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By: Aria Daughter of Chaos and Lab7417

"Kol!" Elijah attempted to call down his brother where he was wrapped around Bonnie Bennett trying to threaten her to break their mother's spell. Elijah had invited the others in an attempt to talk out a solution and they had met in the woods but it had quickly escalated into this.

"It's no use," Rebekah growled, "they won't budge unless the doppelganger is in trouble." She moved to lunge for Elena but Stefan held her back and Elijah held to Elena protectively. Suddenly the originals all collapsed. Elena and Bonnie were gripped in Elijah and Kol's embrace while Rebekah was atop Stefan.

"What happened?" Caroline worried as she dropped down next to Klaus and tried to figure out if the Mikaelsons were gone.

"I don't know," Elena said trying to figure out if Elijah was hurt.

"It's like they just passed out," Bonnie grunted from under Kol.


"Well hello beautiful," Kol smiled at Bonnie a few minutes later.

"Kol..." Bonnie chided.

"You know who I am?" Kol looked worried for a nanosecond before he masked it behind a smirk.

"Well of course I do," Bonnie frowned.

"Pardon me," Elijah looked deeply into Elena's eyes as he moved swiftly from her.

"Elijah," Elena smiled brightly at him.

" cannot be..."

"I'm not Tatia. It's Elena," Elena frowned. Stefan, Bonnie and Caroline were frowning.

"What is the last thing that you remember?" Bonnie asked.

"Our mother and father turning us into-" Elijah halted abruptly.

"It's okay...we know what you are," Stefan said gently. "I think we'd better get you home though..."


The originals were completely dumbfounded by cars much less being able to drive them. Kol had arrived in a bright, red Ferrari 458 Italia with a license plate that read: 2HT2HDL. Bonnie laughed lightly.

"You would," she scoffed.

"This is very impressive, I think," Kol said as he admired the car, "not as lovely as you though. Can you tell me what this means?" He gestured to the license plate. "It seems to be in a language I am unfamiliar with."

"It's shorthand," Bonnie sighed. "It is intended to mean 'Too Hot to Handle'."

"Oh I like that!" Kol smirked.

"Of course you do and now I'm going to hope that you won't kill me when you get your memory back…keys please?" Bonnie asked. When Kol stared at her blankly Bonnie reached into his pockets and searched until she found the keys. Kol obviously hadn't lost his flirtatious side because he grinned at her the whole time.

"Okay everyone look for a set of these please?" Bonnie held the keys up and the other originals began to search their pockets.

"I don't have any," Rebekah worried.

"It's okay that just means that you came with someone else. You can ride with one of us."

Elijah produced the keys to his BMW and passed the keys to Elena with a smile. Klaus had arrived in a Lamborghini and Caroline began struggling with the doors.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Klaus grinned as he leaned against the car grinning at her.

"Yes, I've driven a car before! I just haven't driven this one!" Caroline fussed.

"The doors go up," Stefan offered and with a small upward motion on the handle the doors of the Lamborghini lifted. Once each of the originals was settled and the cars started everyone moved out. After her initial nervousness Bonnie found the Ferrari was an absolute blast to drive.

Soon the cars all arrived at the Mikaelson mansion and everyone began to get out.

"Who lives here?" Klaus asked.

"You do," Elena sighed. "The four of you live here, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol and you."

"Where do you live?" Kol asked Bonnie.

"My house is back that way," Bonnie gestured towards town. Meanwhile Elena took the keys and immediately put one in the front door and unlocked it. Caroline and Bonnie didn't miss such a feat. Elena shrugged at their questioning looks.

"I've used Elijah's house key before," she replied and Elijah was obviously intrigued. If this young woman knew which key to use it apparently implied a familiarity? They entered the house and the originals took it in with obvious wonder.

"Let's see if maybe something in their rooms will trigger someone's memories," Caroline suggested. Elijah and Klaus followed along with Caroline and Elena while Stefan took Rebekah to her suite. As Bonnie headed for the stairs Kol slipped his hand into hers and she blushed.

"I'm sorry; what's your name? I don't think I caught it yet," he asked as they walked to his suite.

"Bonnie Bennett," Bonnie replied with a quick smile.

