Disclaimer: I do not own Divergent!

I have always wanted to write a "Tobias little sister" story. Now I am. As a little side note, I will be using the ages from the movie, so Tobias (as well as Eric) will be twenty-four years old, making Katherine eight years younger than them.

Emergent (adjective):

1. In the process of coming into being (notice) or becoming prominent


Katherine Eaton was gently shaken awake. She yawned as she sat up, stretching in a catlike way, and looked up to see her older brother. "G'morning, Tobi," she mumbled tiredly, blinking her eyes at him.

"Good morning, Katerina." Tobias replied in a quiet tone, smiling at her as he helped her out of bed. Katherine knew that smile was solely reserved for her alone. "It is time to get ready for school." He looked down at Katherine, his expression turning serious. "Make sure to be quiet. You don't want to disturb Father in the morning."

Katherine nodded her head; her eyes were clear with understanding as she looked up at him. "I know, Tobi."

Tobias sighed. He hated that his little sister – who was only eight years old – knew all too well the type of rage that Marcus had bottled up inside of him. He tried his hardest to protect Katherine, but when Marcus had his mind set on something and he was enraged, it was hard to stop him. Katherine, Tobias thought, you need to be strong.

"-Tobi, Tobi… are you listening?" Katherine's voice brought Tobias out of his thoughts.

"What is it, Kitty-Kat?" Tobias grinned down at his little sister.

Katherine pointed at the closet. "I said," she put as much attitude as she could into the word, "that I wanted to wear a dress today."

Tobias strode across Katherine's little bedroom to the closet, opening it and pulling out a plain gray dress. He closed the closet door and laid the dress on the bed. He then pulled out a pair of gray leggings from one of Katherine's dressers and set it down beside the dress. "There," he said, turning to look at Katherine. "Finish getting ready, and remember to brush your teeth and hair. When you are done, come downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. After you finish eating, I will braid your hair. Okay?"

"Yes, Tobi," Katherine nodded her head.

"Good," Tobias leaned down, affectionately messing up the top of Katherine's hair.

"Tobi, don't mess up my hair!" Katherine giggled, pushing his hand away.

Feeling a bit better about his morning, Tobias left the room to allow his little sister to get ready.


After finishing a breakfast consisting of flavorless oatmeal and brown bread, Tobias cleaned the kitchen – washing, drying and putting away the dishes. He made sure everything looked spotless; after all, he didn't want to give Marcus any reason to be irritated or angry today. With the kitchen fully-cleaned, Tobias brought Katherine into the living room and they sat down on the couch together. He made quick work of her long, thick and curly black hair, pulling it back into one thick braid.

Katherine jumped off the couch and whirled around to face Tobias. She smiled at him. "How do I look, Tobi?"

Tobias stared at his little sister. With her curly black hair, olive skin, and angular facial features – high cheekbones, strong jawline, perfect eyebrows, and full lips – she looked like their mother. That was something Tobias had always been jealous about – as much as he looked like Marcus, Katherine looked like Evelyn. Though he could also see some features of Marcus in Katherine as well, having inherited her deep-set, dark blue eyes and long lashes from him.

"You look like our mother." Tobias said softly.

Katherine immediately lit up with happiness when she heard her brother say this. Evelyn was never mentioned because of Marcus and his anger towards her, so Katherine grew up knowing next-to-nothing about her. Whenever she had the oppoutunity, Katherine would ask Tobias about Evelyn – what was she like? What did she look like? Was she smart? And as much as it hurt Tobias to talk about their mother, he would always tell Katherine a story about her.

"Come on," Tobias said, standing up. "It is time to go."

"Okay," Katherine agreed, following Tobias out of the living room and over to the front door.

Tobias helped Katherine put on her gray flats and schoolbag. He then pulled on his own shoes and slung his strap-bag over his shoulder. "You ready?" Tobias asked his little sister, and she nodded her head. He turned towards the front door, his hand hovering over the doorknob, just about to twist it open, when a voice stopped him.

