This chapter's fight works well Kirby battle music. Rainbow Curse's Final Boss music is recommended.
After the wonderful sight of seeing both Asia and Buchou in nothing but aprons, and thus having wonderful, wonderful dreams as a result of that, the last thing I was expecting today was having an encounter with one of the Fallen Angel leaders.
Kokabiel, the one who actually appears in the Bible! One of the Grigori's strongest! Oh, why did the days as of late have to suck?! Kokabiel had just dropped a bruised, beaten, and bloody Shidou Irina into my arms, I felt dread welling up in my stomach at the sight. She was with Kiba, Kirby, Xenovia and Meta-san, right? Why did Kokabiel have her? How does he have her? Looking over at Buchou's face, I saw the worry on her face as well, she was probably worrying herself sick about Kirby and Kiba, as am I. The only reason I can keep calm is because I know that those two are strong as hell, they wouldn't go down without a fight.
Doesn't stop me from worrying though...
"She snuck into my base along with four others. Sadly, they escaped my grasp. A pity, the pink one seemed to be bursting with power...power that I'd love to challenge." Crap, I can tell that "pink one" he's referring to is Kirby. I've seen him fight some strong people but even I'm not sure how him vs Kokabiel would end, this is a leader of the Fallen Angels. Like I said, I'm sure he wouldn't just lay down and take it but I'm not sure if he could win either...
"Asia!" I called her over to come heal Irina, I breathed out a sigh of relief upon seeing Asia's healing working its magic and Irina's wounds begin to close up and disappear. I looked over at Buchou once more. She was glaring intensely at Kokabiel, an arrogant grin was sent back at her from his aerial perch.
"What is it that you want?" Buchou asked, I could tell she was NOT in the mood for jokes, judging by how a thin layer of magic surrounded her body. If possible, the grin on Kokabiel's stretched out even further, a mad glint was in his eye and I honestly felt fear running up my spine...
"I'm glad you asked, Gremory Heiress. You see, I'll be using that little school of yours as my base to reign havoc throughout this entire town. If all goes well, then your older brother Lucifer should come running right?" Kokabiel told us his plan and it honestly made me believe this guy was really stupid! He WANTS Sirzechs to come over and kick his ass?! What kind of plan is that?
Buchou seemed to be thinking along the same lines as I was, "Are you insane?! Do you want a war to break out between Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels?!"
"That's the plan exactly." He replied in a heartbeat and it was then I realized...
This guy was some sort of war maniac...
"I want a battle where the younger sisters of both Lucifer and Leviathan are present! I want the carnage and chaos on a true battlefield! Your school shall provide just that." He was doubt about it...
"Isn't the boss just the best? That craziness of his is just lovely!" I shivered when the voice of Freed Zelzan reached my ears. Don't tell me he's with Kokabiel! This whole scenario is just getting worse and worse!
I really didn't want to fight someone who was armed with FOUR Excaliburs! That's just ridiculous! Sadly, those two had taken off to the school just after Freed had arrived and now...we have to go after them...
The Occult Research Club stood just outside of Kuoh along with the Student Council, a barrier was being set up to prevent any severe damage from leaking out into the city. Our opponent was Kokabiel after all, he was on a completely different level from any of us...
Reinforcements from Sirzechs-sama were supposed to arrive to help us in about an hour...we'd have to hold off until then. Grah! Why does life have to be so difficult? All I've ever wanted is titties! Why can I never have that!?
Now we're faced with Cerberus...Guard-dog of the Underworld...we had already begun to deal with one but another had soon made itself known! That was when Xenovia had made herself known and jumped in to finish one of them off! But now I was curious...if she was here then where were Kiba and Kirby?
It was only when we tried to finish off the other Cerberus did Kiba himself appear, trapping it with his Sword Birth so that Akeno-San could finish it! That was probably one of her strongest attacks yet! Amazing!
"Take this Kokabiel!" I blinked when I heard Buchou fire off a shot of her Power of Destruction at Kokabiel. However, this was an amazingly powerful shot! Kokabiel can't even dream about avoiding...that...
He blocked and redirected it with only one hand! Are you serious?! What kind of monster is he?!
"It's finally complete!" I heard Balba Galilei exclaim from his place beside Freed...who was holding up some weird glowing sword. "The Excaliburs have combined! Here devil filth! Face the ultimate holy weapon!" You've gotta be kidding me! That looks dangerous...a bit too dangerous for me to get too close to...
