Years ago in Bahrain:
May turns around from where she's fighting against two men to see her partner go down "Kaitlyn!" She yells, the young agent grunts as the man she was fighting kicks her in the stomach sending her sprawling towards the window.
"Mel!" the blonde agent yells to her S.O. in fear, May sends a serious of hits to the men she's fighting before taking off towards the other agent. May is just about to reach her when the man stomps down on the young agent's hand with a sickening crack, the agents yells out in pain and fear as the hit causes her to lose her grip and fall. "NO!" Agent May yells as she knocks the man out, she stares out the broken window where her partner once was only to see darkness. May screams in both anguish and anger before taking off in a rage, killing the assailants she was fighting and freeing the captives. That was the night that changed Melinda May for the rest of her life.
Agents Coulson sits in his office looking over the footage that Skye got from the facility where they tried to save Chan Ho Yin for the tenth time that night. Coulson rubs his hands over his face with a tired sigh as he looks at the blonde woman that he once knew all those years ago, one he thought was dead.
"God Kat what are you doing?" he sighs; he sits there staring at the frozen screen before looking up when May walks in.
"You wanted to see me?" she says, Coulson nods and motions for her to sit. The two agents sit in silence for a moment before May breaks it "Phil…what's going on?" Phil looks up at his friend before turning the screen towards her. May's breathe catches in her throat when she sees the girl. "Is that-?"
"-Yes." Coulson says "I don't know how but she's alive."
"I don't understand." May says "No one should have been able to survive that drop…" she says her eyes not moving from the screen.
"I know." Coulson says with another sigh "But it could be possible. We never found a body." He says, May shakes her head as she leans back into her chair.
"What do we do now?" She asks
"Now…We keep this quite." He says "We try to find her. And find out what the hell is going on." He says, May nods her head and stands to leave but stops at the door.
"Thank you." May says, Coulson gives her a small smile knowing how important this is to her before watching her leave. May silently makes her way to the cockpit, once inside she locks the door before letting the tears fall. The agent slowly falls to the floor relived that her friend isn't dead but also confused as to why she's working with the enemy.