I am a ghost. No, literally! I died in the 1940's because of a terrible fire in the apartment I used to live in. I died when I was only 5 years old. Yup. But the judges of the Underworld took pity on me, and gave me a 'gift'. They let me age until I wanted to stop. I decided to never stop aging. I will keep on aging, until I started to get to, like, 30 years old or something. Right now, I look like a 12 year old.

Anyway, when I was walking around the Underworld, I felt someone summoning me. I elevated upwards, and I felt myself becoming solidified as I go upward. Armor attached to me, and weapons from all directions came flying towards me. But somehow, I knew not to be afraid of these flying weapons. I had the weapons in hand or stored away, and I knew all the ways to use these weapons. When I finally reached the surface, the light of the sun blinded me, from not seeing the sun in ages. But the first thing I said was, "Is this Italy?" The zombie/ghost next to me looked at me funny, as if I was stupid or something.

Suddenly, I heard a chilling masculine voice saying, "HOLD YOUR GROUND! The dead are no match for us." Well. Now I'm offended. Whoever said that will pay his consequences. Somehow, I knew that whoever said that was the enemy... An ancient enemy. That's good. Cause I want to kick his ancient butt!

The sky suddenly darkened and the shadows thickened. A harsh war horn was sounded somewhere in the distance and the dead formed themselves according to their ranks with their weapons ready. Then, an enormous chariot carrying Lord Hades, basically radiating death, roared down the road. It stopped in front of… Master Nico…

Suddenly, my (undead) heart stopped. This was the boy that I had a crush on before I died. I could tell he was only 12 years old, but how? When I had a crush on him- that was when I was 5- he was 5 as well.
Master Nico was the son of Maria di Angelo. She was a kind-hearted woman who has helped me before. Nico and I have spoke, and in the short time I've known him- because I moved in a couple months before I died- he and I were pretty close friends. Not best friends, but we were close friends. I remember how Bianca would relentlessly tease us. Little did she know, I liked her brother.
One day, I gathered up enough courage to tell him I like him. But just as I was about to turn the corner, the building caught on fire, basically burning me to a crispy human delight.
He should have died too… Unless he was spared. Of course! A man was there, and Maria and him seemed pretty much in love. That must have been Lord Hades! Wow… The Lord Hades as a protective, caring father.

But the thing is… Master Nico will never know I liked him.