I heard a swish of a cape, followed by a clang and I realized that Meta-san had arrived! He had managed to force Freed to take a step back with a sword strike. Where did he come from though? It's like he just appeared out of thin air!
"A sword is only as good as the person wielding it. To me, you are no threat as I am not a devil! Now come, let us cross blades!" Meta-san exclaimed, pointing his Holy Sword at Freed, who licked his lips in his usual creepy way...
"You really think so? I've been itching for a chance to spill the blood of something other than a shitty devil!" Freed almost hungrily exclaimed, holding up his Excalibur hybrid. Meta-san tensed himself for battle even as Kiba and Xenovia stepped to either side of him.
"I have a bone to pick with Balba...but I won't argue against your support!" Kiba held a demonic sword before him, ready for battle.
"As I've been doing prior, I will assist you Meta Knight." Xenovia said, hefting her Excalibur Destruction in an offensive stance. Seeing these three skilled swordsmen makes me almost feel sorry for Freed, these three on one side can't be easy to defeat...
...Now all that's missing is...
"HA!" A blur shot towards Kokabiel from above...that blur was pink...Kirby! Kirby had come down on Kokabiel in his Sword form, the green hat sitting atop his head and...a sword in both hands now! Could he always do that?! Kirby was pressing both of his swords against a spear of light that Kokabiel had summoned right before Kirby had slammed into him. It looked like a really decisive struggle! I saw Kirby suddenly kick off of Kokabiel before flipping back and expanding his wings.
This was one of the few times I've seen Kirby with a serious look on his face. He must know how dangerous our opponent is...
Buchou and the others looked up at Kirby in shock and disbelief, "Kirby! What are you doing?! You can't fight him, he's above you!" Buchou screamed in concern for her other Rook, Koneko-chan stared up in extreme concern but remained silent.
I hear footsteps run up behind me and...Kirby's girlfriend is beside me holding her Spear and looking up at Kirby with a mixture of happy, angry and worried. "There you are..." It looks like she's been looking for Kirby since he left least now she's breathing all heavy and I can see her breasts slowly moving up and down in a hypnotic trance...
Gah! Battle! Battle! Battle!
Meta, Kiba, Xenovia, and Irina had warned me that this guy was really strong...I'm gonna have to be really careful with this...
"You're one of the fools that escaped me...yes, you were the strong one. The one I sensed an unreal amount of magic power coming from." This guy was staring me with really creepy eyes...I kinda don't want to fight him just because of that...but he's putting my friends in danger! I have to fight!
"Why are you doing this?" I wanted to know, he was trying to kill my friends. Why?
"A war, I'm going to start one and shatter this false peace between the factions!" He started laughing madly and I tightened the grip on my swords.
"You want to start a war? But that'll just hurt people..." I remember Meta explaining what war was to me a long time ago and I know that it was a war that made the Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils start hating each other from Buchou. He wants to start that again...
"Death comes with war, you naïve child! You cannot understand the thrill and stimulation of fighting with your life on the line! Killing for your side and spilling your enemy's blood!" He smiled, showing off his scary, sharp teeth.
"I don't want to!" He flew at him and slashed again but he brought up his light spear and blocked me. I backed off before charging up my swords, "I don't want to fight other people just to kill them! That's not right!" I yelled as I slashed at him, sending two crescent beams at him. He twirled his spear again and negated them, once again I flew straight at him, spinning myself into a buzz saw as I went. I slammed into him with all my momentum, after bouncing off of his spear, I gripped my swords tightly and started furiously slashing at him with both, my swords became a blur as Kokabiel dodged or blocked every slash. He didn't even look tired!
"You are indeed powerful, but you don't meet my expectations." He flung his foot forward and hit me in my stomach!
"WAH!" I cried as I flew into the side of Kuoh Academy, I groaned when I felt the Sword ability forced out of me from his attack. Ouch, that one really's been a while since I've been hit that hard...
I felt my body fall forward and dislodged itself from the hole Kokabiel had made using my body as his tool, I grunted when I felt myself smack against the ground. I placed my palms against the ground and pushed myself to my knees, looking up and glaring at Kokabiel. This guy was way stronger than Riser ever was...that Sword was the only thing I had, I need something else to copy...
I felt someone's hand land on my shoulder, I turned around to see Dee smiling at me, "Dee!" I exclaimed.
"Need some help?" She asked me, holding her Spear for me to take. I smiled at her and took it into my hand, feeling the head tie wrap around my head and a perfect replica of Dee's spear appear in my other hand. I stood up, feeling a bit of energy flood into my system. Dee stood with me, glaring up at Kokabiel alongside me and I felt even more energy build up inside me. Having her really fills me with determination...I feel like I can't lose!
