Second chapter yo

Still don't own these children.

Depart From Me, You Cursed Thing

(An hour and a half earlier, in Allen's containment room)

When Kanda walked in the door, empty eyes turned on him, and he twitched. He shut the door behind him, and the shining white eyes continued to follow him, though the boy himself did not move at all. His eyes were pure white, as though rolled fully back into his head, though he could still see. More words had been clawed into his bare flesh arm, and his Innocence arm was stained from wrist to fingertip with blood.

"Beansprout." He said quietly, and it was like a trigger. The boy dove at him, wide eyes still staring eerily. There was no change in expression, nothing that showed he knew he was being spoken to other than the body nearly slamming against Kanda's. He dodged, of course, and a garbled noise seeped from the boy's mouth like poison. "Beansprout." He repeated. The white-haired teen froze, and then he screamed, and for the first time since Kanda had heard him, it was his voice, brimming with complete and utter pain.

"BEANSPROUT!" he roared over the screams. The boy stopped screaming (like a water faucet shut off and) dove at him again, and his time he did not dodge. Instead, he (went against everything he was taught, every bible verse hammered into his premature skull by scientists who thought they were playing God until the time he was fifteen and) caught the boy, wrapping his arms tightly around him, and sunk to the floor, arms tight around the thrashing body. "Stop." He growled. "Beansprout could never beat me when I was just him, what make you think you're any different?"

"…beat…bast…ard." Allen's voice cracked through, and Kanda gave him another gentle squeeze.

"Yeah, when?"

"Th…one ti…I was…top.." Allen managed, and cracked a painful-looking smile.

"You think that right now is the time to joke, you stupid punk?" he asked, though he breathed slightly harder through his nose in what was almost a laugh.

"Is…bet..bein…in pai…"

"I suppose so." Kanda leaned in close, one side of his face buried in the white locks.

"お前を守ってあげるよ。" He whispered, rubbing calming circles into Allen's back. The boy gave a sound akin to a hiccup before hoarsely whispering back:

"ありがとう。" Then the screaming took back up, and Allen clawed at Kanda's back and Kanda shook his head and shushed him, and when that didn't work, when he couldn't hear his own thoughts over then pained screaming, his voice rose to swirl alongside the screams, loud and sharp and abrasive, cutting through the screams like a cleaver.

"AREN!" he shouted, his accent slipping through as his voice cracked. "You stupid beansprout! Goddammit, if you die like this I'll never forgive you!"

"お願いします。お願いします。お願いします。お願いします。お願いします。" Allen repeated the phrase over and over, and finally Kanda understood what he was begging for.

"God! Oh god that I hate so much! Please. Oh Jesus Christ, please. You say only prayer can cast out this thing in him, right? Well I'm fucking praying, you hear me, you bastard?"


"All for you, sprout. Though to be honest it's not much of a stretch. Never much appreciated the shit the big man's put me through." He whispered. "You restored?"

"I don't- kn- AGH!" The screaming began again, and the dust in the room began to swirl around them, and Kanda gripped Allen tight, like nothing else in the world mattered to him.

"Jesus FUCKING Christ I love you." He half screamed, half whispered. "And I swear to every god that has ever been believed in, if I lose you to some fucking demon I'll murder every one of the old bastards myself. GIVE HIM BACK TO ME, GODDAMMIT! I DON'T CARE ABOUT GOD OR JESUS OR ANGELS OR THE DEVIL OR THE ORDER, JUST GIVE ME BACK THIS ONE PERSON, GOD-FUCKING-DAMMIT!" Allen's eyes, his scar, shone gold, and a silver-white cross etched itself across his chest. The dust settled, slowly, and Allen's mouth opened wide. A black and red blur seemed to pour from it, settling on the floor around them and then slinking away. "Oh not yet, you little shit." Kanda growled, unceremoniously dropping Allen to chase after it. He stabbed it to the floor with Mugen hissing: "Get Exorcised, dammit." It twisted and flailed before hissing (like cold water hitting a hot rock) one last time and then blurring and fading. He sheathed Mugen and picked Allen up off the ground, finger carding through the white locks. "Goddamn you to hell, you stupid freak." Kanda breathed, kissing; the sweaty forehead, the damp white hair, the fluttering eyelids.

"So," came the quiet, scream-hoarse voice. "You love me, hm?" Kanda gave a choke that was half sob, half chuckle and pulled Allen to his chest.

"Jesus Christ, you fuckhead. Did I not scream it enough? I didn't even know you were aware of what I was screaming."

"Heh. Of course I'm going to remember something like that." He tilted Kanda's head down and kissed him, hands entwining around Kanda's neck. "God, I love you too." He whispered. "We're both just mushy idiots, aren't we?"

"Maybe you are, but I stand by my closed-off-asshole status."

"You always d-" Allen swayed before collapsing. Kanda's heart seized, and he pressed his ear up against the boy's chest, listening for his heart. It beat, quiet and strong, and Kanda swallowed deeply, kissing the boy's forehead again.

"You ever scare me like that again…" he muttered, "I'll kill you myself." He swung the boy over his shoulder carefully, glancing back to where a dark stain stayed on the ground. "I hope you're really Exorcised, asshole." The stain did not move. "Well." Kanda sighed, rolling his free shoulder. "I need some fucking sleep." He shouldered the smaller body, and opened the door.

~ 終わり~


お前を守ってあげるよ。- Basically translates to "I will help you" or "I will take care of you"

ありがとう。- Thank you

お願いします。- Please (See Chapter 1 notes)

終わり - (The) End

I hope you liked it!