A/N Hey guy! Thanks for all the follows/favourites/reviews! One person that did review though was kinda confused about the story, I don't know about the rest of you guys though but I'll explain things anyway. Annabeth when she was just a baby started tasting food that were only made in high end restaurants, a pancake isn't something that you would serve at a high end gourmet restaurant. Even though Percy's dish was good, she couldn't accept it because it's against what she believes. That all good food should be gourmet). Also he said that I copied from a food manga and I did. I put it in my disclaimer. I'm just writing this because I thought it would be interesting if I switched the characters. Anyway here is the net chapter, I don't know if you guys would like me to split off from the anime or not, just review if you guys want me to. If you guys wanna ask me any personal questions just PM me and my answers will be in the next chapter. Disclaimer: I own literally nothing because the plot goes to Yūto Tsukuda and the characters go to Rick. No flames please.

One month after the entrance exam:

The students of Olympus all gathered together at the courtyard of Olympus. There was a huge stage at the front where a podium stood proudly and accompanied by a speaker.

"Ladies and gentlemen, congratulations on entering the high school selection. On your three years of middle school you have deepened your knowledge about the basics of food preparation and its ingredients. You've had classes with cooking drills, cooking theories, sanitation, agriculture, management and now you're standing at the entrance to the high school selection. But what you will be tested is not your techniques or your knowledge. In order to polish the remaining one percent of gems, ninety nine percent of you will be sacrificial stones."

The students stared at their director in shock, where was the happy and easy going man that aided them in their cooking? Why was the usual easy going director a sterner and colder being?

"Out of the 812 new first years from last year. The number of students that advanced to the second year was 76. All I have to say is devote to your studies and good luck."

Most of the students looked scared except for 30 or so. These students had a look of hunger in their eyes, a look that seemed like they wanted to be the very best.

"We'll introduce the student who was admitted into the high school selection."

Annabeth snapped her head in shock but reasoned that another examiner must have passed someone.

"Well…like, I'm supposed to express my intentions, right? I'm beat, do I really have to do this?"

"Just say it already!" A student from the crowd shouted.

"Well saying them on stage is embarrassing," Percy said while scratching the nape of his neck, "But I'll keep it short, I'll just say two or three things."

Annabeth looked at the speaker in shock, there was that annoying face, the face that she couldn't stand, the cute and handsome face that mocked her, the face that she failed! Annabeth found a lack of words as she stared at the boy standing on the podium.

"Erhm, I'm Percy Jackson. Truth be told I only think of this academy as a stepping stone. I got accepted unexpectedly but I have no plan on losing to a bunch of students that have never stood in front of their clients. And last but not least I'll take the top."

With those simple words Percy walked off the stage casually, like he didn't give a single care. A moment of silence passed before the riot took place. The new first years shouted their opinions as loud as they could.

"I'll kill you rookie!"

"Hey you bastard!"

Percy walked off stage, not put off by the words that his peers were shouting at him. Percy let out a sigh of breath and let an impish grin take over his face as he saw his examiner.

"Phew, I didn't bite my tongue or anything." Percy said with a lop sided smile.

"How was I? It wasn't weird or anything right? I was kinda nervous, ever since I was a kid, things like testimonials and stuff weren't important."

"That doesn't matter! Percy why are you here!"

"Well I received a letter that said I was accepted so I came," Percy said while holding out an envelope that was opened and had a piece of paper poking out, "I was pretty scared back then when you said that it was 'bad', if it was good then you should have said so."

'Impossible! That's so wrong, how can he have got a letter? I told Chiron that he failed!'

"Let me tell you one thing, I haven't accepted you or your cooking yet!" Annabeth let out a huff of annoyance, "It's a mistake, and you're a mistake! You came into Olympus because of a mistake!"

"Huh?" Percy said taken aback.

"Saying you'll get to the top is a joke! All the students in that courtyard have gone through Olympus' middle school where they are taught fine gastronomy. A rookie, an outsider like you will never dream about beating them."

"Three years in middle school huh?" Percy spoke, in a low voice, "The first time I held a knife was when I was three."

'What?' Annabeth thought incredulously while spinning around to meet the sea green eyed boy.

