The mission was supposed to be simple, and it was, once Alucard released enough of his limited power. He always had their enemies fooled, and the result was dripping off the walls. They had yet to find the main vampire, just a bunch of ghouls that were easily offed with a couple bullets and a few weaker bloodsuckers in the mix. It was this fact that worried Seras, because there was something in the uncertainty of feeding a few rounds into the skulls of the undead that did so. A disturbing pleasure in seeing so many mangled corpses drop like flies to a bug zapper. That wasn't like her, and she didn't like it.

"Releasing control on restrictions 3..."

Her ears caught the thrilled tones of her Master's voice in the nearby room, and she moved closer to the door to listen out of curiosity. The ghouls in this hallway were all exterminated anyway. She strapped her rifle onto her shoulder, letting it rest on her back as she hid at the doorway. Peering in, she shivered at the amount of human corpses littering the floor, Alucard standing in the middle of the mess with twin vampires as his opponents. She saw an eye peer at her, a bright red one on her Master's shoulder and flinched back in fear.


Seras felt her back hit something, an object in motion that was in her way. She looked over her shoulder to see a tall, well built third vampire, whose fangs gleamed in mischievous delight at the fearful expression on her face. He made a grab for her, and more annoyingly, her breast, but she quickly sprung out of the way, sliding to her left until her diagonal path landed her against the wall again. Her eyes darted towards the open doorway she'd left behind, calculating her chances of being able to make a dash towards her master. With no such luck, her perverted perpetrator clambered into her line of sight and her path was blocked. No use, she'd have to fight, or, if she could, run for the exit. There was no time for that, however, as her opponent swung his right arm at her distracted head, effectively knocking her to the opposite wall.


The blonde pulled her head out of the hole it made, shaking any debris that was left over. A grimace was supposed to be her first response, but she let out a giggle instead, her vision blurry as she tried to orient herself back into the situation. The man tilted his head in confusion before shrugging it off and lunging at his obviously shook up prey. For a split second, he flinched, seeing red instead of blue in her eyes. She hissed, suddenly kicking him up and onto the ceiling, and square in the gut too.

A snarl escaped the weakened vampire's mouth and he pounced again, this time apparently from above. Seras grinned, barreling out of the way just in time to swerve and watch the bumbling brunet crash unceremoniously onto the floor. After a short chuckle, she tired of playing with this dolt and seized his right arm. She could feel his immediate panic and twisted both his arm and her smile up. Her sadistic look almost paralleled her master's.

"Please," pleaded the thickheaded idiot, "make it stop!"

Her scowl at the quick snap of his bones showed she wasn't pleased, or over with this torture. She yanked the now useless appendage off him and had his neck in her fingers next. He was sweating, which felt gross on her hands. His nervous other hand punched her head, but she either didn't feel it or it wasn't as effective as he had hoped. Pure, glowing red eyes mirrored dull ruby ones. The blonde went over a few choices, because she knew she had so many options for fun in this turn of events, and purred at her new favorite one.

Moving a hand towards his chin, she observed his sharp fangs, pink from his recent blood drinking. Without a second thought, her vice grip wrenched his jaw to the side, a sickening snap her reward. His guttural cries of anguish renewed her excitement and she bared her own pointed teeth, eagerly digging them into his neck.

He struggled, and succeeded only in ramming her back onto the wall, her canines burrowing themselves deeper into his pale skin. The pain only grew worse as she took more of his blood, a salty aftertaste lingering from his anxious sweat. Nothing else left to do but continue squirming, the male griped, whined and dug his fingers into her arm, trying to find anyway of escaping this. In a fit of desperation, he kicked, only to hear the wet crunch of his foot under her shoe before he could even move. He couldn't speak, to call out to the twins in the nearby room, and despite the appearance of his body overpowering hers, he had no way of defeating this deranged blonde. He would die, but because of that, he would at least go down happy.

Before the brunet could even finish the thought, Seras bit deeper. She could sense the edges of his life, and stopped, tossing him like a rag doll onto the floor. "You really think I'd let you have your way?" She admonished, "After all I put you through, I know you know better." She kicked his practically lifeless form, scowling at the pitiful whimper he gave. "If you fought any better, I'd actually consider torturing you more. You're no fun though, and are just as weak as these ghouls." She saw his gaze move to the disintegrating corpses littering the hall, another mewl his slow response. "Yes," She hissed, grabbing her rifle from behind her back and aiming it effortlessly at his forehead. "You look just like them, and now, you'll be dead." Without a moment's hesitation, she fired, and the body disintegrated.

Just like him.

A tongue lapped up the last of the blood on the wall, tasting the ever-present fear in each drop. The pleasures of the fight lingered as well, just long enough to sedate Alucard's need for more. He stood, recomposing himself as he peered towards the doorway. He heard a loud groaning outside the room, and with his interests now piqued, he walked out.

