Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Harry Potter

Pairing Barty/Luna

Written for A Lyric Prompts Challenge: Lana Del Rey Prompts [300 Prompts].

Prompt: 40: "I was born to live fast, die young, leave a beautiful corpse and run." - Driving in Cars with Boys.

AN: This is drabble is written for Sophie.

He was never going to live to an old age ripe age, but until he met her he hadn't wanted too. No, he'd always believed that he had been born to die young and leave a beautiful corpse.

That's why he had always lived his life like a dying a man because that was what he was.

Then he met a beautiful peculiar angel named Luna Lovegood. She was like sunshine and he was a violent storm, she walked the path of the light and he walked the path of darkness.

He didn't want to die anymore he wanted to live for her.