Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

AN: Remus and Sirius raise Harry after Lilly and James die as his two uncles/gay dads.

"Um...Remus, darling?" Sirius's voice sounded small as he slipped into the study where Remus was reading. The werewolf's eyes narrowed on Sirius who looked abashed. "Remember James's old invisibility cloak?" Sirius sounded like a small child owning up to a misdeed. "I might have wrapped Harry up in it for his nap." Sirius said shrinking under Remus's hard stare.

"Again?" Remus growled. Sirius shrank further. He sighed heavily and put his book down on the desk before following Sirius to where he'd left Harry. From there they fanned out searching for something they couldn't see. After a long time Sirius was beginning to grow worried. Remus was getting frustrated and frustrated werewolves were not pleasant. It was probably more along the lines of frustrated Remus's not being pleasant but either way Sirius was in trouble. That was, until they heard a giggling from directly in front of Remus.

"Moomy!" Harry's young voice said giggling. Remus's frustration disappeared instantly as he pulled the cloak off the baby, scooping the infant into his arms.

"Moomy." Sirius laughed, not able to stop himself.

"Hush Dadfoot." Remus said casually as he went back into the study with the small child nestled in his arms. He sat there reading while Harry slept in his arms.