To people who have not read this before, go on normally.

I got an awesome beta reader, HardSonadowFanGirl. So thank her for all the mistakes that you don't see, and thank me for all the mistakes you do see.

To people who have read this before, reread it because I'm in the process of rewriting this story.


All the major plot lines will stay the same, but I'm going to be changing quite a bit.

Thanks for choosing Reaper Airlines, and we hope you die on this flight.

The first thing I registered was a dull throbbing, or was it that incessant voice? More likely the dull throbbing, but in retrospect, it doesn't really matter. "Percy. Wake up," that annoying voice repeated for what must have been the hundredth time. I held my hands to my head in a futile attempt to stop the headache, or at least alleviate it. I failed, badly. I blinked away the dust of sleep, and stretched my muscles, as they were a bit cramped.

I looked around the room for a second to familiarize myself with my surroundings. I ignored the Iris message in front of me, which contained the image of a motherly-looking figure wearing a toga and sporting a disappointed look. Her black hair somehow enhanced the image of disappointment I could see in her eyes, for some odd reason. The rest of the room had a desk, and a small chair in the corner, and, can't forget the mini-bar. I must have been checked into a hotel last night for some reason.

I scanned the room looking for a bag, and found it in a corner of the room, as if thrown there carelessly. I frowned, as I tried to remember if I did that, but nothing came back to me. I cast my attention back to the goddess in front of me. "What's up?" I asked groggily. I take more than 2 seconds to properly wake up. Sue me. I looked away from her. I just couldn't handle her looking disappointedly at me, again, because I was here again, passed out from drinking.

She had no idea that this was the only way I could ward off the horrors that visited my mind every night. It was the only way I could sleep in peace. Meh, let her think what she wants to think. Who cares anyway? You Do, a little voice in the back of my head said. Shut up. I replied using my standard response. I sat upright on my bed, or whoever's bed this is, laid my hands on my lap, and stared at them. The balcony was open, I noticed, another pointless small detail that the back of my mind found important for some reason.

We both knew that this issue was something that a stern talking to wouldn't fix, so we both were more than happy to gloss over it. That disappointed look, however, filled me with completely unwarranted guilt. "I have a favour to ask of you, Percy." My eyes, just for a fraction of a second, darted to look at her, before returning to their original place. "It's always I need you to do this. I need you to do that. Why can't it ever be a social rainbow?" I asked. "Are you using me?" I continued, as I gasped in an over-exaggerated way. I looked up atif her to see her reaction.

Her face had a small smile on it. Now, we could get back to our normal routine, and the guilt wouldn't have to be so present. I stood up and looked her, directly in the eyes. "I live to serve," I said as I made a mockery of what a proper bow should look like. I liked this. This was safe. Less painful emotions involved. "I need you to retrieve two demi-gods from Westover Hall Maine." Odd. Usually, whenever she asks me to retrieve a demi-god, it's because their home-life is less than optimal. Hmmm. It must be a boarding school, then. It does sound like a pretentious school. It would have a French accent if it could speak. I just know it. Returning to the real world, I asked Hestia," Who's their pops?" Her face didn't change at all from her normal expression. "Hades." Since everyone can't be as good an actor as her, I had to actually have an outward reaction, a small one, but one nonetheless. I raised an inquisitive eyebrow. It gave the entire game away, right?

"The big man downstairs couldn't keep his thing in his pants?" Something about this wasn't quite right. Hestia wasn't angry at all at Hades for breaking the oath that the big three swore, stating that none of them could sire demi-gods again due to the power that their offsprings possessed. "Hades sired them long before the oath was made." Why was she not explaining the entire thing to me? Did she not want to tell me about it? "If you don't want to tell me about it. You don't have to, jeez. All you have to do is say that you don't want to tell me."

I focused in on her features to monitor her reaction. Was this a challenge to show how much she trusted me, or an actual statement that had no ill feelings behind it? I have no idea. Perhaps, I need to know her response and my emotions will tell me what I really feel. I've lived for so, so long, perhaps too long, and I still wasn't in tune with what the rest of me wanted.

"No. It's just, if Zeus was ever to find out, it would cause another war, and I was careful not to tell anyone, but I do trust you not to tell anyone else about this. It's just… I don't want to betray Hades' trust." That means that them being Hades' children was not the biggest issue, and there was even more to it. However, on another note, I felt an emotion bubble in my stomach. Happiness, I think. It did warm me to know that she trusted me. "You really shouldn't trust me about this. I mean, I could be your worst enemy. I could be the best Brutus that you have ever seen." I said in quite an exaggerated sinister voice. Perhaps, I exaggerate everything a tad too much.

She smiled at my remark, and none of that small smile that doesn't really count as a smile to everyone. It was a smile that took control of her whole face, and in that smile, I could make out some wrinkles. An odd thing to keep, especially since her laughs are far and few in between, nowadays. It speaks a lot about how the world is now, I suppose.

