HELLO PEOPLE! Wow, it has been a while since I updated this story huh? Wanna hear my lame excuse? College finished up for the semester and I had to nail all of my finals, and then it seemed like I started work right away when I got home. I also was invited to contribute in a few forums, and that is pretty time consuming as well. But I'm back and hope to continue with my three current ones I have going, plus maybe start a AU Divergent story? Let me know if you want to see something like that. Just a quick hint on the basic characters for that Divergent book, is first off a TrisXOC relationship with Christina, Tris's parents, Eric, Four, and others playing a part in this.

I'm gonna address some of the comments that I saw that stood out.

One, the end of this book is going to be a two part on the winner of the competition and the birth of the Swanson baby. I have no intention AT THE MOMENT to make a sequel. Note I said at the moment, it isn't set in stone. The only reason being is that I have numerous sequels set up for another series that I am on book two of four on with a one shot still to write in that series. Plus another series that I am on book two of three on. So possibly in the future I will continue this, but I really wouldn't know where to go with it. As far as chapters left in this book, there is a bunch. I'm thinking that I'm gonna get to 30 minimum, but there is a good chance there will be more.

As for the baby's name, it will remain a surprise. I do believe however, that Melody will NOT be used. I used that name for another character recently, and I don't like reusing names because it gets confusing.

As for the attitude of Beca for this story, I get that she is a little unorthodox from the canon. The thing is though, it doesn't matter. FanFiction is designed for you to write what YOU wanted the characters to act like in the movie, book, tv show, etc. Then by posting your work, you can connect with others that enjoy your same idea, or kinda think the same way. I know that most of the FanFiction community for Pitch Perfect has a BecaXChloe pairing for their books and that is fine. I don't like that pairing, but I don't stop them from writing like that. And I sure as hell done leave a nasty comment, discrediting that author's work. And while I can handle that negative critisim, because I have handled stuff like that my entire like, some authors become very discouraged with their work and will often just abandoned the story. I know an author that wrote brilliant Avengers stories that was bullied off of and went to a different website to post their stories. So, if I have any advice, if you don't like the story that you are reading, just stop reading. Don't leave a nasty comment, just find another story.

Whew that was a big rant huh?

Quickly I'd like to thanks these people for writing a wonderful reviews.

jecatrash, MagsSky, Bellahan121, Alexa64, chinaluv, ACupcake7 and anyone who favorited or followed the story.

Well enough rambling, enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 13


Chloe felt a little better after talking to Beca. Just a little. After Beca left to go to the show with Jesse, Chloe went back to her apartment to get ready for tonight. She was going on her first official date with Benji tonight. Sure they had hooked up the night before, but there wasn't a lot of preface for that. It just kinda happened. It wasn't going to be a big date, just over to his place for some food and to watch the show. It still didn't matter.

Chloe was standing in front of her closet, trying to find something to wear. She know it sounded cliche, and she never thought she would do it, but she couldn't find something to wear. She had never been this nervous for a date before. Was it the stakes that she was feeling? She knew this relationship was totally different than any she had before. After the one boy she dated when Beca was a freshman, she never had another real relationship. Sure she splurged a little, but she always held out for Beca. She never dated after college, still holding onto the dream. Now that Beca was no longer an option, she met this wonderful guy who she thought that she would never have a future with.

She decided to text Beca and ask her on her opinion. After a few minutes of no response, Chloe looked at the clock. She saw the time and knew that she must already be at the studio. Chloe slammed her phone down in frustration and sat down on her bed, putting her head in her hands. She sat there for a minute, still wondering why she couldn't think of something. Then she had a great idea, a person that was perfect in this type of situation. She quickly dialed the number and waited for it to ring.

"Aubrey Posen," the voice answered after a couple of rings.

"Aubrey," Chloe said. "It's Chloe. I need some major advice."

"Chloe," Aubrey replied. "How is it going?"

"We can catch up later, I promise," Chloe said quickly. "But I have a date in half an hour and I don't know what to wear."

"Okay," Aubrey said. "Who with?"

"Benji," Chloe said.

"Benji?" Aubrey said in disbelief. "Like, went to college together Benji?"

"Yeah," Chloe said. "We hooked up last night and tonight is our first date."

"Wait wait wait," Aubrey said. "You've already had sex with him?"

"That's usually what hooked up means," Chloe said, exasperated.

"Since when did you like him?" Aubrey asked.

"A couple of weeks ago," Chloe admitted.

