Gotta love Freed! :)
Chap 1
"Laxus Laxus answer the damn lacrima Laxus" yelled Makarov in his communications lacrima.
"Ugh what do you want old man" whined Laxus tiredly. As he removed his communications Lacrima from the duffle bag over his full well that Makarov couldn't here him yet, thankfully. If he had Laxus probably would've got a glare so strong he would've coward in fear right there.
"What" Laxus repeated having gotten the lacrima stable.
"The point in making everyone take lacrimas on their missions especially solo ones is for safety you idiot and emergencies".
"What's the point if you don't use the damn thing". Shouted a very irritated Makarov.
"Whatever what did you want gramps".mumbles a bored Laxus
"Are you on your way back yet" asked Makarov.
"Yeah why"? asked Laxus.
"Because I have a important announcement" answered Makarov "and I want the whole guild there".
"You and Juvia are the only two currently not at the guild". "So can you stop by her apartment and relay this message to her please"? Asked Makarov in a some what annoyed tone that was actually not saying will you but actually saying I'm telling you.
"Fine whatever" replied Laxus after a moments hesitation.
"Oi Juvia" yelled Laxus as he knocked on her door.
"Hurry up I want to get back to the guild as quick as possible it's nearly time for Freed to get back with the ranjinshu" thought laxus. unconsciously hitting the door with more force at the simple thought of his green haired friend.
Crack! At the sound of splintered wood. Laxus returned to the world of the living. Cringing at the state Juvias door was in not only that but through the newly formed peep whole Laxus saw Juvia standing wide eyed and nearly ready to topple over at the sight of her poor door .
One minute she's humming her favorite song and sewing gray plushies, and the next Laxus is yelling for her to open the door. Then boom before she can get the door open he makes a fist size whole through it. Now she needs to buy a new door.
"Y-yes laxus" asked Juvia hesitantly after regaing some of her composer.
"Would you like to come in " asked Juvia. "U-uh sure" answered Laxus careful to not leave another whole in the already defeated enemy.
As soon as Laxus entered Juvias small looking apartment( looking small because of all the gray plushies she had made)he came face to face with a medium size gray plushies that was so life like Laxus poked it almost expecting a punch in return.
"Whoa did you make these "asked Laxus.
"Yes I did" states Juvia also excited that someone actually found her plushies as amazing as she does.
Juvia just stares at Laxus as he stares at her for a whole minute.
"Um hey Juvia can you make m-me one". Asked Laxus .
"Of course Juvia would be happy too" replies Juvia overly excited at the prospect of Someone appreciating her talent so much to ask her to use it for their benefit.