A life changing love Chapter 12 (Final Chapter)
Elena P.O.V
I am speechless as my Aunt and I drive to Mystic Falls hospital. We got the call only a few minutes ago that Alaric had called 911 to report that Damon has been shot and he's bleeding heavily.
"Elena, honey, please don't worry. Damon is strong, he'll get through this." She tries soothing me but her words don't help. I won't feel better until I see Damon better. Because he can't die. Not now, not when we've worked so damn hard to be together.
The rest of the car ride is done in silence. I stare blankly ahead as Jenna and I walk into the hospital. Alaric immediately sees us and rushes over, pulling my Aunt into a hug.
"Alaric, I was so afraid that you had gotten hurt as well." Jenna sniffles, resting her head on his chest.
"You...it's all your fault." I suddenly feel as if I have been slammed with every single emotion, the bad ones at least. But finally I'm left with an anger that makes me want to destroy everything and everyone in my path.
They both look over at me, their mouths agape but neither of them are saying anything. Instead of screaming, or hitting him, like I am sure they're both expecting me to do, I say these twelve words that I know will hit him hard. "If he dies, I'm blaming you for the rest of my life.", my tone is icy and I look directly into his eyes with a glare that makes him flinch.
Before anything else can be said a woman, who looks to be the doctor walks up to me. "Ms. Gilbert?" I nod and she leads me down a hallway to a waiting area outside of an operating room.
" has lost a lot of blood but we're doing all we can. I just...I just want to prepare you for the idea that he may not make it." The doctor tells me, I nod to that as well. I feel a knot in my chest and a pain in my throat. Tears well up in my eyes and it's taking all I have to keep it together.
Once the doctor leaves I sit myself down in one of the chairs outside of the room. Another hour passes by and I decide to go get something from the vending machine. I begin walking down the hallway but I stop dead in my tracks.
Only a few feet away from me stands a man that I never wanted to see again. One who broke my heart and left me behind, taking my best friend along with it.
"Stefan." I breath, forcing any pain I feel at seeing him away. I don't need this right now. If he thinks in some twisted way that his presence will calm me down or help me, than he has never been more wrong.
"Elena? What are you doing here?" Stefan doesn't seem to really think anything of seeing me, he just looks confused.
"What are you doing here?" I manage to say, it bothers me that he doesn't feel anything when he sees me. Not an ounce of regret or guilt. I never got it before, I shouldn't expect it now.
"My brother...he got shot." At his words I turn around and walk back to the waiting area. Sitting myself in the same chair as before, I feel him sit beside me but all I do is stare straight ahead. It makes sense, I never really thought about it before.
Damon had been so reluctant to go to the family reunion here, does he think I know? He must, that has to be why he never told me. He'd never lie to me. He had told me he had a brother, I never thought anything of it. Maybe he just thought I didn't want to talk about it.
"You must be the fiance than." I never knew Damon had told anyone. He didn't seem like the type to want his life public.
"I'm pregnant, so if he doesn't make it..." Of course the time my emotions decide to go overload, it just has to be with Stefan. Tears stream down my cheeks and sobs leave my lips.
"He'll make it. Damon's strong and his love for you will get him through this." His words make me want to crumble all over again. But I just wipe my tears instead.
"When did he tell you about me?" I ask him and he smiles to himself as if he knows something I don't, it's safe to assume he does.
"The moment he saw you all those years ago back in highschool, he was a senior and we were Freshman. I had never heard him talk about a girl the way he talked about you. I told him every time he mentioned you that he should just go up to you and say something, anything. But you know what he told me every single time, "She's too good for me."." Stefan reveals, the urge to cry is back.
"I didn't even know he existed." I burst into tears and all I can think is "I want him to live. I want to marry him and have this baby with him.".
"He moved away after that. Went off to University and studied in Business. He would try and act as if he had forgotten you but I remember those moments on the phone when he'd pause for a minute or two as if he was making this huge decision and he'd ask about you. He stopped that after we started dating." I look up at Stefan and I see that he's smiling sadly.
My heart swells at the thought that Damon may have been in love with me longer than he let on.
"Your brother is really good at keeping secrets." I give a soft laugh and Stefan nods his head in agreement.
"He told me he had a fiance. I never even knew until now that it's you. I'm glad he finally has you." I get the feeling that Stefan and Damon don't have a close relationship. Is is because of me? Because Stefan cheated on me and Damon got upset?
The doctor chose that moment to walk out of the operating room, a grim expression on his face, one I had hoped not to see. My heart constricted in my chest and as the doctor walked over to me and Stefan it felt like all oxyen was leaving my body.
" , , I regret to inform you that Damon Salvatore lost too much blood on the trip over. He...well the bullet hit an artery and there was nothing to be done. I am sorry for your loss." Suddenly it felt like my world was spinning, everything felt like nothing. I stumbled backwards and managed to latch onto my chair, sinking down in it.
He's dead. Damon is dead. I begin to tremble, barely realizing that tears are streaming down my cheeks and the sobs that sound like they are distant, are actually coming from me. I feel as if my whole life was just erased in the blink of an eye. The man I love is gone. He's nothing and soon there will be nothing left of him.
He'll never hold me again, I'll never hear his laugh again. I'll never get to hear him say my name or how much he loves me. I'll never get to tell him I love him ever again.
I will be making a sequel focusing on how Elena deals with the death of Damon, her pregnancy and the fact that she feels she may never love again. I don't know when I will be writing it. Probably after I finish my new Klaus+Elena story which might take awhile. I am sorry if the ending has disappointed anyone but I lost my interest in the story and felt that I didn't do a good job on it. I promise there will be a sequel though.