"You two are leaving early?"

Tobias stiffened when he heard Marcus. He lowered his hand from the doorknob and slowly turned around, subtly shifting so he was standing in front of Katherine, blocking her from the view. "My aptitude test is today." Tobias stated, standing up straight, tall, so that Marcus would have no reason to narrow his eyes at him. "I do not want to be late."

"Ah, yes… your aptitude test. You know what you must do today, right, Tobias?" Marcus spoke, his voice double-edged like a sword. To any other person, Marcus sounded like a caring and loving father. However, beneath the first layer, there was a cruel and hardened man who didn't care about his children.

"Of course, Sir." Tobias answered, keeping his tone neutral.

"Good. You two may leave now." Marcus dismissed them.

Tobias quickly turned around, opened the front door, and ushered Katherine outside. As they left, neither of them looked back.


By the time the end of the day rolled around, Tobias was exhausted and anxious to get home. He had done exactly as Marcus had told him to during the simulation, making sure he chose all the options that would get him Abnegation as a result.

He walked down the cracked and patchy roads of Abnegation, keeping a constant eye on Katherine as she walked ahead of him. He began to allow his thoughts to drift as he walked. He wondered which faction he would've actually gotten if he had not listened to Marcus… if he had done what he always wanted to and defied him, making his own choices and decisions. Too late now, Tobias thought while shaking his head, what's done is done.

Tobias looked forward, his eyes landing on Katherine. She was smiling and nodding her head at people that she walked by. He knew that life would only get much worse for her if he left. Marcus would only have Katherine to direct his anger at… and Tobias would not be there to protect her, to make sure that she wasn't harmed too much.

But if I stay in Abnegation, Tobias reminded himself, Katherine will stay as well when the time comes.

Tobias knew that as much as he didn't want to leave Abnegation – a place where all his memories of his mother was – or Katherine behind… he had no other choice. If he remained in Abnegation, it meant that when Katherine was sixteen, she would also choose to stay because of him.

There was also a part of Tobias that selfishly wanted to escape for himself. If he transferred factions, he would no longer have to suffer at the hands of Marcus. He would finally be free to do what he wanted, to be who he wanted. With Marcus, he couldn't do any of that.

That's it. Tobias had finally reached his decision. Tomorrow… I am leaving Abnegation.


Later that night, Tobias made sure that Katherine was ready for bed. She took a shower, brushed her teeth and washed her face, dried her hair then brushed it, changed it her pajamas, and climbed into bed. Tobias sat on the edge of her bed as he tucked her in.

"Tobi," she whispered, tugging on his hand as he went to stand up.

"Yes?" Tobias sat back down.

"Are you going to leave me?" She implored, looking directly into Tobias' eyes, her own shining with unshed tears.

Tobias opened his mouth to reply, but his words were stuck in his throat. He had no idea what to say… he hadn't been expecting Katherine to ask him such a question. Finally, he spoke, "No," Yes "I am staying right here with you." I am leaving for you.

"Good," she mumbled. "I don't want you to leave me…"

Tobias winced. "I promise I won't."

Katherine smiled sleepily at him before rolling over to face the wall. Without another word, Tobias stood and left her bedroom, shutting off the light and closing the door.


The morning of the Choosing Ceremony, Tobias was feeling nervous. All he knew was that he wanted to transfer out of Abnegation… but now, the real question was... which faction was he going to choose?

As Marcus read the news which the Erudite released every morning, Tobias just barely managed to swallow down his breakfast of toast. He avoided eye contact with Katherine as she happily ate her own breakfast. He couldn't look at her knowing that he had lied to her last night, and he only felt worse whenever she glanced at him with a brilliant smile.

I am doing this for her. I am doing this for her; Tobias had to keep chanting to himself. He let it become a mantra, soothing him, and becoming the only thing he could hold onto.

