Chapter 3:



it was early morning and Hurizen was looking over the paper work he had gotten last night from the hospital's medical team. He had noticed that in the report that Naruto's blood work had failed to go through as it mention the blood turned into a solid lump of metal before it could be Examined, luckily one of the doctors had been able to do the blood work, by having a still liquid sample under a microscope. And in his own words.

"Patient Uzumaki's blood has transformed into Silica Carbon Ferrite, allowing his blood to still act as a normal red blood cells, but when exposed to the cool air or water it will solidify into a rough pool of metal. His bones and muscles also have changed to accommodate the increase of iron in his body. His bone have become Calcium Ferrite, become ten times stronger than an ordinary man. His muscles while having the same chemistry as his blood cells have more iron and silicon with a lower carbon count thus giving the boy an increase in strength and flexibility.

Furthermore, young Naruto Uzumaki has shown to have cravings for Iron rich foods, mostly Beef and a few vegetables like Spinach and seaweed. Further study will be need to find other anomalies."

After skimming through the rest of the report, the old Kage let out an exhausted sigh.

"I am getting too old for this shit." Hurizen said as he rested in his chair. Looking over the team placements he felt that it needed to be changed. "Lets see, if Sasuke is cleared than he, kiba, and choiji should be the new team 8, with kurenai leading them. Team 11 will be Hinata, shino, and shikamaru with Asuma leading them and finally. Team seven..."

-somewhere and some time later-

Else where in Konoha, naruto awoke to banging on his door. Waking to the door still have a sleep, in his flame resistance boxers. Naruto opened his door glare glare the ANBU standing there with an almost pleased toned as he passed on the orders he was given.

"Naruto Uzumaki, you are here by ordered to report immediately to the Hokage's office in 30 minutes." The duck themed ANBU has stated before e disappearing in a bloom of smoke.

"Awe man." the blond whined as he returned back to his room and got dressed.

-30 minutes later-

Naruto arrived at the Hokage's tower, and chose to go in through the window instead of the door.

Hopping into the office Naruto was greeted to kakashi, Sakura, and finally Ino, with both girls blushing at him in his outfit, which showed off his slowly growing muscular arms.

"Okayy-, hey jiji what's up?" Naruto asked somewhat confused, but cast a wink to the girls, making their blush go deeper.

"Well Naruto-kun, i would to introduce you to your new team, under Kakashi Hatake." The old Man said as naruto turned to look at him almost glaring. While both girls squealed in delight; Ino being the loudest and the most red faced. With dreams of the future and past actions with her fellow blond.

"Old man... you are going to be the death of me." Naruto said in a hush whisper, though gaining a raised eyebrow from the old man befor she continued. "I may... or may not have done some things with both girls present. Though separately."

The look of understanding on the old man's face was a kind one, before it turned into a sinister smirk. And asked loud enough for everyone to here.

"What's this? My hearing must be getting horrible at my old age. Did you just say that you have made out with both girls on your new team?" The old man asked with senile Innocents. "Naruto-kun, how could you play with a young maiden's heart. Oh pity these young women before you."

Looking at the man with shock and betrayal, naruto slowly looked behind him and noticed hell was a very real place, and the devils are also very real... and some how sexy as hell.

"Umm... hi?" Naruto asked before being chased out of he office by two very upset girls, who shouting vengeance upon the old man.

"Umm Hokage-sama, was thst a wish thing to do?" Kakashi asked while getting a confused look from the old man. "I mean, naruto will get even some how you do know that, right?"

"I do, but for the last 6 years i had to deal with his pranks and being the god of shinobi, i took my chance and it was sweet." Hurizen said as he lit hia pipe with a look of satisfaction on his face. In the distance he could hear naruto bwing caused and beaten before wincing at the sound of aloud girly scream echoed across the village. "Though 'that' i do pity him. No man should ever feel that pain."

-with genin of team 7-

Naruto was beaten by two very pissed off females. Well... mostly a pissed off sakura, ino was an very but not to the same extent as Sakura.

"Finished?" Naruto asked from behind the swollen and bruised face. Though ino was curious about the silver like liquid dripping from the boy's lip.

"BAKA!" Yelled the pinkette getting both blonds attention. "I-i thought-"

"I do, i like both of you. So asking who i like better would be mean to the other and i can do that." Naruto said as he stood up, picking the metal strip from his lip and toned it. "But let me ask you this. If sasuke never gave either of you the time of day and i gave both of you the attention you wanted and needed. Would you ask me to tun my back on the other just like sasuke has done with you?"

The anger that both Ino and Sakura felt subside at the memories of their failed attempts of catching the Uchiha affection was like keeping Ice cold in a volcano. It was uses and fruitless endeavor.

turning to leave them, naruto looked over his shoulder to the girls.

