Hello, and welcome to the rebooted version of the previous SYOC story of the same name. This chapter is simply introducing my OCs into the story, and will continue to appear throughout along with your characters that will appear during the introduction arc. Hopefully this prologue of sorts offers a good enough 'feel' of what this guild is like.

"Master, master, master!" A voiced called, getting louder as they ran down the hallway, "Farid says that Mama Rhoda is almost there! Hurry up, or I'll give myself the honours of naming the baby cub!"

The owner of the loud voice finally appeared from around the corner as the woman skidded to a stop in front of what could be assumed as the Guild Master's office door. The woman had thick black hair that she never bothered to tame, along with wide emerald eyes filled with excitement as she hopped from one barefoot to the other. Her skin was of a healthy tan due to constant exposure to the sun, and her build was one of an athlete's with a nice amount of curves to match. Standing at 5'6, the bubbly 19 year old woman wore an army green bandana, along with a fitting black tank top and light brown capris shorts. Around her left bicep was a gold cuff with the numbers 1 to 12 engraved in the band. Placed just beneath the simple accessory was the guild's signature tribal-bear guild mark coloured a pure white.

"Just a moment!" a flustered male yelled from the other side of the door, "And I swear to the First Master that if you name Rhoda's cub that you'll be cleaning Boozle's pen for the next two weeks! And no wriggling your way out of it like last time, Tempo!"

At that, the girl gagged and made a face. It wasn't that she had something against Boozle, it was that the teen bear has recently fallen sick and the medication he was on seemed to make his droppings reek of rotten eggs and stale sweat. But aside from that, whatever Farid – their resident healer and vet – had given him was working quite well. She huffed and tapped her foot against the dirt and moss on the ground, waiting rather impatiently for Master Cyr to exit his room.

It took him almost a full four minutes until he did appear; though rather sheepishly, so the girl decided to forgive him. "Well, finally! C'mon let's go… everyone's been waiting for this moment since forever." She sent the 43 year old man a dazzling smile as she began to drag him all the way back to the nursing room that was located on the far opposite side of the guild. She chattered to him the whole way there, suggesting different names to Cyr despite the fact he'd secretly settled on a name a long time ago.

Cyr was a tall man, and at 6'7 he had troubles finding fitting clothes. Therefore his legs were currently clad in dark pants where the hem had been rolled up to his mid-calf, and a grey muscle shirt that settled tightly over his taut figure. On his feet he donned a pair of brown leather sandals. His complexion was also tanned, making his plain brown eyes look dull in comparison to Tempo's bright orbs. His hair was greying and was kept cropped short in attempt to break a habit that consisted of constantly running his fingers through his locks. On the right side of his neck, he had the guild mark tattooed there in black, but it also had vines circling around it and down his arm and chest.

"Alright, so what do you think of those names?" Tempo looked up at him as they came to a stop in front of the door to the nursery. Even from outside, the two could hear the soothing words of encouragement that the rest of the guild was giving the mother bear inside. They could also hear Farid giving out orders to fetch some water and towels and whatnot. When the girl figured she wasn't going to get a reply, she puffed out her cheeks and pushed open the door to reveal a room full of people with pleased expressions. Farid sat in the middle of the circle, petting Rhoda lightly; praising her of her hard work.

"Looks like we made it a little too late." Cyr rubbed the back of his head as he released a chuckle, ignoring the pointed glares of the young girl beside him. "Well, how'd it go? It the cub a boy or a girl?" The man looked around the room with interest, watching as everyone's expressions either morphed into slight disappointment, or smugness.

"Please tell me it's a girl!" Tempo piped in, "We've already had Beans, Jenkin and Ymir join us over the past two years. We really need some more girls around here!"

Laughter burst out in the room as Farid gave Tempo a thumbs up. "Well you definitely got your wish, because it's a-"

"GIRL! YES!" The female interrupted and pulled the people closest to her into a tight hug. "I bet Mota'll super excited to have another girl join her! The boys have been bullying her so much lately." Tempo began to push her way into the centre of the room, where Rhoda lay – tired but proud. Kneeling down, she ran her fingers through her matted fur and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "You've done the guild proud, Rhoda. I always knew you were strong, girl. Everyone's going to be protecting your baby with their lives. She's going to be spoiled with gifts and everything!" She grinned widely and pulled back, doing a little happy dance to celebrate.

