Chapter 17: Epilogue
"Are you sure this is a wise decision?"
Trunks kept his arms crossed, having maintained a strong frown throughout the previous conversation. His eyes were locked squarely on a smiling Vegetto, who only held his hands on his hips.
"'s only fair. I've failed to live up to her wants ever since she got here; I'd be a fool to let this one slip too."
Frieza scoffed in response, shaking his head once.
"I'll never understand you Saiyans. First, you want only to fight and improve. Now when I finally agree to your plan, you're going to leave for Earth and give it all up?"
Vegetto chuckled in response, shaking his head once.
"Ah c'mon Frieza, you know me better than that. I'll never leave you guys, or the Time Patroller!"
His eyes narrowed a bit, frowning.
"But she's been through enough, and she doesn't want the same for our son. So I'll try to give her the life she wants...away from all this."
The fusion scratched the back of his head, rapidly breaking out into a grin.
"It just took me a few months to talk her into letting me leave whenever you guys need my help."
The Supreme Kai of Time sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"When you said you were going to handle this...I thought you were going to convince her to stay on the team. Not start a family and give up on the mission."
Vegetto narrowed his eyes a bit, nearly groaning.
"Guys...I'm not giving up. I just want her to be happy for a change."
Frieza rolled his eyes in response, leaning against the wall on his left shoulder inside of the Time Vault.
"What of the boy then? She absolutely does not want him to become a Patroller?"
Vegetto frowned once again, turning his gaze slightly towards the floor.
"No...she was pretty firm on that one. Despite my best efforts."
Frieza nodded his head once.
"Very well. We'll be in touch if those Masters show up again."
Vegetto nodded, raising two fingers up to his forehead and giving a small salute.
"Thanks. I'll see you whenever we're ready to take the fight to them."
The fusion then suddenly disappeared in a bright white flash of light, leaving the Time Vault behind.
The adventures of Time Patrol continue in the next saga of the Potara Warrior:
DB PW: Prophets of Fear
Send me a PM if you'd like a little teaser image of the story, depicting the rough design of the Masters!