Hi guys. This is where I am going to write fan theories about Adventure Time and if you want your theories on here then please write them in the review box and I will add your theory to this, OK. So here's the first theory.

Theory one: The Ice Queen.

This theory is about the Ice Queen in the Fiona and Cake episodes. First off we all know the Ice King's back story right, he was a scientist with a fiance called Betty and they were studying the crown and Simon (Ice King) started to put the crown on and started to turn into the Ice King. He found Marcelline as a kid and started to take care of her but he lost control and turned into the Ice King losing all of his memories, but his memories are actually his memories are stored in his head so that when he turns back into Simon or in case of an emergency. Now we don't know anything about the Ice Queen except that the Ice King created her and she is like the Ice King only her gender is changed. Now I think that the Ice King didn't change the gender of everyone. I think he only changed who got the crown. Now it was stated that whoever wore the crown would gain the powers of the Ice King. That means that maybe in the Ice King's story Simon didn't get the crown someone else did. Now think we know how he became the and why he had the crown when he was human. Now here is the crazy part we also he wasn't alone when studying the crown, he was with his fiance, now what if Simon didn't put on the crown but Betty (His fiance) put the crown on and then lost her mind and became the Ice Queen. Now I know what yawl are thinking, what about everybody else, well think about this for a second, if you know about time travel then you would know about the butterfly effect, where if you go back in time and you change one thing then the whole future is completely different. I think that is why everybody's gender is different because Betty became the Ice Queen instead of Simon becoming the Ice King. Boom, butterfly effect and that's why only the gender is changed and not the history. I mean why do you think he made the Ice Queen in the first place, because he uses his memory of Betty as a character in his story and made her the Ice Queen because he is the king and a king needs a queen. Now he may say that he loves Fiona but if he brought them to life somehow, then he would actually go and fall in love with the Ice Queen because his memory and love of Betty is to strong and even when he may question why he has these feelings for her, he will just know that he will love her forever.

Thanks for reading my first theory and remember guys if you have a theory for Adventure Time then please post them in the Review box and also rate this guys. Now I have to go before my hands freeze because the Ice King has frozen me and Finn and Jake are kicking his but right now so bye guys and remember this is just the beginning of Theory Time.