Childish laughter tickled his ears and he watched as his fledgling circled a confused ghoul. Her playful behavior brought a smirk to his lips, though he was a tad surprised. Perhaps...

"Police Girl," He called as she tore the ghoul's left leg off. She looked to him, expression almost innocent, save for the blood red in her eyes and on her lips. Dropping the rotting leg, she returned her gaze to the body crawling away from them, her boot crushing through the ghoul in mere seconds. That was no fun, but her master was waiting. "Impressive," He complimented, noticing her messy work on the hall of undead, "You'll make an amazing Draculina yet."

Outside the residence, one Integra Hellsing stood by her car, awaiting the results of the extermination. She looked up at the sound of footsteps on the gravel, her cigar twitching and flicking off a few ashes. Her eyes widened at the sight. The red clad vampire was guiding a blood covered Seras towards her, a happy smile on both their faces.

"My Master. The targets have been silenced on your orders." Her servant declared, his triumphant smirk mocking her own appalled expression.

She watched Seras run a bloody gloved hand through her hair, acting as if it meant nothing but a curious scent on her clothes. Integra glared at Alucard, clearly demanding an explanation for the girl's incredulous behavior.

The Count chuckled, noting the anger that bubbled up in response. He held his fledgling close, containing her excitement as much as he could. He couldn't help enjoying his own sadism pouring into his fledgling's mind. Perhaps his influence was just what she needed to become a true vampire, though he could tell his commander thought otherwise. "You told us to rid the building of them," he reminded her, "not who or how. If the Police Girl wants to shed some blood, then who am I to refuse?"

At this, Seras nodded in agreement. She was hopped up on adrenaline, eyes darting around curiously until she looked up to meet her master's.

"Well, I do." Integra snapped, dropping her cigar and rubbing it out in irritation. "Fix this." Her cryptic hiss apparently hit something in the vampires, one giving her a glare of his own and the other a confused tilt of the head.

What did that mean?

Before Seras could receive an explanation, the Hellsing entered the car, slamming it in their faces and clearly having the driver depart. Well, that was abrupt, if she had anything to say about that. "Master, what did Sir Integra mean by that?" What would they be fixing? The cleaners would come by later to rid the area of any evidence of the vampiric activity, but that wasn't fixing. Besides, the two of them had nothing to do with that.

So what had her master's master meant by fixing?

Her ears soon heard the grumbling of her companion, who seemed well aware of what the woman clearly meant. She caught words like "hypocrite" and "my fledgling," but was still lost to what he knew. She could only guess something along the lines of pride. Was it something the woman didn't like about their behavior?


A worry settled in her stomach that only worsened the longer he didn't respond to her question. Instead, she was turned around suddenly, now forced to face Alucard. She kept an eyebrow up, watching as he bent down to gaze directly at her. He looked upset, but she wasn't sure if it was directed at her or not.

He sighed in defeat as he held her attention, disliking this idea the more he went through with it. Had he the choice, he would have never thought of it in the slightest. Without another apparent word to say on the matter, he placed a hand over the girl's eyes.

The act was sudden, the Police Girl yelping at the touch. Her whining came next, and she struggled under the firm grip. She cried out for him to let her go repeatedly, growling and grunting as he stood silently and practically unmoving. She dug her gloved fingers into his arms, tried yanking his fingers off her, and even began kicking at air before she finally slowed. The whimpers softened until she leaned against the touch. When she was quiet, he let go.

Seras stumbled about for a moment, dazed and drained of the energy she had mere moments ago. His shadows ran through her and she shivered, curling in on herself as she tried to understand whatever had just occurred. She... Couldn't remember?

Her guardian began walking the way Integra's vehicle had went. "Come, Police Girl. Our mission is done for tonight." The gears in his mind set about fabricating a cover up story for this resulting incident, which he dreaded having to do. Seras would likely have questions, and he'd likely have to go through an hours worth of lying just for her to be satisfied once more.

The little trick he pulled was worse than that, though. It wasn't just giving her a small taste of memory loss, making her forget all that was needed to be forgotten. No, not in her case. In his busty little blonde's case, he had to tear out any lives she had taken as well. Whatever souls she had collected enough blood from were stripped from her own, and he would have to keep them instead.

It was a useful trick, sure, especially when Seras let some of her strength get to her head. Those times were rare though, and it was the angered maiden that made the task so much more difficult. How could he raise his fledgling up to be the vampire he knew she was meant to be when she was always stuck at square one? If Integra hadn't decided that Seras wasn't meant to be a true vampire yet, he would have already had the perfect beast with just as much power as he had.

If it hadn't been for Integra... No. He couldn't blame his master. It wasn't really her fault.

If it hadn't been for the first incident, Alucard thought over, Seras would have been perfect.