Title change by MaryR (for self promotion reasons )
(A/N) Ok…. I have had this idea for quite some time. I know it will be very silly, but sometimes I like being just silly.
My English sucks, if you want to be a beta, I would thank you forever and ever. I know you will be like: "OMG, if her English sucks why is she writing this then?" – I have to practice! How am I supposed to master a second language without practicing?
So here we have it, my first fic. I hope someone stick here with me. Love you all already 3.
Some notes
1) This is be mature, so yeah, there'll be sex. I am classifying this as MA
2) The plot is going to be a crazy crossover from all I can manage to insert about Jane Austen's world. So some characters may be OOC and pairings will be very different. Join me for the journey!
Worlds Apart
Someplace, Some Country, Some year in the future
"Why are you doing this? It´s insane!"
"I have to, Paul… Can't you see what an amazing opportunity that is? You know I don't fit in here, I never did, I never will. I have to know, I have to see. . ."
"But aren't you afraid? You are probably gonna die out there, alone!"
"Oh please, everyone is dying eventually. I'm not afraid of that at all. My fear of an ordinary life is much greater, you can be sure of that!"
"I kind of understand. You have always been a wild soul…"
"And I will not be alone, I have Fass with me!"
"Yes, I must admit it. . ." A tentative smile spreading over Paul's face. "Fass is fucking amazing!"
"I'm going to be just fine."
"I know you will."
Hertfordshire, England 1811
"Georgiana is not feeling well, maybe you could fetch the doctor please, Bingley." Fitzwilliam Darcy and his beloved sister had been persuaded to visit Netherfield Park before the confinement of his best friend's wife. The journey had taken much more time than usual, rainy days making the roads almost impassable. It was rather cold for March and those nights of fitful sleep had made Georgiana fall ill.
Darcy's mind was indeed preoccupied due a smallpox surge they had encountered in one of the villages they passed through on their journey. The idea of losing his only family member was quite disturbing. Both their parents had been killed in a carriage accident almost ten years ago. There were no aunts, uncles or cousins left. Not close ones for the matter. He knew he needed to share his concerns for Georgiana's health with Bingley.
"This will not do, Darcy, I will summon the doctor immediately. I am sure it's not that horrid disease, but of course Georgiana needs to have someone to see to her comfort. We have the best doctor here, you will be quite impressed!"
Bingley having sent for the doctor, Darcy could not understand the reason why the servant sent on the task seemed so happy to comply. He was aware the doctor´s cottage was quite far from the Netherfield, and the grounds were not easily walked at all.
After half an hour had passed, unusual sounds were heard from outside. Bingley's staff was appeared extremely agitated as they looked through the windows. He could hear what sounded like packages being unloaded and finally the door was opened.
A tall man, around thirty-five years of age entered. He had a strange smile and an even stranger demeanour; he didn't even wear a hat. Darcy knew men of science had weird habits, but for whatever reason he enjoyed chatting with them while at London clubs, he always learnt something new and fascinating. Maybe this was what Bingley had meant.
"Hello, Mr. Bingley, we came to examine your guest. This must be the patient's brother. Nice to meet you, Mr. Darcy, my name is Fass".
Darcy looked to Bingley, intrigued. The doctor was very unusual. He saw Charles trying to hide a smirk but tried to remain unaffected.
"Thank you, doctor, you came rather quickly! My sister is upstairs. . ."
"Oh, I am sorry, Mr. Darcy, I think you mistook me for someone else. I am not the doctor…"
"You are an assistant? Where is the good Doctor then?" Bingley couldn't stop the laughter from coming out, he had no idea of how his friend would react to the revelation of the doctor´s identity, but he was eager to find out.
"I am."
Darcy had his back to the front door and never saw the young woman enter. He frowned; it could not be a woman's voice could it? Slowly he turned to face the speaker, never expecting the vision in front of him. She was tall with long brown hair hanging loosely. He could not name the hair style she was wearing. It seemed like a plait or something his sister would use for sleep but not quite that. It was tied behind her neck, but in loose brown waves. He'd never seen anything like it before. Her clothes were extremely improper as well, she was wearing trousers! Trousers that seemed to be made of black leather. She was also wearing a strange overcoat. But, her eyes were her most arresting feature. They were a beautiful shade of green, very expressive.
