Welcome everyone to chapter 2 of 'Kisuke's a Hunter?' Sorry it took so long. School work and life caught up and I'm now revising for A levels which is taking up a great portion of my time so the fact that I can get this written is astounding. Anyway, enjoy the chapter and let me know what you all think.

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach or RWBY. They belong to Tite Kubo and Roosterteeth respectively.

Kisuke was watching the students in his class meditate to increase their Aura. He had been making them do this for two months now, along with hand to hand combat plus weapon combat and he was already seeing results in a number of his students, especially Pyrrha Nikos, Yang Xiao Long and Blake Belladonna. However, that was to be expected. They were the ones who were the close range fighters and so knew there fair share of close quarter combat. Yet even they weren't the best in that section of the class.

Kisuke's eyes continued to scan the students before falling on the green clad form of Lie Ren, the one who had the least amount of difficulty beginning his meditation and had the most extensive knowledge on hand to hand combat from street fighting to advanced martial arts. The boy was a monster held down by many chains to keep himself in check. A monster that Kisuke wanted to see set free.

His eyes then landed on the small form of Ruby Rose who was wrapped in her red cloak. And also seemed to be sleeping in his class. He breathed a sigh. While she may be a prodigy in use of weaponry and fighting, she had a very short attention span that would make improving her semblance difficult. There were some days she could enter into the meditative state the rest of the class got but most were just her sleeping. He may just have to talk with her after class to understand the problem better. He knew it extended somewhat to her semblance and so she had a lot of Aura otherwise the speeds she traveled would be impossible to achieve without the necessary energy. At the moment however, she seemed to be wasting her energy in spars with her classmates and Grimm in useless moves.

Finally his eyes landed on one Jaune Arc. Kisuke knew from the moment he laid eyes on the boy that he was easily the weakest of the class. And that was because he had no formal combat training like the rest. While his Aura was extensive, easily the largest amongst his peers, he had no control over it and so couldn't achieve the things his classmates could do. Something Kisuke was going to have to work on extensively. It wasn't that the boy was bad. No, tactically, he was the best. He just had no training to back himself up in a fight. Something his partner must have picked up on by now.

He was brought from his thoughts by the bell ringing and the students blearily opening their eyes and blinking from the sudden assault of light.

"Good class today everyone." Kisuke said, from where he sat in a lotus position. "You are all improving your fighting styles remarkably and your own Auras are becoming stronger. Now next class shall be purely combat and we shall be seeing how you've all improved with your Aura and see the effects it has had on your semblances. Now, could Miss Rose and Mr. Arc please stay behind, the rest of you can go." The class silently cheered hearing about the combat class as Kisuke always did it every two weeks and brought sweets and popcorn for the spectators and then he'd give advice for those sparring. While his words may seem harsh, he offered sound advice and many students took his words to heart, easily cementing him as their favourite teacher once they noticed improvements in their semblance.

"I'll be fine sis." Ruby said to Yang who was looking at her sister with concern and Pyrrha was doing the same with Jaune who was also trying to console his partner. The teams gave their leaders one last glance before leaving the room and Kisuke was able to feel their Auras standing right outside the door, waiting for the two. "So, what is it you wanted to speak with us about Professor?" Ruby asked, looking at the bucket hat man innocently.

"What seems to be the problem?" Kisuke asked, not wanting to beat around the bush and just jumped straight into the problem.
"Sir?" Jaune asked, completely confused along with Ruby.

"Both of you seem to have trouble in this class and I doubt it is because of some simple issue. So, what is the problem?" Kisuke asked, his eyes shadowed as he grabbed his cane.

"We aren't having trouble." Ruby said, cocking her head to the side. She actually thought she was doing well in this class.

"Miss Rose, most of the time when we are trying to increase your Aura you fall asleep. And don't lie. Your aura has different qualities when sleeping against meditating which I have been able to pick up. Mr. Arc, you just don't seem to be grasping the combative sides of things. So what do you think it is?" Kisuke was holding Benihime tighter in his hands, not that the students noticed.

"We don't know sir?" Ruby phrased it more as a question and so Kisuke decided to take matters into his own hands. Slow enough for the students to react to, he drew Benihime from her sheathe and swung in a wide arc which the two jumped away from with wide eyes.

"Professor!" Ruby yelped in shock at the fact her professor just attacked her out of the blue. Yang, hearing the yelp, barged through the door and was ready to pounce on the teacher had she not seen his expression. His eyes were cold, his face blank and he seemed to be calculating the best way to take everyone down. Yang's fury was instantly replaced by fear for her sister and an overprotective streak, yet she was frozen. In the corner of her eyes, she could see the other teens were struggling to hold themselves back from jumping in and helping their leaders.

"Then I shall have to force the problem out." Kisuke spoke as he took one step forward and then lunged at the teens. He wasn't moving fast enough to completely blindside them, that would defeat the purpose of what he was trying to do. Instead he moved at a speed they would be able to react to. Ruby blasted into her semblance and appeared at the other side of the ring, unfolding Crescent Rose while Jaune rolled to the side to avoid Kisuke's diagonal downward slash before unsheathing Crocea Mors and the shield that came with it. Kisuke stared at the two students before he lunged at Jaune, avoiding the blonde's clumsy slash before Kisuke jumped and planted both feet on the Arc boy's shiled and catapulted off it, the force bowling the boy backwards even as Kisuke dodged Ruby's sniper shot, landing behind the red reaper and then roundhouse kicked the small girl in the face, sending her towards Jaune.

"Both of you could be brilliant hunters if you applied yourselves. Miss Rose, your semblance has the potential to appear as though you will teleport. Mr Arc, with your Aura reserves and blade, you would be a force to be reckoned with. But you still are failing to adapt these techniques to benefit yourselves." Kisuke said before he lunged forward once more, the thin blade of Benihime sliding against the blonde's shield even as he kicked Ruby in the stomach, causing her to double over. Kisuke once again danced away from the swing of Jaune and he felt it. He wanted to protect. His Aura was practically screaming it. But he could also sense fear. Fear of losing, fear of rejection. Fear of Death. It was even coming of Ruby in the same waves through her Aura.

