This is my first participation in a CrissColfer Big Bang and it's my second CrissColfer story. I love writing Klaine, but CrissColfer will always be closer to my heart.

For this CCBB I was paired with Sara, freefallinfromdreams, and I'm truly grateful for our corporation. Sara has made a poster (the picture uploaded for this story) and a playlist. Both are linked on my tumblr melissamotown. It has been such a treat to see her bring my story to life. I really love what she's created. So make sure you go and check her stuff out. There's antoher very special person who has helped, like she always does. A big thank you to Lynne, stopandimaginelove, who is willing to beta read my stories no matter what I'm up to. 3

This is a CrissColfer AU - but not too far from home. I hope you will enjoy the ride.

"So are you ready for this summer-workshop-thingy or whatever it's called?" Michael asked and bumped Chris' shoulder as they were getting in line for their nametags.

"If it's just a thingy for you then why waste 6 weeks of the holiday," Chris asked with a lopsided grin. He and Michael had been friends through most of college. They were both majoring in creative writing and a wise professor of theirs had suggested an acting summer class to sharpen up their dialogues for screenplay writing.

After barely surviving high school, college had been a haven for Chris. He was free to do what he loved most, he had managed to get a few close friends and his social skills had improved from not existing, to being almost normal with a twist of don't get too close. He and Michael were opposites. Michael was chubby, lazy and blowing with the wind, while Chris was lean, focused and planning every step of his career in details. But Michael was funny to hang out with and Chris didn't have to pretend to be someone he wasn't when they were together. They had decided to do at least one project together throughout summer class. They wanted to write something sketchy, like Saturday Night Live, but with pretend celebrities, playing all the parts themselves. That would for sure require all the dialogue and timing they could squeeze out of their funny brains.

With nametags securely attached to their t-shirts, the two friends entered the auditorium that would be their home base for the next 6 weeks. It was a big room with rows of seats leveled from the floor, up to the ceiling. Centered on the floor was a podium like in most auditoriums, but behind the podium was a huge theater curtain that revealed a stage, big enough for performances and smaller plays. A part of Chris squirmed by the thought of being forced to interact with so many people he didn't know, but he had decided to take things slowly. No one could force him to bare his soul and he wasn't going to attempt to either. He had learned to come far with a snarky attitude, wrapped up nicely in funny remarks to sooth the sting.

Voices were buzzing with excitement all around them when he and Michael found two seats in the second row. Forty students had been accepted to the Actors Summer Class. Some Chris had seen before around campus, while others were unknown.

"Welcome to Actors Summer Class," a middle aged, square cut woman said from the podium. She was so thrilled to have the opportunity to mold young open minds in the arts that her earrings bounced underneath her orange, curly hair. She was dressed comfortably, ready to move around - and was most likely going for a dramatic expression; without quite getting there. Chris could definitely write something funny based on her.

"I'm Mrs. Nolan and I will be your teacher on this magical ride we're doing together," the woman chirped on. "A lot of you will be challenged on this journey, maybe even faced with a demon or two. But I promise that it will open your eyes to the many possibilities acting and performing have to offer. I have only one rule." She paused dramatically to get their undivided attention, "It's not an option to say no." The teacher looked around with highly raised eyebrows expecting a reaction. When she didn't get any - because honestly, who would be stupid enough to say no at this very moment - she continued with a lofty voice. "In this very room, this proud auditorium, this defined space, we can all trust each other. And keep in mind that everyone is doing their best, whether they have a lot of experience or are mere novices in the art of performing and acting."

Michael chuckled underneath his hand. "I could seriously imitate her spot on. I wouldn't say no to that challenge."

Chris shook his head and with a stern look on his face he kept a laugh in check. He was not jumping on any of Michael's rides now, experience had taught him that once he was there, he would never come back from a solid giggle attack. But even with the eccentricities of Mrs. Nolan and the uncertainty of what the next weeks would bring, he felt fairly optimistic about his choice to spend the summer holiday in this defined, proud auditorium.

Besides the mandatory presentation, the first two lessons included a few well known theater exercises, nothing too fancy, but still pretty funny, and a body warm-up. Tight jeans were hardly the proper outfit for stretching or feeling your inner flower breathe, as Mrs. Nolan called it, but Chris refused to jump around in sweatpants every day. Not even if it meant that his inner flower was gasping for air, as Michael gravely pointed out - god bless his crazy soul.

They all had lunch in the main dining hall of the college together with students from other summer classes. It was less crowded than during a semester, but enough people to make the place feel alive.

"Now don't look to your right, Colfer," Michael whispered from across the table when they had put down their trays, "but there's a guy checking you out, three o'clock." Chris looked up, curiously. "Damn it man, what part of "don't look" didn't you get?" Michael asked with slouching shoulders and a french fry hanging between his fingers.

"Don't know what you're talking about," Chris said and let his eyes wander to determine who was most three o'clock.

"The dude with the dark curly hair and the cute smile."

"Don't say cute about a guy, Mike, it doesn't suit you," Chris reprimanded squinting before looking again. Then he realized who Michael was talking about. "Okay that's ridiculous!"

"What do you mean?" Michael asked.

"That's Darren Criss."

"Never heard of him."

"That's because you despise musical theater."

"I don't despise it, I just think it's weird," Michael said in self defense. "All that singing out of nowhere. Singing is for concerts and showers, acting is for theater and movies. End of story."

