The Auction

By KyKathy101

When Christian attend a yearly auction for new submissives; he discover not only a new submissive, but the love of his life. However, another man want his submissive and he will do anything to get her including destroying Christian and Anastasia's relationship.

Rated: Fiction M-English-Romance/Drama Christian G, Anastasia S.

Chapter One

When Christian driver, Taylor, pulled up at a non-descript warehouse building on the outskirt of New York City, he look tired but anxious. It been several months since he had a submissive. His last submissive, Elisabeth, was let go when she tried to drug him so she could have unprotected sex with him so she could get pregnant. Lucky, the security camera caught her spiking his wine. She ran out of the apartment and disappear.

Now he here looking for a new submissive. In the world of BSDM, this Auction was talk about among the riches members. In his research, he was told several virgins was up for sale. Virgins? This is new. Most of the submissive had several years of experience but having virgins up for sale is new.

"Taylor, I will text you when I ready to leave. Go head and have dinner." Christian said as he look at his phone.

"Have nice evening, Mr. Grey" Taylor said as he close the back door of the Audi. He climb into the front seat and drive away.

Christian knock on a steel door and was ask for his name and password.

"C. Grey- Seahawks" Christian said. Then he pass a card through a slot in the door.

The door open and large man ran a metal wand over Christian's body.

"You can come in now." a man said.

Christian walk into a warehouse. The owner of the building and host of the Auction held his hand out.

"Christian, welcome back. It been a long time since you been here" a man said laughing.

"Hello, Marcus. I see you have not change. Did you get my reply? I been looking for this auction. I heard that you have several virgins up for auction this year. I curious how you got hold of virgins." Christian said shaking the man hand.

"Awe Christian, you know I never tell my secrets. I can tell you I have several special girls who can make you dream come true. Come have a drink.

The Auction will take place soon." Marcus said leading Christian in a the lounge.

Several men Christian knew through BSDM clubs was standing around drinking their drinks.

"Christian, I heard you might be here but I thought no way ." said a blonde good looking man .

"Scott, hello. Yes, I thought since I was going to be in New York, I would attend to see the new crop of submissive. I see Mark Bergman and Bradley Cross here. Damn, how many bidders are here tonight?' Christian said drinking his bourbon.

"I think over 40 bidders. Quite bit of international bidders are here. Rumors had that Marcus acquire several beautiful virgins. I came here just to see the rumors are true.'

Scott said looking into his empty glass. A waiter came by and gave him a new drink.

Both men was talking when Christian saw a man he never want to see again.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Christian spit out loudly.

Chapter 2

The man Christian was staring at was Liam McAlister. McAlister was a self made billionaire but nobody know how he made his money. However, that not what made Christian hate him. It the way McAlister treats his submissives. Rumors had that he like to severely beat them with whips and canes.

"I thought he was on trial for murdering his last submissive." Christian asked staring at the man.

"Got the case dismiss. No body, no crime. They could not find the body. Her family and friends know he did it but can't prove it. You know McAlister. All he has to do is smile his pretty smile and start charming the officers and bam the case dismiss. Last word was she got into a silver car and disappear two years ago. Her checking account is still the same, her phone is still active. One day she was there, next day she is gone. Police think that McAlister was tipped off that she was going to file rape and battery charges against him.

Do you know how he made his money?" Scott said quizzing.

"No. I had my team investigate him. They came up with nothing but shell corporations.

I never like the guy. Too slime and greedy for my taste. I feel sorry for who ever he get.

Does Marcus know he was on trial?" Christian said.

"Yes he know. I heard Liam paid him $ 2 million dollars to attend tonight auction.

I know Marcus is greedy but willing to risk young girl life in his hands scare me"

Scott say staring at McAlister.

Suddenly, the light dim. Marcus came into the lounge.

"Gentlemen, good evening. Welcome to the yearly Auction for Dom/Submissive. Please go into the main room and into your cubicle. You will see a list of submissive up for auction. When the auction start, you can enter a bid by typing in the amount you wish to paid. Remember all sale are final. You must paid before you leave. Bank transfer only.

