
A/N: Ten thousand years…

And i come back with a dream chapter that takes place DURING the last one.

Sorry about that! Tho, i can promise it won't be a year wait this time.

Thank yall for stickin with me, and the fics. Love yall.

White walls and disapproval close in on her from all sides, and Weiss wants to scream.

Her whole life, this house, her home, had been a prison of expectations and anger and disappointment, and she'd thought she'd left it for Beacon ages ago, but here she was.

She should have known she'd never have a real home.

Her father's shadow looms over her, venom and bile spouting from his lips, and she hunches inward and-


Yang Xiao Long was, in Ruby's opinion, the sweetest and most caring person in the world.

She had an almost preternatural sense of when people were in any kind of distress…

And that didn't stop just because she was dozing. No matter how tired she was, or if it was really the only sleep she'd gotten all week, or anything else.

A heavily muscled arm loops around a pale waist, and pulls the heiress close...


And the dream shifts.

Pale, featureless walls bloom with pictures of her wife, her sisters-in-law, and more than a few of her and Winter.

And the looming shadow turns into a blazing sun...that slowly peters out to show a huge blonde with an even bigger smile.

Yang lifts her effortlessly, giving her a quick spin in the air, and brings her in for a big, tight hug, and Weiss is Happy.

"Good day at work, honey?" She asks, smiling so wide it almost hurts, and Yang pulls her close for a long kiss, and pale hands start to wander over tanned muscle-


Violet eyes shoot open, and Yang whimpers to herself.

Weiss squeezes again, and buries her faces a bit deeper into Yang's neck.

She breathes in, and smiles against her skin, and Yang feels herself returning it, despite herself.


Blake falls to her knees, doing her best to staunch the bleeding with her hands, but she just can't, there's too many wounds and the blood is flowing and-

She retches, and falls forward, barely managing to catch herself before she hits the forest floor.

The leaves surrounding her begin to glow and swirl, mixing together into a red and black clump with glowing eyes in it's mask, and she cries out as the sun disappears behind it.


Tears start to stain Yang's shirt, and even before she's fully conscious, she pulls Blake close, giving her a tight squeeze and pressing her lips to her forehead.


And the sun bursts through the clouds, scattering the leaves and the darkness alike, and her wounds are gone, as is all the blood and the forest itself.

She pushes herself up from the ground, and gasps, overcome with awe of her new surroundings.

She's standing amongst the clouds, plains of fluffy white stretched out as far as the eye can see… and she's there.

She's radiance, sunlight and warmth emanating from her, and for a moment, Blake wonders if she's died and gone to a heaven she'd never really believed in.

And, she wonders if she'd care if she did.

Because, standing in front of her, is

Her wife, a warm smile on her face and a hand on her hip, chuckling to herself as Blake closes the door behind her with a foot and

Their lips meet, Yang's arms wrapped around her in a tight hug, and an almost overpowering heat enveloping her heart.

She's just so… happy.

She burrows into Yang's neck, smiling to herself… and a mischievous thought strikes her.

She finds a spot she knows Yang loves and nips it.


Yang gasps aloud, her back arching and heat rushing through her body at the sudden pain.

Blake's teeth, sharper than she'd ever imagined, drag along her skin, and she forces herself to think unsexy thoughts.

A combination of mental images of Neptune and Professor Port manages to calm her raging hormones, and she shoots the snoozing faunus a quick glare before settling in to try and find sleep once more.


Ruby hops to her feet, and immediately stumbles into a dresser, and Weiss' brows twitch.

Her sister-in-law had never really grown out of that teenage clumsiness

'wait, that wasn't right why was she'

but she and Yang had always loved her nonetheless. Speaking of…

Yang was obviously awake, but didn't seem to be moving much… which was a problem, she knew Weiss couldn't get moving without a shower.

Though, that could be what Ruby was rushing off to do… best to ask Yang

'Wait why was she in the bed with why are we on the ground'

"Wheredshgo" She managed.

Close enough.

"Breakfast, I think. You hungry?"

"No thanks. Need to shower." Weiss mumbled, pressing herself up from the bed

'Wait don't'



brushed her lips against her wife's, then hopped to her feet and stumbled over to her dresser to pull out clothes.

She wasn't sure when they'd rearranged, but-


She stopped a few feet from the door, and whirled around to face her- to face Yang.

Obviously still seventeen Yang.

Very visibly blushing Yang, laying on a mattress on the floor of their room at Beacon.

"Yang?" She managed. "Did I…"

Yang nodded, and Weiss bolted.

"I'll be back later!" She shouted as she shut the door behind her.


Blake woke with a start from her own dream, and grumbled inwardly.

It'd been a good dream, if a bit… floaty.

She sneaks a glance up at Yang, and catches her staring.

She's taken aback, for a moment… but then she grins, and decides to get in a little teasing.

So, she drags her hand up Yang's leg, delighting at the little shivers it produces… and opens her yukata a bit, deciding to give Yang a good view.

She closes it after a long moment, clears her throat, and speaks.

"I wanted to thank you for letting me sleep with you. These last few nights... I've gotten some of the best sleep since I was a child."

"You're welcome." Yang says, a blush blossoming on her cheeks.

"Oh, but I'm not done thanking you yet." Blake replies, and leans in close.

Their lips touch, and Blake is soaring, flying through the air and the clouds all the same.

She feels Yang's hands start to wander and firmly plants them on her hips as she adjusts her position, straddling Yang.

After a long, amazing moment, Yang pulls away to breathe, and Blake shoots her an apologetic smile. "Sorry to cut your groping short, but I'm not that grateful."

"R-right." Yang says, gasping, and sends her a pained smile.

Blake can't help but chuckle.

"Any more favors you need doing?" Yang asked, once she'd stopped gasping.

Blake chuckled inwardly and leaned forward to kiss Yang's forehead… and hide her blush for her next line. "Warn me about your morning breath before I kiss you tomorrow?"

She hurried to her feet and started gathering clothes for a quick shower before breakfast, and was halfway to the door when Yang spoke up.

"Tomorrow?" She asked, a little quaver in her voice, and Blake nodded as she opened the door.


She shut the door behind her… and did a little victory dance.

It was gonna be a good day.