"Twelve years. That's how long I've been living in the kitchen you know? And do you know what? I can't let my diner's name get dirty by being said my food was 'bad'. Wait for it Miss Chase because I'll make you clearly say with that God's tongue of yours, that my food is 'good'!" Percy said with a smile his black jacket that he was wearing ruffling in the wind revealing a simple green shirt that had the Aunt Sally's logo on it, "I'll exhaust my cooking skills, to surpass my limits!"

A cold silence passed between the two. One with a determined face and clenched fist, the other with a cold calculating expression. A slow autumn breeze passed the two as their hair and clothes ruffled in the wind. A few metres from the two was an old looking man. He had long brown hair and a small scar across his face. This was the director or the 'Teacher of Cooks'. He was the reason for Percy's entrance.

Chiron had his back against the kitchen door, his eyes closed, listening to the words as the two cook conversed.

"…Good or bad? Tell me!"


'It must be good if Annabeth has not made a verdict yet. It usually takes her a split second to tell what is good and what is bad… Wait, why is it taking so long?'

"I-It's bad!"

Chiron heard the scuffling of shoes and determined that her adopted granddaughter had run off. Chiron Slowly opened the door and peered through the kitchen to see a black haired boy with closed eyes and fists.

"Dammit." The boy shouted while slamming his fist onto the metal table.

A few seconds passed and the boy left, his eyes down cast down and an aura self-loathing over passed him. Chiron look at the boy with a raised eye as he watched him leave by the front entrance like his granddaughter. After the boy was gone Chiron opened the kitchen door and walked towards the dish. He stared at the brown pancake that was sitting in the golden sweet syrup. Chiron sliced a piece off for himself and took a bite and instantly fell in love with it. Just like Annabeth it had reminded him of his childhood, full of sugary fun. Chiron took a look at the document next to the dish to see the document of Percy Jackson. He picked up the document and left to his office in a hurry.

New Orleans, Louisiana. 3 years ago

A cinnamon brown haired girl waved her hand frantically as she waved goodbye to her loved ones from the country side. A train was nearing the station and she was leaving to go to one of the best culinary schools in the world.

"Hazel, are you really going?"

"You just turned twelve!"

"Don't worry about me grandpa!" Hazel shouted as she hugged her grandpa tightly.

"That's right! Hazel's cooking is the best in town, she'll definitely be accepted into Olympus." A town's person shouted while giving Hazel a bright grin and a thumbs up.

"Thank you everyone! I'll do my best, believe it!"

Those were the last words Hazel said to the town as she hopped on the train and travelled all the way to New York to the high esteemed academy.

End of 3rd year of middle school

Hazel sat down on a cooking stool, her hands buried deep into her hands. A few tears leaked passed her eyes as she held onto the report papers. She looked up and sifted through her reports once again. They were all filled with D's and E's. She was basically failing her cooking classes, all of them. She then noticed a piece of paper at the back she hadn't seen before. It was a simple piece of white paper but the words were written in bold and in red.


Middle School 3rd Year: Hazel Levesque

Hazel Levesque, your grades have been constantly bad all year. If at the beginning of next year, your first year of high school you get a failing grade (D or an E) you will be expelled from Olympus, effective immediately.'

Hazel scrunched the piece of paper as tears brimmed her eyes. If she got another failing grade she would fail all of those from her home town, all of those people that believed in her. She couldn't get another failing grade, her career depended on passing.

Current time

Hazel stood in the crowd of students for the opening ceremony for the first years of high school. Her and her peers had passed and she was admitted into the next years of high school. That's if she doesn't get another failing grade. Hazel noticed the eccentric black haired boy with green eyes as he spoke words that angered the rest of her peers.

'I'm definitely not getting close to that rookie because if I do I might fail.'

Hazel travelled to the first class. A hands on cooking class. Once she entered the classroom she instantly felt the tense atmosphere. As she scanned the area she saw where all the negative attention was pointed at, it was the new rookie kid. He was casual tossing an onion up in the air and catching it while waiting for their teacher. The students were in pairs of two behind cooking tables that were complete with an oven, burner and sink. Percy was behind a table without a partner and there were no available left partners for Hazel.

"Look at him…"

"Yeah it's the transfer kid that made a noise at the opening ceremony."

The words bounced off Percy as he casually tossed the onion, it was if all the negative attention he gained didn't affect him all.

"Well… To think I would cook in the first class, last time I cooked in school was my home economics class."

