Rosario + Cards

Okay welcome to Rosario + Cards the rewrite of Duelist and a vampire. For the most part I am going to keep things the same as they were except make the names match up, tweak things around so they are more correct in terms of grammar and spelling, and make it so the characters are more in sync with the original characters from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Gx anime and Rosario + Vampire manga.

By the way I am going to use the Japanese names of some monsters like the Winged Dragon of Ra and the Sky Dragon of Osiris, but for the most part you're going to be reading the English versions.

I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! Gx, Rosario + Vampire, or any other franchises used in this story related to the for-mentioned or not. The events and people in this story are completely fictional and any resemblance to real events or people in purely coincidental.

Chapter 1: The Start of a Day and Exceptionally Weird New Adventures

At the Osiris Red dorm of Duel Academy Island, Jaden Yuki suffered a heavy heart and troubled mind.

Earlier in the past year, Yubel, a psychotic duel monster spirit from his past with mind had come back into his life, causing pain and misery to both him and his friends. By dragging them to barren wasteland of a world until Jaden Defeated her with the help of Jesse Anderson, who stayed behind to make sure that the door home would stay open for the others. Refusing to leave him behind, Jaden and the rest his friends set out to find him and traveled to yet another world where they learned that sometimes you shouldn't play games if you don't want to face the stakes.

Four of Jaden's friends were sacrificed in a duel against a mad fiend to make the ultimate fusion card, Super Polymerization and Jaden's heart was consumed by the grief of this. Awakening his sleeping powers as the herald of gentile darkness and twisted them into a darkness of revenge, letting him Defeat his opponent and changing him into Haou, the supreme king of darkness. As the Supreme King, Jaden unleashed darkness and horror on that world in a campaign to concur all within it. And if not for the selfless acts two more of his friends who sacrificed themselves for his sake, he may have succeeded and never have returned to his former self.

In the end Jaden and Yubel dueled in a final match where Jaden learnt who Yubel was and the truth of the connection between them. In a past life had been born as prince to a kingdom, long forgotten to time, and who had also possessed the power of darkness and fought against the Light of Destruction in the past as he had done in his current lifetime. Having been foretold of the Light of Destruction's return and the rebirth of his son, the king knew that the prince would need a guardian and guide in his next life and decided that position should be filled by the prince's most loyal servant and closest friend, a young servant girl of the prince's own age named Yubel.

Yubel had secretly loved her prince for years, so she agreed and underwent a surgery where her human heart was removed and was replaced with the heart of the feared Traurige Drache or Sorrowful Dragon. Once the inhuman organ had been placed in her chest she changed into a hybrid creature nether human or dragon that made all afraid to approach her… all but the prince. Instead of rejecting her new form he vowed that he would always keep Yubel by his side, which cemented her devotion for the rest of time. But after the prince's death she would eventually become fiendish spirit on the verge of losing her mind as she awaited his rebirth as Jaden through the countless lonely centuries.

By the time they were reunited Yubel had become irrational in her emotions and increasingly dangerous in her protection of Jaden. Hoping to fix her Jaden had her sent into space when he had won the contest that Seto Kaiba had hosted; however Yubel's condition was aggravated when the capsule she was in crossed paths with Light of Destruction which left her mind even more warped than before.

Having learned the truth about Yubel, Jaden knew that he was responsible for her and that he couldn't destroy her. So he used Super Polymerization to fuse his soul to hers hoping restore her to the person she had once been.

Her mind given clarity, Yubel undid damage she had caused and sent Jaden, herself, and everyone else home to Duel Academy where they found that not everyone had returned; Bastion had chosen to stay behind because of a curtain Amazonian, while Adrian and Zane had simply vanished.

But not all everyone who was missing were humans, the Neo Spacians and almost all of the Elemental Heroes had disappeared leaving their cards blank, like when the Light of Destruction had failed to take control of him after he had lost to Alcester. There were only a handful of his cards that remained; Winged Kuriboh, Yubel, and the other cards that weren't E-heroes or Neo Neo Spacian were still there, for some reason Burstinatrix was still with them, clueless as to where the others had gone and why she was the only one that had remained. There was another spirit that no one had expected to see again, the Evil HERO Inferno Wing.

