Kyle and Crash stood in front of a giant, brown robotic mech suit. It had two cylinders of metal with three claw-like attachments hooked up into the sides of it. The legs were made the same way, with the pincers removed. It was a bulky model, with a glass dome filled with controls for the user to utilize.

Kyle stared in confusion and shock. "How the hell did you find one of these?"

Crash gave him a look. "Whoever said I found it?"

Kyle glanced at him. "You BUILT it? You of all people?"

Crash crawled into the mechsuit. "I'm tired of this."

Kyle began to walk toward the mechsuit, but Crash held out a hand. "Tired of what?"

Crash's eyes narrowed as he began to power up the mech. "All anyone thinks of me is the stupid Chimchar that screams stupid stuff at the top of his lungs. That's what everyone will think of me for the rest of my life if I don't do something about it. I knew I couldn't take my revenge alone. No….. Not with my disease."

Kyle began to back away from the mech. "Your… Disease?"

The mech began to stand, whirling it's arms. Crash frowned. "I can't evolve. I'm a Chimchar for the rest of my life. It'll kill me someday. Known that little detail for a while now. My family's been paying for treatment, and we've had to downsize a lot the older I got. I tried to hide the suicidal thoughts, depression, and hatred toward myself by being random. Then, when I heard that Total Pokemon Island 2 was being aired. I sent in a form, and got accepted. I was going in, thinking that I could win. People were gonna love me. Then- oops – I was the first one booted off. I was a laughingstock. Dad walked out on us. Jamie hated me. My mom hated me. Then I heard about Jamie- She got accepted for season 2! She was gonna help clear our family name! That's when I ran away, found you, and here we are. Thanks for helping me find some of the parts. Now…. Bye."

A turret stuck out of the mech's back, aimed at Kyle. His eyes widened. "You little… Fire-type…. Bastard."

The turret shot six bullets into Kyle's chest. His durable skin took three bullets, but two cracked his skin and one entered his chest. Blood leaked from the wound, and Kyle fell to the ground.

"Sacrifices must be made in the goal of conquest. Groudon 4:13." Crash grinned evilly. "Banzai."


Moon collapsed to the ground, clutching her stomach in pain. Pippa the Piplup and Lucy the Snorunt walked over to her.

"Are you okay?" Lucy asked, patting Moon's back as she stood.

"I am fine. But something… Sinister is arriving." Moon glanced at the other campers, and grimaced when she saw DevilTex.

Pippa looked at Moon. "What is it?"

Moon looked down at the Piplup. "An old friend. Who might've been an enemy this whole time. Their aura… Is disturbingly dark and evil."


Meloetta and Groudon were in their trailer. Groudon had shrunken down.

Groudon looked at his co-host. "Are you ready?"

Meloetta sighed. "Yes. I just hope that none of the contestants get hurt. Whatever that Chimchar's plan may be, we have to be ready for anything. He's an unpredictable loose cannon, and he might be a killer, for all we know.

Groudon punched his palm, growling, "If the punk shows his face, I'll grow to full size and stomp him!"

Meloetta sighed. "Calm down, Groudon. Crash probably won't be that much of a threat."

An explosion engulfed the two after that sentence.

Multiple explosives around the trailer detonated, sending the trailer up in flames. When it hit the ground, Groudon burst through the side, unconscious. Meloetta was also knocked out, trapped under a sheet of metal that had a scrap stabbed in her side.


Smoke sniffed the air, and gasped. The houndoom began to run back toward the teams that were backstage. "We gotta go!" We gotta- "

Dozens of robotic chimchars broke through the stage, wood flying. Some contestants screamed or ran, some stood their ground.

Hiro readied himself. "I have been waiting for this moment. The moment where I, Hiro the Hitmonlee, will defeat an army of robots single-handed! I, the great-"

"SHUT UP AND GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR!" Edgar yelled, floating towards the robots.

Hiro narrowed his eyes. "Understood."


Aaron lunged at a Chimchar, zapping it with bolt tackle. Sylvester jumped on a robot, while his butler chased after him.
"Sir! Please, you shouldn't fight!" The blastoise crushed robots as he ran after Sylvester.

