Previously on 'So you said':
'Someone…who doesn't belong? This kid…where have I seen her?' Tsunade slumped on her chair, curious and worried. She angrily grabbed her haori and headed towards the gambling district.
Kakashi and Suzuki left for Oto over 12 hours ago and Sakura and Sasuke was setting up night camp for the night at their mid-point from Konoha to Yu. Their journey was quiet…silent, actually. It was mostly because none of them bothered to use communication at all and that was unsettling for Sasuke, who expected Sakura to fully jump and glomp him when they were alone which, of course, did not happen. Continued to be lost in his thoughts, Sasuke stared at Sakura's face.
"…half…" her lips pressed in a thin line "Uchiha-san? Excuse me, Uchiha-san?" Sakura waved her hand in front of his face which caused him to smoothly glide his eyes and stared deep into her emerald orbs. 'Calm down Sakura…this is fine. We've been through this before…his stare is not going to melt us.' At close proximity she froze and seemly returned his glare.
'You say that but you're totally freaking out.'
'Think of something and help me!'
'You stupid idiot! He's waiting for you to say whatever you said earlier! Gosh…why am I stuck with you?'
'Same here!'
"I said, I'll be on guard for the second half of the night and you'll be on the first half," Sakura sweat dropped invisibly "So I'll be sleeping first." She turned around.
If it wasn't for the many times that Temari sneaked into her room in Suna, Sakura would have jumped out of her skin but no, she got training so it's fine…'One night with the Uchiha. How bad is it going to be?'
'Yea. We're talking about the Uchiha. The last one of that very strong and beautiful gene in Konoha.'
'You're not helping!'
'I'm not supposed to be.'
"What is it?" Sakura glanced over her shoulder.
Sasuke stood "I'll take the second shift." And walked to his sleeping bag, it's not like he can sleep peacefully for that long anyway. Might as well fake it for a little and stay up the whole night.
Wordlessly, Sakura went to her post.
Sasuke nearly freaked out for a moment. Under his stare, Sakura didn't budge or twitch nor did she withdraw and he started to question whether or not this was the real Sakura and not just some really skilled impostor that managed to bypass Kakashi and Naruto. There was no reaction when he talked to her, stared at her or even glared at her. Traces of the fangirl he once knew vanished just within a few years that he was away. Not to mentioned when he returned, she was nowhere in sight. According to Naruto, she was requested in Suna? What would the panda eyes want with someone like Sakura? Ugh…the more he thinks the more questions popped up. So annoying… Her strength and achievements when he was away isn't exactly a joke either…a frustrated groan accidentally escaped his mouth.
"Having trouble sleeping?" Her voice appeared right next to him.
"So what of it?"
She looked slightly shocked but quickly pulled a small smile which he haven't seen in years and held up her hand with palm, glowing with chakra "I can help." Without permission she placed her hand on his forehead he quickly caught it but she used her monstrous strength to force through his grip and pulsed chakra causing him to fall drowsily to sleep.
'….I don't know why I just did that.'
'What? Isn't it because you're stupid?'
'No! Why do you keep saying that?'
'Because I can! and he's really not letting go…'
'Your hand, dumbass. His grip hasn't loosen.'
'…Hey Inner…what should I do? I think he's seriously trying to make us fall in love with him.'
'Oh my god~ Sasuke-kun finally noticed us! Yay~ we can finally started dating and make a baby together! ~' is that what you expected to hear?'
'What? No!'
'Well then good. Cuz I'm not falling for this fuckboy all over again. Damn it, it hurts, you knows?'
'You really changed…like a 180 degree change.'
'Shut up. You're weird with your big ass forehead and talking to yourself like this.'
'Well excuse me! I didn't ask to be stuck here with a sleeping handsome guy gripping my arm and alone with just…well…you're not exactly a person but yea, stuck with you.'
'Since my presence isn't appreciated here, I might as well leave!...'
'She really did leave.'
'You bet I did.'
Sakura sat awkwardly and silently next to an elatedly sleeping Uchiha who is currently off in Lala Land…this is going to be a long night…
"I'm was quite shocked when you appeared in Konoha during the Jounin Exam. Are you sure you're well enough to walk around now?" Kyou leaned on the wall of a small cottage a few kilometres away from Tea country's Port City.