"Unlike the pretty-boy bastard, i think you two need to start training... you only where able to beat and catch me is... because i let you." Naruto said before raising his hand and made grasping motion.

almost an instant later, both girls watched as naruto was yanked towards the roof tops of the village's buildings.

Ino felt her heart boom within her chest as she watched the blond ninja zipping across the village. She wanted to know more about her fellow blond, and why he was the way he was.

Sakura felt shame from hearing the boy's words, how he only let them catch him. But within her a fire appeared her determination to become greater... stronger than she was, because now she felt weak.

-training ground-

Naruto punched and kicked at the tree he was training his Taijutsu with, the training posts and a of the few smaller trees have been burned to charcoal and cinders.

Naruto's closed fists had changed to claw like style as his nails became pointed with the solid or coating them, his now amber eyes becoming slits, his golden blond hair becoming an orange flame wishing wildly as he he strikes at the tree's trunk, while leaving claw like burn scars across the wood surface, with each strike.

Beathing slowly, calming down from the work out. Naruto let out a long and steady breath of steam, while the sweat was steaming off of his exposed skin.

Not far from Naruto's position, a pair of brown eyes had watched the fire encased teen with fixated curiosity. A licking licking of dry lips caused the seer to feel a deep and slow growing desire of the young blond before her. though as she gazed upon the blond before her, she realized to late as a claw like nails skimmed across her neck, and the cool metal claws sent shivers down her spine, as a warm and haughty breath slowly caressed the back of her neck.

"Oh my, my my. A little mouse entering the lion's den. How... careless of you, little mouse." The strange blond said to her as the clawed fingers gently put enough pressure on her neck to keep her from reacting. "Tell me, mouse-chan. Did you know it is a crime to spy on a fellow konoha ninja?"

"I-i, I was looking for a empty training ground to practice, and i just happen upon you. I Swear!" The girl said nervously as she could feel the other hand was aimed at her lower back were the kidneys were, while the other was gently trailing her chin and cheek.

"... What is your name little mouse?" The blond asked while his hot breath was causing the girl to feel turned on by how close the blond actually was.

"Tenten... Tenten Tetsuishi."

"Heaven's Iron Will... How..." leaning closer as he said this, and planting a kiss on her neck causing Tenten to gasp in both shock and delight at the warm sensation of his touch. "Beautiful. The name is Naruto. Later... my little mouse."

and like that he vanished almost without a trace, If it were not for the soot on the ground. Another thing Tenten had realized was that he had slapped her ass before he disappeared.

Though anger, she was also very impressed and aroused by the blond... Naruto's actions.

"Better keep an eye out for him later." The bun haired girl said with blush dusting her cheeks.

-three months later-

... there was something to be said about missions. Like saving kingdoms, princesses, safeguarding treasure, and Bandit elimination. But... those were either C or A rank missions. D Rank missions on the other hand...

"I HAD ENOUGH OF THESES GLORIFIED CHORES!" Naruto yelled as he slammed both hands on the Hokage's desk, which scorched the surface with his hands. Though the sight of the blonde's hair being lit a flame had become a norm for team 7, if Naruto was either excited, became angry, or when he and Ino or sakura started a make out session; his hair usually became engulfed in fire. But now his was pissed. "I want a high rank mission old man."

His out burst did not sit well with some in the room, like Iruka.

"Naruto, behave. every genin must do D Ranks, it just how things are done."


"Uh?" The chunin asked unsure of what the number entails.

"730 times. I had to chase Tora... 730 times, i had to deal with that cat using me as a scratching post... if i have to deal with that cat one more time." The blond said though this time his entire body was covered in orange and yellow flames. "I will flambe and roast that cat alive in red wine, with freshly cut green onions, and for the sides roasted garlic mashed potatoes, and steamed mixed garden vegetables."

"... umm.. Hokage-sama. is it wrong that thinking of eating a roasted cat, sounds delicious?" Kakashi asked with a nervous chuckle.

"No, Kakashi. No, it is not... Iruka, get a low C rank mission. It will save tora a date with a roasting pan and the explanation to the Daimyo's wife why her cat was lunch."

-while later-

Upon seeing an old middle aged drunk walk through the doors, Naruto turned his head to look at Hurizen. His look said everything that the old man knew about the blond.

'Really? You got to be fucken kidding me.'

"team 7, this is Tzuna from the land of waves. You will be escorting him back." Hurizen said with a kind smile. Though he was almost cheerful on the inside. 'A whole month without any paperwork from Naruto's pranks... there is a god!'

"I thought i paid for ninja, not some snot nosed brats. Two of them look as if they spend more time infront of a mirror, while that tall one has a 'i am stupid' look on his face." The man said as he took another swig from his bottle.

