ABC/DISNEY owns GH. No copyright is intended.

Hi everyone! Sorry for the long break. I was dealing with some severe eye issues. Those of you who have been reading my stories for a while know my eyes are a source of problems for me. I didn't want to begin a new fanfic until I got a little better. I didn't want to start posting and then have to stop. I'm not all the way better yet, so keep those fingers crossed for me.

This new story is AH like all my stories. It does not follow the timeline on the show at all. I also had to move the Metro Court hostage crisis from February, you find out why in the story.

This story was inspired by a prompt from Heather over at HH. So thank you Heather!

Thanks Liason102 for being the rockingest beta ever.

Please be polite in your reviews. If you don't like this story just stop reading it.

This is light drama story with mob stuff in the background, and a couple a lot of you have been asking for returns.

There are outfits and 2 houses for those interested.


Chapter 1

"Hello Grandmother." Jason said taking a seat after slipping into the mansion. It was just after midnight. That his grandmother was still up wasn't surprising. For one thing she was a night owl like him, had been her entire life. That tendency only got worse in the past year after losing Edward. She simply hadn't adjusted to all that room in the bed.

The second reason she was awake was the turmoil in Port Charles. While the city had seen its share of bombs, fires, and other disasters tonight had been one for the books. A hostage crisis had occurred at the annual Nurse's Ball which was being held at the Metro Court, and it left a staggering number of people dead. It also put Alan in the hospital. Lila was sitting up waiting to hear how he was doing, after losing Edward to his heart condition she didn't want to lose her son the same way.

"Hello Jason. Thank you for coming to see me." Lila said reaching out her hand for his. Despite the stresses of the night she still had a smile for her grandson. She was thankful to have never lost him, so many of the Quartermaines were gone now they had to hold tight to the ones that were left.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. I knew you were home alone tonight." Jason said showing his softer side. He didn't wear his heart on his sleeve for many people. However he didn't hide the fact that he loved his grandmother. No matter what was going on with the rest of the family that never changed.

"I am." Lila promised him. "I have endured a lot in my life. Living through a World War made me strong. Living with your grandfather made me stronger. Being Tracy's mother made me invincible." She said laughing. "How are you? And may I asked what inspired the new look?" Her grandson was in head to toe black.

"I have had an interesting night." Jason wasn't going to go into a lot of details. Right now he didn't have the energy. Later he would give his grandmother a full accounting of what he had seen and heard. Most people would be surprised to know that Jason told his grandmother pretty much everything. How could he not? The woman was the most level headed person he knew. In the life that he led having someone who could see almost any situation clearly was a gift. "The most important thing is that I learned tonight is that I'm going to be a father." He said smiling.

"Elizabeth?" Lila guessed with a knowing grin that turned into a laugh at her grandson's surprised look. "I'm old Jason, not blind. I have seen the two of you together several times over the course of the summer. I can also spot a pregnant glow a mile away." Elizabeth wasn't showing yet which was probably a good thing. With her being single at the moment she was going to become the topic of gossip when the baby bump appeared.

While Port Charles was filled with some of the most corrupt people Lila had ever encountered they wouldn't hesitate to rake the single mother over the coals. Even though Elizabeth had one of the kindest hearts around they would still take her to task for the fact that the baby wasn't Lucky Spencer's. It just boggled Lila's mind how many people wanted Elizabeth to spend her life with a man she clearly didn't love.

"Did grandfather have this much trouble hiding things from you?" Jason wanted to know. He was happy that he and the older man had patched things up. It would have been hard knowing Edward died with them not liking one another.

"He eventually learned to not even try." Lila said with an angelic smile. "How is this going to impact your life? I seem to remember you having a fan." She stated with an arched brow. Her grandson's taste in women wasn't the best after his accident. However she always respected his right to live his life the way he chose to. Lila generally held her tongue but she just didn't like Sam. Now that Jason was no longer with the dark haired woman Lila didn't have to hide that fact.

"Sam was killed tonight." Jason said shaking his head. "She seemed to believe that she was capable of over taking the man in charge. She tried to get a gun from one of his crew and got shot in the process." Patrick and Robin worked on her, with Emily's help, but it didn't do any good. "We were not getting back together, I know it sounds cold but her death doesn't impact me in any way."

