In front of a giant TV set, two pokemon stood in the front lot. One had green hair and a brown dress and skirt. Next to her, a giant red beast stood, towering over everyone.

"Hello! My name is Meloetta, and this is Total! Pokemon! Action! In our last season, Ki the Furret won the million dollars! Now, twelve campers are coming back, with twenty-two newbies joinig them! Now, if you look that way-" Meloetta exclaimed, pointing to the left. The cameras turned, showing a humongous dome area with three giant billboard letters: T, P, and A.

"The twenty-two new contestants will arive here in different limos, and then the returning contestants from last season will arrive!" Meloetta said with a grin.

Meloetta and Groudon walked over to the dome, while the first limo arrived. A hitmonlee knocked the door open with a kick and jumped out kicking.

"Hiyaaaaaaaah!" The hitmonlee yelled as he kicked his suitcase into the dome.

"Hey, Hiro, what's up?" Meloetta greeted, "You were the first one here!"

"YES!" Hiro said as he pumped a foot-yes, a foot- in the air. "Not only will I be the first one here, but the last one standing! I! WILL! WIN! THE! MILLION! Kiyaaaaaaah!" Hiro said as he kicked through the door into the dome doors.

"He won't last a week." Meloetta said, facepalming.

"Agreed." Groudon said, also facepalming.

Another limo drove up, and the driver, a kecleon, got out and opened the door. A kirlia walked out. The kirlia wore an everstone as a necklace and looked extremely ticked off.

"M'lady." The driver said behind the opened door.

"I'm. A. Male. Kirlia." The kirlia seethed, as he carried his suitcases out of the limo.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sir."

"Grrrrr...Whatever." The kirlia breathed a sad sigh as he walked to the dome.

"Kane! What's going on dude?" Meloetta greeted.

"Whatever. I don't friggin' know, I'm too depressed to give a crap." Kane said as he walked into the dome.


Hiro sat on the bleachers in the dome, and then he saw Kane. Hiro kicked out of his seat and landed right in front of Kane.

"Ah!" Kane screamed, the hitmonlee coming out of nowhere.

"I'm sorry fair maiden, I did not mean to startle you." Hiro said, kissing Kane's hand.

Kane's eyes went red and steam blew out of his nose. He inhaled deeply, and then said bluntly, "I'm a male kirlia. And by the way, you have lips?"

"Of course! But I only actually move them when I need to." Hiro said, or hummed?

"Wow. I. I never." Kane said, putting his sutcases near the bleachers and sat down.


"Outside, a limo arrived and THREE pokemon stepped out. A froakie, skorupi, and a piplup all walked up to the dome.

The froakie arrived first.

"Hey, what's going on, Sylvester?" Meloetta greeted.

"Nothing much, just being wealthier than you." Sylvester said snootily.

Meloetta's eye twitched slightly. "Good to hear! Now go away before I kill you!"

"What?" Sylvester said, getting in Meloetta's face. Another pokemon exited the limo.

A blastoise walked out, wearing a stretched tuxedo and khakis.

"Who is that?" Meloetta asked Sylvester, more angry.

"He's my butler. Don't worry, he doesn't count as a contestant." Sylvester said as he and his butler walked to the dome.

The skorupi walked to the dome, carrying his suitcase with his tail.

"Scorpi the crazy, how's it going?" Meloetta greeted.

"G-good." The skorupi said, slightly twitching as he walked to the dome.

The piplup walked up to the dome.

"Hey Pippa! What's going on?"

"Nothing much. Um... How are you?" Pippa asked shyly.

"I'm doing good, thank you for asking." Meloetta replied.

Pippa walked into the dome.


Pippa walked in. Hiro was kicking around, and Kane was talking to Scorpi, who understood what it was like to be different. Sylvester was texting on his phone, while his butler/body guard stood behind him, glaring at everyone else. Pippa sat next to Scorpi.

"Hi! I-I-I'm Scorpi!" The skorupi greeted.

"Oh, hey... I'm Pippa." The piplup responded.


The next limo had five contestants in it. A houndoom, glalie, froslass, luxio, and a salamence all walked out, each carrying their own suitcases.

The houndoom arrived first. "Hey, weird green chick, is this the place?" The houndoom asked.

"Hello, Smoke, and yes, this is the place." Meloetta said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, I didn'y mean to- I'm sorry." The houndoom said, whimpering and looking down. He pickeed up his suitcase in his teeth, and walked to the dome.

The glalie and froslass arrived next.

"Hey, Ice Siblings, what's going on?" Meloetta asked the brother and sister.

