(A/N: Sorry I haven't been writing for ages, I kind of forgot that I was writing it due to me being so busy with NCEA haha. But I hope you enjoy this chapter and hopefully I will be able to write more often. I am still looking for ideas on where this should go. *whispers quietly* I actually really need ideas, I'm stuck haha. Anyway until next time, enjoy!)

Disclaimer: I still don't own spirited away and if I did I doubt I would be writing fanfiction about it.


Chapter Seven: Tears and Threats.

Chihiro stared outside in annoyance. Beside her Haku sat smiling as all the girls swarmed around him like bees.

"Kohaku-Kun can I have your number?" One of the girls squealed.

"Uh! No fair I want it too!" Another one yelled.


"Sorry ladies but I don't have a cell-phone."

"Awwww really." The three girls cried in unison.

"I'm sorry, but you will be the first to know when I get one." Haku said softly, smiling charmingly.

Chihiro gritted her teeth together in annoyance. "Stupid playboy!" She mumbled quietly so Haku didn't hear.

"So Haku-Chan, do-"

"I'm sorry but could you please just call me Kohaku." Haku interrupted.

The girl looked away, blushing in embarrassment. "Sorry, I didn't mean any offence."

Haku leaned closer and placed his hand on her head "Of course you didn't" The girl let out a squeal of delight.

Chihiro felt anger rise up her face. She lashed out with her foot and kicked him savagely in the shins. Haku winced in pain, but continued to smile. Unfortunately one of the girls caught Chihiro's brief act of violence.

"Kohaku! Are you alright?" One of the girls asked, moving close to Haku. She glared at Chihiro "Stupid cow! Just because you aren't popular doesn't mean you have to hurt the people who are."

Before Chihiro could say anything, Haku stood up. He looked down at the girl, his eyes cold with hate. The girl stared at Haku in a mixture of surprise and fear. Haku smiled, the coldness in his eyes vanished.

"I would appreciate it if you did not insult Chihiro. It was my fault that she kicked me and she was right to do so." He said "I should not be touching any other girls while I have a girlfriend."

All the girls, even Chihiro, looked at Haku in shock and confusion.

"You have a girlfriend? Awww who?" The girl Haku just glared at pouted, temporarily forgetting the coldness that he just had had in his eyes.

Haku smiled cheekily. He leaned forward and grabbed Chihiro's hand, pulling her from her seat and held her close to his chest. "Chihiro of course!"

Chihiro felt the heat in her cheeks rise once more. The girls stared at them, to shocked to say anything. Chihiro pushed away from Haku.

"Eh!? What are you talki-" Chihiro squeaked but Haku interrupted her.

"I'm sorry ladies but I'm deeply in love with Chihiro. She has stolen my heart and I made a promise to her many years ago that I intend to keep." Haku smiled again, trying to control the redness that was creeping up to his cheeks.

The girls sighed and walked away in disappointment, muttering as they went.

Chihiro stared up at him speechless, her face turning completely red. Had Haku meant that? Did Haku love her? Haku glanced at her and instantly looked away on seeing her staring at him. He blushed, covering his face with his hand, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Haku uhm..." Chihiro said nervously. Haku's shoulders stiffened and he looked at her awkwardly. He smiled widely.

"Sorry Chihiro that must of been uncomfortable for you but at least those girls will not be bothering either of us anymore if they think that we are in love." He laughed.

A sudden pang of sadness stabbed into Chihiro's heart. "Oh so you didn't mean it?"

Haku looked at her, he too felt pain in his heart. Haku looked away, he didn't want to burden Chihiro with his love until she recovered all her memories back. "Don't worry," he smiled, looking back "I didn't, you're human and a plain one at that, so I can't possibly love yo-"

A loud crack echoed across the room as Chihiro's hand came into contact with Haku's face. Chihiro was standing up, her face red with anger. "STUPID JERK! GO DIE!" She yelled. Chihiro turned around and stormed off, leaving Haku looking astonished. The chatter in the class died as they all stared in silence at Haku.

Haku put a hand to where she had slapped him.

It stung.

Haku sighed, sadness paining his heart. "That's not what I mean't to say." He whispered.

Chihiro stormed out of the class in anger. Her heart was pained with sadness. How could he say that? How could he be so cruel? Chihiro ran down the hallway, and rounded the corner with speed, smacking face first into someone.

She squeaked as she fell to the ground.

"Chihiro! Are you alright?"

Chihiro looked up, tears running freely down her face. Standing over her, face filled with concern, stood Mr Kurosawa.

"I'm sorry sir. I didn't see you." She sniffed.

Mr Kurosawa crouched down and put his hand on Chihiro's shoulder. "What's wrong? What happened?"

Haku's words flowed through Chihiro's mind once more. Her throat tightened as tears began to spill again. Her heart was truly broken.

