Someway, somehow, Sebastian had managed to write up a report about the incident at Beacon. He didn't know how he did it but he did. He wasn't sure if he should be relieved, happy or worried for his career now. Maybe a mix of all three would be able to describe the bundle of emotion in his gut he was currently feeling. Throughout the report, as he described the events that happened in STEM, he reminded the person who would be reading it, even himself, that this was all in a madman's mind so it wasn't real. It was just a horrible nightmare that he was dragged into with Joseph and Kidman. He just hoped this would get him fired or worse, thrown into a mental hospital. Because that's what he needed right now. He was half tempted to just rip up his report and start over but honestly, the way he had it written on paper was the best way he could probably ever put it. Not wanting to risk sounding even crazier than he already was, he signed the papers to turn them in. Now all he had to do was wait for the consequences of doing so. He could feel that something bad was going to happen because of this, he didn't know how but he just knew. Something was stirring in the wind, he could just sense it.
Not wanting to think more on it, Sebastian entered his office again after dropping his paperwork off in the captain's office. There wasn't much to do now oddly enough. All the other officers seemed to be taking care of the cases that had come up while the raven was in STEM. He was hoping that there'd be something for him to dive in to once he finished up his loose ends from Beacon. It would seem that he was wrong. Fishing a cigarette from his carton on his desk, he snatched his lighter from the wooden surface to make his way outside. Technically, he wasn't supposed to smoke in his office but the captain let it slid sometimes. He only really smoked in his office whenever he was extremely stressed. Normally, he'd take his cancer stick outside as to not bother anyone. Some people didn't like the smell of burning tobacco and nicotine. It was an acquired taste it would seem. Or a learned addiction, however you wanted to look at it.
He was almost out of the department when he saw a white figure out of the corner of his eyes. Blinking, he turned to look, seeing a faded figure walking into the precinct, arm thrashing about like it was yelling at someone. Amber eyes couldn't advert themselves from the ghostly figure as it seemed to shout on and on about something. He then saw two men approach him to calm him down, or confront him. He couldn't tell honestly. But one of them was wearing a police hat, making him blinked a bit. Then he seemed to recall, some man before Beacon had come into the department demanding to speak to a detective or the captain to find his missing wife. He wouldn't calm down until the captain had spoken to him, Sebastian pointedly ignoring the man because he just wasn't going to try to explain that he was a detective himself. Joseph was one of the men that approached him, along with a colleague. But, that didn't make any sense. Why was he seeing a replay of what had happened before Beacon.
He felt someone place a hand on his shoulder, breaking his trance and causing the figures to disappear like vapor. Grunting as a sharp throb started to happen in his head, Sebastian moved his hand out to the nearest desk to brace himself. He just wasn't expecting the corner he placed his hand on to give way under his weight because papers weren't allowing him to get a grip on the desk's surface. Sheets with black ink scribbling on them flew to the ground, the raven following suit as the world tipped and his side met the floor painfully. He clutched the side of his head on the ground, eyes closed tightly to make the pain go away. What the hell was going on!?
Hands grabbed at him from all sides to help him up. Only, in his daze, he thought he was back in STEM for a moment so he thrashed about, refusing to let them help. "Don't you fucking touch me!" He snapped, stiffly picking himself up to round off on whatever monster creation Ruvik was sending his way. Only when he opened his eyes, all he saw were the familiar uniforms of the other officers. The pain slowly seeped away from his mind, leaving him uneasy and shaking once more. Rubbing his temple as he hissed, he tuned back into the noise that was happening around him, not realizing that his hearing had been replaced with muffled versions of what was being said. It was almost like he had cotton in his ears for a moment.
"Castellanos, you need to go to the hospital," his captain said to him, picking up the nearby office phone to call for an ambulance. Since it was within arm's reach of the detective, he easily reached over and pressed the hang up button so he couldn't make the call.
"I'm fine, just light headed is all," Sebastian tried to assure the older man, who seemed to be having none of it.
"Being light headed doesn't warrant snapping at the people trying to help you off the ground. I don't know what happened to you while you were in the mental hospital but if you have any sort of emotional trauma –"
"I said I'm fine. I'm just tired." Amber eyes made contact with mocha brown ones. The two had a stare off for a few moments before the captain let out a sigh.
"Damn it Sebastian. Fine." The older man pinched the bridge of his nose. "Go home then. And don't come in tomorrow. Take the time to rest and recover. Bradly, escort the detective to his apartment."
