Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or shingeki no kyojin/attack on Titan or the day after tomorrow
Beta: symmetricalGirl8DeathTheKid
AN: I was reading a normal akatsuki kittens story and I thought to myself 'why only the akatsuki?'
Chapter 1
Amaryllis's life after the war wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either.
Her renewed title as the savior of the Wizarding world had led her to a life she couldn't completely regret. While she adored her family and friends there many things she could have done without. Rita Skeeter and adoring fans being one of them.
The letters they sent were starting to become disturbing as the more obsessive ones made themselves known. Public places such as Diagon ally was near impossible to visit without some serious help from her friends and planning. Most often, the solution typically led to using poly juice along with her friends, but even then THEY had their own smaller fan problems.
Thinking on her feet, Hermione had taken one look at Bill before demanding for him to help set up stronger wards in her new home; number 12 Grimauld Place.
After the Hogwarts battle the media exploded, magazines claiming her as the most desirable witch, and newspapers sending out little sparks when they were opened. Personally she had found the effect quite funny since some eyebrows or hair from those who bought the newspapers were singed. Though Rita Skeeter and the Daily Prophet made her blood boil in anger. It was in the following articles when Rita claimed to know that she was always telling the truth that her anger exploded. At the time, she was having breakfast with the last of the Weasley family and had ended up breaking a few plates much to her embarrassment.
Yet the Daily Prophet itself got her angry for another reason entirely. They sent reporter after reporter to family and friends homes to get information on them and her. They pushed and shoved themselves into their lives asking rude and inappropriate questions. Some of the reporters once inquired about her romantic life and how many boys she'd been with in a had sent her ranting to Hermione and Ron one Sunday evening. The inquiry alone caused her mail to be flooded more than usual with new people offering her marriage proposals even if she wasn't pure.
The audacity!
Thankfully, after that Bill and the others had managed to pit another ward to reject all the unwanted fan mail.
Luna had rightfully put them in their places in the newly released Quibbler. Not many people outside of Hogwarts staff and students bought it at first but they still quickly learnt of the scolding she was giving them. Most of the people who fought had even felt offended on her behalf.
"Amaryllis! Hurry up!"
Shaking her head and coming back to the present she yelled back, "Coming!" Staring at the vial in hand, she popped it open without a second thought and downed the poly juice down in one, feeling her hair change to a fiery red while her body adjusted accordingly as she came down the stairs.
"How do I look 'Mione?"
Hermione sighed in exasperation at her. "Like our favorite fiery red head. Now come on!" She grabbed her robe and dragged her to the fireplace before letting go and grabbing some floo powder. "Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes!" She shouted, only to be gone the next in a puff of smoke.
Adjusting the robe, Amaryllis grabbed some floo powder and followed after her impatient friend. "Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes!"
Tripping on arrival, she staggered out of the fireplace and coughed, yelling for Hermione. "M-Mione!" She was immediately grateful when hands caught her before the momentum from her trip could carry her forward.
"Have a nice trip?"
Looking up she saw the mischievous eyes of her 'older brother' George. Giving him an annoyed look she replied, "Hardly. Let me up before I hex you!"
Complying, he let her up before asking, "Up to any mischief my ladies? Anything I can help with?"
Slapping his shoulder lightly she pointed her hand at Hermione. "She thought I should try to visit Diagone ally to get some fresh air."
He developed a mock serious face. "Really? Those are some dangerous waters."
"I know, but she still dragged me out."
With an angry face Hermione grabbed her robe again and began to drag her out of the shop before she could say otherwise. "We're going now George, we'll be back before the hour is up!"
He saluted them goodbye before probably going to see the costumers.
"Let's go to Flourish and Bots! I heard they got a new batch of books."
And they continued on with her being dragged to every shop Hermione could fit within the one hour time slot.
'I wish Ron were here to suffer with me.' From what she understood, Ron had managed to escape by saying that she never had any girl time anymore. Amaryllis snorted at the thought. She wasn't the one to go shopping for robes, books, and whatever 'Mione had wanted to do since they were usually boring.
'I'll drag Ron with me next time if this ever happens again.'
Distracted by her thoughts, Amaryllis didn't notice she was in the Magical Menagerie until she bumped into the back of Hermione with her mouth open mid-yelp, sucking in a handful of her hair into her mouth.
"Ow! Phht! Phht! G-Gah! Why'd you stop!?"
Having pulled the hair away from her mouth 'Mione glaring at her and said, "I need to get Crookshanks a companion. Why don't you go look around while I talk to the lady at the register? Go on! Shoo!"
After being pushed into a random direction, Amaryllis came face to face with the toad section of the store and made a face. "The only toad I ever want to see is Trevor and even then not too much of him."
Walking around she passed by the baby Pygmy puffs and quietly snorted. 'I can get one for free with George.'
She saw a bat, a giant orange snail leaving a literal blazing trail, a bejewelled shelled crab that pointed its rear end at her and literally fired one, causing her to stare in disbelief. Continuing on she spotted a niffler and gave a nostalgic smile. 'I remember how the twins told me when Lee snuck one into that toads office.' Knowing that the niffler would destroy the toads room caused her to smile that entire day.
At the last section were cages full of cats. She had simply planned to pass them by until she spotted a medium sized cage in the corner of the floor. Curious, she walked to it and kneeled to see three kittens and three cats together. The only female kitten had black fur with a little red ring of tuft around her neck and sat calmly next to the other two staring at her. While another kitten also had black fur it was clearly male and had bright teal green eyes and was currently hissing at her slightly as the little yellow one stood behind him.
Giving them an amused smile she examined the adults next, only for her eyes to widen as she saw the brown female cat chewing at the bars before backing away and playing innocent. A marauder grin appeared on her face as she whispered, "Oh, you're good! I like you already."