The mysterious person sat by the desk peacefully reading a scroll replied "What are you doing here? I thought you were still an E-rank."
"I have my ways," Kyou smirked "Well, I'm here on behalf of Haruno Sakura to thank you for catching her that day. She could have sustain some serious injuries if you weren't there."
"Consider it as my thanks to you for allowing me to start over again. It would also be troublesome for him if she died." The person set down the scroll.
Kyou happily skipped over "I would rather call it saving you. And don't forced your eyes so much, next time I'll make sure to bring some scrolls that you can read with your eyes closed."
"…Just what are you?" they slightly narrowed their eyes at the child.
"Don't squint. I'm smiling right now if you can't see but you'll come to know eventually without having me to tell you," Kyou left a package on the table "I'm going back to my mission now and I brought you some dango. I'll be seeing you again soon, until then drink your medicine!" the child's voice slowly drifted away as she ran further away from the cottage.
"…She didn't close the front door." The person sighed and got up to slam the door shut.
"…" A gloomy aura eloped the two shinobis in the middle of the thick forest early in the day.
Sakura sweat dropped "D-don't worry?" she started in a questionable tone "It's completely normal for people to oversleep." Thanks the god that have given her the ability to never show dark circles on her features or else by now her eyes could be darker than Gaara's panda eyes.
"…I'll be on full guard tonight." Sasuke huskily grumbled as he slumped his baggage over his shoulder, obviously displeased with the fact that he slept through the whole night without trouble and didn't even bother waking up to change shifts, forcing Sakura to be on guard all night right next to him because he forgot to let go of her arm.
"You won't have to. We'll be in town tonight with separate rooms so rest as much as you need," Sakura spun her heels "Shall we get going?" and Sasuke zoomed ahead.
It didn't take them that long to get to Yu when traveling at top speed, the moment they stepped foot in town the duo immediately complete the mission and booked an inn.
"Finally…a comfortable bed!" Sakura jumped on her futon immediately after she set her bags down 'knock-knock' "Hm?" a black crow by the window knocked, attached to its claws was a small piece of paper "…" Sakura lightly patted the bird as she read the content and releasing the bird after giving it a little treat "Sounds like more work for me." Sakura hurriedly ditched her futon and gear before knocking on Sasuke's door.
"Hm." Translated to 'What?' in Sasuke's language of 'Hms and Hns'.
"Burn it after you're done." Entrusting the piece of paper to Sasuke, Sakura headed back out to town towards one of the famous hot spring in the village.
Sasuke stare bored into Sakura's retreating form before closing the door '…Where is she going un-equipped?'
Through the foggy scenery of the Rotenburo a spot of pale pink can be seen, after a long time, her body matured…a lot.
A muffled sound that closely resemble a "Gehehehehe~" could be heard.
'He…actually came…'
'Just as planned!'
Immediately covering herself as she got out of the water, walking over to the wall separating the two gendered specified baths, Sakura pushed it down "How nice of you," the men in the bath instinctively covered themselves as Sakura crushingly stepped onto a 'rock' pressed under the wall "to join me for a bath. Ji-rai-ya-sa-ma~" the pinkette smiled sweetly while cracking her knuckles.
"Shit! I should not ha-"and he was pummelled.
Sakura soothed out her clothing outside the hot spring resort next to an ill-wounded toad sage "I'm sorry for the damage, please forward the bill to Konoha under Jiraiya's name." given a polite bow towards the resort owner Sakura grabbed Jiraiya's collar and dragged him back to her inn.
"Not to be rude or anything but…why am I in your room?" Jiraiya sat cross legged in the middle of the room as Sakura healed him "Not that I'm complaining but," the sage grinned and stroke his chin in a suggestive manner "To think a young lady such as yourself would roughly throw a man into your room , perhaps you have ulterior intensions? I'm more than happy to lend a hand in helping you discover a world of pleasure that would surely satisfy your hormonal bo-"'crack' "…"
"A…AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jiraiya shrieked painfully "Y-y-you…" he panted as he arm bent at an impossible angle by his side.