"Do you know what I'm feeling in your attacks?" All eight students cocked an eyebrow upwards at their teacher. "Fear. There is nothing but fear reflected in your attacks. When you dodge, you're afraid of getting killed. When you attack, you're afraid of killing someone. Even when you try to protect someone, you're afraid of letting them die." Kisuke was done pulling his punches. He was going to do to them what he did to Ichigo. He was going to force their potential out. "Yes, your attacks speaks to me only of absurd fear. What's necessary in a fight isn't fear. Nothing can be born of that. Instead think, when you dodge, "I won't let them cut me." If you protect someone, "I won't let them die." If you attack, "I will kill them." At this point, Kisuke slowly raised Benihime into the air along with his reiatsu, which formed into the shape of growling and gnashing creature. "Well, can't you see the resolve to kill you in my sword?" And when he felt that he had gotten through to them, he dropped his sword and reiatsu, letting the room return to silence. "I hope that you both resolve to improve yourselves in my class." Kisuke said before he disappeared in a rush of Shunpo. It was here that the group of eight was reminded that Kisuke was not a man to be reckoned with.

"I forgot how scary he can be." Ruby muttered out as she stored Crescent Rose on her back while Jaune sheathed Crocea Mors.

"Jaune, are you okay?" Pyrrha asked, lightly placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Uh yeah. He's just given me a lot to think about." Jaune answered truthfully. And many things were going through his mind. He knew he wasn't the best fighter and Kisuke had been doing everything to help him improve. He had given him tips on Aura, fighting stances and even tactics. But Jaune just never took them to heart until now. He was seriously going to need some change. And he had the Mistral Champion to help with that. "Hey, Pyrrha. If your free at anytime, could you help me train some. I kinda need the work." While it wasn't what Pyrrha was hoping for Jaune to ask her, she still wouldn't deny her leader when he came asking for help.

"Of course, Jaune." She replied, a smile on her face.

"Let's get some lunch everyone!" Ruby cried out before she blazed out of the door in her semblance, the rest of the teens following behind her at a more subdued pace.

"There we were, in the middle of the night." Nora began one of her stories at the lunch table with the whole group listening in, although Ren was offering corrections to the story, such as the fact it was day, or they were fighting Beowolves, not Ursa. And that this was all a reoccurring dream Nora had been having for a month. Although the story was cut to a halt when Jaune noticed Cardin and his team picking on a Faunas with rabbit ears. He gently nudged Pyrrha and pointed to the group and the rest of the teams noticed the blatant discrimination. He had even started to pull on her ears, making her cry out in pain.

"Disgusting." Yang growled out, ready to stand up and defend Velvet. Her team normally would've have kept bullies away but with them in a detention for blowing up a lab while experimenting with Dust allowed the bullies to have free reign on the shy girl who wouldn't say anything about it. Despite the fact Velvet could kick all four of their asses into the ground with ease.

"Should we do something?" Ruby asked, glaring at the bullies, although, everyone had to admit her glares were rather lackluster as she looked more like an angry puppy than anything.

"We should." Jaune said, getting up to help Velvet and the rest of his team followed but they were stopped by the appearance of an orange haired teen who had firmly grasped the wrist that was pulling Velvet's ears. The teen stood at six foot tall with a lithe yet muscular physique from what they could see from the black robes he wore. On his shoulders were two guards that were separated into three sections, with red scales in the middle. Around his waist was a tattered white cloak and what appeared to be a holster of some kind but no weapon was visible in it.

"What do you think you're doing?" The teen ground out, his voice calm but some could pick up the icy tone to it.

"What, you want some fun with her?" Cardin asked as he let go off Velvet's ears but the teen's grip just tightened. "Let go off me."
"You called what you were doing fun?" The teen said, tightening the grip further and everyone in the canteen could hear as the metal vambraces slowly crumpled inwards. "You're going to apologise to her right now." Cardin gained a cocky smirk at this.

"And how are you going to do that?" He leered right into the teens face and before Cardin knew what had happened, he was face down on the floor, with small pieces of wood in his mouth and a bloody nose.

"That." The teen said, stepping onto his back. "Now apologise."
"Get him." Cardin growled out to his three teammates who bull rushed the teen. And a second later, all promptly found themselves being thrown across the dining hall with what looked like considerable ease. The teen never left his position on Cardin's back to do so.

"Woah, who is this guy?" Yang asked stunned, watching the teen in shock. She hadn't seen him around Beacon for the two months they'd been there and she was pretty sure she'd hear about such a person going to this school.

"No idea." Weiss answered, looking just as impressed as Yang, and the rest of the student population was.
"Now, once again. Apologise." The teen ground out and when Cardin refused to answer, he reached over his left shoulder and suddenly a sword as long as he was tall appeared which he grasped and the bandages covering the blade fluttered away to reveal a black sword with a white edge and a large hole in the middle that took up most of the blade. Flipping the sword over so it was pointing to the ground, he stabbed it into the ground, not even an inch away from Cardin's petrified face.

"I... I'm sorry!" Cardin cried out terrified, especially when the blade started to glow blue. The orange head looked to the girl who gave a faint nod and the teen retracted his sword and placed it on his back once more, the bandages wrapping around it. Cardin tried to run away but he was swiftly grabbed and thrown towards his teammates who picked the better part of valor to run away.

"You okay?"The teen asked softly, looking to Velvet, who gave the teen a shy nod.