"Are you ready, Dee? This guy's tough..." I warned her, but she smiled at me again, taking my hand in hers and interlocking our fingers.
"You bet."
I watched with a sad smile behind my mask as Rias Gremory's knight, who I had grown to know as Yuuto Kiba, reconciled with the precious people of his past. Truthfully, my mental fortitude towards hating Devils was progressively waning, it had already been weakened by the sheer fact that Kirby was one himself. It took me time to realize that Devils aren't inherently evil beings, I have seen them to be greedy but not evil or malicious. Kirby is the purest a devil could possibly be after all. I couldn't, in good conscience, witness Yuuto seeing his deceased loved ones and still hold him as a bad person. From the corner of my eye, I could tell Xenovia was thinking similar thoughts.
I felt...happy when I saw him gain closure and turn his previous hatred and bitterness towards the world into power. He achieved, what I heard the perverted brunette man from before mutter, Balance Breaker, forming the Sword of Betrayal. A Holy-Demonic Sword.
That was the final push I needed...the fact that such a thing was even possible. For the holy and demonic to become one...I smiled as my mind went to my surrogate younger brother. What was I thinking? Calling Kirby my enemy? Please, as if I could've fooled myself into truly believing such nonsense. Kirby's much too pure to ever commit something cruel or evil. I crossed eyes with Yuuto, who saw where I was looking, he nodded at me and gave me the go ahead. I'm sure he'll be fine, this fit is for him after all.
"Go. I know you want to help him as well." Yuuto told me, gesturing to Kirby as I felt my lips stretch into a small smile. Xenovia was smiling at me as well and so, with a flourish of my cape, I vanished from my place, reappearing next to Kirby and Dee a moment later. Kirby looked over to me, astonished, before I lifted my mask slightly to show my smile.
"I assume you require my assistance?" I asked him, my smile grew along with his as his eyes lit up. Dee had given a pat on the shoulder.
"I'm glad you've finally come to your senses, Meta." She smiled at me as Kirby walked up to me and nodded like the excited child that he was.
"Yeah! Now I know I can't lose! Not with both Dee and Meta with me!" I heard him exclaim before he turned up to our enemy and grinned, I felt a similar grin stretch my own face as I lowered my mask once more. "They'll always be with me!" Kirby...
...I'm proud of you. You've really grown.
Here we go! I looked to my left and right sides, both Dee and Meta beside me. I pointed up at Kokabiel with a grin on my face, "The three of us together are gonna smash you!" He smirked down at me and crossed his arms.
"You truly believe two more ants will truly increase your chances? If you so truly believe, prove it to me! Give me a battle that I shall not soon forget!" He laughed as he brought out his light spear, the three of us got ready to charge at him. I held my spear tightly.
"If that's what you want!" I yelled as we pushed off towards him, Meta had vanished from where he was, reappearing behind Kokabiel while swinging for his neck. The fallen angel boss ducked underneath the swing before twisting around trying to slash at Meta with his spear, only to find them Meta had vanished again. Dee threw three replicas of her spear at Kokabiel, but he twirled his own light spear and deflected them all. I narrowed my eyes as I came down from above with my spear in hand, my entire body spiraling as I held the spear below me, the tip ready to tear into Kokabiel, but I frowned when he moved to the side at the last moment and avoided me.
Thinking quickly, I swiveled around and tossed my spear at him from right beneath him. I don't think he was expecting it, because I managed to graze his shoulder with my spear, causing blood to fly. I cheered when I saw that I had finally done some damage to him!
"I hit him!" I cast my eyes to the side and I saw Buchou and the others staring in shock from far away. Although, they all seemed really scared all of a sudden. What—
I felt myself cough up blood when Kokabiel slammed a fist into my stomach and sent me rocketing towards the ground.
"KIRBY!" I heard both Dee and Meta yell my name and look back to me. That punch was strong enough to force Spear out of me and then completely shatter it...every attack from this guy seems to be able to do that...
Before I could hit the ground, I felt a pair of arms catch me and hold me like a wife would be held by her husband. I looked up and saw Koneko-chan holding me, her face was as blank as it usually was but I could see a small smile.