When they left the house, Tobias couldn't bring himself to hold Katherine's hand; he didn't have any right too, not with what he was planning to do at the Choosing Ceremony. Instead, he let Marcus take ahold of her hand and walk with her, while he looked at the ground and followed along in silence.

They got on the bus and stood in the aisle, letting other people take the seats. Tobias looked around the bus, observing everyone. The Erudite with their studious stares, the loudmouth Candors, and the other Abnegations who rose to give up their seats. Everyone had one destination today – the Hub.

When the bus pulled to a stop outside the Hub, Tobias waited patiently with Marcus, Katherine, and the other Abnegations until everyone was off of the bus. Finally, they stepped off the bus, heading towards the entrance of the Hub. As they walked up the floor to the Choosing Ceremony, Marcus placed his hand on Tobias' back, applying a little pressure to the wounds beneath the shirt, as if reminding Tobias how much worse it could get.

They reached the floor of the Choosing Ceremony and stepped into the room. The lights were dim, the windows blocked off, the seats arranged around the circle of bowls that held glass and water and stones and coal and earth. Tobias quickly moved to find his place in line, between an Abnegation girl and an Amity boy.

Marcus hovered near Tobias. He leaned in and whispered, "You know what to do, and you know what the right choice is. I know you do."

Tobias stared straight ahead and nodded his head.

"We'll see you soon." Marcus told him before grabbing Katherine's hand and pulling her away. Tobias watched as they headed to the Abnegation section to sit down with some of Marcus' fellow council members. Amongst them, he recognized Andrew and Natalie Prior with their two children.

Tobias' focus was brought back to the front when Max, the representative from Dauntless, stepped up to the podium. He wrapped his fingers around the edge of the podium, and Tobias could see, even from the far distance, that his knuckles were bruised.

The Dauntless… do they learn how to fight? Tobias wondered. Taking in the sight of Max's knuckles was a confirmation to that question.

"Welcome to the Choosing Ceremony," Max said, his deep voice filling the room easily. "Today you will choose your factions. Until this point you have followed your parents' paths, your parents' rules. Today you will find your own path, make your own rules."

Tobias can see his father pressing his lips together with disdain at Max's speech. He knows that Marcus must think it is such a typical Dauntless speech, though he, himself, doesn't think anything of the Dauntless. They seemed to enjoy life…

"A long time ago our ancestors realized that each of us, each individual, was responsible for the evil that exists in the world. But they didn't agree on exactly what that evil was," Max says. "Some said that it was dishonesty. . . ."

Tobias was now pressing his own lips together, thinking of all of Marcus' lies, as well as the calm and selfless face he put on for other people.

"Some said that it was ignorance, some aggression. . . ."

With Amity, Tobias knew that he would find peace. There would be no aggression, no violence and no hatred.

"Some said selfishness was the cause."

'This is for your own good'. That is what Marcus always said before the first blow. He let Tobias and Katherine think that everything he did was out of self-sacrifice, that it was making them better people.

As if, Tobias scoffed.

"And the last group said that it was cowardice that was to blame."

A few hoots rose up from the Dauntless section, and the rest of the Dauntless laughed.

"That is how we came by our factions: Candor, Erudite, Amity, Abnegation, and Dauntless." Max smiles. "In them we find administrators and teachers and counselors and leaders and protectors. In them we find our sense of belonging, our sense of community, our very lives." He clears his throat. "Enough of that. Let's get to it. Come forward and get your knife, then make your choice. First up, Zellner, Gregory."

Gregory stepped up and took the knife, slicing it across his palm. Without any hesitation, he holds his hand over the Amity bowl, his blood dripping in.

Amity seemed like the best – and most obvious – place for haven, but Tobias knew they would not be right for him. They didn't need someone driven into their faction by rage and fear. It would only make Tobias stand out amongst them.

He watched as the names were called out. One after another, each person choosing the faction they wanted.