"Ara, Ara, Ichigo-kun. If you can't play nice with the other children I might just have to put you in a time out." A new voice spoke languidly. The students all turned to the new arrival and took in the appearance of a man in a pink floral cloak and black robes, standing at six foot three with a large woven hat and an eye-patch over his right eye. At his waist, he held two swords both of different sizes but everyone could tell they were by far the most dangerous thing they had ever seen. For a hunter to fight up close with Grimm and only have an eye-patch as a scar spoke volumes of his skill.

"Shut up Kyoraku. They were bullying her, what did you expect me to do?" The now named Ichigo spoke, folding his arms at the elder hunter.
"Oh, I expected you to do that. I just thought you'd be a lot more aggressive." Kyoraku said, a lazy smile on his face as he searched around the room. "Seems he's not here, Kurosaki-san. Shall we try elsewhere?" Ichigo didn't reply but they both started moving to the doors.
"Um.. who are you searching for?" Ruby called after the two, who stopped to stare at the little red reaper.

"We're looking for a friend. Do you know where Kisuke Urahara is?" Kyoraku said and judging on the student's reactions, they knew where he was.

"I've got class with him next." Velvet spoke up, raising her hand slightly. "I can take you to him."
"Thank you very much, Miss..." Kyoraku trailed off, not knowing the girl's name.

"Velvet Scarlatina."
"Thank you Miss Scarlatina. I'm Shunsui Kyoraku."
"Ichigo Kurosaki."

"Sorry, how do you two know Professor Urahara?" Weiss questioned which got intrigued looks from around the hall.

"Well, I'm his superior and Ichigo was his student a while back." Shunsui said, and everyone's gazes snapped to the orange haired teen.

"So are you one of the students he threw done a hole for training?" Blake asked.

"One of his students?" Ichigo asked confused. "I was the first student he's ever taken on and there were none after me." This silenced the students before Weiss picked up on something.

"Wait, when he said his training had a one hundred percent success rate." The hall became deathly silent as they picked up on the message. "He only tried it once!" She screeched.

"I asked him to do it. One of my friends was going to die and I needed more power. I don't regret it. Despite the fact I almost died." Ichigo said, crossing his arms as a white mask with two vertical lines formed on his face with an unnerving grin of sharp teeth stretched across its visage. "Like I said, I don't regret it." His voice came out warbled and every student could see the power that was added to the boy just from the mask before it disappeared. But the power they felt was dark and oppressive, just like a Grimm.

"Kisuke probably felt you pull on the mask there, Kurosaki-san. I can't wait to see his face when he sees the both of us." Shunsui spoke, sounding excited.

"Um... If you two want to follow me. I'll take you to the class." Velvet said, standing next to Ichigo who dwarfed her form, even with her rabbit ears adding extra height.

"Thank you very much, Miss Scarlatina." Shunsui said, smiling at the girl along with Ichigo before they followed the rabbit faunas out.

"Well, we now know that Kisuke's a madman." Yang quipped.

"Did any of you feel the power coming from them?" Ren asked, getting inquisitive glances from the teams. "Shunsui was calm and controlled but it was so tightly held that I could barely sense anything from it. Then Ichigo's was controlled but it seemed to be trying to rampage. And when he donned the mask, his power jumped but became dark like a Grimm. But, the thing was what I could feel was only a small percent and it was still potent enough to roll of their bodies in waves." The teams eyes widened at this and it got them to thinking just how harsh their training was to achieve those levels of results.

"So, why didn't you beat those idiots up back there?" Ichigo asked bluntly as he followed after Velvet, stopping only once so she could change into her combat outfit of a brown suit with yellow shoulder guards and a tote box resting by her hip. "You're alot better trained than the four of them put together and more powerful."
"The Faunas don't get the best treatment anywhere." Ichigo and Shunsui guessed those were the people with animal appendages and reiatsu that seemed more primal. "Some racists just call us names but others provoke us to try get us to fight to prove them right. I'm here to show that Faunas are just like humans."
"A noble goal, Miss Scarlatina." Shunsui said, bowing his hat. "And I'm sorry of the treatment you've received from humanity."
"I'm guessing this isn't a problem back at your home?"
"No. We have a guy that's more wolf than human and he's one of the greatest men I've ever met. He was willing to sacrifice his humanity to save his allies and friends from a madman." Ichigo said, remembering the wolf like Komamura who reverted into a wolf.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Velvet said, hearing the genuine tone of Ichigo's when he mentioned this man.

"Oh, Komamura's not dead. The technique he used was an old ritual passed from his family and when he ran out of energy, the ritual forced him into a wolf. We're currently trying to get him back." Shunsui said. "He sacrificed much for us and we want to pay him back for that sacrifice." Velvet was going to reply to the pink man had Coco not bowled her over, causing her to let out a squeal of surprise.

"Hey, Velvet." Her leader said. "Who are the new guys?" She asked, lowering her sunglasses and taking in the form of Shunsui and Ichigo, mostly Ichigo.

"Ah, Coco, this Shunsui Kyoraku and Ichigo Kurosaki. Friends of Kisuke. This is my team leader, Coco Adel. And my partner Yatsuhasi is over there along with Fox." Velvet said, indicating to the large man in green oriental armour and the smaller boy beside him with ginger hair and milky eyes.
"Nice to met you all." Shunsui said, bowing to the three who hesitantly returned it.

"Yo." Ichigo said simply, getting sweatdrops from the teens. "Any reason why you're all ready to fight?"
"Kisuke's running his sparring class today so we're all seeing how much we've improved. He does a class like this every fortnight." Fox explained as the team went inside the room where Kisuke was waiting for them.
"Welcome everybody. Now, I'm sure you've seen our latest additions." Kisuke said, indicating Ichigo and Shunsui, the latter of them waved lazily to the students. "They are old colleagues of mine and Ichigo is my former student. Now, normally I would have you spar against each other, but I'm sure you wish to see how my former pupil works so for today, you will act in teams and fight Ichigo." Silence met his statement and Ichigo was staring at Kisuke with his mouth hanging open in shock while Kyoraku chuckled slighted. "So, who wants to go first?" Coco instantly raised her hand, desperately wanting to fight the orange haired teen. "Team CFVY it is then." Kisuke clapped his hands and jumped up into the stands to speak with Ichigo while CFVY took their position on the arena.