Standing next to the brown cat was a little black one with small streaks of grey who swatted his paw at the girl. He looked like a grump and she promptly called him one. "Oh you're a grumpy one aren't you? Hitting a poor innocent lady for nothing! How rude!"
If cats could glare she was sure the grump would be doing so with it's little grey eyes. Seeing a yellow paw move she looked to see the yellow cat rubbing it's head in pain, causing her to pity him. "Ah, poor you. Dealing with a little grump and cluster of hellions."
Before anymore could be said Hermione came up behind her, "Honestly I thought you would be staring at the other creatures here. You've never shown interest in cats before."
Giving her a sheepish smile she tucked a strand hair behind her ear. "I would have skipped the cats section if I didn't see them. They're...much more interesting to watch than a flaming crab or snail."
'Mione snorted, "Of course they are! Did you kn-"
A soft clearing of the throat interrupted Hermione of her mini lecture. "Do you plan on buying them?"
Hermione asked, "Them? As in buying them all together? Why is that?"
The lady sighed, "I admit they cause a bit of trouble if you try to buy only one of them."
Looking at the little group she looked at her friend for help. "What do you think? I don't want to buy them only to end up neglecting them."
She got swatted in the head for an answer, "You stay inside more than outside and you have Kreature to help you. If you're afraid of neglecting them there's some charms that I can teach you that I use for Crookshanks."
Feeling slightly less worried she looked at the cats before giving in, "Alright, I'll buy them. But you need to tell me what I need to get for them 'Mione."
Nodding acceptance they continued to buy everything necessary for them before leaving the store.
Putting everything away Amaryllis carried the cage with her pets inside after casting a lightening charm.
"Hey 'Mione...do you think we have time for..."
"For wha...oh. Let me see."
Casting a temperus she pursed her lips. "If we start moving now we should be inside just as it wears off, but we already said we'd be at George's before then-" She suddenly snapped her fingers, "Why don't you go on ahead and I'll tell George? I'll catch up with you there?"
Giving her a grateful smile she hugged her best friend, "Thank you! just look for Mcgonagall and I'll be there."
Looking down the cats seemed to be oddly quiet in the cage but merely shrugged it off as it being a cat thing and started walking towards Hogwarts with a happy step. Just as she came to the view of the nearly complete rebuilt castle she admired it in awe before looking down at her cats. "Welcome to Hogwarts of witchcraft and wizardry. Isn't she beautiful?"
The cats looked at her as if she were crazy but she paid them no mind, walking passed the gates entrance and into the castle itself where she felt enveloped by the castles magic. Humming, she automatically walked towards the moving portraits, not noticing that her cats were inwardly panicking.
"Excuse me, do you know where pro-headmistress Mcgonagall is? I believe I owe her a visit that's long overdue."
The portrait of a knight bowed to her, "She is in her office filling out paperwork. Would you like me to inform her of your arrival my lady?"
"Could you please tell her I'll be up there soon?"
The knight bowed his head again, "Of course. Have a good day my lady."
She nodded her head, "Thank you, and you as well sir knight."
With that they both departed up to the office.
Letting her mind drift, Amaryllis walked up the steps and before she knew it she was already in front of the gargoyle, watching as it moved to the side and revealed Mcgonagall.
"Miss Weasley? Did I not just see you last Sunday?"
Before she could open her mouth the potion decided to become undone and revealed her true self as she quickly put on her glasses. "I-I'm sorry pro-headmistress, but I-" air left her lungs as she was suddenly hugged, the grip on the cage nearly loosening.
"Oh Amaryllis my dear! You gave me a scare! Come in. Come in."
From there they went up to the office and chatted about the rebuilding of Hogwarts and how they planned to reopen in time for the new students while having most of the older ones repeat nearly all of the same year again. They talked about Teddy and how it was better for him to stay with Andromeda with her coming over to help raise him occasionally when she needed someone to babysit. Mcgonagall even commented about her buying the cats and replied that Hermione had told her to since she was always alone in the house.
And as if summoned, Hermione came in and smiled sheepishly at Mcgonagall. "Sorry for taking so long but I thought you might want to see this." She said wearily, pulling out todays Daily Prophet newspaper which immediately caused them both to sigh before taking and reading it.
Amaryllis stared blankly at the bold title, quirking a brow in confusion. "What in Merlin's-"
"Language Miss Potter! Now let me see it."
Handing it over to Mcgonagall she looked at Hermione to confirm what she had just read, but the look on her friend's face said it all. Pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance she sighed heavily. "They are becoming a real problem 'Mione. If they take it any father I'll have to talk to Shacklebolt about it."
They both sighed together. "Well, you'll always have your friends and family Amaryllis, never forget that." She reassured her, grabbing her friends free hand as Amaryllis smiled tiredly.
"I know that," she looked out the window in a daze. "...I think I better return home now. I still have to get the cats settled in."
Quickly saying her goodbyes she grabbed floo powder, "Number 12 Grimauld place." And disappeared with the worried eyes of her friends watching her back.
AN: I had planned to read the manga for snk but a few volumes in only and a few details here and there the anime doesn't really seem to deviat from the manga. So I've decided not to read it since if I did I'd have to read it online with slow wifi. So why bother?
As for pairings I'm a bit undecided. I mean before I was opened to it being Levi x amaryllis x Erwin (still am) but then I thought 'maybe that's bit to much'. While i read alllll of Erwin's snk wiki page (on Levi's now) I still have a bit trouble grasping their characters and would love to have someone who can explain it better. Who is also able to dumb down their answer cause I can be a bit slow. So if you can, PM please? I really want to understand their characters better before I get to far in writing.