… Well I did give a notice that despite how I find fiction enjoyable, reality still takes priority. Work and events kept me busy, heck I didn't yet watched the latest RWBY season. Hopefully I can binge watch it later.

Thanks for putting up with this and hopefully you are satisfied with what you came for. Anyway…, on with the show.

Disclaimer: If I could make money out of this, do you think I still have to work? Then again this then be my work, then it won't be fanfiction anymore… bah! You get the picture.

CHV: The First Step… is a Doozy


'I wonder if they also do something similar in Haven?' was the thought of a certain Mistralian regarding Beacon Academy's Initiation Test as she soared in the air. Deciding to make comparisons later, Pyrrha braced herself for a landing strategy which was simply barrelling into obstacles till she landed on something sturdy.

Whipping out Akuo in rifle-mode, the redhead scoped out the terrain for a potential partner…, though she already have some in mind… probably based on her interaction with them.

Weiss was an option due to her prestige, though there are aspects that need some (major) improvement.

Ruby and Yang are new but exciting candidates, but the celebrity wondered if she can keep up with any of them.

But Pyrrha felt very fortunate when the person she wants to get to know more ever since they literally bumped into each other was in her sight. But her scope briefly caught a dark figure close to him. Wanting to do a favour, she aimed her transformed javelin to take out what she though is a Grimm.

"Birdie, NO!" A red blur that sounded familiar flew by and took out the problem… and somehow made a more serious one. With her original target gone, Pyrrha was given a clear sight of Cloud… which she dreadfully realized when Akuo was no longer in her hand.

Too fast and too far to bring it back, too alarmed to think straight, she can only shout a warning: "LOOK OUT!"

And in a fantastic display of strength, flexibility and reaction-time, Cloud knocked away the speeding weapon with that big sword. She was further impressed when he spun and stood on his embedded blade high above the canopy. From his makeshift platform, the blonde watched as the two red projectiles disappear into the forest.

Pyrrha was quickly reminded of what she did as Cloud slowly turned to where he guessed the spear came from. Relieved that he was unharmed, she became more fidgety with that deadpan stare, thinking of the different messages she may have mistakenly sent… and how to fix the mess-up.

But the raised brow finally left her with nothing but: "I'm sorry!"


"Wait! Come back here! Or at least slow down for Oum's sake!" It was during this chase that Weiss realized the irony of it all. She is aware how much prestige her surname had which was why the heiress decided to study in Beacon Academy instead. But being raised among high-class company may have raised her standards a bit too high.

As such when she came face to face with the girl with a red hood, Weiss was prepared to make a grand dismissal. "Mean girl!" she wasn't however prepared for that and the girl, Ruby was it, turning tail.

A large part of the older girl's mind was about to dismiss this and the small dismay for something as petty as being called that, but her sharp eyes caught something before Ruby sped into the woods. Not knowing the circumstance why the young girl has that familiar spear, she gave chase for reasons that may hopefully get into Pyrrha's good grace.

Weiss eventually caught up with her because the speedster suddenly stopped. Her small satisfaction was dashed when the reason was a large pack of Beowolves that surrounded them. Postponing her personal gain for their survival, the rapier-wielder grudgingly decided to fight alongside her.

Weiss have to admit, the girl's speed and choice of weapon was suitable in taking out large number of enemies using hit-and-run tactics contrary to her precision-based approach. Now only if that red menace has the awareness to watch where she's going, she nearly got skewered thrice!

"Look out!" Weiss internally berated herself for doing the same when she saw how dangerously close a group was approaching her. She braced herself to expend a possibly exhausting amount of Aura and hoping that Ruby was kind and quick enough to reach her.

But something large shot and cleaved through the Grimm. Then the silver object was spinning back towards her before a black figure intercepted it. Glowing in blue flames, the recognizable person spun and unleashed a blast as he landed that wipe out the remaining Grimm.

After watching the video, battles were waged in herself for many reasons. The more opportunistic side argued how she possibly distanced such valuable asset that is connected to her favoured candidate. But the more altruistic part scolded for reverting back to the past she wanted to distance herself.

Weiss decided that she can make amend by getting to know him. With being so skilled and mature, she could admit that Cloud wasn't such a bad prospect as a partner. But as they were about to make eye contact, something red got in between them.

