Chapter 1: The First Attempt

The sounds of the old generator filled the air of the rotting pizzeria, breaking the silence of the building. Faded posters, the scent of stale pizza and blood, the appearance of mold on the top of the walls all added to the sad environment, though nothing was more pitiful than the highly advanced androids who still remained within the building.

As the clocks chimed at midnight, all three androids on the main stage seemed to relax, no signs of a night guard to be seen. A night without a guard were the most peaceful within Fazbear's Pizzeria, the spirits that roamed the halls now hidden away without a purpose. The lost children were by far the deadliest presence inside the rotting building, all enraged from their painful deaths with no hope of ever finding out who or what started the horrible chain of events that lead them here.

Freddy Fazbear stood in his usual spot on the once grand stage in the front of the party room, carefully looking over each empty seat of the broken down chairs where the children once sat as Bonnie stood to his right and Chica to his left. It was a habit the android kept, despite how useless it really was. Comforting, but still useless. Freddy was the shortest android of the three on stage, with a clean dress shirt and pants, also having a round body that a child had once described as a "marshmallow". The memory brought a smile to the old bear's face as he remembered taking pride in such a title, finding it fitting for his chubby body.

"Thank fuck." Was the first words to be muttered tonight, which so happened to come from the blonde woman beside the bear android. She was only a bit taller than Freddy, though her body was just as heavy. "I thought for sure we were gonna have to hear the spoiled brat tonight." Chica frowned, running a hand through her wavy blonde hair to fluff out her long pale yellow feathers.

Chica was, of course, referring to Golden Freddy. The golden haired boy was once a loving child sized android that also had the same bear ears and tail as his dear Uncle Freddy, but an error in his systems had caused Goldie to shut down. Currently, the lost children would possess the tiny bear in such a way that every bot there found to be intimidating.

"I suppose so…" Freddy responded as his bright blue eyes scanned the empty party room once more before they focused on the pitiful sight of the Pirate's cove. Oh, how it enraged him to see something once so grand turned into a wasted pile of rotting trash. "Are you heading back to the kitchen tonight?" That would be a safe question for the time being. It was never a good idea for someone as loud as Chica to catch on to Freddy's intentions.

"Yeah. Not like I've got better shit to do." The woman shrugged as she turned her attention over to the last figure on the stage. There stood Bonnie, whose lean body made it impossible to tell the rabbit's gender. Their curly purple hair was pulled back into a bun, sitting just behind their long violet ears, and their suit well-kept despite the filthy surroundings. Chica grinned as she finally looked back towards Freddy, her magenta eyes seeming to glow with a mischievous look. "Bon Bon over there can help me with the damn pizzas!"

Whatever the rabbit's reaction was, Freddy paid no attention to it. Instead, the short android carefully stepped off stage. Behind him the bear heard the quick steps of Chica, probably grabbing Bonnie and pulling them towards the kitchen, Bonnie's surprised yells adding to the soft noises already in the air. Normally it was Freddy's job to keep all of the androids in line, mostly Chica and her destructive behavior when it came to the decaying kitchen, but tonight there was a more urgent issue he wanted to solve.

"Chica! Would you at least let me walk the-, PLEASE PUT ME DOWN! I CAN CLEARLY STAND ON MY OWN!" Bonnie's voice faded as, Freddy assumed, Chica had once again picked up the purple haired rabbit and carried them off. The loud sounds of the kitchen door being slammed open and the awful screeching of the rusted hinges as the doors closed once more was all the confirmation Freddy needed as he made his way to the smaller stage in the far corner of the room.

A broken down sign with the words "Out of Order" hung in front of the Pirate's Cove. In the glory days, this stage once was the home of the Infamous Captain Foxy, another highly advanced android who was once the real star of the shows. The pirate fox had once swept in children with games of pretend and improve sword fights with Freddy, who was the namesake of the company itself. Back then, the small stage had been spotless. Now the starred purple curtains were torn and a layer of dust covered every inch of the Pirate's Cove. It was a miserable sight indeed, which only added to the painful existence of the other areas of the pizzeria. Despite the fact that Freddy could hardly stand the wild behavior the fox once had, or the way that damned pirate could attract the biggest crowds the business had ever seen, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Foxy. After all, the only reason the Cove had fallen to such a dismal state was because a certain golden bear decided to personally "punish" Foxy for an unknown reason.

Freddy slowly climbed onto the broken down stage, only taking a brief moment to collect his words before he opened up the heavy purple curtains and looked inside the dark area. The Cove itself had never been too impressive, only holding a small wooden treasure chest and a painted backdrop of an ocean scenery with a pirate ship in the distance. The only thing that had really made this place so memorable was, again, Foxy's energetic performances. In the very back of this dark stage sat a figure that was hard to make out, even with Freddy's keen eyes.

"Foxy?" The bear hesitated, watching the figure carefully for any sign of movement. "May I come in?"