DevilTex ripped robots to shreds ruthlessly, while Dallas burned them with his flamethrower attack. Ki punched and kicked multiple ones, while Noxis used his stingers to slash them.

Mun smashed, and Rion crashed. The two kept up a fight, but were eventually overrun by robots. Edgar and Elsa froze robots, but two chimchar-bots jumped on Edgar, knocking him out of the air. Elsa floated away.

"Sis…. Help…." Edgar struggled as the chimchar-bots beat on him.

"Sorry, bro. Maybe next time." Elsa floated away as Edgar blacked out.

Moon charged energy, destroying the robots with ease.

Tyrin stood, examining the chimchar-bots.

"Simple structure. All models are the same." Tyrin lunged at a chimchar-bots back, grabbing it and smashing its head against the stage floor. Screws flew off and he opened the head, examining a computer chip inside. There was a small black box with multiple wires, and when Tyrin removed the chip, he saw a screen with an assortment of commands.

Tyrin grinned, pulling out the screen, which was connected to dozens of wires. "Time to have some fun."

Jamie was running from the stage, but not in fear. She knew exactly what was happening. She arrived at the trailor park, where she saw a giant mechsuit next to a factory that began producing the chimchar-bots.

"Flame Wheel!" Jamie begin to spin a circle of fire, crashing into the factory, destroying it. She felt proud at first, until she noticed the chimchar-bots around her. Then a chimchar-bot ran towards the rest and began fighting the others. Jamie looked on as Tyrin entered with a water pulse destroying two chimchar-bots.

"So I see you realized your brother was behind this as well." He said, getting close to the destroyed factory.

Jamie rubbed her arm awkwardly. "Yep."

"Don't be so sure of yourself, sis." Crash's voice echoed.

The mechsuit began to stand, its arms clenching its pincers.

Jamie looked at her brother, who was under the glass dome with controls. "Crash, listen, we can talk about this. We can-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Crash screamed. A robotic arm nearly hit Jamie, but she jumped to the side, hitting the street. The arm's pincers grabbed her tail and flinged her over into a trailer. She hit the ground, unconscious.

Tyrin pulled out a metal rectangle with two wires extended. He pulled out the extendable keyboard and began punching commands. The mechsuit charged, and as Tyrin hit the final commands and touched enter, the mechsuit crashed to the ground. The glass dome retracted, revealing a surprised Crash.

"How… How did you…"

"You're armor is extremely easy to hack, you don't even have defenses." Tyrin glared at Crash. "Next time you try to murder a bunch of people, make some firewalls."

Crash smirked. "You're a genius. Like me. Tell you what: You help me out, and I'll make you rich."

Tyrin gritted his teeth. "I'd never help scum like you."

Crash lunged at Tyrin who shot a full-force water gun attack straight in the fire type's face. Crash hit the ground, knocked out.

Tyrin kicked Crash in the side, then went over and shook Jamie. "Hey, wake up."

Jamie started to stir, until she jerked up, and she was right in front of Tyrin. They faced away from each other, blushing.

Tyrin managed to make out some words, "Is your back wounded?

Jamie stammered, "Um, yeah, it's fine…"


Meloetta and Groudon arrived at the destroyed, with a patched up Kyle by their side. Tyrin and Jamie both arrived, dragging Crash by the leg.

"Alright then." Meloetta said, floating over to Tyrin and grabbing Crash. "Kyle is on the Furious Furrets, Crash is on the Great Gengars.

"WHAT!?" Multiple campers yelled.

"Why the hell would you do that!?" Edgar yelled.

"Because it's good TV." Meloetta said. "And since Crash is on the Gengars, they're going to elimination tonight!"

"WHAT!?" DevilTex xcreamed, slamming his giant fists into the ground, cracking it.


"The team is already going downhill, and it's just the sixth episode." Aaron growled at the camera.


Flame, Tyson, Shadow, Elsa, Edgar, and Smoke had all met in their usual spot, discussing the upcoming elimination.

"It's pretty obvious what we have to do." Elsa stated. "We vote off DevilTex. That guy has some serious issues. Plus, he kinda doesn't like us."