"...I want to help you too, Kirby-kun." She said and set me down on my feet, I wobbled for a minute but held onto Koneko-chan for support. I smiled at her and copied her, feeling another rush of energy as Fighter's head tie wrapped around my forehead. I looked over to Xenovia and Kiba, only find Kiba with a new sword, a cool looking one, and Xenovia with a really big, blue one in her hands. Wow...I wonder if that, I don't think so...apparently it was a legendary sword called Durandal from what Xenovia was saying. I wonder though, what would happen if I copied it?
Shaking my head, Koneko-chan and I leaped up to where Dee and Meta were waiting for us. Dee turned to Koneko-chan and smiled at her.
"Don't go dragging us down, Koneko." Dee told her with a smile that Koneko-chan returned and nodded. When we were about to jump back up at Kokabiel we stopped when we saw he had stabbed that Balba guy from before through the stomach. But...why? Weren't they working together?
"Of course you would figure it out, Balba. You are a genius of course." Kokabiel turned back to us. "I hope you realize it will take more than just you four to defeat me. My power exceeds all of yours after all." I was about to reply but I felt a hand land on top of my head and saw Ise looking down at me with a smile.
"There's more than just them!" Ise yelled up at Kokabiel as both Buchou and Akeno-senpai landed beside me as well. Kiba had appeared as well along with Xenovia, both holding up their swords, ready to fight. Buchou walked in front of me and sent a heated glare up at Kokabiel.
"Ise's right! When you fight one from my peerage..." She swept her hand over all of us, "You fight all from my peerage and even beyond!" Buchou exclaimed, referring to Meta, Dee and Xenovia. I felt the smile on my face grow even wider, the friends I have, the friends I've made...the family I'm a part of...I'll be glad to fight with them!
Like before, I pointed up at Kokabiel, "Forget what I said before. Three of us aren't gonna beat you...ALL of us are gonna SMASH you!" I could feel everyone's love, their feelings, their drive, their determination...I could feel it as a part of me too, giving me strength. All of our hearts, combined as one against someone who threatens us! "We are Rias Gremory's peerage!" I yelled again.
Kokabiel scoffed, "You are, eh?" He pointed at Ise. "Then take the Sekiryuutei's power and transfer it. Use the power of the Boosted Gear to make this an interesting fight for me." Buchou glared at him once more.
"Are you playing with us? We'll make you soon regret it!" She exclaimed before turning to Ise.
"Yeah!" He replied as he held hands with Buchou, transferring his power to her and causing her power to spike. I then saw Buchou charge up a huge ball of the Power of Destruction, I mean it was HUGE! She shot it at Kokabiel but he placed both of his hands out and seemed to stop it in place before deflecting it. No way...that thing was huge! Really powerful too!
Narrowing my eyes, I smacked a hand against Ise's shoulder and added his Boosted Gear to my Fighter.
My version of the boost sounded out as energy flooded my system, causing my hair to whip about wildly before I leaped up at Kokabiel, charging a burning flame into my fist. I looked to corner of my eye and saw Akeno-senpai charging up some of her Holy Lightning, I narrowed my eyes as I thought of something.
My power ups sounded out even more as I got closer to Kokabiel, the flame on my hand growing even more. I reached up to the smirking Kokabiel and threw my flaming fist forward, he caught the punch in his palm. I threw my leg up, it flaming too as he caught it with his other hand, I cast a look back at Akeno-senpai before using my free leg to kick off of Kokabiel. Just as I did, Akeno-senpai's Holy Lightning slammed into him from above! I smiled at the sight before blinking when I saw that it didn't even make him flinch.
"No way!" I exclaimed, Akeno-senpai seemed shocked too. I blinked when Xenovia came charging at him from the front, Kiba came from side, while Meta had appeared right behind him. All three of them slashed at him, but before I could blink, he had twisted around and kicked all three of them back. Dee and Koneko-chan went running at him, Koneko-chan folded her hands and let Dee step on them before she sprung her up high above Kokabiel. Koneko-chan herself leaped up at him as Dee came spiraling down on him, much like I had done earlier. Without much effort, he grabbed Dee's spear and yanked her, using her momentum to slam her into Koneko-chan and send them both flying into the ground.
The sound of both Ise and my Boosted Gear sounded out at the same time as the both of us put our gauntlets together, "Are you ready, Kirby?" He asked me as I nodded.
"Yeah!" We both started charging a Dragon Shot that started off as two separate attacks, but as they got bigger and bigger, they became one huge attack. Ise and I reared our fists back before slamming them both into the over-sized Dragon Shot! A HUGE beam of energy went flying towards Kokabiel! His face stretched into a big grin before he fully expanded his wings and with one flap...completely destroyed our attack!