Good luck." Marcus said as he open the door to the main warehouse.

Christian went to assign cubicle and open the folder to start reading the submissive reports

He saw some that made his stomach turn. Some that look interesting; however, one report caught his attention.

A young girl, 22 year old, recent college graduate from Washington State.

What got his attention was the category of sexual experience was mark as virgin.

Damn! He had to see what she look like.

The Auction start out boring. Most of the submissives was girls he saw before in BSDM club in Seattle and New York City. Then the highlight of the evening was the auction of the "Virgins" submissive.

"Gentlemen, the highlight of the evening is the auction of three virgins. Each girl have been confirm as virgin. They are new, so take that in mind.

Our first girl, Susan, is 21 year old, 5 ft 6 inches tall weigh 105 pounds, blonde hair and blues eyes recently graduate from Columbia University. She is in good health, no drug problem, beautiful, educate and will fit into any social occasion. She is beautiful. So let start tar bidding at $25000. Several light lit up and bid start coming in fast. In the end, Susan went for $200,000.

Our second girl is Julie. Julie is a talented cello player. She has a master degree in music appreciation and been playing professional in several orchestras. She is 5 feet 7 inches. Weigh 115 pounds, auburn hair and hazel eyes. She is in excellent health, no drug, no smoking habit, very fit and make a pretty arm candy for those who need someone for special occasions. Let start the bidding at $15000. Several bids came in and last for 15 minutes. Julie was sold for $175,000.

"Finally, Gentlemen, our last and best auction of the night. Here is Stasia. She is a blue eye bomb shell. Stasia is 22 year old, 5 ft 5 inches tall, weigh 110 pounds. She has beautiful porcelain skin, thick mahogany hair, luscious re lips and the powder blue eyes.

She is recently college graduate with degree in English Literature. She is true perfection.

So let get the bidding start at" Marcus said but before he state the open bid one light buzz and a bid for one million was announce.

"Well know, we got our first bid for $1million dollars, do I heard $2 million dollars"

Marcus said hopefully.

"$2 million' said McAlister buzzing his light.

"$3 million dollars" said Christian.

"$3.5 million dollars said McAlister said loudly. The room went quiet.

"Gentlemen, watch your tone. You don't want to scare our beautiful girl. Now the bid is $3.5 million. Do I hear $4 million?" Marcus said.

"$5 million dollars" Christian said looking at Stasia. She was smiling at him shyly, keeping her eye looking down at the floor. He like her looking at him. He want her.

"$5.5 million dollars" McAlister said staring at Stasia. She turn her eyes away from him to Christian begging him to bid again. He didn't like that. He want her to stare at him not Christian Grey. He will teach her that she belong to him and only him. He can see her tied down on his bed, whipping bench, shackle to the wall in his dungeon. Oh he has plan for Stasia.

"$ 7 million dollars" Christian said looking at Stasia.

"7.5 million" said McAlister angrily.

"Hell with this $10 million dollars." Christian said loudly. The room went quiet. Stasia whipped her head up staring at Christian. He looked into her eyes and smile.

"Is there any other bids?" Marcus said the crowd.

"Going once, going twice, sold to Mr. Christian Grey." Marcus said.

Chapter 3

Stasia was escort off the platform and back to the dressing room she start the night in.

She sat there in the small metal chair not knowing what to do. She was wearing a small bikini outfit. She was told to wear the sexy lingerie she had. Well she had nothing but cotton bra and panties. So she put on her tiniest bikini she had. $10 million dollars!

Oh my god! That mean after Marcus fee's and the house fee she was going to make over $8 million dollars. Enough to paid for Ray's surgery and paid for her student loans and maybe get her graduate degree in English Literature. But what is he not kind to her.

Marcus say I will get half of the money upfront and rest when the contract is done. But one year as he submissive. I have to do this to save Ray's life. He need to have several operations to remove the tumors from his body. Right now he doing okay. But soon the cancer will spread and those surgeries will cost a lot of money.

