Okay, I must apologize for wait. Since I'm the only IT student taking day classes, the school is making me double done on classes both this and next month an swap me to night classes. That and the fact that I have become an official work study is taking a church out of my writing time.

I know that I am really pushing the limits on the amount of OOC I allotted myself for the first-year story arcs with Deshiko Deshi, but at this point the cows have already left so it's too late to close the gate.

I do not own any of the franchises used in this story. The people and events and people in this story are completely fictional.

Debriefing… No, not that kind!

After the battle with the Kuyo, the Hellion sisters were surprised they when woke up dressed in gray t-shirts and sweat pants while chained to their beds in the Y.A.I living quarters, which had gone unused due to their very comfortable rooms at the school dorms.

Sitting in corner of the room was Yubel smiling at the two in her usual maternal manner, "I am so proud of you two. Unlocking the black hellfire which burns both the physical and mystical by awakening your inner inferno as you entered decet plene diabolica? Only a handful demons do that, awakening their inner inferno before the start to inter maturity and limiting themselves to dark-red hellfire which sears only the physical."

"While we are happy to have made you proud Lady Yubel, why are my dear sister and I chained down to these beds?" Kneesocks asked, feeling strangely hot in her clothes as her sister nodded, signifying her own curiosity about their current state.

"Did you two already forget what I told you about what you would experience during the decet plene diabolica?" Yubel asked, reminding her students of what she had told them just before giving them their magic weapons, "Your hormones are starting to go haywire and will soon drive you wild with the biological imperative to reproduce with a suitable mate. I'm pretty sure that just mentioning Jaden would set you off… Oh, there it is."

Hearing their boss's name was like receiving a shot of adrenaline mixed with an aphrodisiac to the Hellion sisters, who were barely aware of Yubel muttering something about them having it bad as their hearts started to pound so hard they could feel it against their ribs as fantasies of them and Jaden poured into their minds, making their bodies start heat up until they were unexpectedly drenched by ice-cold water.

"You two are something else. I mean seriously, you've been here for two days since you triggered your decet plene diabolica in the fight against Kuyo and it will last for another eleven, your primal urges spiking on day number thirteen where you'll be driven to the point of literally hunting down and raping a potential mate, and possibly killing anyone who tries to stop you." Yubel explained as she set the two buckets that she had used to help her students cool off down next to two still full ones and rubbed her eyes in frustration, "Normally, I would start you off by separating you both from any unneeded stimulation and save the lockdown treatment until day seven or eight, but Jaden is stopping by for a debriefing."

Having expected her students to exclaim about needing time to dry off and make themselves presentable, the silence from the two sisters prompted Yubel to open her eyes and saw the two indulging in fantasies that had rendered Kneesocks a deep red that matched her true-form's color while Scanty openly drooling. Knowing what was going through their minds, Yubel picked up the two filled buckets and threw the icy contents at the two demons, rebuking their temporary perversions as they sputtered at their second unexpected drenching, "No, not that kind of debriefing. Keep your minds out of the gutter."

As the ancient fiend-type spirit reloaded her buckets for the next volley, Jaden interred the scene to find himself rather taken aback at the sight of the two drenched demons, who couldn't decide if they should curse the fact that he saw him in such an undignified state or if they should wish that they were wearing something a with a more sheer weave.

Unaware of the effect he was having on the two, Jaden moved between the foot of their beds so he could talk to both of his officers about the results of Kuyo's defeat. Causing the sister to start having another hormone induced fantasy until they cut it short at the sight of their teacher waiting in the wings, holding two newly filled buckets, ready to drench them should the need arise during the debriefing.

"Needless to say, Kuyo has been stripped of his position as head of the Public Safety Commission and has been expelled from Yokai Academy. Keito has taken over under the title chef commander and has started remove the redeemably corrupt elements within it, but it looks like that we're going to have to shut it down and rebuild from the ground up." Jaden sad, revealing the fate of their enemy and his subordinates, before going on to discuss the aftereffects of the battle itself, "While damage to the grounds has been already fixed, the walls that Tamao broke and damage to the roof's northwestern section made forced us to shut down that area of the school until the repairs were completed."

Forcing to themselves to think past their hormonal haze, the Hellion sisters nodded in understanding. If the damage to the roof was bad enough, it could collapse and potentially kill someone.

"Of course, given how your hellfire did most the damage to the grounds and burned a chunk of the roof. I am put in the awkward position having to put you both on suspension from your duties and classes for the next three weeks." Jaden told the two, who promptly started to object at the unjust punishment. Waiting until after they had finished, Jaden explained, "I know that it isn't right, but this won't go on your records and based on what Yubel told me about the changes you're experiencing, I think that you both need to have some time off to ride this thing out and readjust afterward."