"It's not cold." Lila said patting his hand. "You had already moved on. May I ask you another question?"

"Absolutely." Jason didn't hesitate to say.

"Why are you here and not with Elizabeth? She lost friends tonight as well. I'm sure she could use a shoulder to lean on." Lila wanted to know.

Jason blushed a bit. "She told me about the baby while we were trapped in the elevator." She had been wearing the most beautiful blue gown and still looked stunning. His eyes had gone to her still flat stomach when she told him about the pregnancy.

They had been together almost two months ago, and life had kept them from talking since then. He recalled several instances where she had asked to meet with him about something important, it just never seemed to happen. He had to cancel a couple of times due to work issues, then Sam had started her campaign to win him back and he wasn't showing up to talk with Elizabeth with a hanger on. Just recently he had to go out of town. Tonight was the first time they had spent uninterrupted time together in far too long.

"And?" Lila prodded.

"She said we didn't have to be together to raise our child." Jason said frowning some. "That she would never keep my baby from me, but it was clear from my actions I didn't want a relationship with her."

"That is true." Lila said trying not to smile. Jason hadn't liked hearing that. She thought her grandson deserved to work some for the young nurse's heart. She had no problem with Elizabeth making Jason prove that he was capable of being a good partner and father. Her grandson had a habit of putting the wrong people in his life first. It was a problem Elizabeth had too, until she cleaned house earlier this year. The Spencers had been dumped as a unit after Lucky cheated on her. Clearly their engagement didn't mean as much to him as he wanted everyone to believe. Good riddance to bad rubbish. "In today's world a woman doesn't need a husband to have a child."

"She thinks I have been avoiding her since we were together." Jason could understand how Liz reached that conclusion. "Which isn't true. She also thinks I want to get back together with Sam." Another miscommunication to add to their list. His ex-girlfriend had used his absence to make it seem like he had forgiven her for sleeping with Ric. Jason hadn't, and neither had Alexis.

"I wonder why?" Lila asked with a bit of acid as that arched eyebrow got a little higher. "Could it be that you haven't actually talked to her? Jason they have this wonderful thing called the telephone. You push buttons and it lets you talk to people all over the planet. I know a conversation about your future is best had face to face, but if the phone is all you have you make it work." She said taking him to task. "You knew Sam was running around spreading lies, and you took no steps to convince Elizabeth that what she was hearing wasn't the truth."

Jason couldn't say anything. His grandmother was right. He had gotten into a habit of drifting through life, of letting others control situations that impacted him. It was no wonder Elizabeth assumed he didn't want to be with her, but she was still willing to let him know his child. Because her heart rarely closed to anyone. If it did their history would have made it so she never talked to him again. "I want to work on convincing Elizabeth we should be together." It was time to make some changes. That was the place he planned to start. "I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to accomplish that?"

"I should leave you to climb out of the hole you have dug for yourself on your own." Lila was a big believer of learning from your mistakes. "But I won't, because you really do need my help. You are going to have to do the majority of the work on this problem. Ultimately only you and Elizabeth can decide if you have a future together, but I can help you get started." The older woman said.

"What do you suggest?" Jason was not above getting advice from his grandmother. At least not now. He had a feeling that if had listened to her right after his accident his life would look a lot different. He probably should have come to her after Elizabeth left him for lying about Sonny faking his death. He just bet she would have been able to help him fix that situation too.

"You are going to kidnap Elizabeth." Lila told him. Here in Port Charles there were too many distractions so they needed to go elsewhere and talk. The young nurse had a good many responsibilities and Lila doubted she would drop them to just run away with Jason. Plus if ever there was a situation that called for a grand gesture this was it.

"Kidnap her?" Jason repeated surprised.

"Did you ask her to marry you in the elevator?" Lila knew him well.

"I did. Which is why Elizabeth said we don't have to be together to raise the baby." He admitted starting to smile. Kidnapping Elizabeth would certainly let her know he was serious. She wasn't going to press charges, but Jason had to take into account other factors as well. One being Cameron, and two being the mess that would be waiting when they got back home. The business couldn't just be walked away from. Not now, so he also needed to factor that in. Still he could see how that would work.

