on my back, placing my arms behind my head, and closed my eyes.

"What happened to your parents?". My parents. I had a lot to say about them.

"Don't know, don't care" I responded blankly. I didn't want her to ask more questions about it, but she did.

"What do you mean? They just left your life and that's it?" I could feel her shift on the bed, coming closer towards me. I suddenly felt her warm breathe on my cheek. I flinched a little of the closeness, but went along with her game anyway.

"My dad was a dick. He beat my mom a lot when I was little. When I was 10, she left me and dad, walking out on us one night. Next thing I know he takes his anger from work, home and mom leaving us on me. I was just 10, I didn't know any better. I went to school with the bruises, not thinking about them until some teacher calls he police on dad for child abuse. He told me he was making me a better man. Man, I was a dumb kid. He didn't get charged because he told them I run into a wall, cheek first. Police believed it and left me with him. Beat me every night until that day the disease broke out. He was watching TV when I bolted. I ran to the only place I thought was safe. All of us leaving here knew each other in some way. Zeke was my best friend at the time and still is. We ran to that spot we always go to on a Friday, and waited for them to come. It was abandoned train carriage, were I would go to every time my dad would do something crazy. They all came, running with bags and food, telling me there parents went to some school function and all got sick. Infected. We ran for our lives, and ended up in that spot you guys found us in. that's where our lives were. I guess its better now being with you guys".

Silence fell between us; I opened one eye, glancing at Tris. She looked upset, shocked. Mostly she looked sorry that she asked. It felt good getting that off my chest.

"I'm sorry. About that" She whispered to me. I closed that eye and shrugged. Its not her fault my dads a bastard and my moms a bitch.

The silence was annoying me now. She didn't do anything. She just kept still and didn't move. Finally I felt the bed move, my eyes following, where she sat on the bench under the window.

She looked out the window, not saying one thing. Both of us didn't say anything for a long time. But she finally spoke.

"My mom got sick. From the cancer, not the mutation thing. She was dying and we couldn't save her" She was crying. She kept talking and she was crying. I walked over to her, and sat next to her. I didn't know what to do. I sat facing the wall, arms crossed and listened to her.

"Dad was one of the people working on the cure for cancer. Said it would save everyone suffering from it. God he was stupid. So was that stupid doctor who helped him. When they gave it to that little boy and he survived. I met him you know. He was nice, and sweet. He was my age. Then he turned. I couldn't believe it. No one in the city did. But when the outbreak started, people started to flee. Dad was asked to leave the second the boy turned, but he stayed along side Dr Robert Neville. Trying to find some cure for this. Mom wouldn't leave his side, so we all stayed. She died three weeks later due to the lack of medical help. We buried her. She died because of my dad's stupid mistakes. Its all his fault!" She screamed, the water works still happening.

I pulled her into a hug, letting her cry into my chest. I don't do this. I don't hug people; I especially don't care about some girl. I guess Tris wasn't some girl to me anymore.

She was more then just some girl. She was a girl who fought for her rights to be here. She was a girl who stood up to me, when no other girl had ever done before. She was a girl who teased me, and bullied me, but was all for the fun of it. She was a girl who wasn't interested in me and it confused me.

She was a girl who made me smile every time I thought of her.

She pulled back, wiping her eyes and laughing a bit. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "I shouldn't have said that. He probably heard me too".

"You had to get it out of your system. He'll forgive you. He seems like a good dad". My hands were still wrapped around her. she shifted so that she rested her head on my shoulder, holding my arm wrapped around her neck, while she played with my other hand with hers.

"He's been the best" She whispered. I smiled down at her, resting my chin on the top of her head. She smelt like strawberries. I haven't eaten a strawberry in so long.

I suddenly had the erg to kiss her. I don't know where it came from or why I wanted to. I just did. I suddenly pulled back from her, standing and walking out of the room. She didn't say anything, which made me feel like a jerk.

I walked outside, towards the park across the road and sat in the old playground. It would be getting dark soon, but right in this moment of time I didn't care. I screamed at the top of my lungs, hearing howls coming back to me. Just as I was about to go back, I heard a rustling sound in the bushes behind me.

I looked around, trying to see what the noise was, but was shocked to see someone standing behind the bushes. Someone I knew very well.

Thanks for reading :)