Scanty and Kneesocks both knew that he was right, they weren't even past day three and the wording of his innocent statement about them needing time off was conjuring perverse images in normally pure minds. Having them try to continue to go to class and act as Jaden's enforcers was a bad idea, they knew that, but they still didn't like it. However what Jaden had to say next helped improve their outlook on the situation, "I know you two aren't happy about having to stay chained-up here for another eleven days and not having anything to do for another eight after that, but there is a silver lining. You're still getting your average daily pay while you are on suspension."

The light returned to two sisters as they realized what that meant. Jaden was very generous with their wages, paying fulltime for their work in spite that their classes kept them from truly being full employees, and while they did frown on laziness three weeks of free-pay was always a good thing.

"But that's not the best part." Jaden continued, becoming excited about what he had to say next, "Given the damage to the school, the headmaster was going to call off the school festival, but after much convincing by yours truly, he decided that it will take place as planned."


"'… This choice is quoted to have been made on the bases that the festival would serve as a chance to boost student moral while celebrating the long overdue reformation of the Public Safety commission.'" A young man read from a copy of the Yokai Times, adjusting his glasses as mused about what that meant for his plans. Deciding that his plans wouldn't be effected too greatly if his subordinates didn't draw attention to themselves, turning his head slightly to address his friend and instructed him to spread the word that the plan would remain unchanged unless he gave the word otherwise.

He did feel a twinge of regret that the festivities wouldn't be enjoyed, but you couldn't throw eggs at the people you hate without breaking them.


About Moka's fight, Jaden knew that he would have to talk to her about it. But she hadn't come out of her dorm, except for classes, since he had collapsed on the roof, until he had finally managed to corner her at the student supply shop, three days after he had visited the Hellion sisters.

After exchanging a quick greeting, Jaden tried to help lower the hurdle that was menacing vampire by telling her an important fact what had happened to the swordswoman she had faced, "Deshiko Deshi survived your attack."

'She survived?' Moka was amazed that the news, relief flowing through her as Jaden explained that after she had left her in the ruined clubroom, Sam had patched up the P.S.C member and Deshiko's wound had already closed and she was expected to make a full recovery. Moka resolved to go and make her remorse over her action known, but seeming to read her mind Jaden said, "I hope you aren't planning on seeing her in the hospital. She left once her injures had closed, much to the frustration of Sam who wanted her to spend another few days to recover."

"By the way, I actually ran into her as she left campus to day and she gave me a message to pass on to you." Jaden said as he tried to recall the exact wording and relayed it to Moka, "She said that you have nothing to feel guilty over, being merciful is a luxury which only the strong can afford. You won the fight, and the shoufu no chikai no ken is yours by right."

Moka had never thought about it like that. She hadn't lashed out because she wanted to be cruel, she simply couldn't afford to do anything but fight to survive. As she came to realize that she felt as if weight was lifted of her as she wished her former adversary good fortune.

Jaden noticed the improvement in her as he fought back a smirk, knowing that what the next part of the message would put a whole new kind of stress on her, "She also said that you should train hard since she is going to do the same until you meet each other again. And what if you aren't ready for it, she's going to take shoufu no chikai no ken from your cold dead hands after she is finished, and I quote "gutting you like a fucking fish.'"

Moka paled at that piece of news, a swordswoman was now in training for the sole sake of facing against her. This was horrible, she couldn't sword fight! The two months of training had been an hour every Thursday, and while they taught her how to hold her blade, she couldn't fight against a serous practitioner of the sword. Even Fangs didn't truly know how to sword fight, using her superior abilities as a vampire to make up for her lack of skill.

"Seems like you've made a fan." Jaden joked before he saw the fear start to overtake the vampire. He knew that saying that it would be alright wouldn't really help since there would still be a swordswoman who wanted to face her in a duel one day out there, so instead he asked her, "So, which side of your instinct will you answer?"

Moka looked up at the umberlist in confusion as he explained what he meant, "It's called the flight or fight response because it's the same instinct at play. So, what I'm asking is will you fight or run?"

Moka knew that she didn't stand a chance against Deshiko, but something in the way Jaden asked that question gave her pause as she listened to what Jaden had to say.

"The others told me how Deshiko didn't change into her true-form and wouldn't let anyone interfere while you were fighting. That strikes me as the kind of person who prefers to fight using her skills with a weapon and forgo her yokai form as proof of abilities as a swordswoman as opposed to merely being a powerful yokai. If that's the case, then your choice to take nenekirimaru up and fight her without using the power of the vampire race must have impressed her." Jaden said, disclosing his thoughts on the swordswoman's actions, "But she knows that you don't have a shot a beating her, that's why she's giving the both of you time to recover and build up your strength. She wants to face you as swordswomen in a test of skill and not Fangs in a clash between yokai. Hell, she'd probably be furious if Fangs tried to fight her."