"You like my plan." Lila said chuckling.

"It's a bit unorthodox, but I do like it." Jason said with a rare wide smile. "I need to get everything set up."

"Good. I know exactly where you can take her." Lila would do this one last thing for him. After this he was on his own. She named a place, and could see in his eyes that he knew why she picked it. By the time she was done he was nodding his approval.

"You are good at this." Jason said giving her a look.

"I'm good at many things." Lila said a bit smugly. "You should know that by now."

Before Jason could respond his phone rang. "It's the hospital." Which meant news about one of the many people Jason was connected to who were in the building tonight.

"It's too early to be Alan." Lila said telling herself to stay calm. It was too early unless he hadn't made it through surgery.

"Morgan." Jason said answering the phone.

"Spencer didn't make it." Cody reported to his boss. He was sitting in Kelly's office. His girlfriend was downstairs working in the ER on the wounded, so this was good place to set up a command center. He had spent so much time receiving reports his cell phone needed to charge.

"Thank you." Jason told the guard.

"I haven't had any news about your dad. Last update said the surgery was going well." Cody passed along.

"Good to know, make sure you get some rest." Jason said before hanging up. He didn't want his guys running themselves into the ground "It wasn't about Alan. From what my guys are hearing the surgery is going well."

Lila just nodded. Both Monica and Emily were at the hospital more than likely watching Alan's surgery take place. Lila would probably hear any updates from them.

"Lucky Spencer died." Jason told his grandmother. She had once been close to the Spencer's but that was no longer the case. Lucky wasn't the man he used to be thanks to Helena, and Luke had turned out to be rapist.

"I feel for Laura, never would I have thought her catatonic state would be a blessing." Lila said quietly. "To lose Lucky and Lulu on the same night would be hard to move pass." Lulu had died in the lobby during the shootout. "If you need to go start setting things up I understand."

"You were right about the phone." Jason said being cheeky. "I'm going to put it to good use. I need to make some calls which I can do from this sofa. I'm not going to leave you to sit here alone." He was once again putting someone before Elizabeth, but this time she would understand. She loved Lila. After Audrey's death Lila had stepped into the grandmother role, giving Elizabeth the family she needed since her own couldn't be bothered.

"I'm not going to argue. It's always nice having you close, and this way I get to hear exactly what your plan is going to be. I'll be sure to speak up if you get off track." She let him know. Also if he stayed she would know the condition of those he was worried about. Sonny had been badly hurt in the night's melee as well. Jason might appear emotionless but that was far from true. He needed support as well. Another realization came after that one. With Jason here Lila could keep another problem at bay. Carly was no doubt running around unsupervised. At some point she would get the bright idea of calling Jason, when she did Lila was going to make sure her grandson didn't go. It was time Carly was put in her place too.

"I guess I know where the rest of us get our smartass tendencies." Jason said laughing as he located the number he needed on his speed dial. Just before he hit the talk button his phone buzzed, an incoming call on the second line. Carly. Without the least bit of guilt Jason hit ignore and continued on with his call. He had things to set in motion, so she was going to have to wait.

"Why are you calling me so fucking early?" Johnny O'Brien wanted to know. He was in bed cuddled up with his sexy wife. They had a late night and he was tired.

"Good morning to you too." Jason said laughing, it was just after five in Dublin. "I need you to return to Port Charles."

"Why?" Johnny wanted to know. "Give me a good reason to drag my wife back there considering we only left on vacation a week ago." If Jason was calling now then more than likely time off was over.

"True love." Jason said laughing.

"Better be Lizbits." Johnny had no use for Jason's last companion.

"It is." Jason confirmed. "Only she doesn't know it yet, and you won't be here for long. Let your wife have a visit with Lila, while you run the errand I need you for." That would get his friend to stop arguing. Johnny could never resist a mystery.

"We'll be on the next plane out." Johnny said hanging up.

On the sofa Jason just chuckled. Time for call number two.

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