Gracias for all the reviews people! Here's the next chapter sorry its short, please review

Asano watched the video on his phone over and over again what was that thing!? Why on earth was some kind of huge alien octopus teaching E class?

He sat at the desk in his room, mouth literally wide open and his amethyst eyes wide. This was insane! An octopus was teaching E class combat skills. How? Why?

The blond's gape suddenly transformed into a smirk. Oh well. Whatever was going on it would be great blackmail material. His father was on a two day business trip to get international sponsorship for the school. As soon as he returned, Asano would finally, finally be the one in control for once. A dark chuckle escaped his lips.

Yes, that humiliation at the hands of Akabane would all be worth it.

Later that day, Asano was at the supermarket picking out some things for dinner. Usually the maid would do it, but today was her day off or something so he had to fend for himself (Not as if that was difficult for someone of his intellect, just annoying).

He was reaching to the back of the shelf to get the milk with the longest expiry date when suddenly, he felt something cold blowing on the back of his neck that made him shiver and almost drop his basket.

"Its good to see you didn't get lost and die out on the mountain last night." Standing behind him was Karma.

"Akabane." Asano greeted curtly, his irritation levels suddenly rising. Why did I have to run into him of all people? Karma grinned when he saw how annoyed the blond already was.

"Ah, are you still thinking of our moonlight rendezvous last night?" the red head teased suggestively, saying it just loud enough that the other people in the store gave them funny looks.

"Stop that. Don't say it like that." The blond hissed at him, walking away to go to the checkout. Karma followed, snickering.

"Say it like what?" He Questioned innocently. "That's what happened isn't it."

Asano ignored him, so the red head reached out and stroked the back of his head gently. If people weren't looking before, they were now, muttering about young people and public displays of affection. Asano clutched the back of his head with one hand as if he'd been hit or something.

"What are you doing!?" The Blond demanded, sending Karma his deadliest glare.

"You have a bump under your hair, you know, you should probably go to the doctors to check for concussion." Karma said, pretending to be concerned. But the glint in his amber eyes revealed his true feelings.

"Touch me again, and I'll make sure you regret it." Asano said, as he plopped his stuff down on the self checkout. The red head just laughed as he paid for his own stuff, then his expression suddenly looked serious, although he was still grinning.

"Hey, keep spying and trying to get dirt on the E class and you'll be the one to regret it." Karma taunted, but there was a dark aura emitting from him. "So far I've only been playing with you, but if you keep trying to spy I might get more serious. It's not like you'll be able to find anything out about us anyway~ "

To Karma's surprise, instead of looking annoyed, Asano's frown suddenly turned into a smirk.

"Oh, really?" He said, arrogance in his voice, a look of superiority in his eyes. He lent closer to Karma, whispering in his ear. "After all, it's not like I have a yellow octopus teaching combat to E class on film or anything~"

Karma's Amber eyes widened. What? Asano had that on film? this was bad! He was left standing there was Asano walked away, a devilish grin on his lips, he turned to say.

"And when I use this to control my father, I'll make sure to repay you in full."

I win, Akabane.

"Asano has Koro-Sensei on tape? This is terrible! If he uses it to blackmail the chairman, who knows what he'll do!" Isogai cried when Karma told him and the rest of the class the news after school the next day. Nagisa and the others looked equally horrified.

"We'll just beat the crap out of him and delete the video of his phone!" Terasaka grunted, looking annoyed. Karma shook his head.

"Don't be dumb, Terasaka, of course he was other copies." Karma said, rolling his eyes. "More than we'll be able to find."

The class looked dejected. "Then.. what can we do?" Nagisa asked, his blue eyes filled with worry. This classroom was his sanctuary, he didn't want it to change. Karma suddenly smirked.

"I have an idea. We just have to blackmail Asano back." The Red head said, his eyes filling with malice as he thought up an evil plan.

"But.. how?" Nagisa said, looking confused. "We don't have anything to blackmail him with."

"Then we'll just have to make our own material then, wont we."