"Cloud! Over here! It's good to see you! Did you see me?! I did and you were so cool when you whoosh and yah! Thought you didn't say it! Did I say I saw you? Yep, sure did and I didn't see anyone, nope! No one! Nada! Didn't even see Weiss!"

The heiress became increasingly annoyed with such childish attention seeking, incredulous with those last parts. It was a mix of frustration and bafflement that despite trying to be visible from behind; Ruby seems to predict where to cover without taking her eyes away from Cloud's bemused gaze.

The height difference only made the young girl's antic amusing to the swordsman. "That's one way to get someones attention. Right, Pyrrha?" He jokingly called to the side.

"I'm sorry!" Weiss sighed when she realized that her prospective choices were taken out. Although it was a small comfort that she is taking it better than Ruby.

"But- but-… I wanna be partner with you! Now I'm stuck with her…" 'I'm not that bad.' But even she can tell that didn't sound convincing as the white-haired teen can feel her self-worth shrivel with how much Ruby resembled a kicked puppy (that and she thought she heard a whimper as Cloud patted the girl's head in comfort).

She imagined a light bulb when Ruby's expression suddenly brightens. "How about a threesome?" What was more shocking is that it was said with such innocence in her voice. She was just hoping that younger girl was just dim to speak such… vulgar idea.

"I don't think that will work." She was glad that Cloud was just as uncomfortable as everyone else.

"Aw… How about we trade? We can be partners and Pyrrha can go with Weiss with all the money to buy the cereals she wants!" That… doesn't sound like a bad idea. Though looking at Pyrrha means it is going to be a hard bargain.

But any negotiation Weiss had in mind was replaced by something more urgent. "DUCK!"

"Wher-! WHAAA!"



The remaining girl didn't know whether to palm her face or tear her hair off with the incredulity that Ruby was snatched by a Nevermore while Pyrrha was holding for dear life, her rescue comically unsuccessful.

This left her with one grounded companion, who appears to have a new plan of action. The blonde tossed up what appears to be a piece of energized ice Dust while readying his sword for a swing…, somewhat like some familiar sport. And the absurdity finally broke the ice.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" *BOOM!* The shard was launched far lower than planned, exploding and sealing a cave in ice.

He turned to her, annoyance clear in his narrowed stare. "I was hoping for some cold turkey before it got too far away."


"I have a friend who keeps a stick of dynamite with his smokes." was Cloud's offhanded defence.

"THAT'S NOT A GOOD COMPARISON!" So fixed in her heated tirade, she barely took mind of an increasingly aggravated banging sound closed by.


Blake was uncertain of what to expect in this new life. Danger was not uncommon in her old one but the things that followed around it was far different from when she was still in the White Fang.

Thankfully her adventurous and outgoing blonde partner was also at loss of words. It may have started when a girl rode in on a dead-beat (literally) Grimm followed by an equally exhausted boy.

"Awww… it's broken."

"Nora! Please…, don't ever do that again."

"Did that girl ride in on an Ursa?" Blake asked as 'Nora' joined them in the clearing after taking and dancing about the relic from one of the stands.

Then what's next was a familiar voice from high above them, which greatly worried the blonde brawler.

"How do you steer this thing?!"

"This was a bad idea!"

"Did your sister fly in on a Nevermore?" She can't help but point out, though Yang was ready to tear her hair out.

Then finally running from the treelines was an arguing pair with something big snapping at their tails… so to speak.

"Why's that thing still after us?!"

"Well…, Grimm are attracted to extremely negative emotions. And so far I'm moderately annoyed at worst."

"Quiet you!"

The disguised Faunus did find how the calm and collected Schnee to be so flustered funny but her partner seems to be slowly failing to keep her sanity. "Did they run all the way here with a Deathstalker on their tails?" This finally set off Yang's fuse.

"AHHH! I can't take it anymore! Can everyone chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?!" Yep, she wasn't sure what to expect anymore since it was already gotten crazy. Blake somehow felt left out though since everyone brought a monster to the gathering.


It's really hard to think of something new, so sorry if the familiarity stuck. Hopefully since Jaune/Cloud is already a divert from canon, some ideas may be brought up. Can't promise anything, but like previously mentioned: Ideas and suggestions will be taken into consideration. Keyword: Consideration.

See yah people.