"Uh? Are you Hazel? Why are you shaking so much?" Percy question as he looked at the frail, shivering Hazel.

"It's because if I get a failing grade in this class then I will get expelled." Hazel said, deflated.

"What's the grading like?"

"Well, the quality of your cooking is graded from A to E. Though it might differ from class to class."

"Hello young apprentice. Today you will be working in partners to create a 'boeuf bourguignon'. A standard French dish that is to be completed in two hours. I'll write the recipe down on the board. Submit your dishes as soon as you're finished."

'Oh, no! Trust that I am partnered with the rookie! But he look confident, surely his skills must be adequate-' Hazel thought frantically while looking at the clock that started to countdown their time to cook.

"Boe—, bour? What?"

"Percy? Haven't you cooked that dish before?" Percy shook his head as a negative.

"It's something like a cow stew right? I'll go look at the recipe." Percy said with a casual smile as he walked towards the board.

Hazel put her hands on her heads, she was going to fail. She was going to fail on the first day of high school and get expelled! She couldn't back a failure, it would make the town so disappointed. Hazel straightened herself and began to prepare the ingredients, she expertly chopped the vegetables and put the meat in a small steel pot and put it over the burner.

'I'll take it out in 40 minutes,' Hazel though while staring intensely at the pot, '39 minutes till I take out the beef.'

"Hazel look! They have such a variety of spices!" Percy shouted while pointing at the thousands of spices behind the glass doors.

'An idiot, I was paired with an idiot. I need to get a dish so I can plate our food on it.' Hazel thought while walking off to get a plate.

Unknown to both chefs too students looked at the metal pot with anger in their eyes. The two student looked at each other before a knowing smile passed between the two. Minutes later Percy and Hazel arrived back at their station.

"Hey Hazel, did you open the lid?"

"No? It needs to be under for another 20 minutes." Hazel said while rushing over.

Percy lifted the lid and the steam from the dish rose. Once the steam dissipated, Hazel and Percy were shocked to find that there was a white grainy powder on top of their meat. Percy dipped his had in the white substance and took a lick.

"Salt." Percy concluded.

"Who, what? Who would do this?" Hazel ask while squatting down and putting her head in her arms.

Percy turned his head to see the two smirking students. Percy sent them a wolf-glare that sent them scurrying back to their own dish. Hazel looked at the time and noticed that there were only 30 minutes left on the clock to finish their dish.

"I-it's useless now, we can't use the meat. We have to remake this, even though it takes an hour for the meat to soak and tender up and after that we have to boil it for the sauce to fit in." Hazel said feverishly.

They had 30 minutes to complete a dish that should be completed in two hours, it was impossible. The head chef looked at the two students, the teachers name was Hermes, one of the Olympians and an expert in French cuisine. While Hazel was worrying herself, Percy went off to gain some pare ingredients.

"Hey Hazel, I searched around and luckily found some spare ingredients we can use." Percy said with a grin.

"But Percy, we won't get it done in time!"

Percy ripped the cloth from his wrist and tied it round his forehead, a smile adorned on his face.

"Hazel, before we were students we are chefs. If you help me, we'll get a dish done no matter what it takes!" Percy said while securing the sea green cloth.

Hazel looked at Percy's face of determination and all of her doubts washed away, what was left was a strong a determined cook. Hazel nodded her head quickly and without being told began to work on the preparation work. The pair worked quickly and effectively, not a single movement was wasted.

"Did you see the look on their face?"

"Yeah, they'll definitely get an E for sure."

"A! Next pair." Hermes shouted as he finished tasting a dish of two students.

"Hurry up! The other pairs are starting to finish, we have to add the sauce still."

"Please evaluate us next, it's done!"

The two cooks that had sabotaged Percy's and Hazel's dish turned back in shock, their dish wasn't finished, yet Percy's dish was complete before theirs. The students watched in shock as a confident Percy and a timid Hazel walked towards the front where their dish would be tested by Hermes. Percy put his plate down in front of Hermes and took a step back.

"I heard that an incidence occurred during your cooking?"

Percy nodded his head while handing Hermes a fork. Hermes used the bottom of the work to press down against the meat, expecting it to be firm and untendered. What happened next made him look at the dish in shock. The piece of meat was so tender, it was as if the fork had bounced on the meat. The two boys shouted in shock, there was no way the rookie and his partner had made the meat so tender in less than 30 minutes.