"Nico and Bianca were born in the 1930s. Zeus tried to kill them, and their mother by destroying their hotel. Hades protected them and sent them to the Lotus hotel. After about 70 years, he placed them in the boarding school hoping that one of them would become the child of the prophecy. If Zeus was ever to find proof about this, war would consume Olympus and the Titans would easily overthrow us, as we did them."

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait a second. You said "find proof about this", not "find out about this". Did you really think I was going to miss that small detail?" I asked Hestia. "Zeus may have already sent Artemis and her hunters to find out about the powerful demi-gods in Maine." I snorted, loudly, and shook my head looking at her head in mock disappointment. "You would have sent me there with no knowledge that ARTEMIS was there. Does my life mean so little to you?" I paused a bit to give her the idea that I was done talking. She opened her mouth to begin speaking, but I interrupted her before she could continue. "No. No. I can never forgive you for this. I-I.. I just need some time."

I turned around to face the open balcony, so that my back was turned towards her. I added a fake sob for some extra effect. I could feel her roll her eyes behind me, or not, but I'd like to think that I can. "It's too late to apologize." I sang in a sad tone. I turned around and slashed the Iris message and stopped the fake tear work. Well, at least I have evidence that she was rolling her eyes. That's what I cut through, after all. Off to Maine, we head. And our death, is assured.

But, before our death, and all that nonsense, time to don on our battle-armour. What a fancy name for a bunch of crap, that may or may not have saved my life many times in a lot of different occasions. I grabbed my brown bag, that looked a lot like what you would expect a boy's scout bag to look like, and donned on my battle-armour. All the time, I wondered, how many scout jokes can I make off of this bag? There's the popular scout's honour, and the attention thing, which can be used as sexual innuendo, but what else? I wonder... I wonder…

Anywayyyy. After the whole process of wearing something, which takes a lot of time when you don't have servants to help you. Rich lord problems, right? I inspected myself in the mirror, something that I hadn't noticed because it looked so shy just hanging there on the wall that the mini-bar rested against.

I wore a normal t-shirt, with a picture of fudge, and a tag above it, saying "Go Fudge Yourself." Fun Stuff. This would not hinder my movement, whatsoever, but would give me no armour either. I wore a jacket above my shirt with 5 throwing daggers on either side. However, they had a small pocket that only let their tip show to confuse any suspecting opponent of their existence. It gets a bit awkward to quickly grab them if you aren't used to them. Inside my jacket, on either side, hung a small ornament. It was a shield about the size of a keychain. Guess what it turns into?

And last, but not least, on the back of my jacket, hung two sheathes that held 2, 3ft swords in them. It was a bit uncomfortable to have them on my back in the beginning, but it was easier to quickly draw them from their sheathes if they were on my back than if they were on either side of my legs. Now, it's actually time to head out to my doom. At least, the contrast of my black jacket and pants against my white shirt looked freakin epic.

I viewed the situation in Westover Hall from afar. It is, as always, better to survey the situation before getting into it. Probably. Probably not. Meh. From what I could see, there were 6 people. I couldn't make out anything except some vague features. Blond hair, an adult, raven hair, 2 kids, and a Goth are all that came at me. It looked like the Goth girl and the raven guy were having an argument, and that they were all being led by the adult to somewhere. Seeing as Westover is in the middle of nowhere, this raised some red flags.

There was nowhere to go, but they were heading towards the cliffs, which makes this statement moot. The teacher probably had a ride planned. Boat or Heli…. Or magic. Magic is better, seeing as a tail sprung out of him. I don't even want to know where he hid that thing. I needed to stop them before they got to the cliffs. I rose out of my crouched positions in the bush, and silently ran towards them, stepping only on the front part of my feet.

I felt something prickly in the back of my neck, like I was being watched. Fun. Artemis and her band of not-at-all merry girls were here. This would be more difficult than I had originally anticipated. I shouted to get the adult's attention. I was careful not to be too close to alarm him, but not to be so far away as to let him think that he could just walk away. "Hey, dude." I couldn't make out the conversation that I had just interrupted, and more importantly, I said dude? I can't even…

The adult turned his attention to me. I surveyed the crowd again and began to pick up on some of their more subtle features, as in, everything. The Goth girl had spiky black hair, blue eyes, and a leather jacket that practically screamed punk. She also had a Barbie shirt… with an arrow through the head of said Barbie… How cute. The guy with raven hair had blue eyes and an orange shirt, and nothing else seemed to stand out. The blond had piercing grey eyes and an inquisitive feel. Daughter of Athena. The kid had messy hair and olive skin, similar to what must be his sister. Although, her hair was more kempt and looked silky.

Daughter of Athena, and 2 children of Hades, so absolutely no useful knowledge gained. Probably. Probably not. "What do you want, kid?" The monster asked. Which avenue should I pursuit? Probably one that doesn't involve him seeing my sheathes because that would be messy. So what? Kill him. Put him down like the bug he is. That just wouldn't be proper, now, would it, I asked the voice in my head mockingly? The voice stayed silent. Screw him. Or her. Or it. If I could just plant a sword in him before he completely transforms, that would be just dandy. To do that, I would need to approach him and make him drop his guard for a few beautiful seconds.

