Victoria Chase. She was so brave. Sometimes, she would apparently decide not to even bother with a towel while snagging a shower. Kate couldn't comprehend it. Such things were meant for private moments, only people who meant something to you ought to be able to see... those. But every now and then when she went to the dormitory shower to clean herself off, there she would be, slender, tall, pale, beautiful. Kate would avert her eyes and hurry into one of the stalls to hide, not undressing herself until she was certain she couldn't be seen. She didn't know much, but she knew there was nothing terribly special about Victoria's body. Just bones, muscle, and flesh. Toned flesh, still glistening, practically sparkling... She shut her eyes tight and continued showering, but the image was becoming burned in her mind, though she had only seen her for a second.

The second time it happened, she had been caught staring. Victoria said nothing, only giving her that knowing smile, the one that said she could practically read your mind. She had even gone so far as to turn so that Kate could get a better look before heading back to her room with a friendly smile. That chest, those things, they were becoming harder to forget.

The third time it happened, she thought she had imagined Victoria's cheeks going just a little red as well. She returned to her room, wishing for something, anything to distract her. She heard her phone go off and hoped that it was Max wanting another tea date. But her eyes widened in surprise to see a text from Victoria Chase herself. It requested – no, demanded – that Kate come to her room immediately. Oh God, forgive me. I accept whatever punishment you see fit to bestow upon me for my transgressions. She continued praying as she marched down the hall to the blonde girl's room. She knocked. Even Victoria is one of your children, Lord. It was wrong of me to gaze upon her lustfully. I will do whatever I can to make it up to her.

The door opened to reveal Victoria, wearing a pair of shorts but still topless. She glared at Kate, but with a glimmer in her eye. "Come on then. If you're so eager to stare, I'm sure you're eager to do other things too."

Kate released the breath she'd been holding. "Amen..."