Naruto looked between sakura and Ino, and realized he was taller than them by five inches. Which caused his amber eyes to flare in anger. The girls of team seven knew naruto was anger and took a step back, while Kakashi rose his book to block the unnecessary blight the boy would cuase.

"Blood Senbon Dart." Naruto said softly while he cut his own finger, while and flicked the bleeding finger at the man which a moment later the clay jug shattered and in the wall behind the man was a four inch long jagged needle. "Dont cross me old man, my blood is mad up of complete iron, i can generate heat to the point my body will become consumed in flames, my fingernails are iron claws, so i believe you have gotten more than your ryos worth if I'm stuck with you."

Seeing naruto leave the office he turned and looked at kakashi.

"West gates, 12:00. dont be late." Naruto said as he left.

"That could have gone better." Kakahsi said with a sigh.

-hours later-

As Hurizen finished the last of days paperwork, a knock at the door caught his attention, seeing the door open and his Secretary popper her head in.

"Umm, Hokage-sama. There is a gentleman here to see you." the young woman said as she looked a little nervous.

"Send him in, Kimiko." Hurizen requested with a smile.

A moment later an old monk, dressed in an amber yellow silk robe, with a crimson red sash wrapped around his chest, and large golden medallion of a lion's head on the front with its mane flaring out like the sun's rays.

"Greetings Hokage-Dono. i am grandmaster Raion Kokoro. I am from the Yūki no hi(courage of the sun) temple, i have traveled a great distance to find Yukinohi's chosen Avatar." Raion said with a bow.

"And whk pray tell, is this Avatar i which you seek, Raion-dono."

"I seek the one of fire and iron. I must find him so he can chose the right path!" The monk stated in worry.

"And which path is that?"

"The path of Yukinohi-sama's personifications. His path of the warrior or the path of the beast." The monk said trying to hurry this along. "Look you may not believe me, but over the course of time, there had been countless avatars chosen by the king and queen of the gods. I serve to guide the Avatar of the king. Though in time long since past. The chosen one of Yukinohi-sama had become either the warrior or most often than not the beast."

What is this beast you speak of?" Hurizen asked almost ready to attack the man if he said anything about naruto being the fox, he loved that boy like his own grandson. But he will damned if he will leave some on who hardly knows him call him a beast.

"A Lion encased in fire, a fierce beast. He sees no allies, no friends or foes. Everything to the beast is prey. Should Yukinohi-sama's Avatar become the Golden Lion of the Sun. He will lose his mind to his predatory instincts. That is why i must find him to ensure he does not fall to that." Raion said with urgency.

"Tell me, what would happen should this Avatar be a Jinchūkiri?"

"I dont know. It would depend on the number of tails, and if the Biju accepts God's or goddess' gift or not. If they do they will be allowed to extend their power to the blessing of the sun or moon. If not the biju's mind will be sealed off to the point where only the power will remain... though i was under the impression thst Konoha's Jinchukiri was Kushina-hime." Raion said to himself lf before looking at the old Kage in shock. "Hokage-sama, is this room... secure?"

With a wave of his hand, six ANBU left the room with a body flicker.

"Tell me... is the Avatar the Jinchukiri of the kyuubi?" Raion asked with a deadly serious tone, while almost glaring at the kage.

"Yes." Hurizen said looking up from under the brim of his hat. "But i will not say who it is, for his safety."

"Kushina-hime, told me of what their son's name is and the expectation of him being the next Jinchukiri of the Kyuubi. So dont bother hiding it." Raion said glaring at the man.

"How do you know about this? I made it so no one will know the boy's identity. No until he is old enough to defend himself.

"I am the godfather of Kushina-hime, her mother and father were my childhood friends. it would be obvious she would let me know her son was also HIS son." Raion challenged.

"... So i finally meet the man who Kushina respected more than my self uh? Raion of the Chi-Tsume-Ken?"

"Yes, i am the very same... once upon a time. But now i am but a humble monk, i chose to wash my hands of the blood from my younger years." Raion said bowing his head slightly.

"Very well. But the boy is out on a mission as of now and will not be back for some time. Would you care to wait?" Hurizen asked while offering a a glass of Sake.

"yes, i think i shall. I have time... and thank you, but no thanks. I have sworn off .. makes me a little bloodthirsty." Raion said as he denied the glass. "so the Avatar is a Jinchukiri... of the strongest biju. If Kushina was a handful i bet her son is just the same."

"...Kushina was an angel compared to her son... little brat caused me all this trouble." The kage said as he motioned to the stacks upon stacks of paper work. "And that was just from last week! Image doing this for the last 10 years!"

"Hokage-sama, you truly are a saint... to deal with this." Raion said as he looked at the 8, four foot tall stacks of paper, with a huge sweat drop hanging off his head looking at the papers.