"How did you team complete this?" Hermes said while looking at the pair in front of him.

"I used honey. I rubbed it on the meat before boiling it, and also added some seasoning." Percy said with a smile, his hands folded behind him.

"H-how did you know to use honey?" Hazel asked in shock.

"well a long time ago I was reading this cook book that said that pineapples can make meat tender, but we didn't have many opportunities to get any pineapples so I tested with other things in my kitchen, honey was the only one successful." Percy explained.

'I see, honey has protease that made effect on the hard beef and make it tender in a short amount of time.'

Hermes took a bite and instantly melted at the tender flavour and juices. The soft hint of honey added as an extra flavour as he ate it. It was so soft that he could barely taste it but it was still there.

"I'll give you an A, but however, it is a shame I don't have the authority," Hermes face became dark, "To give you a higher grade."

Percy took the sea green headband from his head and tied it back on his wrist. A smile made its way to his face as he gave Hazel two thumbs up, to which she didn't notice since she was so happy that she made a passing grade.

"It wasn't much." Percy said.

"H-How? That rookies dish was better than ours!"


"Good work!" Percy said while returning back to their kitchen bench.

"Thanks for today Percy." Hazel said her hands clamped together as she looked nervously at Percy.

"It was nothing, good luck next time Hazel." Percy said with a grin and left.

'I-I might have been paired with an amazing person!' Hazel thought, a small blush forming on her face, 'We were in a tight spot but we still managed an A.'

Percy was officially lost. He had his packing bag slung over his shoulder with his special knife case inside along with his clothes and other toiletries. Percy looked down at the sheet he was given and turned it around confusingly. He couldn't read maps to save his life. He noticed an official Olympus person standing behind a desk and decided to ask them where is dormitory was.

"Hey Ms, do you know where the Polar Star Dormitory is?"

"Most students rent apartments near the school, by my concern there hasn't been a dormitory in this school for the past ten years."

"Oh, I'll go back and ask the people that gave me this." Percy said and waved as a goodbye.

Percy would give it back to the person that gave it to him but currently he didn't know where that person was. His dad had given him the piece of paper and drew lines where to go, the school was so big that he didn't even know where he was on the map. Percy reached into his bag and took out a squid tentacle and put it in his mouth and bit down on it. He had a whole ration of dried squid in his bag just in case he needed a snack. His family restaurant did specialise in seafood after all. Percy began to wander around the school till it became sunset.

"It's cold, I'm hungry and tired, and it's freaking cold outside. Where the hell is this dormitory?"

Percy continued walking down the dirt path as he looked at all of the school facilities, there was a big windmill, a huge olden day building and a modern one. Basically the schools facilities were endless.

"Judging from the map, hopefully I should nearly be here." Percy didn't notice that one of the papers that he was holding in his hand flew off.

Hundreds of metres later he finally came up on what he could only explain as an old creepy mansion. The wall of the house had brown dirt smudged into the edges, with the windows fogged, and moss growing everywhere. There were thin steel fences around the front of the house that looked like it was taken straight out of a horror movie. The steel bars were all rusted and brown, the tops were capped with steel pointy arrows and vines clung to the sides of the fences. A crow screeched and a nearby clock tower gonged, signifying that it was midnight.


Percy peered at the old plaque on the side of the fence.

'Polar Star Dormitory.'

Percy shrugged his shoulders and walked in, all he wanted to do was take a nice warm bath and go to sleep on a nice soft bed. Percy pushed open the gate and walked into the western styled house. Once he entered he found out that the appearance on the outside, matched the one on the inside. It was all dark, cold and gloomy. Suddenly a smoke appeared above his head and the lights turned on.

"Smoke? Is there a fire?"

"Hey! Room 208, why did you modify the lounge into a smoking area, again!" An old voice came out of the speakers in the corners of the room.

"Sorry, I was trying a new recipe that needed me to smoke salmon." A boy with an eye patch and long black hair that covered his forehead shouted.

"Room 146, if you don't keep them in their cages, I'll skin you alive!"

"Allyssa, Natasha, Jasmine! Come back!" Percy eyes widened when he saw a horde of animals rush past him, a red haired girl following them in a rush.

"I'm sure you prepared your ingredients?" Percy jumped a foot in shock.