Chihiro sat awkwardly in Mr Kurosawa's office, as he gently typed away at his computer. After knocking into Mr Kurosawa in the hallway, Chihiro had bawled her eyes out right in front of him.

She felt so embarrassed that she had done that, but she no longer felt angry or upset, she just felt numb. She felt as if all the emotion had been sucked out of her.

Chihiro looked out of the window unseeingly. Why did he say that to me? Didn't he kiss me this morning? Or was that just a meaningless gesture?

Chihiro's thoughts were interrupted as Mr Kurosawa placed a hot drink in front of her.

"Here." He smiled. "I thought this might make you feel better."

Chihiro picked up the drink and took a sip of the hot liquid.

A warm feeling surged through her body, leaving a tingling feeling in her toes and fingers. It was as if the drink had not only washed away her sadness but also filled the empty feeling with warmth and happiness.

Chihiro looked up at Mr Kurosawa questioningly and he grinned at Chihiro's reaction.

""It's my own special blend of tea. It's a bit different every time, so I can't guarantee the flavor."

"It's the best tea I have ever had." Chihiro marveled. "I feel a lot better too. It's like all my sadn-"

"Sadness has been washed away." He chimed in.

Chihiro smiled "Yeah."

"So did you have a lover's spat."

It took Chihiro a few seconds to register what Mr Kurosawa had said but when she did, her face went bright red. "No! It was nothing like that!" She sighed sadly looking down at the steam floating gently through the air from the hot cup of tea in her hands. "It doesn't count as that if he didn't like you."

"Hmmmm." Mr Kurosawa looked at her amused.

Chihiro looked at him in confusion. "What is it sir?"

"So it was about a guy." He chuckled.

He braced himself as a book came flying at his head along with a few insults.

"You're not suppose to be throwing books at me, I'm a teacher." He laughed.

Chihiro pouted grumpily although she was altogether angry. "Well a teacher shouldn't be making fun of his students."

"Well I'm just surprised that such a strong girl like yourself become unsettled by a guy." He said.

She smiled sadly. "Well..." She paused "You could say he was my first love."

"Ahhh first love." Mr Kurosawa looked past her, a wistful look on his face. "it can be the most wonderful and joyful thing you can experience, but it can also be the undoing of you." he sighed and looked back at her. "I know Chihiro, that no matter how hard life gets, you will pull through and be stronger than you started out as, so don't worry. Just keep your head held high and don't let anyone push you around and you'll be fine."

"Yes sir." She smiled, having a sudden burst of confidence. Mr Kurosawa was right, she couldn't worry about things so much, she has always pulled through so why would it be different now.

"I didn't do anything, I just told you the truth." he said. "Oh, and chihiro one more thing. If things get too hard to handle, I will always be here so come and see me anytime. You don't have to go through things alone."

"Thank you sir."

"Now." He said rubbing his hands together, "Who is this boy? I need to give him a good telling off for hurting such a sweet girls feelings."

Mr Kurosawa grinned as Chihiro laughed. He was glad that she was feeling better.

Haku lay silently on the school roof, watching the clouds float by slowly. He sighed, he had hurt Chihiro. He hated himself for it. All he was doing was trying to protect her and now he had gone and made things worse. Haku sat up, it was nearly the end of interval. he walked over to the door and saw someone leaning against the entrance watching him. As he drew closer, he noticed that it was one of his teachers, Mr Kurosawa.

He walked past him without a word, but was stopped as Mr Kurosawa spoke. "I don't appreciate you making my students cry."

Haku winced, turning around to face the teacher.

Mr Kurosawa stood there, his arms folded and his eyes dark. "Stay away from Chihiro." He spat.

Haku's eyes narrowed. "Whether I go near Chihiro or not is none of your business."

"I think it is." He moved closer. "It becomes my business when a student comes to me bawling her eyes out, her heart played with and broken."

Haku mocked Mr Kurosawa's movements by also moving closer, their faces barely inches apart. "Are you sure that your worry for Chihiro is because she is your student and not something else?" He said, looking for some sort of reaction but was met with the same indifferent eyes as before.

"And what may you be implying?" Kurosawa said, a sharpness in his voice.

Haku snorted. "Nothing, nothing." He said waving his hand dismissively as he turned and walked away. He hesitated for a second, looking back at Mr Kurosawa. He felt an odd presence resonating off him. It didn't feel completely human, but at the same time it did.

There eyes meet once again, Haku smirked at him, pushing his worries down, making sure they didn't show on his face. Once again he turned, this time disappearing through the roof door.

Mr Kurosawa's faced cracked in rage as Haku disappeared. "Filthy dragon." He spat.

(A/N: Haha confused are you? Why does he know who Haku is? Is he human? And what is Chihiro to Mr Kurosawa? Find out next time :D )