"I thought you had a thing for Beca?" Aubrey said. "Didn't know you got over that."

"Well I got rejected pretty hard," Chloe said. "Pretty hard to compete with the guy that Beca has been in love with for almost ten years, and got her pregnant."

"Okay," Aubrey said. "So, is Benji a rebound?"

"Not at all," Chloe said. "He is something more than I ever felt for Beca. He is nice and sweet, and great in a lot of places if you know what I mean."

"Never thought that he would be like that," Aubrey said. "So what is the date?"

"Just food and watching the show at his place," Chloe said. "He recently bought an apartment here. I think he wants to be here when the baby comes so he can help Beca and Jesse with it. He's got the money. He has even talked about doing a couple shows around the LA area, or flying to Las Vegas for a week or two sporadically to do shows there."

"So, just a casual date then," Aubrey said. "Go casual. My guess is that this date might last late into the night?"

"I don't know if I want it to," Chloe admitted.

"What?" Aubrey said. "I thought you said this guy was amazing."

"He is," Chloe said. "And I really like him, but I don't want the relationship to move to fast. I don't want this one to get screwed up."

"Still go casual," Aubrey advised. "If you want it to go further, it will be easy to get in and out of your clothes. If not, it's just a comfortable TV date."

"Thanks Aubrey," Chloe said. "You're a lifesaver."

"Don't think that you are quite off the hook yet," Aubrey said. "I expect a full report on Benji and your exploits with him."

"Sure," Chloe said. "I gotta go. Bye!"

Chloe hung up the phone and started dressing rapidly so she wouldn't be late or second guess herself.

30 minutes later

Chloe looked at her phone nervously as she waited to be exactly two minutes early to knock on Benji's door. She didn't want to be too early or too late, but early enough to show that she cared. God, what was wrong with her? She never acted like this before.

Chloe shook it off and knocked on Benji's front door. After a minute the door opened and Benji looked outside.

"Evening Milady," Benji said, leaning in for a quick kiss.

Chloe obliged, and a smile grew on both of their faces.

"C'mon in," Benji said. "I made chicken alfredo. The show just started too, Beca's team is up second tonight."

Chloe walked into his apartment and took in her surroundings. They went to her place last night, so this was completely new to her. She expected the walls to be covered in Star Wars and Superhero stuff, but she was wrong. The apartment had a light tan color on the walls, and a darker brown for the dining room and kitchen. On the walls were pictures of Benji and his friends, what she guessed were his parents, and every once in a while, there was a old, framed movie poster that kinda tied the room in together.

"Wow," Chloe said. "This place looks great."

"Thanks," Benji said. "I think I found the right balance for my nerd stuff. I was a little crazy in college with it, but I think this looks better."

"It looks great," Chloe said. "A great bachelor pad for sure."

"Not exactly a bachelor at the moment," Benji said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "But I appreciate your compliment."

Chloe smiled like a little girl at Benji and he went into the kitchen to make a couple of plates.

"One scoop or two?" he asked.

"Just one," Chloe said. "Hey Benji?"

"Yeah," Benji said, scooping up her pasta.

"You know how last night, we hooked up," Chloe said.

"Not going to forget it anytime soon," Benji said with a smirk, adding a piece of fresh bread to both of their plates and pouring a couple of glasses of wine.

"I think we should hold off on that aspect for a while," Chloe said, averting her eyes.

Benji was about to respond when he knocked the loaf of bread off the counter. He picked it up off the ground and was about to speak up when Chloe kept going.

"I know you're probably pissed at me," Chloe said. "I know we've done it already, but I just don't want to ruin this by making it all about sex because I think I see a future with you and…."

"Chloe," Benji said, grabbing her attention.

Chloe stopped abruptly and looked up at Benji. Benji smiled and walked over to her, and grabbed both of her shoulders. He looked right into her eyes and began speaking.

"I'm in this for the long run too," he said. "I don't want this to ever end. If you don't want to have sex for a while, that is fine with me. I will do everything in my power to make you happy. I've only had one girlfriend before this, but she never made me feel the things that you make me feel."

"You mean that?" Chloe asked.

"Cross my heart and hope to die," Benji said with a smile.

Chloe smiled back and melted into him, pressing her lips on his. Benji tightened the embrace and deepened the kiss. When they both had to break for air, Benji was the first to speak.

"Now, let's eat before the food gets cold and trash talk your competition where there is no one to hear us."


As always I do not own any of the characters

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