While Jaden was devastated by the disappearance of his long time friends and partners there was another matter that was concerning him. The extent of his fusion with Yubel was unknown, Yubel was still recovering inside his soul from the trip home from the other dimension apparently she had case of inter-dimensional jetlag meaning that he couldn't ask her about it, but what he did know was that powerful beings like Yubel and Haou attracted trouble. Without his deck he wouldn't be able to fight as a duelist, and he didn't know how to use his powers well enough to use them outside of a duel and training would make Duel Academy Island, a very strong place for spiritual energy thanks to the Scared Beast cards, a target for any spirit that had a vendetta against Haou.

Jaden looked up at the ceiling and saw Professor Banner's cat Pharaoh up in the rafters relaxing with the spirit of the late Professor Banner, 'They have it easy.' Jaden thought before he addressed his former teacher, "Shouldn't you give some thought on figuring out how to move on?"

"I don't think that there is any hurry" The former alchemist answered, shrugging his shoulder

After pondering his situation for a few more minutes Jaden got up, got a pencil and some paper, and started writing.

"So, you've made a decision, Jaden?" asked Professor Banner, now hovering next to Osiris Red.

"Yes, I have."


Shepherd smiled upon seeing his most troublesome and favorite student as he entered his office "Excellent timing, Jaden. I was just about to send for you."

Jaden's mind was racing, there were two other people aside from him and Shepherd, he had already crossed paths with both of them, one in passing and the other he had actually met and been on a couple of adventures together, Maximillion Pegasus and Yugi Muto, and he had been saving the world long enough to know what was coming.

"In that case I must apologize. Due to the fact that almost every duel monster in my deck has disappeared, I'm unable to duel thereby unable help and... I'm leaving Duel Academy." Jaden said as he handed Shepherd the letter he written earlier that morning rendering the teacher utterly shocked and struggling to reply.

"Ah, but Jaden-boy we don't need you to duel. In fact you don't have to stay at Duel Academy." Pegasus interjected, and then correctly interrupted Jaden's silence as a sign to explain said, "You see that incident with The Winged Dragon of Ra last year apparently made an impression. And now it and the Sky Dragon of Osiris have managed to make themselves a new pair of cards and instructed me to deliver them to you."

Jaden blinked a few times and tried to make sense of what the former keeper of the Millennium Eye was telling him as Pegasus handed over the two god cards, complete with their unique red and yellow borders, along with a third card that had an unmistakable image of a marble white creature with piercing blue eyes, "And you remember that Blue Eyes White Dragon you saw in Yugi boy's Grandfather's place? It came to me in vision and absolutely insisted that I make a copy of the card just for you, you lucky scoundrel."

Jaden was now completely confused and only hoped that someone would explain what was happening soon, but Yugi merely add more fuel to the fire when he said "And Dark Magician Girl has also taken a liking to you" as he handed the card in question over to Jaden along with several support cards as Dark Magician Girl appeared at that moment and promptly tackled Jaden in an affectionate embrace, who said the first thing that came to mind, and said half dazed, "I thought that she liked Syrus."

Dark Magician Girl looked up at the person she was currently hugging and smiled coyly "A pick on the cheek is not an "I love you", it's more an "I kind of like you"."

Yugi arched an eyebrow, he hadn't heard about any kiss, but that wasn't his concern anymore "Anyway, four very powerful duel monsters have decided that you're the one that is the most worthy of their powers and Pegasus and I have decided to go along with their choices."

Jaden froze, if this meant what he thought it did then... "So, congratulations Jaden-boy! You're now the guardian of two Egyptian God Cards, the Blue Eyes White Dragon and the Dark Magician Girl! Don't tell Kaiba-boy about the new Blue Eyes, I want to surprise him with the news." Pegasus said as he shook the life out of Jaden's hand.