AN: I have no words for this... I watched Descendants with my younger sister, fell in love with the Jaylos pairing, and this was born. I'm still kinda shocked I actually wrote this, but I'm pretty proud of this short drabble. Well, let me know what you think of this. Happy Reading!
Chapter 1: Keeping Warm
Keeping warm was vital on the Isle of the Lost. Blankets were threadbare and clothes didn't help much. Carlos couldn't use his mother's furs either, she always seemed to know if he even touched them. It's not like he even wanted to go near them anyways. The furs were revolting in smell and had strange stains on them, most of them Carlos figured came from the animals they were taken from. Even so, Carlos' rotting mattress wouldn't have done anything to help.
Nights were cold, the frosty air permeating every corner of the tiny apartment, even in the summer. Sometimes, staying warm was impossible. The simple blanket didn't keep out the cold and shutting the windows did nothing to diminish the chill. That's where Jay played his part. He would sneak in after both of their parents had gone to sleep. Cruella after a hushed conversation with her stole and Jafar after a night of drinking. Both had to be certain their parents were deeply asleep before even entertaining the idea of being together for the night.
They were always careful, always quiet as not to wake Cruella in the next room. Skin on skin and hushed moans filled the small space. And after the pair was sated, Jay would curl up around Carlos, and the two would fall asleep like that. In the morning, Carlos would awaken to find Jay gone and his window left open. It left him with a rotten feeling inside, made him feel rotten to the core. He tried to tell himself that it was just to keep warm, simple as that. It never worked.
Being in such a proximity to Jay, Carlos could tell the dips in his mood, without any verbal cues. On days when Jay had managed to steal enough to appease his father, the pair would spend the night up on the roof, looking out across the darkened island and the lights of the broken bridge. On worse days, Jay was more rough, animalistic. Carlos didn't mind, he had seen the bruises on his best friend's back, fresh and red. Jay always apologized after, whispered over and over until dawn. Always leaving in the end, neither of the boys courageous enough to stand up to their parents.
This arrangement continued throughout their teenage years on the Isle of the Lost. If the girls had guessed about Carlos and Jay's nightly encounters, they never said anything. Of course there had been a few raised eyebrows from Mal when their play fighting got a little more heated than usual. And no one could forget Evie's snickers when Jay would let his hand rest on Carlos' shoulder a lot longer than would be deemed an acceptable length of time. But other than that, the girls never said anything, and the boys were perfectly content to keep their secret.
Arriving in Auradon hadn't changed much. The two had an unspoken agreement. Neither of them would mention their past relationship to the girls, nor anyone at Auradon Prep. They had a mission to complete, everything else was second. Jay flirted with more girls here, always swiping some precious necklace or beloved ring in the process. It was as if Carlos' feelings had been left back on the island, crushed and trampled in the filthy streets. And if Jay crawled into Carlos' bed every night when he thought the white haired boy was asleep, well it wasn't Carlos' place to say.