Hi all! Just thought I would finish the story before I go out test driving in my new car :D
Arthur woke in his side room, he lifted his head after blinking, he was in a laid back sitting position. He swung his legs round, scrunching his eyes shut as the dizziness took him. He opened his eyes and looked to his right to see his upper arm had been bandaged with a blood stain. He stood up and slowly walked to the door and entered the AAU ward. He looked around before noticing Serena, standing at the nurses station looking at some notes, she looked up at Arthur.
"Hello, you're finally awake." Serena smiled with her sophisticated voice. Arthur smiled but seems slightly dazed. Raf walked up to him.
"Hey buddy, how you feeling?" He asked as he put a comforting hand on Arthur's shoulder.
"Fine." Arthur forced a smile.
"Let's take a look at that." Raf lead Arthur back into his room and they both sat on the bed, removing the bandage. "Yep, that has definitely stopped bleeding." Raf smiled then started stitching Arthur's arm.
"How do you do it?" Arthur asked quietly.
"Sorry?" Raf asked.
"How do stop feeling so stressed and worried?" Arthur looked down, ashamed.
"Well when I have a bad day, I like to go home and help Fletch look after his kids." Raf smiled at the thought. "What do you do when you get home from work?"
"Breathe into a bag." Arthur answered honestly. Raf sighed.
"We're going to get you help Arthur, you've only been here a day. Just one step at a time." Raf assured the nervous doctor. By this point Zosia and Dom walked in.
"Hey Diggers, how you doing?" Dom asked with a kind voice. Arthur nodded in reply. Raf got up and Zosia and Dom sat in his spot and they all joined in a group hug. Raf looked at the trio and smiled before leaving the room.
Mushy ending there but shows that Digby has caring friends. Saw David Ames (Dr Dominic Copeland) Instagram: he and Rob Ostlere (Dr Arthur Digby) were filming in Clacton and that will be shown tomorrow so look forward that. Looks like it's going to be a laugh.
Anyway hope you enjoyed this story, will probably do some more Holby City stories, I really enjoyed writing this one. Thank you for your reviews, favourites and follows!
See you soon!