Farid smiled softly at the scene before nudging Cyr, "So, what'll you name her?" He glanced up at his Master, but stopped short when he saw the expression on his face. He could easily tell it was one of fatherly affection toward Tempo. "Oh, you're such a softy. You mulled over a good name for ages and now you're going to let her name the cub?"

"It doesn't matter, boy. There'll always be another cub to name in the future. Besides, you're not any different from me. You see Tempo as a younger sister, don't you?" Cyr placed a hand on the healer's shoulder and squeezed it softly.

"Yes, yes… but our relationship isn't as deep as yours. After all, you knew her father." He countered with a slight pause, "That reminds me, will you ever tell her?"

The Master shrugged slightly, "I promised I'd do it when she turned twenty."

Farid nodded, his ash brown fringe flopping into his eyes as he did so. Aside from his fringe, the rest of his hair was kept quite short. His complexion was fair and filled with freckles, but what stood out most from his features were his clear cobalt eyes – which matched the colour of his guild mark placed on his left shoulder blade. While his stature of 5'11 was practically nothing in comparison to the Master, he was still quite lean despite constantly being inside tending to the bears and other guild members. Around his left wrist were multiple leather bracelets, along with a small tattoo of a series of numbers. He wore a loose dark blue button-up with the sleeves rolled up to just below his elbows. Around the collar of the shirt was a black bowtie, matching the black jeans he had on. Being in the nursery room, he currently had his shoes off, but any other time he'd usually be seen with a pair of black sneakers. Over everything else, the 27 year old also wore a white lab coat.

"Anyway, let's go and see what Tempo would prefer to call the newborn." The older man suggested after a while when everyone else had slowly filed out. He stepped further into the room and smiled down at the teen. "So, have you decided what we shall be calling the latest addition of our family?"

The girl expressed confusion at first, tilting her head to the side as his words circulated in her mind for a moment. But slowly, and surely, her eyes grew in size and she jumped up and down on the spot; engulfing the man into a hug as she began to thank him a million times over. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she spoke, her words muffled from burying her face into the Master's chest.

"So…?" Farid trailed off when Tempo finally released Cyr from her hold.

"Hmm, I was thinking Pooh… what d'ya all think?" The innocence that radiated from the simple name she spoke was enough to make the two older men beam from ear to ear. "I mean, even if Pooh is for boys, I just think it's really cute." Her eyes scrunched up and crinkled at the radiant smile she sent back to them, along with the stifled laughter that escaped through her lips.

They stayed like that for a few moments before she broke away, claiming she was going to fix herself a snack before turning away with a small bounce in her step. And as the door closed behind her, they could still feel her presence in the room, as though she really did leave a part of her soul everywhere she went. But it wasn't the first time they'd felt like this; they'd known her for over fifteen years and was considered to be one of the most joyous and optimistic in the guild.

"I think you should get back to your paperwork." Farid finally sighed, "I need to clean up in here and give Boozle his meds. The others in the infirmary still need tending to as well."

Cyr was quick to sigh and slump over in defeat before wailing childishly. "… But I don't want to go back to my office... There's just so much paperwork to d-" he stopped short, sniffing the air as the healer also grimaced at the smell wafting through the air. "Do you smell that?" Cyr stated the obvious as loud footsteps could be heard from outside the nursery, where other guild members were likely to be running around and checking up on the bears.

"Ah yes, the familiar smell of gunpowder. They never do give up do they?" Farid huffed, walking over to the corner of the room and pulling a few items off a shelf.

"It's a hunter's job… they'll never give up until the black bears are extinct and there's no fur left to collect." The Masted pressed two fingers to his temples. "But I suppose everyone else already has things under control, as per usual." He added when cheers of determination could be heard from outside. Smiling with pride, he decided that it would be best to leave his members to their own devices. That is, until he actually bothered to finished up with the lone stack of papers he'd left on his desk when Tempo came running.

"But… they'll be needing more than just a group of hunters to take down a family of Black Bears."


Tempo Ryvet – IdentityCrisis.03

Master Cyr Losten – IdentityCrisis.03

Farid Oken – IdentityCrisis.03


And that's the end of the prologue! Of course, if you skipped all of that to get the character form then that's fine too…

However this is posted on my profile since posting the application in story is not accepted according to the rules of this website. Please read the rules that I have outlined before sending in your OC, and I'll be accepting around a maximum of 30 (including my own).

Looking forward to receiving your characters!