"Bennett? You're a Bennett witch?" Kol grinned widely.

"Yes," Bonnie nodded as she gestured for him to take in his room.

"Did you know Ayana?"

"She's come to me in visions…" Bonnie said gently.

"What happened to her?" Kol frowned.

"She lived a very long and I'm guessing happy life," Bonnie said as she sat on the edge of his bed. "Kol quite a lot of time has passed since the last thing you remember…"

"How much?" Kol frowned.

"Over a thousand years," Bonnie said cautiously.

"A thousand…." Kol marveled. "We've lived a thousand years."


"What year is it?" he asked.

"2012 – does any of this look familiar to you?" she asked as she looked around the room.

"No, I like it all but it's not ringing any bells," Kol said. He opened one of the doors and peered into the closet. Then he opened the other door and walked into the bathroom.

"What is this?" he frowned.

"Oh god, you missed modern plumbing," Bonnie groaned. She walked Kol through all the uses of the bathroom and he smiled at her with obvious gratitude.

"I'm hungry," he finally announced.

"Okay let's go," Bonnie said. He was on her a moment later with his fangs elongated. She gave him a little aneurysm.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?" Kol growled.

"First of all you should never drink from someone without asking and secondly they have blood bags these days," Bonnie said. "Come on…" she led him downstairs and opened the fridge. She frowned as there wasn't a drop of blood to be had. They couldn't possibly be out. Kol opened a glass door that appeared to lead to a climate-controlled wine room but was actually stocked with blood.

"You found it," Bonnie sighed with relief. "Wait did you remember where it was?"

"No, I smelled it," Kol said. Bonnie sighed. He selected a couple of bags and smelled them. He rejected one and took two of the first kind. "Thank you very much for helping me. I like you a lot Bonnie. I feel like that's not a new feeling." He frowned before he opened the blood bag and began to drink. He closed his eyes as he enjoyed.

They were joined a few minutes later by Rebekah, Stefan, Caroline and Klaus.


"Okay I want you all to look for something like this," Stefan said holding up his cell phone. The originals looked and quickly each produced one.

"What is this?" Rebekah asked.

"It's a cell phone. It allows you to make phone calls to anyone you know from almost anywhere," Caroline attempted to explain.

"What's a phone call?" Elijah asked.

"We'll demonstrate," Caroline said. She sat next to Elijah while Stefan flashed Elena outside. A moment later the device began to make noise.

"You see the screen here tells you who is calling if the name is programmed into your phone," Caroline said. She grinned as a picture of Elena popped up. Elijah had a beautiful picture of Elena on his phone. She pressed the answer button.

"Hold it to your ear," Caroline instructed.

"Hello Elijah," Elena's soft voice came through for all the vampires to hear and they smiled in wonder. Elijah looked around for a moment before answering.

"Elena, this is a marvelous invention. Does everyone have one of these?"

"Mostly everyone," Elena replied with a soft laugh. She walked back inside and ended the phone call.

"Okay I want all of them in this box," Caroline said passing around a tray as the originals frowned. "If a bunch of people started calling you and realized that you didn't remember them then a bunch of your enemies or people that wanted to take advantage of the situation might start showing up."

"Enemies," Elijah frowned.

"You all haven't been the nicest vampires for all of the last thousand years," Bonnie frowned. "You thought that because you were the original vampires and practically incapable of being killed that it gave you the right to treat others however you wanted to." Kol looked at how passionately Bonnie was speaking and knew it must be the truth. Elijah and Rebekah looked ashamed.

"Bonnie!" Elena gasped.

"What? It's the truth!"

"They should get a fresh start," Elena said gently and Elijah looked at her. She was a very compassionate, beautiful young woman – the spitting image of his Tatia but that was where the resemblance ended apparently.

"Could you please stay, here, with us until we get our memories back or at least learn to adapt?" Elijah asked gently.

"Of course," Elena smiled and she looked to the others.

"Fine," Caroline relented and Stefan nodded.

"Come on Bon," Caroline encouraged.

"Please BonBon," Kol grinned at her and Bonnie felt a weird sense of déjà vu. Only Kol called her 'BonBon'. She gave him a gentle smile and he was hugging her a moment later.