A-N:Quick note before you all read. This chapter contains child abuse content. If you don't wish to read or are against it then I advice not to read it.
Chapter 8:
"Are you sure this is alright, I don't want to be a bother."
"I-I't a-alright, its n-no t-trouble at a-all."
Mamoru looked over at Usagi who looked down at her lap. Reika smiled from the back seat as she watched them. They were on their way to the cafe as Mamoru stopped the car at a red light. Usagi looked up from her lap as Reika asked her something.
"Pretty Bunny, can I make cookies or cupcakes with you?"
Usagi turned to Reika and smiled as she gave a nod, causing the small child to cheer in excitement. Mamoru couldn't help but smile as he watched them both from the corner of his eye. Usagi turned back to the front as they came up to the curve of the cafe. Once he stopped the car, Usagi climbed out along with Reika and Mamoru.
Minako was cleaning up a window next to the entrance when she spotted them. She let out a gasp and then a small squeal which caught the attention of a few customers and the girls. Rei, Ami and Makoto walked over wondering what was going on when they spotted their friends and all three smiled and lightly squealed themselves. They watched from the window as Mamoru gave Reika a hug before turning to Usagi and smile at her. They managed to see Usagi's face turn a bright red before Mamoru walked back to his car. Minako shooed the girls away as they pretended to go back to work, as Usagi and Reika waved bye to Mamoru who drove away.
Minako looked up from pretending to clean a small table next to the window, as Usagi and little Reika walk into the cafe holding hands.
"Sorry I'm late, I ran into-"
"Reika, how are you little kiddo?"
Makoto smiled as she, Rei and Ami walked over to the two girls smiling. Minako turned to them as Reika smiled at the four older women.
"I'm ok, Mamoru was called into work so I had asked if I could come and help you all and pretty bunny."
"Why aren't you in school Reika-chan?"
Ami asked as she leaned down and placed her hands on her knees to meet Reika's height. Reika looked away as she hugged Usagi's waist as Usagi placed a hand on the small child's left shoulder. She looked up at her friends and looked at them sadly.
"I was on my way back here when I took a short cut passed her school and her mother..."
Usagi tried to explain before she mentioned Beryl and her eyes widen surprised when she saw her friends smiles disappeared and were switched with angry frowns. Makoto smiled at Reika and lightly poked the small girl's cheek, earning them a small giggle.
"Hey, your ok now. Hows about you help us make chocolate and lemon macarons? How does that sound?"
Reika's eyes widen as she smiled a large grin.
Reika took Rei's hand before they walked into the kitchen as Ami, Minako and Makoto went back to work while Usagi placed Reika's backpack on the coat rack next to the door. She walked into the kitchen and saw Reika cracking a few eggs and separating the egg white and yokes. Smiling, Usagi put on her apron and walked back to the front to help with the register. Makoto walked to the counter and began to make a glass of ice coffee when Usagi turned to her.
"Hey Makoto, can I ask you a question?"
The tall brunette turned to her and gave a usual bubbly blonde a nod and a smile.
"Sure Usagi."
Makoto spoke, as she turned to a customer and handed him a paper bag along with his credit card back. Usagi looked down at her hands as she was placing a few small cookies into a small see through case before pushing the case aside to start on a new one.
"Um... What do you know of Reika's mother exactly?"
Usagi asked as she placed cookies into the box. After a minute of no response, she looked up at her tall friend to find her clenching the counter, her knuckles turning completely white.
"Forty-eight, forty-nine... Fifty..."
Makoto muttered before taking a deep breath through her nose and exhaling out her mouth. She turned to Usagi only to pause when she saw the worried, confused and scared expression plastered on the small blonde's face.
"D-Did I say something wrong?"
Makoto shook her head and smiled at Usagi as she reached over and playfully ruffled the blonde's hair.
"No, sorry about that Usagi. Just that... Beryl is... Well... She... Let's just say she doesn't deserve the title of mother."
Usagi blinked. Of course she could easily agree to that considering what she had witnessed first had back at the school. But she was curious as to why that subject made her friends especially upset. She opened her mouth to reply when the door to the kitchen was pushed opened and little Reika ran out to them, holding a tray of none baked chocolate macarons shells shaped like teddy bear heads. Usagi smiled when she turned around only for her smile to slowly disappear into a stare of shock. Reika's white shirt sleeves were rolled up, and Usagi spotted what looked like small nearly faded circular burned marks all on and around the little girl's arms.
"Lookie, Rei-chan helped me make teddies!"
Reika smiled which caused Makoto to smile as Ami and Minako walked over, also smiling.
"They look so cute Reika. I can't wait to try one."
Makoto smiled as she playfully ruffled Reika's hair, causing the small child to giggle before running back into the kitchen with the tray. Usagi watched surprised before turning to her friends, who had sad, serious and angry expressions on their faces.
"Beryl constantly mistreated that poor little girl. Treated her like trash and hardly fed her at all. Those markings on her arms are from Beryl... Using her as an ashtray."
Makoto spoke, in a angry, motionless voice before Minako and Ami gave nods. Usagi's eyes widen more before she turned to the kitchen door after hearing Reika's giggles from the other side.
Walking over to the door, Usagi peaked into the kitchen through the small window hole in the door. She watched as Rei placed a tray of heart shaped cookies into one of the ovens as Reika added a little bit of powered sugar to a mixing bowl that was placed under an automatic mixer.
"And that's not the worst part..."
Minako spoked up as Usagi turned around to them.
"Mamoru told us, well told the guys who told us that, when he first met Reika. He had found her locked in a closet with no food and very little water."
Minako said in a bitter voice. Usagi's eyes widen shock before she turned back to the window to find Reika trying to eat some powdered sugar with a clean spoon before being caught by Rei who smiled and pulled the sugar away, waving her finger around, telling the small child no.
Usagi turned away from the window, clenching her hands close to her chest before turning to her friends.
"W-What about her biological father? Surly he would-"
Usagi paused as she saw her friends shake their heads.
"He doesn't want anything to do with her. Reika and Beryl alike. Apparently when she found out she was pregnant, Beryl tried to go to him and tell him but he had turned her away. Stating that Reika wasn't his and that he didn't want anything to do with her."
Ami spoke sadly as Makoto and Minako looked down sadly. Usagi looked down as well before walking back over to the counter. She couldn't believe such a sweet and innocent child could be so unwanted. Usagi returned to placing cookies into small packages as Reika waddled out of the kitchen, carefully carrying a small plate filled with cupcakes. Reika walked over to Ami and handed her the plate as they took noticed of the flour stained bunny head shaped apron around her little waist and frosting covered face. All four couldn't help giggle at the small child's cuteness and innocence as she wiped the frosting off her face.
Usagi watched smiling as Reika skipped back into the kitchen to continue helping with the rest of the sweets.