"I don't need a –"
"That's an order. If you refuse to go to the hospital, then you're going to have to live with an escort." With that, the older man walked away, leaving no room for arguments. With a frustrated sigh, the raven looked over to the officer that was supposed to take him home. Bradly was a skinny little fellow, just entered into the force two months ago actually. Fresh from the police academy. His dirty blonde hair was trimmed to academy standards, his face without a single hair on it from shaving so cleanly. His uniform was pressed and clean, showing that it was well taken care of. Yeah, he was definitely from the academy. The younger officer was standing beside him, waiting for him to leave the precinct. With a grumble, the detective moved to his office to grab his tan trench coat, slipping it on as he walked with Bradly to his police car.
"Let's go kid."
The blond dropped him off at his apartment building. He had offered to walk Sebastian to his room but the older had refused. He didn't need to baby sat like this, he was a grown man. So with the little pride he had left after having a mental lapse in front of his department, he walked himself up to his room. Since it was only about seven at night, he wasn't exactly tired enough to go to sleep yet. Wiggling the key into the lock to get it open, Sebastian walked down the familiar hallway, taking a chance to cast his eyes over the frames. His chest tightened a bit, his heart still aching with a dull pain that wouldn't go away. The only thing that blocked it out was whiskey it seemed. Placing his keys into the bowl that kept his keys, he slipped out of his trench coat. Sebastian then made his way to the kitchen for food and a drink. There wasn't much he could eat that wasn't growing hair or turning green. He'd have to clean out his fridge when he had time. With a sigh, he grabbed a beer from the line up and closed the door. Looks like he'd be ordering take out tonight.
The raven plopped down on his couch, popping the tab of his can of beer once he sat down. Sipping at the frizz that spilled over a bit, he pulled out his phone from his pocket and ordered some Chinese. All he had to do was give his address and the people there already knew what to give him. He was pretty sure they knew his number by heart with how often he called. Now all he had to do was wait for his dinner to come to him. To kill time, he turned on the news, happy to see that nothing was being said about Beacon.
A knock came at his door. Glancing at the clock, he set his nearly finished beer aside and turned off the television. "That was fast," he found himself mumbling. Usually it took roughly thirty minutes or so to get him his food. Twenty had passed. Slow night most likely, he chalked it up to. Going down the hallway, he opened the door without checking through the peep hole. Why would he when he was expecting food? Sebastian opened his door to see two men in stiff black suits and ties. They had the sun glasses on and everything. At first he thought they were Feds but something seemed off with them.
"Sebastian Castellanos, you need to come with us."
"Badges," He stated stiffly, brows pulled close together in a look of concern. The two exchange a quick glance before pulling out a badge that stated that the individual was FBI. Still unsure about the two men in front of him, Sebastian leaned against the door frame easily, trying to appear none threatened as he mentally assessed the two. "What's this about?" They were calm, keeping to their professional appearance. They both had dark hair, the one on his left being a slightly lighter shade of brown than the one of his right. Both of their hair was lighter than his own, that was for sure. With the glasses covering their eyes, he couldn't tell if they were nervous, lying, anything like that. With them standing like they were statues, sticks up their asses basically, he wasn't able to read them. Their body language was stiff as can be. The one on his right was slightly shorter than the man with the lighter hair color, but he was a bit wider, more built. The taller was a bit lankier, scruffier too. The shorter had a clean shaven face with tightly groomed hair. The taller was a bit more relaxed with his appearance, some stubble on his face with short, loose hair.
"We'll explain later. If you have a coat, go grab it."
Sebastian didn't move an inch. He just rose an eyebrow. He was damn sure these guys weren't with the FBI, despite what the badge said now. Government officials held a certain air about them, a posture that wasn't mistakable. These idiots weren't following the same code that he had come to know the FBI to follow. "Come on guys, give a guy a break. Do it for ol' time's sake, help a fellow officer out." They glanced at each other again.
The raven moved to close the door on them quickly but he wasn't fast enough as the one to his left put his foot against the door to keep it open. He then reached forward and grabbed the back of the detective's neck. When Sebastian moved to duck out of it, the man took a step forward and jammed a fist into the detective's gut, close to the diaphragm to knock all the air out of his lungs. "Fuck," he hissed as he dropped to his knees, arms curling around his stomach to protect it from more damage. He nearly threw up from the blow but luckily, he hadn't. The one who punched him moved around him, prying his arms from around his body and cuffing his wrists behind his back. He then hauled him to his feet, despite Sebastian still trying to curl up on himself. The two suits took one arm each and half escorted Sebastian down the hall, half dragged at the detective coughed roughly to catch his breath.
"You son-of-a-bitch, what the fuck is going on!?" He demanded once he caught his breath, on the ground floor as they led him outside. Pulling amber eyes up to the black, unmarked car that was parked right in front of the apartment building, he saw a familiar person sitting in the driver's seat waiting for the others to get into the vehicle. One of the men shoved Sebastian into the car rather ungracefully as the other took up point next to him in the back seat. Looking in the review mirror at the front of the car, he caught the full face of who the third person was. "Joseph?"