What information do we have? Think. Think. Okay… The 2 kids are students, and the other 3.. What 4? Goddamn head... Freakin missing what's right in front of it. The last visitor that I hadn't noticed. He had curly brown hair, a wispy beard, and brown eyes… and a pair of horns? Good. Good. He's a satyr. That means they're from the camp, so they're trying to rescue those 2 demi-gods. That means he must have smelt the monster, and asked for assistance. That means that the adult is a powerful monster.

What More? None of them are worse for wear, and that means that they didn't fight. So, the guy must have threatened them. That means that some of them might still have their weapons, but I shouldn't depend on a "might". How did the threat work? Demi-gods are not exactly smart about the dangers they go into. That means that the threat of a dangerous monster wouldn't be enough. That monster would need leverage, hostages. So he picked the brother and sister from the school, but did he kidnap them or trick them? I surveyed the 2 kids again and realized that there were no signs of tear, or wear on their uniform, which means that he tricked them. That must mean that he's a teacher, but how could a teacher convince them to go outside the school with him? He couldn't. He must have threatened them, but why?

The raven haired looked like he was in quite a bit of pain, and that equals to a fight. I have all the pieces, now, time to concoct a story… Really? Concoct? Is that even a word that's used anymore? That's the 'most' important thing to focus on right now… "Hey prof, I read your last work, and I must say that it is amazing. I especially like the new approach that you took. What made you think of this new way to look at things in, specifically, this subject?" I used dude, might as well use prof. Keep it vague, and keep him confused. It was working. He was furiously trying to remember if he had ever done any work in his time in this persona. The answer was nope.

All the while, I slowly approached him. I kept my back away from him, and he kept his back away from me. It was a mutual thing. He had a tail that he didn't wanna show, and I had some mighty swords that I didn't wanna show. "Man. You're my hero. Do you mind if I take a picture with you real quick?" At this point, I was already close enough to deal a fatal strike, but I couldn't, just yet. I needed some information. Why was he after these 2 kids in particular? I can't exactly question a dead man, no matter how awesome I am.

I took my phone out of my pocket and prepared to take a selfie. He was none the wiser, as he tried to hide his tail from me. I used his frantic attempts, to 'accidently' drop my phone. "Sorry about that." I said. "I always drop my phone." Now was the time. He found a perfect time to hide his tail, while I was distracted, and I found a perfect time to put my sword against his neck. My right hand grasped the left sword and had it a hair's length away from his neck in less than a second, and my left hand grasped my right sword and sliced his tail clean off. A pity too. He looked like he was just about to say his first words in this conversation.

"One, very small question. Who sent you here? And if I don't like your answer. Your head is gonna come clean off. And don't even try to move." I looked towards the rest of the happy party, "Go, make whoopie, or grab your things. Do something." I focused my attention back on the monster. "Who?" I demanded. "WHY DID THEY SEND YOU?"

"The General sent me to collect the children of Hades. I'll spare your life if you walk away, little mortal. You can still walk away from this." I could hear a helicopter flying in from our west, but I couldn't risk looking to confirm my hearing. "Today is not your lucky day." I sliced his throat wide open. No blood spurted out. He transformed into some sort of lion-winged beast, then dissipated into yellow stripper dust. I turned my attention to the helicopter. It was still a bit off, but it was too close for comfort. "Might as well come out, Arty. No point in hiding in the shadows now." I said to the shadows behind me without looking back. I could clearly see that there was a machine gun attached to the chopper. It would take but one throw to kill the person manning the chopper, and two to kill the pilot, depending on the type of glass the helicopter has. But, I do dislike murder. How about leaving it up to fate?

I waited for the helicopter to come by. "Get back. This won't be pretty. Probably." I said to the others. Kill them all. They don't deserve to live. I ignored the voice and focused on the chopper. It was about time. My shield better be strong enough, and my aim true enough. I reached into my jacket's pocket and prepared myself for the throw. I turned it around, so that it would be vertical rather than horizontal and threw the shield at the blades of the chopper, activating it at the last second. "Aegis" I muttered with less than an ideal amount of hope for a crazy plan. The shield grew about 10 times its original size and hit its target. The blades stopped spinning and made quite an annoying sound whenever they hit the shield.

I moved back a bit, just in case the chopper landed on this side. Thankfully, for once, it did not. The pilot turned it around, and tried to move it towards the sea. The gunman abandoned his post and jumped out. The pilot thought it wise to copy his friend. I turned around and left my handiwork behind to focus on everything else. Lost a shield. Fun. A bunch of teenage, probably hormonal, hunters wearing silver parkas and shorts that preach man-hatred and man-specific manslaughter that were aiming their bows at me. More fun.

I won't ask again. I'll just ask this one time.

Can you guys just review for the first chapter, so I know what the tone of this story should be? Should the chapter be longer? Should I not include so much detail? Should I include more? Were the characters poorly portrayed? Is my writing lacking somehow? Please review and tell me how to better this story. Also, did the whole him thinking of how to properly start the fight suck, or suck big time? Criticism only.