October 2015 -I have written a prequel to this story entitled Munch Knows, if you're coming to this for the first time, please read Munch Knows first. Thank you.

This is a parody of sorts...not my first story, I write here under another name. I made this account just for this very story. I may parody again...so will do it here if my muse jumps out at me again. I should warn you I am holding a fire extinguisher and I know how to use it.

Forgot the disclaimer - this is fan fiction. Not mine, although I dearly wish it were.

Elliot stormed into the bullpen, the anger rolling off him in waves as he glanced at Olivia's desk.

"Where's Olivia?" he growled angrily.

Fin glanced at Amanda who was sitting next to him, while they both fixed their eyes firmly on the computer in front of him.

"Stabler, where have you been? Didn't you disappear 4 years ago? Munch is on to something for once, he sent us an email.." Fin said, "you might wanna see this."

"No time, I have to find Olivia, I heard she had a date last night and I just DON'T allow that…" Elliot said angrily.

Fin rolled his eyes and carried on looking at the screen.

"Something is going on here Stabler, and your strange and unusual disappearance is the crux of it," Munch said as he conveniently entered the bullpen at that precise moment, just in time.

Elliot ignored them all and stormed angrily up to the crib, hoping to find Olivia there so that he could have a go at her in an overbearing semi violent way for having a life without him.

As he pushed open the door, prepared to shout and throw stuff and be generally over the top abusive, he suddenly stopped at the sight of Olivia. She turned at the sound of the door banging open and froze, laying her eyes on Elliot Stabler forthe first time in over four years.

"Where have you been?" she said, astounded.

"I walked out of your life because I don't care about you, and our friendship meant nothing to me, but I stormed back in because I heard you might have a boyfriend and I always like to hold you back from life!" Elliot said.

"Yes Elliot you always held me back and stopped me having a life - you didn't let me have a baby and were never there for me. I have grown so much without you. I didn't even bother looking for you when you quite obviously disappeared….I have a baby now because you left.."

Elliot paused and looked at her confused…"Olivia this makes no sense, why do I feel totally out of character?...that doesn't sound right at all…...it's like I remember things….things I'm being told didn't happen….and I'm pretty sure I was never an asshole….my God I'm so happy for you...you're a mom?"

At that point Munch opened the door…"This is what I was trying to tell you, but yet again nobody listens to me. The history of this squad and especially your history Elliot, is being rewritten...I mean, think about it...you effectively vanished and no one even checked on you….does that sound normal? Come on, it doesn't make any sense...you don't answer the phone so we just leave our colleague and friend of over 13 years and forget about him. I have noticed a lot of strange things that make no sense - it all started after Jenna was shot….I have been doing a lot of research…"

"Yeah and he's found some wacked out shit on the internet," Fin said as he joined them.

"Like what?" Elliot said.

"Come on, let's go see what Munch has uncovered," Olivia said.

Back in the bullpen, Amanda looked warily at Elliot, "You're her ex partner, the one she never refers to by name? The one who can't answer a phone?"

"Well it's not like she even came by to check up on me...I mean a few phone calls and she just left it?"

"That's what I'm saying to you! Doesn't that sound out of character to you?" Munch said.

Olivia and Elliot looked at each other, "Yes...I have no idea why I didn't go round to see him...call Kathy to ask if he was ok...send him an email….that makes no sense…"

"Okay, I have an explanation for this unusual turn of events, this is going to sound fantastical but try and stick with me….on the internet there are over 14000 stories written about all of us….they start out ok..these people seem to know us well, and some of the stories are good...really good. I mean some of these people could be professional writers...but others…" he paused shaking his head.

"Ok, people write stories about us...that's odd...it's not like we're fictional characters...but what's in these stories that's so interesting…?" Amanda asked.

"Well I saved hundreds of these stories, and mostly they were characterized well..but lately...since our computer system was upgraded to the latest version...I don't know it's odd...there are more and more stories writing Elliot out to be a total asshole...I mean...it's like someone made you disappear and then wants us all to think you were an abusive asshole...we knew you for years Elliot...you were never any of these things...someone is rewriting the past...and from the way some of these recent stories are going...it's like they believe it...almost like they don't know you at all…"

"Ok, this is very strange...but I think i know what's going on.." Said Carisi as he walked in holding armfuls of paper.

"I printed off these...just in case there's ever another upgrade and we lose any more data...I mean what if someone erased my past and turned me into something I wasn't?" Carisi continued.

"There's some seriously weird shit going on," Fin said.

