"Wait!" Ruby cried out as she ran toward her look-alike. Ruby's lookalike turned to face her Mii counterpart, their hand poised over the "Yes" button. Ruby had figured that this was going to happen since her lookalike's transition, but at the same time, she still couldn't believe that he was going to sacrifice his island.

"Do you really want to delete your save data?" Ruby asked.

Her lookalike said nothing, slamming down on the "Yes" button without hesitation.

Ruby felt cold metal pressing against her right leg. She looked down, and saw that a chain had wrapped itself around her limb, a cuff around her ankle.

"Are you sure about this?" Ruby dragged her leg behind her. This was preposterous! Surely there was some alternative to deleting all of his Miis!

Ruby's lookalike pressed the button once more, and Ruby felt a second chain ensnare her other leg.

"Please!" Ruby could feel hot tears pouring down her cheeks. She couldn't remember the last time her lookalike had made that happen. "Don't delete us! Don't... delete... me..."

"I'm sorry..." said Ruby's lookalike.

That button was slammed again. A third chain immobilized Ruby's left arm. Ruby thought she saw a tear in her lookalike's blue eyes as he entered in the name of his new island.

"But I'm not Ruby anymore."

"Nooo!" Ruby crude as the button was slammed.

The final chain snagged Ruby's right arm. Whatever physical pain Ruby felt as she was dragged away from her lookalike was nothing compared to the emotional pain that she felt when looking into her lookalike's eyes.

"I hope we can meet again someday..."