"So, what handicap am I on?" Ichigo whispered lowly and in Japanese. Seems like this world only knew English so he was safe in this conversation.

"No form of Getsuga, low level Shunpo and Hierro and also try not to destroy the arena." Kisuke responded and Ichigo nodded in acceptance before jumping to the other side of the ring and materialising the Quincy form of Zangetsu on his left hip while the Shinigami-Hollow Zanpaktou formed over his left shoulder.

"What are the rules?" Ichigo asked Kisuke, wondering if they were the same when he was being trained.

"All the ring is your space. The victor will be decided by whoever's last standing and to be knocked out of the match your Aura must drop to below ten percent or you're knocked unconscious." Kisuke knew Ichigo's reiatsu was never going to drop that low, but it forced Ichigo to take the fight seriously from the beginning and also limit the force he could apply. "Combatants ready?" He got four swift nods as CFVY got into a ready stance while Ichigo stood there, arms crossed and analyzing them all. "Then begin!"

Velvet and Fox immediately pushed off the ground and lunged towards Ichigo. Velvet sent strong kicks at him while Fox sent powerful jabs to his chest which Ichigo either blocked or dodged before lunging forward himself, an open palm catching Fox in the stomach and sending him cartwheeling back to where he came and then he spun around, delivering an elbow to Velvet's face, causing the girl to stumble backward before he spun again in a roundhouse kick, his heel slamming against her face as she was sent pinwheeling to one side of the arena dazed.

Sensing danger, Ichigo drew the Quincy portion of Zangetsu and raised it's edge upwards to catch the orange blade of Yatsuhasi. The force of Yatsuhasi's blow caused the floor beneath Ichigo to crack and with a firm shove at his stomach, Yatsuhasi was forced away from Ichigo. Ichigo was ready to go after the swordsman but stopped on hearing the whirring of something. Rolling to the side, the salvo of bullets missed its target and instead slammed into the flat edge of Yatsuhasi's sword and armour, not draining his Aura greatly but still enough that it could be the tide of the battle.

Looking to where the bullets had came from, Ichigo spotted the brunette leader of the team with a chain gun in hand that had somehow sprouted from the small tote bag she had earlier. Ichigo was slightly intrigued but he would find out later how that happened as she was already zeroing in on him again. Ichigo jumped forward, obviously surprising the girl as she tried to use the barrel of the gun as a blunt weapon but with a casual flick of the flat edge sent it upwards into the air and opened Coco's guard right up for Ichigo to plant his foot in her face and jump upwards. The force of the leap created a mild boom that forced the fashionista into the ground which cracked around her body and cratered slightly before her chain gun fell on top of her.

"Fulgur!" He heard Velvet shout and by the skin of his teeth, Ichigo was able to dodge a dark blue lance of lightning that almost pierced his gut. And when another blast came at him, he caught it on the flat edge of the small sword. Although he was surprised at the strength of the lightning strike as it forced him back several feet before it evaporated.

"Impressive." Ichigo said before he moved in a low level Shunpo behind the girl and a swift chop to the back of Velvet's neck caused her to fall into unconsciousness. His eyes landed next on Fox who tried to rush him but by catching Zangetsu between Fox's wrist and blade, a deft twist was enough to throw him off balance and a swift kick to the boy's face launched him into the wall surrounding the arena, cracking it slightly from the force.

Staring at his last two opponents, he noticed how Yatushasi was staying close to Coco to be able to react to the up close attacks while Coco was readying the chain gun once more. Heaving a sigh, Ichigo sheathed Zangetsu, an act that had many confused before he raised his left hand again and a glowing blue long-bow sprung to life in his hands. Shifting into an archer's position, his right hand came up and grabbed an invisible string and a blue bow string sprung to life which he swiftly pulled back to the corner of his mouth.

"Licht Regen." He intoned and let loose the happened next, the second years would never forget.

As the string fell from his grasp, hundreds of blue arrows sprouted from the bow and blanketed the area the last two members of CFVY were standing and created a dust cloud which obscured the area for several minutes before revealing the remainder of CFVY. Yatsuhasi was blocking Coco with his body but his armour had received considerable damage and was cracked in most areas that would need to be fixed immediately and some of the blue arrows stuck out of his armour while the rest covered the ground like a minefield. Behind the large boy, Coco was staring at the damage caused by what seemed to be have been a simple technique turned devastating in a matter of seconds. Yatsuahasi's Aura had drained to seven percent in the onslaught and the ground surrounding them had become a mess of stone and rubble.

"Okay, I'll admit that was not what I was expecting." Coco said, as Yatsuhasi moved out of the arena and she was also trying to buy herself time to think of a strategy. Ichigo had proved to be just as dangerous as their teacher and on a glance to his Aura levels, she was inwardly frightened by the fact they hadn't dropped by even ten percent. "And this all came from a glowing bow and arrows."
"Well, it's not done yet." And with a click of his fingers all the arrows embedded in the ground suddenly glowed brighter. Coco eyes could only widen in shock before all the arrows surrounding her exploded in small controlled explosions, engulfing her in blue fire almost instantly as she was thrown into the arena wall with enough force for an imprint of her body to form in the stone.

"Team CFVY is out." Kisuke announced to the stunned audience that had now grown from the just the second years to the first years as well as Glynda Goodwitch, who had come to see what the commotion was along with investigate the rumour about unknown people on campus. "The winner is Ichigo Kurosaki."

"You alright?" Ichigo questioned the fashionista with a teasing smile on his face.
"Yeah. Being stuck in a wall is one of my favourite past times." The girl quipped back sarcastically but with a smile on her face. "The bow really messed things up. And that arrow storm, that's just cheating." Coco said as she tried to wiggle herself out.