"Agreed. This team needs a new captain." Tyson snarled, breaking the toothpick in his mouth. He pulled a second one out the pocket of his leather jacket.

"You honestly think people want YOU as a team captain?" Edgar sneered, "You're a bloodthirsty bonehead who can't even-"

Tyson's fist smashed into Edgar's face, making the Glalie fall to the ground.

"Excuse my brother. He can be quite rude sometimes." Elsa said.

"Whatever, can we like, just decide who to vote off?" Flame exclaimed.

"We're voting off DevilTex." Elsa answered.


Tyrin, Ki, Noxis, and Jamie were all in a team trailer.

"If the show keeps going at this rate, then our team will have greater numbers."

Jamie smirked. "Excellent. We need to have as much allies as possible for the merge, so we can have our people in the finals."

Ki frowned. "It's a good plan, but Vortex' team has a lot of bloodthirsty, trigger-happy loose cannons. And with the new arrivals of Kyle and Crash, I think that things are about to get a whole lot worse."

Noxis grinned. "Hey, lighten up guys! Stop being dark and brooding, and let's have a little fun!" He turned to Tyrin. "That's some great news right there, dude!"

"We need to come up with a grouping algorithm to test effectiveness." Tyrin said.

Ki glanced at the buizel. "Understood, understood."


The Great Gengars sat at the elimination center, waiting for Meloetta. DevilTex was growling and his shoulders heaved with rage.


"I'm done with this bull!" DevilTex yelled into the camera. "None of these idiots on my team can do anything!"


Tyson smirked at the camera malevolently. "Vortex was so easy. Now all we need to do is get rid of Ki, Ace, Megan, Shadow, Moon, Cream and Falen, then I'll be the last TPI2 veteran left.


"I don't think my sister is being a good friend." Edgar said, frowning. "She let those stupid robot chimchars kick my ass."


"Am I disappointed in myself about letting Edgar get hurt?" Elsa asked the camera. She began to laugh. "This game isn't about friends and siblings, it's about winning. And if Edgar has to go down to secure my winning, then oh well."


Meloetta arrived on the scene, holding her silver Meloetta satues. "Who's ready for some eliminating?"

"Screw you!" Crash said, flipping the host the bird.

Meloetta's eyes narrowed for a brief second, then she calmed herself. "I have 14 statues here. There are 15 of you left on the Great Gengars team. The first person safe is Crash."

"Banzai, motherfu- " Crash shouted before an award thrown by an enraged Meloetta cracked against his skull. "OW!"

"The next 12 people safe are Kane, Dallas, Edgar, Elsa, Lucy, Anna, Smoke, Flame, Aaron, Scorpi, Pippa, Ace, and Moon." Meloetta said, tossing them all statues.

Tyson glanced at DevilTex, who was glaring at the charmeleon.

Meloetta looked at the two. "Tyson. You're an ass. One of the biggest on the history of this show. Vortex, or should I say DevilTex, you've become a monster. And the last person safe is…"

Tyson scratched his chin. DevilTex growled.

"… Tyson!"

Tyson slowly clapped as DevilTex stood and shouted. "You sons of-"

Then DevilTex exploded into streams of light. The light stretched all across the set of the show. When it finally receded, there was an egg in the place of DevilTex. It was black with blood red spots all over it, and it seemed to be smoking like fire. Moon fell out of her seat and hit the floor, grabbing her head as it erupted in pain.


"The aura is too much." Moon said, her eyes bloodshot. "He's going to break out of that egg. And whatever comes out… Won't be the best."


Meloetta brought the egg to the limo wrapped in a cushioned incubator. The limo drove off, Meloetta waving it away.


"Time to scheme shit and kick ass. And I'm all out of ass." Crash said, grinning into the camera.


"Guess who's back, bitches." Kyle smirked.



Alright everyone. I hope you enjoyed this episode. From now on, TPI2 will be coming out weekly every Monday. I'll also be bringing some Star Wars, Xmen, and other fanfictions. Don't forget to leave a review, they help me know which stuff to continue! The amount of reviews will result in more chapter being made.

Anyway, see you next time! :D