Sakura smiled "I'm very sorry! It's just that there was a really annoying fly and I thought your arm was a fly swatter so I accidentally tried to swing it."
"You don't look apologetic at all!"
"What's going on?" A calm voice appeared from the doorway, there stood an alarmed Sasuke with a kunai ready in hand.
"A-arm…my…arm…heal it…" the pervert sage gripped his arm painfully.
Sakura grabbed the broken arm and began to work "Since you're here, come on in. There's something I need to discuss."
"Did Tsunade send you?" Jiraiya scratched the back of his head with his other unbroken arm.
"You can say that. It's mainly the reason why we're here."
Sasuke eye twitched "Wasn't it to collect the information?"
"That's part of it," Sakura gentle swung the former broken arm "I do have to apologise for keeping it from you but there's nothing you could do anyway." And distanced herself from the sage.
"That's true," Jiraiya stroked his chin "Unless you could use Sexy no jutsu and join the bath with Sakura-chan then that's a different story." He grinned.
"I would like to see that." Sakura encouraged.
Sasuke's colour drained at the two.
"Anyway, in a nutshell we are targeting an underground informant called Senzou, in two days, he will arrive in Shimo with an Akatsuki member. Our goal is to capture him alive and bring him back to the village," the only female in the room explained "With the information we received from this town, there's an Akatsuki reinforcement just around here, so to prevent them from assisting the arrival of Senzou I'm planning to do it tonight. Tomorrow we'll be off to Shimo, Kakashi and Suzuki will be joining us half way with the other teams of shinobi and we'll figure it from there."
"And what do I have to do with anything?"
"…" Sakura looked away.
"Right." The sage nodded.
"Anyway, that's that. Uchiha-san, there's a separate mission for you from Kakashi-sensei. It seems that Suzuki was kidnapped by a group of bandit and he needs you to rescue her while he organise with the team from other villages. Her location is quite close here towards the north-east so you should be able to recognise her chakra signal. Once you've rescue her, she can use my room."
Sasuke got up and left through the window.
"He sure works fast, youngsters nowadays," Jiraiya sighed "And? What business do you have with me?"
"There are two things I want from you," she held up two fingers "One, about the yin seal. I want to ask you to extend the limit."
"Again? How many times did I tell you? While chakra is essential for a shinobi, having too much doesn't necessary mean a good thing."
"You're not a Jinchuuriki, you don't need that much chakra."
"It's not the chakra I need. The seal is so full that I'm having trouble controlling it as it is."
"What do you mean?"
"Instinctively I release more chakra than planned in order to relieve the strain on my body and it's really hindering my healing abilities. Initially I was planning to develop some kind of way to rid of the excess chakra but no valid."
"Hm…how about chakra transfer?"
"2 large bottle of sake please," Sakura called to a passing by staff "And to whom might I do that to?"
"Hm…for now you can transfer some to me while we're together…" Jiraiya held in a long breath.
Sakura received the sake and placed the tray on the table "And afterwards?"
"How about the Uchiha brat?"
"You think he would let me? And Naruto is out of question." Sakura poured both Jiraiya and herself some sake.
"Kakashi seems clear," he took the sake "plus he'll need it for whenever he needs the Sharingan." And gulped it down.
"I'll talk to him about it." Sakura sipped a bit of the delish delicacy.
The sage sighed "Come out with the second one already. I want to knock that hideout out as soon as possible."
The kunoichi pulled a vibrant smile "The seal you put on me three years ago. Won't you remove it now?"
Sakura pulled perfect puppy eyes "But~ I'm more likely to lose it if I can't use everything freely~" she blinked a couple of time for an extra effect.
"…If Tsunade asks it's your fault. And I'm only doing this because you're going to battle the Akatsuki soon!"
Sakura jumped up happily "Okay~ But save it for after the raid. We don't have enough time." The kunoichi picked up her gears as the sage lifted himself off the ground, gulping down the last drip of sake.
"Tsunade-sama. Regarding that…not so much of an academy student…She didn't come to school today." Iruka reported.