"You're really wedged in there, aren't you?" Ichigo asked, looking over the wall and the girl stuck inside, who could only nod minutely. "Hold still a moment." Ichigo requested, moving a few inches to the right and rearing his right fist back.

"What are you doing?" Coco asked and the answer came in the form of Ichigo punching and breaking a portion of the wall off. Coco and the rest of the students could only stare on with wide eyes, looking at the destruction before Ichigo grabbed the black corset the girl wore and pulled her seamlessly out of the wall.

"There we go. Safe and sound. Even the beret is fine." Ichigo commented, brushing the dust of her shoulders and hat, missing completely the blush adorning the girl's face.
"Thanks for the fight, Ichigo. I enjoyed it." She said, offering the orange haired teen a hand to shake which he greatly accepted.

"If you and you're team want to spar again, just ask. I'm more than happy to do so."
"Mister Urahara, could you please explain to me what is going on here?" Glynda said as she approached the man with the fan and also the one in the woven hat and pink floral coat.

"Oh, some old colleagues of mine decided to show up and the class wanted to see how my first student fought." Kisuke said, indicating Ichigo who was still talking with the fashionista but the rest of her team had joined her and where now talking with the boy.

"Then could you and your colleague follow me to Professor Ozpin's office for a discussion then if anymore of your colleagues and students decide to appear."
"Of course. Class dismissed and please don't forget to meditate on your Aura. We'll pick up this class the next day. Ichigo, stay and be civil please." Kisuke said and had to duck as a blue arrow almost pierced a hole through his hat and he ran to the door to avoid any other strikes against his precious hat with Glynda and Shunsui following behind, the latter of the two laughing silently.

"Damn it. I missed his hat." Ichigo groused out, crossing his arms in annoyance as CFVY laughed at his reaction.

"Wow! That was such a cool fight. I mean for what we seen from the arrows and all but still!" An excited voice sounded out and Ichigo looked to see the girl in the red cloak from the dining hall. "Oh, I'm Ruby Rose." The girl introduced holding out a hand which Ichigo shook gently.

"So, you're his first student? Don't look like much to me?" Yang challenged and was instantly hit by Blake on her right arm.

"He hasn't thrown any of you down a hole yet?" All the teens gave a no at the fact. "Good. I might have had to kill Kisuke if he did."
"Why's that?" Fox asked.

"Well, there is an insanely high risk of dying. I was close to dying." Ichigo said, gaining shocked looks from the group that someone as strong as Ichigo almost died from training.
"But you're so strong." Weiss said, wondering how the boy who exuded raw power almost died from something like training.

"Not at the time. A guy put a block on my powers and that was the only way to undo it." Of course, Ichigo wasn't going to mention the training with Ururu. "Hell, I went down that pit with no powers at all."
"And you emerged this strong. Wow, I want that training." Yang said, eager to join the boy in power rankings.
"No. I got this strong through fighting and almost dying a couple of times. When I came out I had about less than a quarter of what I'm at now. Maybe more. But the rest came from fighting for four years afterwards. And trust me, the training is not something you want to do unless you are desperate." Ichigo gave the last bit as a warning. Not wanting any of these teens to develop an Inner Hollow. And he only got one because he was born with a Hollow in his soul. He didn't want to see them close to turning. Or even fully turning as he, Kisuke and Shunsui would be forced to kill them before they could go on a mindless rampage.

"Why is that?" Blake asked, staring at the teen in trepidation.

"The technique isn't completely safe, even if you survive. You're literally opening your soul so that means all the good and bad comes through. And sometimes, the bad takes a form." Ichigo said and materialised the mask in his right hand. "You have to fight for control to stay in power. Thankfully, I no longer have to do that but it isn't pretty leading up to it."

"That's... That's just wrong." Blake said, trying to picture something like that. Sure she had read books about it many times but for something like that to be true was just shocking.

"Well, it's in the past so I don't think it matters anymore." Ichigo said, looking around the room. "Is there anywhere we can do live training. You know, fight something other than each other?"
"There's the Emerald Forest. We're allowed to go in there as long as we have a teacher's approval." Velvet said.

"Oh, I got permission earlier from Professor Port but with the way Yatsuahsi's armour is I'm not risking it." Coco said and pulled out her scroll. "So, I'll give that permission to little Ruby and JNPR and Ichigo can follow behind you."
"Thank you!" Ruby gushed out, hugging the older girl around the waist and repeatedly saying the phrase until Ichigo pried her off.

"I think she's got the message." Ichigo said, holding the reaper in the crook of his arm like a small puppy. "Thanks for the invite though. Hopefully I'll she you four later if Kisuke doesn't get us kicked out." Ichigo said as he walked away, throwing CFVY a wave and still carrying Ruby, despite the young girls protests and flailing, much to the amusement of the two teams. "Also sorry about the armour!" He called back to Yatsuahsi

"I've told Jaune to met us at the cliffs with his team." Blake spoke up, silently giggling as Ruby went limp to try and deter the boy carrying her. All he did was shift his hold so she was in a fireman's carry and Ruby looked at her team mates pleadingly. When they refused to help, she mouthed 'Traitors' and proceeded to slam her fists against Ichigo's back in protests before stopping as she gave what her teammates could all agree was an adorable glare, with crossed arms and full pout in place.

"I can walk on my own." Ruby huffed out and Ichigo turned slightly to look at the back of her head.
"I know. It's just easier this way." Ichigo said before setting the reaper on the ground. "So what way is the forest?"
"This way, follow me." Ruby said, leading her team in a comfortable silence with the orange haired boy following behind.

"So, how long have you known Professor Urahara for?" Weiss asked, looking back to the older boy.

"About five years now. My dad's known him before I was even born. I know they kept in touch but I never met him until I was fifteen. And Kyoraku has known him even longer. They used to work together until Kisuke got framed for something he didn't do. They're friends now though. It just took a while to clear Kisuke's name." Ichigo said and was forcing the memories of Aizen away.

