Heyo! So yeah, This is my first fanfiction, so please, be gentle with any reviews you might leave. I have a couple of OCs here, but it is about Danny. I noticed a lack of a certain kind of fic for Danny Phantom when there's so much potential! and so I bring you to my very Au

The Summoning

Drawing with some chalk on the floor of their garage, a pair of high school freshman looked over the latin translation book they had gotten and made sure that all the candles were lit. The one holding the book sighed and stepped back, feeling pretty skeptical. "You sure this is gonna work George? I mean it's not like we know that this even works on ghosts." He pushed his glasses up with a frown when his brother merely waved him off.

"You don't but I do Rick," the other boy, who looked exactly like his brother except for the glasses and streaks of green dye in his brown hair. "I figured out how to summon that Box Ghost dude, I can figure out how to summon Danny Phantom."

"I'm sorry, did you say you summoned a ghost while I wasn't there?" George shrugged and continued to meticulously make sure he got the curve of the P just right. "What did you even put down to summon him?"

"I drew a box in a circle and put a box on the circle before I tried. It worked, he stole the box and left." Drawing a neat circle around the DP symbol he had finished George turned to his twin and flashed him a grin. "The box may have had a confetti bomb in it."

Chuckling at his brother's complete disregard for the possible wrath of a spirit - even a weak one like Box Ghost - Rick looked over the simple circle. Phantom's symbol was in the center, with a crown on the side and some ice on the other. "Ok, I get the ice cause I've seen him use it before, but the crown? How do we know that he became king when he beat that other king ghost? The other ghosts still attack."

"Yeah well, maybe he became king and just doesn't know it yet? I dunno man, it just seems like it'd fit." George shrugged and pulled out a knife that he had made sure to sterilize over one of the candles before pricking his finger. "Got the chant ready?"

Rick, still a bit skeptical but excited anyways nodded and gave a thumbs up. If this worked they would get to meet the town's superhero! How could he not at least try, even if the last three failed? "Go with the blood." George nodded and a drop of crimson met the concrete, then another before he cleaned his finger and got a bandaid. Rick meanwhile started chanting in the most dramatic voice theater class could teach him. "Magna heroicarum gelidus regem appellem mihi nomen tuum: Phantom!" At first, nothing happened, and Rick was almost convinced that they would have to start over when the flames of the candles turned green and started to flicker in an unnatural and cold wind that blew out from the circle. The chalk lines glowed and a ring of light appeared above it that was so bright George had to shield his eyes. The ring split up and down and from it appeared one white haired, hazmat clad, Danny Phantom.

For a moment, no one moved. Green eyes full of confusion flicked between awestruck blue before Danny coughed into his fist and waved, the ethereal echo that came with his ghost form seemingly magnified by more than just their location. "Um, hi?" The only response that got was a sharp gasp from the kid with the highlights - which helped Danny to notice that neither of them had been breathing until just then, so he pressed on. "I'm uh, honored to be here, really, but could one of you tell me where here is and how it is I got here?"

The hero floated a bit out of the circle and was slightly surprised when he was held back by something. It wasn't strong enough to keep him there if he actually tried to push it away, but it was there and it was worrisome. Rick recovered from his shock, mostly, first and shook his brother excitedly. "George, George look we did it! We summoned him!" He started pointing at the confused ghost and bouncing on the balls of his feet. "We summoned you, it worked!"

Danny opened his mouth but the other kid - George apparently - beat him to it. "Oh my gosh, it actually worked! Hi, George Pate, my brother Rick and I are freshman at Casper High and we wanted to meet you really bad,"

"But we couldn't do that when a ghost attack was happening cause we don't wanna become ghosts ourselves," Rick picked up and Danny resisted the urge to say TV wasn't kidding about twins. "So I got to thinking of ways to meet you since you never appear any other time."

"And he said something about satanic summoning rituals-"

"Which was a joke, we've never tried to summon the devil."

"-so I started looking into it and I tested my little theory that ghosts can be summoned with circles!" At this point, Danny looked down and saw that there was indeed a nigh perfectly drawn circle with his DP symbol, a crown and a snowflake in and around it. "And I got the candles and everything!"

"I bought and lit them," Rick interjected with a grin. "I also came up with like three different chants to see if they would bring you here. This is the third time we tried and it finally worked!"

Danny really wasn't sure what to make of any of this, trying to wrap his head around the fact that a drawing, some candles and words forced him into ghost form and teleported him away from his friends, but he could practically see stars in the eyes of both of them so he decided to be nice. "Look guys, again, I'm flattered, but I do kinda have things to do. I might see you another time, but for now could you undo whatever it is you did?"

The twins blinked at that and George looked over at his brother expectantly, since he didn't think of a way to send Phantom back. The Box Ghost had just left on his own. Thankfully, Rick was prepared for this sort of thing and had looked into how to end the summoning if nothing special was going to happen. "As we have nothing to offer you, we release you from this circle and send you back to where you came from." He swept a hand through the air and the glow of the chalk faded away. There was another flash of light, the same as when he had entered, and Phantom disappeared, the wind blowing out the candles all at once.

Once he was gone, and several minutes passed, the boys looked too each other with wide gaping smiles and George half shrieked, "Tell me you got that on camera!" His brother ran over to the counter their dad had put in the garage and held up the camera that was still recording, and found himself with a couple armfulls of excited George. "Yes! That was Awesome! We did it!"

"We gotta tell everybody, we gotta show everybody at school, dude this is amazing!" Rick saved the file and handed it to his brother. "Put that everywhere that's safe so we never lose it cause that's goin everywhere!"

So, thoughts? Any questions? Remember, this is fic one for me so be gentle.