"Rogers, Helena." Max called out, making Tobias wince. The Choosing Ceremony was moving along quickly, fast-approaching his name, yet he still had no idea what to choose.

Helena chooses Candor.

Tobias knew what happened in Candor's initiation. He had heard the whispers at school. They would expose every single one of his secrets, and he didn't think he could handle that. Candor was definitely out.

"Lovelace, Frederick."

Frederick, dressed in all blue, cut open his palm and let it drop into the Erudite water. Tobias liked learning, easily enough for Erudite. But he also knew that he was too emotional and volatile, something which would never allow him to fully fit in with the people of Erudite. Not to mention the fact that there was also growing tensions between Abnegation and Erudite, and if he – the son of an Abnegation leader – transferred to Erudite, it would most likely make everything worse.

"Erasmus, Anne."

Anne – the Abnegation girl before Tobias – stumbled forward down the aisle to the podium. She took the knife, cutting her palm, and held her hand over the Abnegation bowl without any hesitation. Tobias watched; to other people, Abnegation was a welcoming, kind community. It was considered the most loyal faction, in terms of Choosing Ceremony statistics. But most people weren't trying to run from a violent father like Tobias was.

"Eaton, Tobias."

Tobias did not look at Marcus as he walked down the aisle. He only looked at Max as he took the knife from him and walked over to the bowls. He would not choose Amity. Or Candor. Or Erudite. None of them were a good fit for him, and Tobias knew it.

He was only left with one option. And he felt that it could be the right one.

Tobias cut his palm and clenched it, allowing the blood to collect.

The choice was clear in his mind now. He had no doubt.

Tobias looked up, meeting the steady gaze of Marcus, as he held his clenched hand over the Dauntless bowl. He opened his palm, allowing his blood to drip into the coals and sizzle. As he walked towards the Dauntless, Tobias watched Marcus' expression turn to one of shock. He smirked.

Katherine, standing beside Marcus, looked at Tobias with tears filling her eyes. Seeing her cry made Tobias lose his smirk, wince, and quickly looked away. He couldn't look at her, especially knowing that Marcus would be taking his rage out on her tonight. This is for the best, he grimly reminded himself.

As Tobias stood amongst the Dauntless, all he could think about was that he was free now.


That night Marcus let loose with his rage. He threw furniture around the house, ranted and screamed about what a terrible son Tobias was, and took the belt to Katherine. She cried and cried as Marcus hit her, but that only made it worse.

When Marcus was done, he angrily spat on Katherine. "Get out of my sight." He snarled at her. "GO!"

Katherine scurried to her feet, wincing in pain as she got up, and took off running from the living room. She hurried up the staircase and ran down the hallway, past Tobias' bedroom, and into her room. She slammed her door shut and crawled into her bed, tears streaming down her face.

When her head landed on her pillow, Katherine felt something hard and frowned. She lifted her pillow up to find a blue sculpture with a note attached to it. Her name was written across the note in Tobias' writing.

Lifting the note up, Katherine read it:

I am sorry, Katherine, for lying to you. I truly am. But I had to get out of that house – for me and for you. I had no choice. You will understand the choice I made when it comes time for your own Choosing Ceremony.

This blue sculpture used to belong to our mother. Treasure it, like I did. Do not allow Marcus to find it.

I love you. Remember that.

"Tobi…" Katherine muttered miserably, balling up the note in her hand. More tears fell down her cheeks and she angrily threw the note across the room. It hit the wall and fell to the floor.

Katherine picked up the sculpture and shoved it underneath her bed. She didn't want to look at it. It would only be a reminder of Tobias, and she didn't want to think about him. Not now. Not ever.

Turning off her bedroom lights, Katherine got back into bed, making sure to lie on her stomach, and closed her eyes. She would never forgive Tobias for lying and abandoning her.


That is it for the first chapter!

When I first named this story, I didn't realize how many other stories were called 'Emergent'. I am not changing it though, because I like it and it fits the story. (In my opinion).

Leave me a review! :)