"When I told you that Deshiko wanted a rematch you were thinking about how you could fight her, but you don't have to fight her today. She's given you time so when the time comes you'll be able to face each other's as equals." Jaden said and let Moka have a moment for what he said to sink in, before he asked he the question he had been building towards, "I asked you if you were going listen to the call fight or fly, but maybe I should have asked a different question. Are you going to meet the woman who views you in such high regard as her equal by showing her the same fortitude that earned her respect, or if you going to disappoint her by hiding behind Fangs?"

Moka didn't answer at first, but she knew that some part of her didn't want to be a scabbard for Fangs' vampiric powers and personality. And Deshiko saw her as more than that, she saw a blade, and oddly enough she didn't want her to be disappointed. "Jaden, will you help me master the sword?" She asked not doubting for a second that he would.

Jaden smiled as he saw the steely resolve in her eyes. He had worried that almost killing someone would break her, but Deshiko and turned into something more than an almost victim… a rival. All that remained for him to give her the skills to back it up, "Master the sword? Well in that case, you better set your alarm for five from now on, we've got a lot to cover."

"Yes sensei!" Moka said, giving a mock bow to the umberlist.

"Don't call me sensei, I have enough titles as is." Jaden joked, before adding, "I really do want you up at five though."

Moka was about to complain when she heard the regale voice of Fangs asking her to have Jaden remove her seal so she could talk to him. Complying to her request, Jaden removed the cross from the choker and waited briefly for the change to take place.

"So, what did you want to-" Jaden started ask only to be caught off guard as she grabbed him by the front of his shirt, forcing him to look her straight in the eyes, and told him in a tone that left no room for negotiation, "Jaden, I have come to respect you and value your company, but if you try to wake me or my other-self before six-thirty I'll do all in my power to make your life miserable."

"Gotcha." Jaden said, knowing that the vampire really meant it.

Assured that her friend understood the condition for his training her outer self, Fangs released her hold on him as she let her mind muse on what had come to light, 'So, Moka now has a foe to overcome. Who are you Deshiko Deshi?'


Swordswoman in question was at her godfather's home, explaining what had happened to her guardian since they had seen each other last at the start of the school year.

"So, you lost to this, Moka Akashiya, and now that you have lost you wish to take up your father's sword and reclaim your lost pride?" Asked the man who had taken the girl in after the death of both her parents, not moving from his kneeling position in front of the large statue of a Japanese oni. His hair was grayish at the top and had black tips, with two wavy horizontal lines across the top. He had a bit of stubble running across his jaw and chin and the left side of his face was covered by his long hair and a few strands of loose hair that hung on the left side of his face were hooked behind his left ear.

Deshiko couldn't see his face from where she was sitting behind him and focused instead on the purple shihakusho and green haori. Watching for any subtitle twitch to tell her what he was thinking as she answered, "No, I lost due to dismissing my opponent as already defeated. Now I wish for us to face as true equals and see what emerges from our conflict… a warrior or a demon."

"Those foolish words sound akin to what your father said to me before his death at the hands of that human." He said in his unreadable monotone.

"I don't know if what my father thought as he faced is his foes is like what I feel now." Deshiko answered, "But I have lived my life believing what he taught me about fighting, so I was ready to face my end that day. Waking in that hospital bed gave me time to think about where the determination and will to live that girl showed came from. My father taught me all I knew about the way of the sword, but meeting that girl has given me doubts… We'll face each other again and if I win, fine, back to our previously scheduled seven-year plan. But if not… Well I'll have the answer I wanted."

The man's head shifted slightly as he listened to what his ward had to say. It was a far cry from her father's sadistic need to push her opponents to their breaking points. A path he had been afraid she was going to fallow after her defeat and subsequent recruitment by Kuyo.

'Her father was broken by defeat, but she appears to have inherited her mother's willow soul along with his strength.' He mused as he stood and motioned for her to fallow, telling her, "If that is your intention, fallow me to the training grounds. Your father neglected to teach you many things."

"Yes, lord Gyuki."


The day after Jaden had talked with Moka, Tamao was been sitting by the pool where she had ruled as captain of the swim team, reflecting on what had happened during the fight with Kuyo and his subordinates, the new power she had discovered… and the person she had killed. Unlike Moka's opponent, the rock yokai had died, drowned in attack she had performed in the first manifestation of her power over water.

The others had been shocked at the discovery of her taking a life and had reacted shocked concern, but her words how she didn't have a choice were hollow comfort. Even Moka's attempts at comparing their experiences weren't effective. The truth was that she did have a choice and had chosen to kill her an enemy instead of wasting time subduing him.