Two months ago…..

She still can not believe she overheard 2 women talking about it. She listened how each woman was a submissive and they was accept into the auction. When one woman left, Anastasia approach the woman and ask her about the auction. The woman, Niki, was a talker. She told Anastasia that she was a submissive in the world BSDM. That there was annual auction where very wealthy men from around the world come and bid on new submissive. She and her friend sent in an application to Marcus' club in New York City.

"So, Ana, have you been a submissive before?" Niki asked.

"No. I am looking to make some money to help my step father with his health care. What exactly do you do as a submissive?" Ana said looking at her fingers.

"Well, it depends on the dominant. Some dominants want a submissive for kinky sex. Some dominants want to punish while having sex. Like paddling, canning, hot wax, etc..

Then there are some that are real scary dominant. They like humiliations, torture while having sex. Those you have to watch for. So what kind of sex do you like? Spanking, handcuff, gagging, dirty talk or more." Niki asked.

"Well, I don't know." Ana said.

"Wait, are you a virgin?" Niki asked questionly.

"Yes" Ana said quietly.

"Well, I never. I know the owner of the Auction is looking for some virgins for the auction. He asked if we knew any. Damn. Look, I can tell you that this is a Auction for true Dominants. Many of these men are wealthy business men who want to find a submissive to release tension in their lives. I am not sure you quality for this Auction. Tell me, you not looking for true love because you will not find it here. I know you will earn big buck because you are a virgin but I am not sure you up for the task of taking of a man. Most men want oral sex constantly. Most want anal sex. Many have a sex room fill with whips, paddles, and toys. I have my limits. I don't do whips and canning. I can handle toys, paddles and spanking." Niki said while taking a sip of her iced coffee.

"I'm desperate. I need to make a lot of money quick. I think I can handle it." Ana said.

"Give me your contact information. I will make couple of calls and see what I can do. I am not promising anything." Niki said as she wrote down her contact information and handed to Ana.

"Thanks. Is there anything I can do to make myself more attractive to the owner." Ana said.

"Here is a salon that I go to get ready. I get the complete beauty package. It cost $300 dollars. You get waxed everywhere. You get nail/ pedicure, hair, eyebrows and make-up done. Ask for Corrine. She take care of you. When you get it done, send some pics and I will help you with the application. You are going to make a killing. Just go home and think Can I make man happy sexually. I forgot, most contract last 6 months to one year." Niki said as she got up to leave.

"Okay, I go get the make-over. I hope it worth it." Ana said.

"Wait until I called couple of people. I call you in day or so." Niki said.

"Okay, I will wait for your call. I have to work couple extra shifts at my jobs to pay for the beauty treatment." Ana said.

"How many jobs do you have?" Niki said as they walked out the coffee shop.

"I have 3 jobs. I baby sit a little girl, I clean home, and I work at a fast food fast." Ana said.

"Damn, that a lot of work. How are you still standing?" Niki said.

"I have to work to pay rent, food, etc. My stepfather was helping me until he got sick. So now I am working to help him. I really need this." Ana said.

"Okay, I try my best." Niki said as she got into her car. "Hey do you need a ride?

"No, I live right down the road. I walk." Ana said quietly.

"Okay. Bye" Niki said.

Ana walked down the street and into her small cramp one bedroom apartment. Damn, how the hell she got here. One year ago, she was a senior in college. She had a promising career in publishing. Her stepfather was well and working in his workshop.

Then it all fall apart. Her job as an assistant to editor at SIP was horrible. He constantly sexually harass her until she was force to quit her job because nobody believe her. With out a job she lost her great apartment and her car. Then she got a call from the hospital saying my stepfather was in hospital very sick. Now she was living in a shit hole apartment working 3 jobs just to get by. She need this Auction so she can make more of her life. She can do this. Hopeful the bidder won't be a horrible dominant.