"I see I have rendered you speechless, Mr. Darcy, but fear not, it is very common. Let me introduce myself, my name is Elizabeth Bennet and I am Meryton's current doctor." She bowed with what seemed to be a wicked smile on her face.
Truth be told, Lizzy loved the shock on people's face when she introduced herself. She was beyond happy about what happened with the outcome of her journey. When she had agreed to participate in that crazy project, all she expected was to see space, maybe gather important information about relativity, and die in a black hole. Never, even in her wildest dreams, had she thought she would find another earth. . .
The crew was extremely excited when the journey date was set. It was almost ten years from the discovery of an odd event near Jupiter. About eighteen months later, it was accepted by the scientific society that the event was indeed a legend long speculated about but never discovered or proven, a wormhole. [1]
All the space agencies around the world decided to try a med expedition through the wormhole. The participants of this project were to be hand-picked among the foremost names in science. So it was that Lizzy was always a constant name among the project directors. Girl genius, professional programmer since the age of twelve, graduated from MIT studying pure Chemistry at sixteen, specialized in atomic interaction simulation using self-developed software. When she was eighteen, she decided to go for a degree in medicine and completed her studies in four years, while working on a side project.
To call Fass a side project is a gross understatement. Fass was a humanoid artificial intelligence program made to retain knowledge from all possible areas – engineering, physics, biology, chemistry, medicine, even music. When Lizzy presented her work at a science congress, everyone in the audience went mute. There it was, the future. Some said she created Skynet [2], others that this was Ultron [3]. She always said that Fass was kind, so they should compare him to Vision [3] then.
"Why does he look like Michael Fassbender [4]? I don't get it."
"Because I really like that movie, 'Prometheus!' [4] It is soooooooo underrated!"
"That was a shit movie!"
"Shut up, Paul! That was an amazing movie, ok. The element of surprise did get me you know." Lizzy had loved sci-fi and Comics movies since she was a toddler. For her, Barbie [5] dolls never did it, she went straight to playing with Captain America [3] and Thor [3] toys. She was seven, and already loved the movie, '2001'. [6] Lizzy was a true geek.
"How could you not know that' Prometheus' was the beginning for 'Alien' [7], I will never understand. I always thought you were a nerd…"
"I was at med school at the time…"
"Oh yes, med school. . .Dark times. . ."
Lizzy chuckled "I am here, and alive… and I have Fass!"
" I love you, Lizzy, you are amazing…" Paul couldn't help but to be amazed, he always knew Lizzy was different, she was going to change the world.
Lizzy and Paul had become friends in the Chemistry grad classes. She was like his little sister. So young to be at a university, he had to protect her and help her grow. He always saw the great potential that Lizzy had. He would never be even close of what she would become, but he couldn't care less about that. Just being able to watch her, and learn from her was a blessing in itself.
With her unquestionable qualifications, Lizzy was the first one invited for the journey crew. When she was notified, she almost screamed. That was a dream coming to life. There was no way she would not be part of that. From the moment that the project was announced, Lizzy had considered traveling to Houston just to beg for any position available.
Elizabeth Bennet and the 4 others crew members were presented to the media at May, 4th. [8] The joke was not missed by anyone.
(A/N) This was a small beginning, I will try to update weekly if my current job and MBA studies allow.
[1] The wormhole concept is inspired by the movie, 'Interstellar', from 2014.
[2] Skynet is a reference from 'Terminator'.
[3] Ultron, Vison, Captain America and Thor are characters from Marvel Universe.
[4] 'Prometheus' is a Ridley Scott movie from 2012. Michael Fassbender plays David.
[5] Barbie is a Mattel doll typically played with by young girls
[6] 2001 refers to the classic movie 2001 – A Space Odyssey.
[7] 'Alien' as in the classic movie from the same Ridley Scott.
[8] The date May, 4th is celebrated as the Star Wars Day, because of sonority similarity with a largely used phrase at the movies: "May the force be with you."
I am not really comfortable with those references being or not considered copyright infringements. Although some things can be changed (like Fass' name), I cannot pretend that Interstellar was not an inspiration for this story. So let me know if there is something wrong about all of this so I can make the proper changes. I'm just a baby in the Fanfiction world after all.