"Was he your only teacher or did you have more?" Yang asked.

"No, I had another teacher called Yoruichi for hand to hand and Kyoraku has recently started training me in dual wielding. Out of them all, Kyoraku is definitely the most ruthless."
"How ruthless?" Blake asked, silently hoping it wasn't that bad and wondering if she could convince Ichigo to let her train with Kyoraku.

"Near his old division is a swamp land. He made me run around that area fifteen times while he sat in a deck chair and drank some fruity drink before finally getting up and dueling me. Not even on the ground. He decided the water was the perfect place to fight and in the first lesson dunked me under twenty different times. I could barely land a hit on him. Kyoraku is just that good." Ichigo said before noticing they had arrived at a cliff where four people were waiting, a blonde haired boy standing beside a red head in armour who stood beside a small ginger girl in a white and pink dress and finally a black haired boy in green robes. "Weren't they beside you at lunch?"
"Yeah, that's team JNPR." Yang said. "Jaune is the blonde, Pyrrha the red head, Nora is the other girl and Ren in the green dress."

"Okay." Ichigo said, stopping a few feet away as the eight friends talked for a bit while he looked out over the forest. Extending his senses, he could feel the darkness of the 'Grimm' radiating through the air. And while none seemed dangerous, to him at least, he was going to have to keep his guard up to keep the eight teens safe.

"Ichigo, you ready to go?" Ruby asked the older boy who looked at her with a small smile.
"Sure, how we getting down there?"
"Do you have a landing strategy?" Yang asked innocently as Ichigo stepped on one of the tiles along the cliff face.

"A what?" Ichigo heard only the click of something activating and battle instincts kicked in as he dived off the pad and rolled to avoid the launch pad that would have flung him into the forest. "Did you lot just try to throw me into a forest?"

"Yeah?" Yang questioned nervously before yelping in shock as Ichigo grabbed her by the jacket and belt she wore before he threw her into the forest with about as much force as the launch pad. The seven students could only stare in shock at the pure physical force the teen held before instantly fearing for their lives as he turned on them.

"It was all Yang's idea!" Ruby screamed out, more than willing to throw her sister to the wolf that was Ichigo. "She thought it would be funny. Please don't hurt us." And while Ichigo desperately wanted to do just that, the puppy dog look that Ruby was giving him made him stop as he faced away from her and gave a 'tch' in annoyance.

"Just don't do something like that again. Okay?" The seven teens nodded quickly as Ichigo stepped towards the cliff and promptly walked on thin air. "Now, get on and we'll get Yang." He said as a blue platform appeared beneath his feet that extended outwards to accommodate the seven. They all stared at it dubiously until Nora placed a foot on the platform and then her full body weight and jumped a few times. The teens all gave sighs of relief that it didn't collapse and stepped onto the blue construct with slight trepidation.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Pyrrha asked, poking the object with her foot.

"Nope." Ichigo answered before they all lurched forward at speed towards Yang.

"It's a nice school you run here, Ozpin." Shunsui said as he sipped from his cup of tea that the blonde disciplinarian had place din front of him and Kisuke. "We have one just like it. Shin'o Academy. Although, our subjects do differ slightly but the core classes are majorly the same."
"Thank you for the praise. Although, I would like to ask why you are here. While it is not rare for Headmaster to travel to other schools, rarely so does that happen without any message."
"Sorry. The trip was unfounded due to Kisuke's invention. Kisuke is one of the greatest scientific minds to ever grace the Gotei Thirteen. And because of his mind, he often finds himself in difficult situations. His latest being this whole mess. Kisuke was working on a teleporter which when he tested it decided to fry his systems, all his forms of communications and also his way back. It took us two months to track him down. We just wanted to make sure he was alright."
"So, you don't want him to return with you?" Glynda asked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"On the contrary, I would like him to stay here. Act as an informal mediator between us for future use. And if young Kurosaki could stay as well, I would also appreciate it." Shunsui said, placing his teacup on his saucer.

"You want to leave two of your best in our care?" Ozpin said, one of his own eyebrows heightening with Glynda's. "What's the catch?"
"No catch except for better relationships. Call it a show of faith." Shunsui said, leaning back in his chair with a lazy smile on his face. "Are you okay with this, Kisuke?"
"Of course. And I can't exactly leave in the middle of a school year. The students, while progressing nicely, would stagnate. That is something I cannot allow." Ozpin and Glynda were silent for a while, giving each other looks before turning back to the two in front of them.

"Well, I believe that your idea holds some merit. How will we get in contact with you, might I ask?" Ozpin said and Shunsui responded by pulling out a small black box that had a glowing red light on the top.

"What you do is press the red button and the box will open up and show a communicator along with a green button. Just press and hold that button to talk to us. We will have a system set up to receive these messages and we will respond and to end the call, just slid the box shut. It's that simple." Ozpin took the box offered and thumbed the light and true to his words, the box slid open before Ozpin closed it.

"Where is your student by the way?" Glynda said.

"Ah, he was with two of your teams last I seen him. Although, I can sense his energy over in the Emerald Forest." Shunusi said and got a nod from Ozpin who brought up one the many cameras that patrolled the forest 24/7. The cameras nearest to the scroll signatures of his students flared to life and traveled the forest in their search to find them battling a horde of Beowolves, Ursa and Ichigo was fighting a Deathstalker single handedly with his small blade. What amazed the teachers was that Ichigo had not even one trace of scratch on him while the Deathstalker had pieces of its chitin cracked and even missing and three of its eyes were bleeding heavily. Truthfully, Ichigo seemed to be playing with it and was still winning.
"Having trouble there, Ichigo?" Yang called out teasingly to the orange top, the teachers easily hearing the blonde's words. Ichigo gave the blonde a dry look and without turning back to the Deathstalker, swung his sword and cut it in half. Ozpin and Glynda's eyes widened in shock. His sword didn't even make contact with the Grimm and it was cut cleanly in half.

