
"I think I know."

After Hinata's departure and Sakura's words, the room went deathly silent. All eyes in the group turned and looked at Sakura who looked extremely shifty. She could tell that Ino was slowly putting the problem together given the letter that she had sent her indicating the problem. But they didn't know the half of it.

Sakura groaned. "Fugaku wants me to marry either Itachi or Sasuke."

Tenten's mouth dropped open. When she finally snapped it shut she said, "Marry that man and bang him until he can't use his legs anymore."

"Yes!" Ino shouted fervently.

"Give him so many babies that you have to start a Clan of your own."

Ino began fanning herself. "Say it!"

"If you don't understand what I'm saying then I'll put it to you plainly. Tie that man to a bed and have your wicked way with him forever."

Ino, whose palms were touching each other in front of her chest, said, "Forever and ever. Amen."

Sakura felt her cheeks color knowing exactly what choice her friends expected her to make. Itachi Uchiha for the win. A life married to that man…it didn't sound like a bad idea. She wondered how the man would look in leather.

Temari cleared her throat bringing them all out of their fantasies. "What does that have to do with Hinata?"

Sakura cleared her throat suddenly embarrassed because of the serious look on Temari's face. They had gotten a little too distracted. Hinata deserved better from them. "Oh, um. Fugaku told me that if I didn't marry one of them then he'd prevent Hinata and Naruto from getting married."

Temari scowled. "What? He can't do that!"

Tenten cleared her throat. "Actually, he can." They all turned and looked at Tenten who shrugged. "Konoha law number 6.237. The Founding Clans get to marry their heir off first. They have the right to stop other Clan Heirs from marrying."

"Why do you even know that?" Ino asked incredulously.

Tenten grimaced. "Neji." It made sense that anything related to Clans Tenten knew—especially if it affected the Hyuuga Clan because…Neji.

"Ah," The three women said simultaneously.

Temari soon shook her head. "That's bullshit though. You can't just force someone to marry your kid. You Leaf Ninjas are touched in the head."

Sakura nodded agreeing wholeheartedly. If they weren't such a crazy lot half the trouble the five of them gotten into wouldn't exist. Then again, their lives would be very dull. She didn't know if that were a good thing or a bad one. "If we weren't you wouldn't like us so much."

Temari smiled. "Well, yeah, but that's not the point. The point is that this wedding is taking place come hell or high water."

"Agreed," Ino said. "I can't think of a couple more perfect than Naruto and Hinata. They deserve happiness."

"I wouldn't use the term perfect," Sakura grumbled. "But they are pretty damned adorable."

"Okay," Tenten started. "What do we do to help them?"

Temari snorted. "That's simple. We put our nose all up in Hinata's business and find out what's going on first. Then we break some knees."

Ino stared at Temari incredulously. "Do you want to spark a war between our two countries?"

"Don't act like you aren't already a Suna ninja. You want to break some knees too."

Ino didn't disagree and Sakura slapped herself while Tenten giggled.


The compound was silent upon Hinata's return. That was unusual and it set Hinata's nerves on edge. Before she made it to her father's office she saw Neji. She rushed over to him quickly.

"What's going on?" Neji wouldn't meet her eyes. She reached out and touched his arm and he didn't push her away.

"You should go in. I'll…" Neji shook his head. "I'll be here when you come out."

Hinata didn't want to go in but she entered her father's office anyway. He was sitting at his desk reading over some documents. Quietly, Hinata waited for him to acknowledge her presence because he always knew when she entered the room.

Eventually, he lowered the scroll and looked up at her. His eyes roamed over her face. Hinata had no idea what he was searching for and she was sure her puzzlement was etched on her features.

"Your wedding to the Uzumaki is canceled."

Hinata began to wonder if she was going deaf. She made a mental note to go to the hospital and get a checkup. "I'm sorry, Father. I didn't hear you."

Hiashi's face hardened. "You heard me. The wedding is canceled."

"Is…is Naruto dead? Is this your way of saying…?" Because she knew Naruto was in the village. He wouldn't leave out on a mission without telling her. Even if he had he wasn't an easy man to kill. She knew that. Everyone in the village knew that.

"He isn't dead as far as I know. Your marriage isn't feasible at this time."

Hinata's brow furrowed. She wasn't married. Naruto wasn't married. They wanted to marry each other. She didn't understand the impossibility of the situation.

"I'm sorry Father. I still don't understand."

"What about 'you're not getting married' is difficult to understand? You are dismissed."

Hinata stood there waiting for the man to say something that made sense but he continued to ignore her. Eventually, Hinata spun on her heel and walked out. Neji was there, waiting like he said he would be and Hinata focused her gaze on him.

"You knew."

"I found out shortly before you did."

Hinata nodded. Of course, her Father would tell everyone before he informed her. Her jaw clenched. "Why are you waiting? Why didn't you just leave?" Because she didn't want to see him. She didn't want to see anyone.

"We're family."

Hinata let out a bitter laugh. "Family isn't doing me any favors right now."

"I know. That's why your blood relative is going to take you to your family of choice. So where are we going? To your girlfriends? Or to Naruto?"

Tears sprang to the Hyuuga heiress' eyes. "Take me to Naruto, please."

Neji nodded. "Of course."