"I'm to old for this shit." Hurizen stated as he cried silently while nursing the tall glass of sake.

-miles away-

Naruto had to say he enjoying himself, as Ino had his one arm wrapped around her and Sakura to the other arm. While he enjoy the feeling of Ino's growing breast in his palm, he also enjoyed the feel of Sakura's firm and meaty ass beneath his groping hand. while Kakashi stood up front by their client. Naruto was enjoying his girls.

It had been roughly two weeks since Ino and Sakura decide to become his girlfriends. And now he could freely kiss both of them with out the other glaring at them.

He couldn't help but think of his little mouse, the girl he would meet up with when he trained from time to time. he found out his little mouse like to be the first to make a move as he and she became close... very close.

But his inner musing was halted as he felt Ino's hand dive into his pocket and began to fish for his iron rod.

"Ino-chan, i see you're feeling adventurous." His whispered in a husky tone in her ear as he slide his arm around her waist and up her shirt and pinched her erect nipple, just ask her grip tightened around his shaft. "I never knew my girl could be so... naughty."

Turning to her lover, Ino was welcomed into a deep and heated kiss. The feeling of being dominated by her lover's tongue was orgasmic for her.

Though regrettably it came to a sudden abruptition, as Naruto's sense of danger was screaming at him to move the girls away from danger.

Pushing Ino and Sakura to either side of the road and jumping infront of Kakashi and Tzuna. Naruto hand just enough time to react to the bladed chain that was snared within his grip.

Seeing the two masked ninjas, that wore the mark of Kirigakure, naruto flipped over the chain and used thier forward momentum and his increase in strength. Naruto had practically whipped the two ninjas away from his teams client.

"Any time now Kakashi!" Naruto yelled over his shoulder to his sensei.

"Ma, ma... i think you have it handled." He said as he moved himself and Tsunade closer to Ino and Sakura.

"... bastard." Naruto mumbled as he looked back at two enemy ninja. "How should i deal with you two."

"Brother, double-whammy?" Asked the ninja with a claw chain gauntlet on his right.

"You're on, brother." Replied the one with the chained weapon on his left.

As they detached the bladed chain, Naruto's clawed fingernails extended a few inches, almost matching the two ninjas' clawed gauntlets.

"Rrraaaaagh!" the blond roared as he charged toward the two ninja.

"Demon Brothers Special Attack-" The two yelled as they reared back the clawed hands. "twin Poison Cyclone!"

Seeing the two clawed hands thrusts forward, the gauntlets started to spin in counter-rotation from each other.

If Naruto was his former self, he would have died for the stun he was about to do.

Reaching forward naruto grabbed both of the clawed hands even as his skin was being torn as the drill like attack was slowly coming to a stop much to the demon brothers' surprise.

"You had your shot... now let me have mine." Naruto said with a vile sneer, as his clawed fingers started to heat up and glowed a bright yellow. "Blazing claws"

as if his fingers were hot knives through melting butter, naruto had severed the gauntlet arms of the Demon brothers while burning the wounds closed in the process. the shock of both the attack and aftermath frightened the demon brothers, seeing their arms being burnt to ash and dust, only their charred biceps remained from the onslaught of Naruto's Blazing Claws.

Be for either could react, the enlarged metal like claws encased their heads and was painfully obvious that the blond was finished with them.

"It should be apparent, that you two have only two options." Naruto said in a heated growl, while applying pressure to the demon brothers skulls. "1. Tell me what i want to know. Oor 2. Refuse to talk and i will crush your heads like a pair of grapes."

"I'll talk just let us go!" The one on the right said in a panic, just have him and his brother fall on their backs as the blonde let go of their heads. "We been hired by a guy name Gato, along with Zabuza Momochi; to kill the bridge builder."

"How much?"

"550,000.00, wanted him dead." The one on the right said.

"you will be here until the ANBU come and get you two." Naruto said as the metal claws slowly extended to that of wire thickness and wrapped around the two rogue ninjas. "So have fun."

Turning back to the group naruto wore a smile on his face.

"Goodbye C rank, hellooo A rank mission." Naruto said feeling all giddy inside.

Kakashi could only slap the palm of his hand to his face at Naruto's behavior.

"Now this will go to his head." He said turning his gaze to his other students, only to find Sakura and Ino both back to were they once where by Naruto's side, only this time Naruto was treating Sakura to a little game of Tonsil Hockey while massaging her plump rear. Only to have a sweat drop hang off the back of his head. "Though which head it goesnto is yet to be seen."


Chapter 4;

The Leaf's Lion


The Mist's Demon

pairings for -Sun's Fire and Moon's Ice-.





Tayuya and/or Kin (haven't decided on it.)

Fem. Haku.

(On the fence)