"How did you do that?" Weiss shouted, staring at the dissolving Grimm in shock. "Was that your Semblance?"
"Semblance? No, that was the force generated by me swinging Zangetsu. So, anymore Grimm?"

"Uh, I think there are some north of here near the ruins." Ruby said, still staring at the spot the Grimm once was.

"Thanks, when you pick your jaws up from the ground you can join me." Ichigo said as he slashed at a Beowolf that tried to jump him, bisecting the creature with ease as he walked into the forest.

"How the hell was that just the force of his swing!" Yang shouted out, breaking the silence that had taken over the clearing. Ozpin muted the camera hear as he stared at the two men who were smiling slightly.

"Ichigo wasn't joking, was he? About that being just the force."
"Oh no. He wasn't. Young Kurosaki's Semblance is energy redistribution. He is able to collect energy and form it into how he likes. Be this speed enhancement, bows and arrows, or a wave of pure energy. And he can also use that to strengthen his bodies natural defense or offense. A very diverse and unique Semblance to be sure. And very powerful. Especially against Miss Nikos and her Polarity." Kisuke said with a small smirk on his face and the two long standing teachers stared at Kisuke with narrowed eyes. "I think the only thing that could stand up to it would be a Maiden." Ozpin and Glynda made a move for their weapons but halted upon feeling two distinct energies crashing down upon them in levels they could never have guessed. Glynda, who was standing, was forced to hold on to Ozpin's desk to stay up right while Ozpin slouched a little in his seat at the ungodly pressure.

"Sorry, but I can't have you harming Kisuke." Shunsui said, his hat covering his eye. "Besides, its not a well kept secret. The power level through the school grounds is very noticeable for us, despite how faint it is. Your lucky that Kisuke didn't go investigate and is bringing this up in a safe environment." Kyoraku said and let up on his reiatsu, allowing the teachers to breathe. "But if you think the Maidens are strong, then I'm sorry. But there are things stronger."
"There is nothing stronger than a Maiden." Glynda said but froze on seeing Kyoraku's eye resting on her.

"That may be you're opinion. But we have met many things that have boasted great power. The Maiden is the same such thing. And if Ichigo believes it to be a threat, then he will fight to kill her. And he may just succeed. He has done so in the past." Shunsui said and the pressure disappeared completely, but it left a tense atmosphere in the room.

"She was attacked, if I'm not mistaken." Kisuke spoke up suddenly. "Her Aura is fragmented and a foreign energy has latched itself onto her. The fact that I can still feel that foreign energy means the attack was either fresh or you have her in something designed to lock Aura in the body. But I'm going to say its both. Maybe two or three months since she was attacked and then put in stasis. Am I wrong?" Kisuke said, his grey eyes glinting with his intelligence as he proved the story with but a few notions.

"No, you are correct in every aspect." Ozpin answered tirelessly. Glynda looked at the Headmaster with widened eyes at the fact he would give up such information so freely. "What I find disconcerting is the fact you both pieced it together so quickly. I'm guessing you have been sitting on this knowledge for a while now, Kisuke?"
"First day of teaching actually. When you and Glynda were showing me around, I could feel the energy flowing through the ground and air, most strongly just a few metres south of us. More than likely where she is stationed below the ground. I never acted on it because it wasn't my place to unless the situation became dire."
"And you think that situation is now?" Glynda asked.

"Increased robberies of Dust from stores and supply deliveries, Grimm becoming more restless in the frontier zones, the White Fang becoming silent in their operations. Something big is coming. And you two know it." Shunsui said, looking at the two teachers. "And it all has to do with the little lady below us. And the other three as well. Something big is coming Ozpin. Can you weather the storm alone?" Silence permetrated the room as the two took in the older man's words before they sighed.

"No, we can't."
"Then weather it with the aid of Kisuke and Ichigo. They'll help beat back the storm in times of trouble and if need to, they'll start their own. But a fire must now be lit under the White Fang. Smoke them out into the open of the world. Show the world how dangerous things are getting. Rally the world and fight. Before things become dangerous for you all." Shunsui said as he got up and unsheathed his sword as he turned to the elevator. "We are your allies, Ozpin. But we will act with or without you." With those words, Shunsui pushed his sword into the air where half the blade disappeared before he turnt it to the right and a pair of paper doors appeared and opened into darkness. Shunsui didn't waste anytime in walking through the door which shut behind him.

"What did he mean beings of power like the Maiden?" Ozpin asked and both teachers were surprised by the half snarl that came to Kisuke's face. Everyone had only seen the happy, joking teacher in classes or in the halls. It was definitely and odd expression to see.

"Aizen and Ywhach. The first wanted to become a god and was close to succeeding. The second was closer and usurped our king and absorbed his power, putting him on the level of a god before a few of us brought him back down to size. Afterwards, Ichigo had to have his power sealed to that of ten percent otherwise everything around him would warp just from his energy alone."
"He fought team CFVY at ten percent!" Glynda cried.

"More than likely he fought them at five. Ichigo has been someone who improved by leaps and bounds and is a fighting genius. Last time I saw Ichigo, he could not hold that bow for more than three shots. Now he is able to perform one of the most difficult techniques in two months. And those swords he possesses he got in the middle of a war and was still able to fight of eight people after only a day's worth of training with them. Ichigo is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous people you will ever meet. And he's going to prove it right now." Kisuke said as he nodded to the video feed that was still showing the teens fighting off a horde of Beowolves with ease. Then the loud roar was heard.

Ichigo looked upto the sky as the roar echoed in the fields they were fighting the Beowolves in while the others froze up in shock at the roar.