The Hokage clicked her tongue "She probably already went off to the missions she stole the other day…" she whispered to herself "Iruka. Sorry but from now on, watch that kid carefully. She's not simple as she seems. Also, whenever she does something suspicious, report it to me immediately."
"I understand." Iruka disappeared into the smokes.
"Yes, milady."
"Investigate the kid thoroughly."
"Yes!" the black head scurried off.
"I swear I saw that kid somewhere before."
Kurama Suzuki…was the luckiest woman ever lived. A forever damsel in distress, this woman is currently a princess after being kidnapped by an evil gang of bandits, her prince charming is rushing through the lair of bandits to rescue her. Oh! What a romantic story!
Sasuke, on other hand is…kind of…very annoyed…Okay. He's extremely annoyed and he's venting all his anger on these worthless bandits. Let's go into details on why he's annoyed. First, Sakura hid a whole mission from him and went off on her own to lure out a perverted toad by herself, without telling him. Second, he was annoyed at himself for sleeping through the night yesterday and left Sakura on guard for the whole time he was sleeping. Third, Sakura and the perverted toad was at close proximity that he once had but ignored. Forth, the two are out on a mission together, probably having more fun than he is now. Fifth, why was he stuck with an annoying fangirl?
Seemly all his frustration would somehow involve Sakura and it's pissing him off. Don't get him wrong, this frustration is only a post product of the protectiveness that he felt inclined to her during their childhood, nothing more. That's right…nothing more…He soon snapped out of his thoughts and grabbed Suzuki out of the lair, freeing her from the ropes in the process.
"Oh~ Sasuke-kun is so cool!" the moment her hands were free they immediately wrapped around his neck in a tight grip "I was so scared!" she squealed into his ears.
Silently prying her away from him as he set her down into Sakura's room "You stay here tonight." And quickly left before she could jump him. Does Kakashi have a grudge against him or something? It seems that the man always want to stick Suzuki close to him. Stressed and annoyed Sasuke head out to the lobby to enjoy the view of the moon with some tomatoes.
Arriving at the Akatsuki hideout everything was especially quite. There was no movement, no sounds and most importantly, no chakra signals "…Something's wrong," Sakura rushed ahead and quickly came to a halt. She crouched down, took a sample of blood and rubbed with her finger "Jiraiya-sama! You might want to look at this…"
"Eh? I don't want to tho- How long?"
"For around three to two days now. All their necks are cut clean, someone got here before us but who?"
Jiraiya noticed something "Whoever it was, they sure didn't want to information in this place to leak so they burn the entire archive."
"This doesn't look like a raid…it's more like a massacre," Sakura commented "Since our work is done, let's head back."
"Wanna continue where we left off?"
The kunoichi nodded "Please take care of this place."
"Alrighty~" and that was how a mysterious hole full of coal and human remains appeared in the middle of the forest of Yugakure.
Stumbling back into the inn, the sage and Jounin sat down in the lobby and ordered some more sake just before the staffs retreated to bed.
"You better not get drunk while drinking with me, young lady!" his grin held ulterior motives.
Sakura huffed at the bluff "Oh please, Tsunade-sama told me you can only best 3 and a half bottle before passing out. I can best 3.7 bottles before passing out."
"Well she's obviously is wrong because I can do 3.8 bottles before passing out." Jiraiya immediately shot back.
"Oh sorry did I say 3.7? Cause I meant 3.9 bottles!"
Jiraiya snorted "A feisty one…but bluffing won't do you any good."
"What do you two think you're doing?" Sasuke appeared from the porch outside with a dish of tomatoes.
"Ah. I'll go and get change. Jiraiya-sama, please get ready as well."
The toad sage perked up "We're doing it here?"
"Well yes, someone is staying in my room right now unless you want to go to the forest then, I guess." The pink haired shrugged before leaving the lobby.
The whole conversation just screamed 'wrong' to Sasuke who just managed to take a seat and froze in his place "What is it, boy?" Jiraiya raised a suggestive eyebrow "Do you want to watch?" unable to answer, Sasuke just sat there. The thought of his former innocent teammate doing not-so-innocent things are rather hard to comprehend and his brain has quick shutdown.