"Never mind, Darren is a legend in the theater department."


"Because he is freaking talented; triple threat and all!"

"Triple what?"

Chris sighed deeply, not sure how Michael could be his best friend and not know things like this. "He can sing, dance and act. I can't believe I have to tell you this stuff."

"Hey I'm a writer, not a theater geek." Michael folded his arms over his chest. "Besides, Triple T or whatever, he was still checking you out."

Chris grimaced. "The guy has more chicks on his plate than he can possibly handle, okay."

"So, what are you saying, a lot a girlfriends?"

Chris paused, suddenly not sure how to answer. Darren always seemed to be surrounded by girls, not only girls, but still. That was no crime in itself and now that he got to think about it, he had never seen him in intimate situations with a girl. "Not necessarily," he admitted and chewed on a bite of his sandwich, "just a lot of female fans." Darren suddenly caught his stare and smiled, which made Chris swallow his bite before he had finished chewing it, just to smile back. He coughed embarrassedly and grabbed something to drink.

"Of course there'll be fans! If he's Triple T and good looking at the same time, he's bound to have screaming girls following his every step. But it doesn't mean he couldn't check you out."

This was getting tiring. "Mike, haven't you spotted a cute girl who deserves a treat of your Michelangelo charm? This topic is dead as it will ever be."

"Don't say cute about a girl! It doesn't suit you," Michael gave back before he left.

Chris laughed to himself as he watched his friend approach a pretty, blonde girl, one of those who had been drooling over Darren. Some things never change. Michael would always go for girls out of his league and guys like Darren would never check out guys like Chris.

After a couple of days Chris felt quite at ease in class and he soon learned that he had a lot to offer even though he hadn't acted for a long time. Theater sport was a blast because his brain worked so brilliantly under pressure and ideas came popping as if they had been stored for ages.

"Today, dear students, we are going to play a little game called: It is with most regret," Mrs. Nolan said with a big lipstick smile on the fourth day. "The rule is quite simple. You get up here by turn to produce some kind of performance, a documentary, a speech, a song, a quiz; the possibilities are endless. But in your performance you must use the words "It is with most regret."

Chris' head was spinning already with at least three ideas. No one knew when they would be picked, but when Chris was chosen as the third participant, he was beyond ready. He stepped into the middle of the circle, altering everything about his body language and overall demeanor on his way. He lifted his chin and collected his feet, making small steps as he obviously handled an invisible lady's purse hanging from the crook of his elbow. He mastered a superior facial expression as if he was born with it. Muffled laughs were heard before he had uttered a single word. "It is with most regret I have to inform the British people, my peasants, that I haven't received a call back for the part on Downton Abbey as Lady Graham's beloved, yet rather silly sister." Everyone in the auditorium burst out laughing and it didn't make things better that Chris just stared at them blank faced without losing a beat. His British accent was over the top and not a single soul in the room questioned that they were facing her royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the 2nd.

"It's quite obvious that some people can't spot a god given talent even if it was shoved up their noses. Well, I suppose it's their loss and I will not waste a single moment on that ridiculous show. It wasn't very good, after all." Chris turned on the spot and returned to his seat with small queen sized steps and didn't break character before he faced his audience again with a smile. Darren happened to sit across from him and he was still laughing as his warm eyes paid Chris respect. Chris shrugged innocently when he looked back - but a rush of joy twirled inside of him. It felt amazing to impress someone as talented as Darren.

Two participants later it was Darren's turn and Chris waited in anticipation, ready to give the applause back. To his surprise Darren strode directly towards him and asked if he could borrow the program he had been fiddling absentmindedly with. Chris gave it up willingly a bit puzzled. Back at the center of the circle Darren unfolded the paper and examined it gravely. Then he looked up, corrected a make believe tie and grabbed an empty bottle of water that he somehow had fit into his back pocket. "Good evening," he said into the bottle, mastering a distinguished British accent. "This is BBC News reporting live from London with a special broadcast due to some highly disturbing news. It is with utmost regret I have to inform you that her Royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the 2nd. has gone missing." Chris pressed his lips together, trying to conceal a smile. "She was last seen leaving Buckingham Palace on a horse a few hours ago with a rather determined expression on her royal face, carrying her beloved lady's purse around her royal arm," Darren continued.

Chris bubbled with laughter. It was rare to meet someone who that easily could tap into his ideas and mindset.

"Prince Charles was the first one to be informed about the dreadful situation. He says - and I quote - don't worry, she'll be home by tea time." The reporter now paused and pressed two fingers against his ear as he received news from his producer. His somber appearance changed to bewilderment before he looked straight into the camera and cleared his throat. "I have been told that the Queen has been found. Someone spotted her … running around the proud halls of Highclere Castle where … Downton Abbey appears to be filming at the moment. Eyewitnesses report that they heard the Queen yelling, and I quote again - I can be the new Mr. Bates."

The entire room roared with laughter now and Chris was no exception. Besides the undisputed fact that the guy was ridiculously funny, Chris was really impressed. Not only had Darren picked up his story, but knowing about Highclere Castle was for dorks only; a passion he shared with very few. When the laughter was reduced to happy sighs Darren went back to Chris and with a teasing look in his warm eyes he said: "I believe this was yours."