"None of your business, plastic surgery." Edgar the Glalie scowled as he floated past the now ticked off host.

"Excuse my brother." Elsa the froslass said in concern.

"Well, at least not both of you are complete brats." Meloetta calmed down.

"Yeah, you totally are just wearing a mask to cover that ugly mug." Elsa snickered as she also floated toward the dome.

The luxio arrived, took one look at Meloetta, and placed a paw on her shoulder. "It's okay. Don't let those cold-hearted ice types get to you."

Meloetta exhaled and brightened. "Thanks, Aaron!"

"No problem!" Aaron said as he walked toward the dome.

The salamence walked up to the hosts, and hugged both of them.

"Hey Dallas, nice to see you to, big dragon!" Meloetta said, the hug, starting to make her lose her breath.

Dallas released. "Hey guys! How's your day going?" Dallas asked kindly.

"Going good, going good." Groudon said.

"Cool!" Dallas said as he walked towards the dome.

As the salamence walked into the dome, another limo arrived. A monferno walked out, carrying her suitcase with her tail and crossing her arms.

"Hey Jamie, how's it-" Meloetta started.

"Shut up." Jamie said as she turned to the camera. "Hello everyone, I'm Jamie. You might not know me, but my brother was the first one out last season. I will learn from his mistakes and win this. Of course, whatever stupid challenges these dumb hosts make will not be challenging at all." She walked to the dome, passing a red-eyed Meloetta.


"Yeah?" The volcano dionsaur asked.

"Go get your costume on for the first challenge."

"But, there's still a lot of more contestants to go-"

"SHUT UP AND DO IT!" Meloetta screamed furiously.

"Okay." Groudon said, running the other direction.

The next limo arrived, and four pokemon stepped out. A fennekin, gardevoir, spinda, and lopunny all walked out, carrying their suitcases.

"Hello Flame, Amber, Robin, and Anna! How are you girls doing?" Meloetta asked.

"Ugh, none of your business, pushover." Flame the fennekin said as she walked past.

"That was not very nice." Amber the SHINY gardevoir said as she walked toward the dome.

"Hey guys wait for-oof!" Robin said as she tripped and fell on her face.

"Here, let me help you." Anna the lopunny said as she picked up Robin and carried her to the dome.

"Thanks. I'm so clumsy." Robin told the lopunny

"No problem." Anna responded.

A limo arrived, and a spiritomb, metang, duosion, chancey, and volcorona all stepped out, carrying suitcases.

"How's it going, Ermac?" Meloetta asked the spiritomb.

"We are doing fine, earthling." Ermac said as he floated past.

"Rion, Mun, how are you two doing?" Meloetta asked the duosion and metang.

"We're doing good." Rion said, holding Mun's hand.

They both walked towards the dome as the chancey walkd up.

"Hey ya'll! I'm Sugar, and I ca't wait to get to know everybody!" The chancey said as she walked to the dome.

The volcorona arrived.

"What's up, Tina?" Meloetta asked.

"Shut up, pushover. I'm gonna win this so easily." Tina said as she walked towards he dome, when a new limo pulled up. A buizel and snorunt both left the limo.

"Hey Lucy!" Meloetta said as the snorunt arrived.

"Hey!" The snorunt greeted back. Lucy started to gorge on frozen berries as she walked to the dome.

"Hey Tyrin!" Meloetta said to the buizel.

"Hey!" Tyrin said as he turned to the camera. "I just want you all to know, I'm not going to get manipulated." Tyrin turned and walked to the dome.

Meloetta turned back to the camera. "Currently falling from the sky are the contestants from last season."

Ace, Ki, Megan, Sunny, Vortex, Moon, Tyson, Falen, Cream, Shadow, Sophia, and Noxis all hit the parking lot hard.

"Welcome, oldies!" Meloetta said as the contestants got up.

"Meloetta, it's good to see you too, but did you really have to toss us out of a plane?" Ace said, groaning.

"Anyways, it's time for you guys to pick teams."

"All twelve of us?" Asked Vortex.

"No Vortex, just you and Ki for being last season's finalists."

"Cool!" said Ki.

"Anyways, next time on TPA! Six unexpected appearances, funny moments, drama, and more!" Meloetta said to the camera. "Also, Ki and Vortex pick teams. On Total...Pokemon...Action!"


Okay guys, this chapter and the next are just previews, the full series will be launched weekly in December. At least, I'll try to do it weekly. Alright guys, this is ST0, and this is Total Pokemon Action!