"Yes! Put your power together! You can't match me otherwise!" Kokabiel exclaimed, even as I glared at him along with Ise. This guy was unreal...the only damage he'd gotten was the spear I nicked him with from earlier! And that didn't even seem to bother him that much! My eyes widened when I saw Koneko-chan jump up behind him, it looked she had him good! However...I felt a burning rage when his wings shot out sharpened feathers and cut Koneko-chan up! Sending her falling to the ground, bloody and bruised.
"KONEKO!" I could hear everyone yell out.
"Naïve." Kokabiel said as I ran as fast as I could to where Koneko-chan fell, I glared up at Kokabiel. This...was the second time I've had to hold a hurt Koneko-chan in my arms...
I swear...this is gonna be the last time!
In her rage, Buchou had sent her Power of Destruction at Kokabiel, which smacked away easily. I was surprised when an angry Dee sprinted as fast as she could at Kokabiel, holding her spear out.
"I'll make you pay for hurting my friend!" So Dee and Koneko-chan ARE friends...they just fight a lot...
Dee started stabbing rapidly at Kokabiel, only for him to weave his way around each one before rearing his leg and slamming his knee into Dee's stomach! He then brought the other leg back and kicked her across the cheek, sending her crashing into the ground in a heap. The anger I was feeling before only got much stronger, but when I saw what Kokabiel was doing, I felt more scared than anything...
I set Koneko-chan down and just let my body move!
My aches all over...this man is way too strong for us...but I was so angry. Koneko and I may fought over Kirby a lot but...she's still a close friend of mine and seeing her so hurt absolutely enraged me. It seems it was that way with the others.
I had barely gotten myself to a kneeling position before I saw Kokabiel with a light spear in his hand and aiming for me! I need to move right now but my body...I can't move it! Oh no no no! This is bad! I grit my teeth, I had never gotten to tell Kirby exactly how I felt about him...we never got the chance to get married or...or have kids or a family...this is so unfair! We never even found the boss! Who knows where he is now!? better watch over Kirby in my stead...
I looked down at the ground and waited for the end...
I gasped when I saw a familiar pair of shoes stop in front of me before I heard the sound of skin being pierced. No...please tell me it isn't so...I looked up with wide eyes and my fears were confirmed when I saw Kirby standing in front of me...
With a spear of light stabbed through his left shoulder...
I watched in horror as he coughed up blood and fell to his knees, both the power of the Sekiryuutei and his Fighter ability leaving him. Wasting no time, I scrambled over to his side, tears already falling from my eyes as I held him.
"...Why? Why would you do something like this?" I asked him, I could tell his left arm was basically dead. He smiled at me with that smile of his.
"Why wouldn't I?" He simply asked me, as my eyes overflowed with tears, before I knew it, everyone from Rias Gremory's peerage plus Meta and Xenovia were surrounding us. Their faces stretched into worry.
"Kirby, are you alright?" His master asked him, as to which he nodded before shakily standing to his feet, getting out of my grasp. He turned to Xenovia and smiled.
"Hey, do you mind if I touch your sword for a second?" Xenovia stared at him oddly for a moment.
"Well, you're a devil and the Durandal already dislikes all who aren't meant to wield it." In response to this, Kirby merely shrugged and kept his smile on his face.
"I only need to touch it and try something..." He told her as she blinked before hesitantly holding it out for him. I don't like this idea, that's a Holy Sword, who knows what that'll do to him? I looked to my right and saw Meta looking at Kirby, from his eyes I could tell he had figured something out, but what?
I watched as Kirby flashed brightly, an even longer version of his green hat appeared on his head, a star at the very end. It seemed to wave behind him with almost a mind of its own. On the sides of the rim, were wing-like attachments and at the very center of the hat was a bright, glowing star.
In Kirby's hand was a bigger version of the sword he used when he had his Sword ability, Kirby had the rare, extremely serious expression on his face that I've only seen him wear when he was using...
Ultra Sword!
I watched as Kirby powered up into his Ultra Sword form, what I know to be one of Kirby's strongest forms. He glared up at our enemy, his right hand gripping his Ultra Sword tightly. I know Kirby was intending to finish Kokabiel with his next strike and I fully believed he could do that. I couldn't stop myself from smiling when I saw all of Rias Gremory's peerage place their hands on his back and shoulders.
"Go get him, Kirby!" Issei Hyoudou grinned at him.
"Finish him off, Kirby-kun." Yuuto smiled at him as well.
"I know you can do it, Kirby-kun!" Asia Argento cheered him on.