"See now, you are not really affected too much - you are not out of character...but in September 2011 Elliot Stabler's very life was rewritten," Munch said.

"That's some freaky shit," Fin said, shaking his head.

"Something caused us all to forget what a valued friend and colleague you had been for over 12 years to these people...and more worryingly...your whole relationship with Olivia appears to have been rewritten…." Carisi continued.

"I have printed stuff off the internet." Carisi said.

"That's some seriously good detective work there," Munch said.

Carisi paused, uncertain if Munch was being sarcastic or not before deciding to take it as a compliment, "Let me summarise…"

The team gathered around as Carisi detailed what he had found.

"Munch called the other day to speak to Fin but I picked up and we had a very interesting conversation. I knew right away that there was some grounding to his thinking and he asked me to google articles about our unit. I printed it all off as Munch said that after the last update some things seem to had been lost….but markedly it's Elliot Stabler…"

"Olivia...a lot of people on the internet seem to think that Elliot was a negative part of your life...he held you back, and you only got where you are today because he left…" Munch said.

"Wow...really? That's not true at all...El...you said you'd support me to have a baby...I'm the one who closed off that conversation...you mortgaged your house for me….you were always my best friend...I would still be where I was today with or without you….but I would have got here with your friendship too..." Olivia said.

"Exactly...you two had an emotional co dependence...you were closer than anyone else...damn it let's face it, you were in love with each other, but Elliot was always such a loyal, honest, dedicated man that he could never really leave his wife," Munch said honestly.

Olivia's eyes met Elliot's and she smiled, "you were all of those things El...why did I start to think any differently?"

"Because," Amanda said, "somebody changed the past? Isn't this a bit X Files, Munch?"

"Somebody is controlling us all...in charge of our destinies...but they have taken to ignoring twelve years of our pasts and are rewriting Elliot Stabler...changing the past ...denying the mutually supportive, deep connection that Olivia and Elliot shared..so much so that they wiped the reality from Olivia's mind.." Munch said.

"And," Carisi added, "caused Elliot and Olivia to both forget how to use a phone, and made Elliot's entire family disappear along with him, despite all of them having strong ties to the city, yet they are all totally uncontactable…"

"You are right Carisi, " Olivia said, "someone is messing with our minds…"

Turning to Elliot she took a deep breath and walked over to him, boldly taking his hand in hers.

"We can fight it El...we've been through so much together...over twelve years...neither of us would ever walk away from our friendship so easily…."

Elliot pulled her into his arms, "We can do this together Liv, we have always been there for each other…"

Olivia pulled her arms around him, returning his embrace.

Carisi cleared his throat in an attempt to get their attention, "Sarge? I haven't finished my presentation yet…"

"You're a sergeant now Liv? That's great," smiled Elliot with obvious pride.

Olivia pulled back from his arms, but slipped her hand into Elliots, who happily squeezed her hand affectionately in an attempt to pay attention to Carisi who had now pinned up paper all over a board, and was waiting to continue. Munch joined him, with a satisfied smirk.

"Right," said Carisi, "I figure we can't undo the damage that's been caused; Olivia and Elliot forgetting how to use telephones, and email, visit each other, text message each other...how Olivia started to believe Elliot had never been there for her and lost twelve years of memories of her time with him, how some people," he said, gesturing to the fanfiction pinned up along the board, "began to believe the crap that Elliot was an abusive negative influence,"

"Ok we get that Carisi, how can we change it?" Amanda said.

"We can't undo the damage...but we can remember...I found this in the evidence locker," Munch said, as he produced a large dusty box.

"What is it, Munch?" Fin asked.

Munch opened the box and pulled out a large selection of DVD's, placing them all on the counter….."These are video records from 1999 to 2011, they have pictures on the front, and oddly Olivia's hairstyle doesn't always correspond to the right year, but that aside, they are accurate reflections of the past. These DVD's hold the truth of Elliot Stabler's past and his relationship with Olivia...these are the key, we need to all sit down and watch through these...especially you two," Munch said as he gestured to Carisi and Amanda, "because you weren't here back then, and it's important that you know where we all came from…."

"Absolutely...it gives me the creeps, what if someone did this to me one day? It could be any of us…" Amanda said.

"I'm pretty sure it's just a Stabler thing...I don't think a second person would just vanish in such an out of character way...that would be pushing believability too far…." Carisi said.

"One thing is for sure, "Munch said in an ominous voice, "somebody does not like Elliot Stabler and is determined to change the way that everyone sees him. We have to watch these DVD's...remind ourselves of the truth….and make sure this never happens again….."

To be continued...