"What was that!" Ruby shouted as she rubbed her ears to get them to stop ringing.
"That's impossible!" Ren cried while Nora looked frightened beyond belief. "That's the roar of a Harbringer. There meant to be in the north of Vale in the mountains!" The students all froze up at the name of an SS-class Grimm coming towards them. They were only authorised as students to fight C to B class Grimm with the occasional A thrown in. Not one of the most deadly Grimm in existence. Even a child Harbringer ranked as an S-class danger.

"You lot head back." Ichigo said as he pulled the larger form of Zangetsu from his back and waited for the Grimm to appear as he flared his reiatsu to attract it. "I'll deal with it."
"It's an S to SS class Grimm! There's no way you can fight it!" Weiss cried out in fear for the orange haired teen.

"Go now!" Ichigo shouted just as a black mass descended from the sky and landed on the ground one hundred metres away from Ichigo. The Harbringer was a being of pure muscle and was easily two hundred metres with the shape of a dragon from myths, with four legs to walk and a long snout that a forked tongue occassionally flicked out from. On its back was a ridge of white spikes that had dried blood on the tips and there were four pair of black wings that had a few holes in them. It's tail laungidly flicked behind it and the students could see the club at the very end that had spikes coming out from it at every conceivable angle. It's intelligent red eyes looked at them through its slightly cracked mask before it roared its dominance at the students, causing Nora to flinch while Ren stepped in front of her slightly.

"Skyrer, the Blood Weaver." Ren choked out, getting a whimper from Nora and gulps from the students. A named Grimm stood in front of them. The strongest of the strong.

"This seems fun." Ichigo said before a camera flew from the forest and hovered directly beside Ichigo.

"Kurosaki-kun! Can you here me?" Kisuke's voice said over the communication system it had installed in case of emergencies.

"Yeah, what do you want Kisuke?" Ichigo said as he didn't let the Grimm out of his site.

"Oh, just here to test you. Fight without any Quincy or Shinigami technique for me." KIsuke said and getting startled cries from the students.

"Professor, he could die!" Ruby shrieked.

"Sure. Can you lead those eight back. I don't want them getting caught in the crossfire." Ichigo said as he placed his swords parallel to one another with the larger of the blade below the smaller version.

"Have a fun fight, Ichigo-kun!" Kisuke cheered before the camera turned back to the forest and another came out to watch the fight. "Come along now. You don't want to be caught up in what's going to happen next." The students cast one look at Ichigo before the camera started to ram into them and forced them to move into the forest before the world fell silent.

"Resurreccion." And the world exploded in black.

"What just happened?" Jaune questioned as he pulled his hood down from where it had blown over his head from the gale that was created. While he didn't want to leave Ichigo, even he could tell they were going to be a nuisance in the fight.

"We have to go back, professor!" Pyrrha ranted to the camera. "He'll die." A bark of laughter escaped the camera.

"That Harbringer will not pose a threat to Ichigo. Especially seeing as he just released." Kisuke said.

"Released what?" Blake questioned, feeling the dark energy coming from behind the clearing they had left. Every instinct of her Faunas heritage was telling her to run as far as possible.

"Check your scrolls. The fight's being broadcasted to the school auditorium anyway." The students all fumbled for their scrolls and soon they had the video footage of the clearing, showing the Harbringer at one end while a maelstrom of black energy swirled at the other end of the clearing. After a few moments, it disappeared to reveal the form Ichigo had taken. And it was a being of nightmares. The being was as tall as Ichigo with a horned mask that had two thick black lines running down over its eyes while a manical grin was splayed across its visage. Moving down, everyone could see that Ichigo's hair had lengthened and fell down to his waist and a collar of red fur sat on his shoulders. Its skin was a very pale white and four black lines were drawn over it chest before their eyes were drawn to the red tufts of fur around its wrist that lead to sharp claws that gripped the blades of Zangetsu. His clothing hid most of the changes to the body but they could plainly see the clawed feet the creature held before finally seeing the worst feature yet. The hole in its chest, right where its heart should have been.

The Harbringer stared at the being in question before it let loose another roar to try and intimidate the form Ichigo had taken. The monster tilted its head to the side in questioning before it let loose a roar of its own that was easily louder than the Grimm's and the pure force caused the tops of the trees to bend away from it. Then it disappeared. And a wet squelch filled the air as two of the wings of the Harbringer were ripped cleanly from its body. The Grimm let loose a pain filled roar as it thrashed about in pain, the tail coming around in an arc to the being that had dared to harm it. The creature was too fast as it once again simply disappeared from its spot and soon the tail had been cut off half way, causing another angry roar before the white horned monster reappeared in it's original position.

The Harbringer roared in pure anger and lumbered forward, intent on crushing the pest in front of it. Ichigo just leaned forward to the horns were pointing directly in front of him and in a second a red ball had formed and quickly expanded to the size of a football before it discharged with an eerie warbled screech. The red beam completely engulfed the Harbringer. Five seconds later, the beam disappeared to show the Harbringer. Or what was left of it.

The upper part of its body was completely missing and only a crescent shaped underbelly stood where the Harbringer once was before the legs collapsed on itself and the carcass fell to the ground with a thud. The form of Ichigo looked at its defeated foe as the Grimm started to dissolve into black vapour before it reared its head back and let loose another roar louder than the last that caused some leaves to be ripped from their branches before the white skin started to crack ofF and the orange hair and red fur burst off to reveal a perfectly fine Ichigo and the skin all receded into the hole in his chest and healed it as though it was never there.

"So, that proof enough for you all?" Ichigo said looking at the camera with a half smirk.

Hello everyone, Mad Man in the Flesh here with chapter 2 of 'Kisuke's a Hunter?' I know many thought it would only be Kisuke in this but I thought I'd add Ichigo to it as well due to their interactions. Sorry if I annoy anyone with this but that's my decision.

Throughout the course of this story, I may be adding more Bleach characters to the roster who will come and go as I please. Just a warning to you all now.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed and leave a review, favourite or send me a PM.

Mad Man in the Flesh out.