"Make this detestable Fallen Angel suffer." Himejima Akeno smiled sadistically, I had learned from Yuuto that this woman was a serious sadist.
Dee walked over and kissed his cheek, "You better beat this guy. We have a lot to talk about after this." She sounded stern and watched Kirby grin sheepishly, I found myself amused at their relationship.
Finally, Rias Gremory smiled, "We're all behind you." She said as Kirby turned back at her with a smile.
"Thank you, Buchou." I walked over and placed my hand atop his head, he looked over at me with wide eyes as I smiled at him behind my mask.
"Go." I simply told him as he nodded, giving me a determined grin, he spread his devil wings and shot up after Kokabiel. He held his sword behind him as he neared.
"What a touching moment you all shared. When the flames of war reignite, I hope you will all have more like that over you comrades' fallen bodies." He smirked as I saw Kirby narrow his eyes.
"We won't have to, because I'm gonna beat you before I let anything like that happen!" Kirby yelled in defiance as help held the Ultra Sword behind him and let it expanded once, twice, three times!
We looked over to Hyoudou Issei to see him transferring his power to Kirby, causing the sword to grow even more! The tip was now touching the sky from how big it had gotten.
Kokabiel watched the sword above him with the eyes of an excited battle maniac, "Yes! Make this worthwhile, Rook of Rias Gremory!" Kirby's eyes narrowed even further.
"Then HERE!" Kirby screamed as he brought the mega-sized Ultra Sword down on Kokabiel. The Fallen Angel leader made the two biggest light swords possible and had managed to hold Kirby back, "I won't give you the chance to hurt my friends! KOKABIEL!" Kirby screamed as his sword broke through the Kokabiel's blade, stunning him before Kirby cut through. Silence prevailed as no one moved an inch, Kokabiel was frozen still, his eyes widened in a pained fashion before he looked over to Kirby.
"You...are one of the strongest enemies I've had the pleasure of facing...Rook of Rias Gremory..." Kokabiel choked out before we all saw the slash that cut through his body. Blood exploded from the wound as Kokabiel fell from the sky, or rather, he began to before a white light streaked in and grabbed his fallen body.
Who was that?
Who the hell is that?! His's just like the Boosted Gear Scale Mail...I can feel a cold chill run up my spine. It took me a minute to figure out but this guy must be...the Vanishing Dragon...
" you managed to defeat Kokabiel huh?" He questioned Kirby who glared at him and raised his now normal sized sword.
"Do you wanna fight us too?" Kirby asked as the Hakuryuukou laughed, a laugh that intensified the chill up my spine.
"One day, I want to fight you! I can tell you're powerful, you would give me a good fight, unlike the Sekiryuutei down there." Hey! He was taking a jab at me! That White Dragon jerk! "However, Azazel wants Kokabiel's body, so I'll be taking it off your hands now." He turned his gaze down to me, " I'll be back for you, Sekiryuutei. Just name is Albion."
[We shall return for you red one.]
[I'll be waiting, Albion.]
Ddraig and the White Dragon said to one another. So that really is the Hakuryuukou! He smiled at me one last time.
"Get stronger rival-kun. Then we can have our battle." He turned to Kirby. "The same to you." He then shot off in a bright white light. Man...I have to fight that guy one day...
But that's not important right now! Looks like Kirby had used up whatever energy he had left and started falling! I felt my worry ease up when Meta-san appeared and caught him.
"Take it easy now, Kirby. You've done well." I smiled, it seemed those two were really like brothers...
I watched the end of the battle with a smile on my face. Kirby truly had grown since we had last fought one another. And now it seems he has a rivalry with Albion's new host. I laughed to myself, it seems Albion got stuck with a battle-freak. Alas, I am glad I was not turned into a Sacred Gear myself. I, Crowned Dragon Landia, would only give my assistance to four people.
Three of them are standing right below me. Perhaps next time I'll lend my assistance...
But I know Kirby won't need it.
I bet you were expecting me to hold this off till like December or something. Well I didn't! Hope you're all happy! Anyway, yeah...Kokabiel fight, been planning this one for a while. Because seriously, in an arc mostly about swords, Ultra Sword HAD to come one somewhere! What better place than here?
Anyway, I genuinely enjoyed writing this one. I hope you enjoyed reading it.
So...anybody excited for Planet Robobot? Cuz I can't wait! I have plans to possibly incorporate some elements from that game when it releases and I get to play it. Hope you all look forward to it!
Now. Ja ne!