'At least Jaden understands' Tamao thought, remembering how he had told her that the act of killing was something to avoid but he would rather bury a thousand strangers than anyone he knew as she waved her hand over to the pool lazily and watched the small waves her power was creating. She was definitely more powerful in her reptilian form but her powers seemed easier to use in nonaggressive ways while she was in her human appearance.

When she used her aquatic abilities in her true from, she felt a strong protective urge rise out of her. A need crush all who would threaten what she considered worth protecting. She was familiar with similar impulses before she had been changed by her encounter with Jaden. But the voracious nature of a mermaid, which had earned her kind the moniker of sea-ghouls, was absent now. She couldn't help but remember an old man, who had been like a grandfather to her while she lived in the yokai village she had grown up in. He had been a security guard at the museum when she met him before he had been fired in favor of hiring a new younger guard. Despite being fired, he still kept an eye on that museum and had even foiled a robbery when the new guard had fallen asleep. After he had been rewarded with his old job and a sizable check for his heroism, Tamao had asked why he cared about what had happened to the museum after he had been fired.

"Little Arial, unlike the stone statues up one the roof I am a real gargoyle." He said proudly in his broken Scottish accent, addressing her with his pet-name for her and revealing his true form's identity, before saying something that would confuse the young girl for years, "And a gargoyle canna stop protecting the castle and its people then he can stop breathing the air..."

'I finally understand what he meant… I thought he was just being obsessive about an old building and cheap old paintings.' Tamao realized as her internal tempest quieted, 'But now I get it… Unlike a mermaid who lives to seduce and feed off others… a gargoyle and yokai like it are protectors. They devote themselves to something that captivates them as their home and protects it, bringing ruin to those who would harm it until they day. But my home isn't this school or even back in my parent's house, Jaden is my home and his people is the newspaper club and the Y.I.A…'

"Well, look at who's splashing around the big girl's pool." A condescending voice called out, drawing Tamao out of her thoughts to see her former second in command from when she was captain of the swim team, Kawa Walsh.

Kawa was half Scottish/Japanese girl with a Japanese human father and an Irish mother who was a nixe, a river mermaid from the highlands territory. She hadn't inherited her any of father's Japanese traits, but had gotten her mother's long Scottish legs, scorching red hair, sphere eyes, and buxom figure.

"I got a say I was shocked by news that you had been forced off the team when I returned from shaking the flu. But from what I hear, maybe you are more suited to a heated rock than a swimming pool." The new captain of the swim said in mock sympathy and shock as she lowered herself into the water, "And the rumors about you and that Jaden Yuki? So scandalous…"

The former mermaid frowned at the change that had come over Kawa, before she had left the red-head had always been somewhat feisty, but now she was acting like she had when she was captain. "I won't deny that I have considered attempting to progress our relationship recently, but I have to say I am surprised. I never thought you as the type to care about trivial changing-room gossip." She said as she turned to leave, disguising her disapproval under a conversational tone.

'From now on I'll be gargoyle that guards him and household.'


All in all, Jaden was very proud of how his friends had handled themselves in the skirmish against Kuyo's forces. There had been casualties but he and his friends come out mostly unscathed. But there were still question that begged for answers. Yubel hadn't seen the dark room or the strange woman, but a new door had appeared in the "hotel" that the duel-spirit aligned with him lived in. No had been able to open it so far, but Jaden knew that it would if he tried it, it would open and grant him entrance to the dark room where the strange woman awaited.

Who was that woman? She looked like a more mature version of Moka at first glance but there was no denying that there was something primal to her that was absent both the vampire's sealed self and Fangs. Despite her fine suit, that strange woman was undeniably feral.

Knowing that he wasn't going to make any progress figuring out the strange woman's purpose, Jaden resumed filing the weekly paperwork only to drop his pen as a searing pain from the right side of his neck. Rubbing it over his shirt, Jaden could still feel the marks Fangs had left on his neck when she had given him her blood. Normally bite marks from the vampire's fangs would heal without a scar. The fact that there was a mark at all was odd enough, but the appearance of the odd door in conjunction between his soul and the spirit realm was enough to make Jaden wonder if he really had burned through all the blood he had been injected with.

"Jaden. We need to talk about the powers you've used since you used to fight since you arrived at this academy." Yubel said as she phased into view, "When you first came here, you were reaching out for my powers whenever you got in a fight. However, as you regained your confidence in battle you've started to use your own powers again. But, that power you used in your fight against the fox… It wasn't yours's or mine."

"For a moment, you were tapping into some outside force. I don't know what it was, but I'm curtain that if you hadn't lost the connection you would have lost any chance to return to normal and burned out like a fire instead." Yubel said gravely, "In any case you should avoid taking in any more yokai blood."

Next time: Overconsumption