The figure slowly turned around, the dim glow of one yellow eye now serving as the only light source. Even though it was nice to see Foxy still functioning, it was unsettling for the bear to see the pirate slowly get up and move closer towards him. Foxy was unpredictable at best, his speed serving to be his best weapon against any night guard who had the misfortune of working in this pizzeria.

"Aye, but ye best b' makin' it short, Fazbear." The fox's voice had a gravely tone compared to Freddy's melodic voice. To emphasize his point, the pirate held up his right arm to the faint light, showing off his hooked hand. Freddy dismissed this mild threat, pulling open the curtains to get a better look at his former coworker.

"I suppose that's fair. I'll keep things simple." Freddy responded, finally able to get a clear view of the fox android after ten years of being out of business. Foxy stood about a foot taller than Freddy and had long, wild red hair pulled back into a sloppy ponytail. The pirate had a tanned complexion with his skin also notched with several scars, the most noticeable being the large rip in his chest that showed off his rusted endoskeleton, which was a striking contrast to Freddy's smooth, darker skin and neat appearance. Even their outfits had a major distinction; Freddy being dressed in business casual attire, while Foxy was wearing a torn up blouse that no longer buttoned up and ripped brown pants that showed his metal legs which lacked the artificial skin needed to protect such sensitive equipment.

Foxy frowned at the bright lights of the party room now shining in his left eye, his right having the fortune of being shielded by an old eyepatch. The pirate wasn't exactly keen on having any visitors, which was obvious by the way the fox hunched over as if he was ready to pounce onto the shorter android in front of him. When the pirate didn't speak, Freddy cleared his throat and began to speak.

"I'm sure by now you've noticed some changes with our Night Guards. They're becoming more and more aware of our tricks and seem to be in a much better quality than the ones we've had before." The bear began, adjusting his black bowtie as he looked up at Foxy's exposed eye. "There's a reason for that, or at least, that's what I've heard from the humans who try to clean our… messes."

"So we b' gettin' a few guards wiff a brain. Tis' nothin' too out o' place." Foxy rolled his eyes, growing agitated that the bear would come into his cove for mere gossip.

"But have you seen the expressions of those humans?" Freddy asked, lowering his voice. "They seem to enjoy being hunted, as if it's in their programming."

"Oi' ain't seein' yer point."

Freddy frowned as he glared at the fox, the fur on his short ears fluffing out in his annoyance. "The morning humans say that we're reopening, that these guards are mere tests for something for a new show." When the shorter android was met with silence once more, a low growl started to form in his throat. "Which means, you and I will be working together again. The sword fights, the songs, the games… We'll have to get along in order to put on a convincing show for the children!"

"Oi'll put on a show fer the kids, but Oi refuse t' do anythin' wiff a back-stabbin', mutinous, landlubber!" The thoughts of being back in the stage lights did little to calm the fox, his rage over their previous experiences causing him to raise his voice and take a large step towards Freddy. "Ye come in 'ere, tellin' me t' fer'get what 'appened?! Ye only b' wantin' t' save yer own arse, ye are!" The fox's accusing tone was reinforced as he pushed the curved edge of his hook to the bear's chest, pushing Freddy backwards little by little.

Freddy was usually able to put up with many annoyances as he was built to entertain children, but he drew the line whenever he felt as if someone had either disrespected him or questioned his authority. The shorter android grabbed Foxy's arm tightly, his fingers curling tightly underneath the base of the pirate's hooked hand. With little effort, Freddy pulled Foxy close, forcing him to his knees.

"Listen here, fox." The bear's gaze was cold as his grip tightened even further, the metal of Foxy's arm starting to creak under the pressure. "What you think of me means nothing. I have a business I need to keep afloat and if you refuse to be a part of the solution, you'll be sprinting off to the scrap heap faster than your little dash for the guards."

"Keep afloat? Ha!" The pirate laughed, though his voice was strained as he focused his energy on hiding his pain from such the tight grip. "We b' sinkin' fast, Fazbear! Wiff ye at the helm, we never been able t' sail at all!"

Freddy grinded his teeth, wanting to snap off the fox's arm. For a moment, he considered it greatly, his fingers digging into Foxy's skin.

"…I see you're still upset. I'll be on my way for the time being." The smaller android finally responded, letting go of the pirate. "But our little conversation is far from over." With that, Freddy turned and walked out of the destroyed cove, trying to force himself to calm down after once again seeing the fox's unbearable attitude.

Once again the pizzeria fell silent, aside from the scrapping sound of the heavy curtains closing and the soft creak of the rusted kitchen door. To a human this may have been an unsettling atmosphere but, to the android, it was a great environment for someone to get over such a pointless argument. The short bear stormed off towards the back hallway and towards the guard's office, barely paying any mind to the distorted poster of himself hung on the wall.