Percy turned around to see an old lady with gravity defying hair. It was whirling around her as if some wind had entered the room. The lady gave Percy a look and he glowered.

'I've gone to a goddamn weird place.'

"I'm sorry, can you please repeat what you said?"

"I'm sure you've prepared your ingredients."

"Huh? Ingredients for what?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's for the Polar Star Dormitory skill test!"

The polar star entrance skills test. The entrant must make a dish. Only if his/her dish is accepted than they may enter the dormitory. The judge will be the dormitory leader. The entrant can use and ingredients.

"W-what? I didn't hear about this!"

"Then you lose by default, it was a paper was given to you I presume? You can't enter the Polar Star dormitory without testing your skills. Which means you have to sleep outside for tonight." The Lady said with her arms crossed.

"Please old lady! Do you know how cold it is outside? You must be crazy." Percy pleaded on his knees, the exhaustion had taken over him.

"Don't call me old lady! My name is Rhea but you call me Lady Rhea. Just, give up. There are only left over ingredients in the kitchen. You had bad luck today I guess."

"So I can use left overs? Take me to the kitchen, I'll take the test."

The old lady looked at the boy with wide eyes, but took him to the kitchen nether the less. When they entered the kitchen Percy's eyes widened in shock. The kitchen looked nothing like the rest of the mansion, the kitchen was better quality than the one at Aunt Sally's.

"What a kitchen!"

"Hey listen kid, I hate brats the most that bluff. Do you know how many student dishes I have tasted? Do you think an improvised dish will get you a passing mark?"

Percy ignored the old lady and walked around the kitchen, he lay his bag down and looked at all of the left over ingredients. There were a few vegetables like onions and he had his special seasoning in his bag, he also had—.

"Yeah! This should be enough," Percy said while securing his headband on his head, "Polar Star Dormitory leader, Lady Rhea, Please wait for a minute!"

Percy worked quickly utilising all of the ingredients he had left. He mashed the ingredients together to create some patty. He put the patty on a pan and turned the burner on, he then put the lid on the pan and waited. A few minutes passed and Percy deemed that it was ready, he lifted the lid and let the steam rush out. Once the steam cleared Rhea stood shocked at the patty.

'I-impossible, there was less than a gram of meat in the kitchen, how did he get such a fleshy patty? What kind of magic did he use?'

Percy smirked at Lady Rhea's face. Obviously she was confused about where he got the 'meat' from.

"It's a mackerel burger, I used can mackerel to make this. Onions, eggs, breadcrumbs, and mackerel, whose juice was lightly drained. I broke all those ingredients into pieces and mushed them together, added a bit of salt and pepper, and fried it. With those ingredients you can make a fluffy mackerel burger! Moreover, when you add 'Ponzu', a citrus based sauce with the juices from the mackerel it creates a sauce with refreshing flavour."

Percy plated the dish and gave it Rhea. The patty was accompanied by a small bowl of rice and a steaming hot soup. Rhea Slice a bit off the patty can ate it with some rice.

'Impossible, the canned mackerel should have a raw strong smell but I can't smell the fishiness. If he had told me that he used real beef I wouldn't have questioned him.'

"And what's this soup?"

"Egg soup."

Rhea took the bowl that the soup was in a put it to her lips, when she drank it she couldn't believe the quality of the broth. The fragrant, the flavour was signs that it was a high-quality soup.

"There was no kelp, no seaweed or anything that you could make this soup from! Just how did you do it?"

"Well I had some on hands," Percy smirked as he flicked the dried squid tentacle that he had in his mouth still, "Since the squid is dried, it's basically a mass of delicious components. If you dip it in boiling water for a while and adjust the flavour with salt, you can complete a soup with a deepened flavour and an effective Japanese soup!"

"You're saying you made this Japanese soup using dried squid?"

"Yep! Aunt Sally's specialises in seafood after all."

'To think he made a dish of this quality with only ingredients that were left over. What a peaceful flavour, it's as if my body and soul were being warmed. Mackerel and squid, the beautiful salt flavour that is interwoven into seafood.'

"Alright…" Rhea said while putting a hand to her chin, "You pass! I have accepted you into this dormitory!"

"It wasn't much!" Percy said while tying his headband back on his wrist and taking his apron off.

Alright that ends it guys! Updates might be slow so be patient please. Please read and Review thanks! PM for any questions.