A cord gripped its phone with as much inanimate force as it could against gravity, until the entire phone booth was set aflame. The dial tone that once hummed out of the hanging device warped under the heat, silencing seconds later as it fell from the useless wires. It landed next to a head, ripped off when the phone booth had been slammed shut on the neck.

All around the flaming booth were corpses, catching the fire as well. Ghouls clambored along the streets with gargling growls, intending to sink their teeth into any fresh blood they happened to find.

Their progress was hindered at the end of the street, where from afar, shadows tore though their newly rotted flesh with inhuman percision. With a snarl, their source, Seras Victoria, flipped over a slowly decomposing brute. Her blood red eyes scanned the crowd for a break to slip into. She needed to keep this group herded together. That was what she had to do to satisfy her master, satisfy the mission, satisfy herself.

One thing to keep in mind though, Seras didn't enjoy missions like these. It wasn't the slaughter that ticked her off; with so many years under her belt, that was the least of her concerns. It gave her thrill to land in the middle of the mindless mass and have her blood shadows explode around her, slashing through surrounding ghouls and even some beyond. No, that wasn't the problem. Her problem was the amount.

Even after 30 years, and so many more beyond that now, ghouls and FREAKS were still rampant throughtout London. A group of them had even gotten to India, apparently aiming for a Chinese invasion. So long after the Major's defeat, Alucard's disappearance, and now his return, these pests roamed.

Her master blamed certain surviving vampires wanting to evolve the FREAKs, make them strong enough to overpower him. Seras just wanted them all dead, finally, so no more humans would be sacrificed and slaughtered under her hand.

She didn't feel guilt for the FREAKs- they were incompetent- but she felt a small bit of sympathy for the ghouls. She viewed them as innocent, for the most part, and would rather not have to kill anymore of them. She hated not that she had to kill them, but that she had to kill so many of them. Too many zombie men grabbing at her arms and legs, trying to bite her, and she just... Lost her patience.

A snarl escaped her as she had her shadows swarm around her, slicing off the heads of multiple ghouls like a saw blade. She launched her body onto the nearest one, teeth digging into his neck. Her victim's weak skin was torn off instantly and her desire to kill landed her on top of another, repeating the process. Their blood was repulsive, and she knew she'd later be coughing it back up or doing just about anything to get that god awful taste out of her mouth.

At one point, two of the rotten bastards grabbed her from either side, one on her shoulder, the other on her only good arm. "Get the fuck off," She spat, tearing one of their heads clean off. It took her a second to shake off the other one, seconds later forcing her boot deep into his decomposing chest.

"Don't touch me, you disgusting-"

The familiar mirth of her master filled her ears, blocking off the guttural cries and cutting her snappy statement before she got anymore upset. "Police Girl, you seem a tad angered."

While it would be the understatement of the century, Seras didn't put the effort into humouring her master, kicking away the final ghoul just enough to break its spine in half. Finally. The bloody idiots can all go to hell.

"So violent."

Ready to retort with a snide comment, Seras turned to where her master was- or in this case, once was. Not wanting to talk to air like a loon, she stuck her tongue out instead, knowing that wherever he was, he would see her response to his smug remark. Surely he was satisfied. She did what she was told to accomplish, didn't she?

From the low chuckle, Seras knew she had.