After a while, Sakura's head popped from one side of the sliding doors separating the porch and the lobby "Are you ready?"
The old man left the table and out to the porch, joining Sakura then sliding the door close just barely after Sasuke slipped through "Should we wait for Kakashi to join us tomorrow? It'll be…a lot easier on your body."
Sasuke's brain turned back on and he was dumbfounded 'Even Kakashi is involved?!'
"The sooner the better, so just give me the signal when you're ready." Sakura undid the neat bun and let her hair flowed down into a damp wavy mess.
'The sooner the better?! Why?!' All rationality seems to have left Sasuke that night. His stoic features tells no tales but his mind and brain was screaming at the top of their non-existent lungs.
Jiraiya slid the big scroll behind his back down "Oh, what a nice smell. Too bad I wasn't there to peek. Gehehehe…Should we call Naruto too?"
"Why?" arms crossed Sakura readied herself for what to come.
"The last time we did it, you seem to be in less pain because he comfort you and I need someone to hold you down while I do it, you thrashed around too much that's why."
'Last time? Now even Naruto got involved?!'
Sakura stared at Sasuke "We can ask Uchiha-san to hold me down…" Sakura tone died down.
That moment, Sasuke's mind into an emergency conference debating on whether to join or not. His eager and pride as a man is voting for yes but his vengeance is going no, hm…what a hard decision.
"…or not. I don't think he can hold me down."
His pride as a man snapped "Of course I'm able to hold down a weak woman like you."
"Okay. It's decided!" Jiraiya clapped his hand "Remember to transfer some of your chakra to me while doing it. Hey boy! Hold her down as hard as you can, I'll take care of her legs."
Sakura slid the upper fold of her kimono off, revealing her left shoulder and lay on the porch staring straight at Sasuke who went and pinned down her arms…truly this cannot get any more awkward.
"Hold in your voice, Sakura." The moment the five chakra appears on Jiraiya's fingertips, Sasuke was left confused – this was not what he was expecting. Sakura ducked her head to the side as a seal appeared on her shoulder and began spreading through her body similar to Orochimaru's curse seal. Jiraiya abruptly applied the chakras to the seal, immediately Sakura started to violently thrash; the pain was overwhelming and Sasuke could feel that. The girl didn't let out much sounds except for groans and grumbles – what she did to receive this seal was a complete mystery to Sasuke. Was it to strengthen her? Was it to keep her quiet? Or was it to keep her in check? By the time Sasuke's train of thought stopped running Sakura began to pulse thick chakra to the sage who was straddling her and bear the risk to become unable to reproduce.
"Just a little bit more…good girl." The legendary toad sage rolled off to the side and panted heavily as the seal retracted itself and broke leaving Sakura breathless and close to fainting. The kunoichi forced herself up and redressed her attire.
"Thank you for your help Uchiha-san. It's quite late so you should get to bed now," She gave him a short bow before leaving "Until tomorrow morning."
Mysteries and Uchiha Sasuke doesn't go well together, glancing at the exhausted sage Sasuke decided to give him a kick, literally. "Ow! What's your problem?"
"…" The sage groaned in annoyance "Go and ask Naruto or Kakashi. They'll tell you but as for me, I have nothing to tell you." The man yawned and scuffled away.
Needless to say, that night Sasuke, unsurprisingly, could not sleep.
A/N: …is dis a crack chapter? Maybe. So! What did you think of this kind of thing? Personally, I think Saucecake is someone who is very inexperienced towards sexual activities despite being popular and sexually harassed by Karin before so I made him too OOC with his thoughts so I ended up creating a scene that can be very sexually misleading OTZ I'm very sorry. Oh! And that really awkwardly weird interaction between Jiraiya and Sakura was very…interesting to write. Maybe I'll add more of that in the future.
Updater notices: Remember what I said about updating every Saturday? Well, you can scratch that now because I am officially unable to uphold that kind of schedule because from now on I do not have any kind of plan for this fanfic and it will take me a while to come up with the next step so from now on this story will by irregularly updated.
Please leave a review if you liked it or not. It would really help with the way this story will shape for the future. Thank you so much for reading and see you next time~