Alright, so this project is going up instead of Rebuild of Prototype Spartan since I'm very unsure where I'm going to take RoPS. This will replace RoPS updates until I've got some more direction with that story, so you might seen this chapter and maybe another one if I don't have a solid, detailed plan in like, a month, because to be honest I've run into a damn brick wall with RoPS.

Also, this story is listed with only tagging "OC" at the moment. I'll (this might be the product of a group project, but this is still my account XD) probably change that up once things get swinging and characters show more involvement.

Just some notes on this project. This is the novelization of an RP some friends and I had for Infinite Stratos in order to do a summer project that had the theme of "distance" and "breaking". Hehehe. But yeah, we took the records of the RP and decided to write it up.

Another note on this project: While the main character shares my screen name, this is NOT a self-insert story. We were simply too lazy to come up with new names and decided to just roll with our names for the characters. XD Besides, the MC is totally not how I would act .w.

Third note on this project: While the "Volume One" and "Chapter 1" in the titles seem clunky and some sort of attempt at delusions of grandeur to make it sound much greater than it is, it's really more just for organization purposes for arc viewing and story pacing (since this RP took a LONG-ASS time). It seemed amusing to keep it in, so that's why it's there.

Anyways, here we go!


-Volume One: Rising Sun-

Chapter 1: Awakening


"The path we have chosen for the present is full of hazards, as all paths are. The cost of freedom is always high… And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission."

John F. Kennedy


"It all started out rather normally… on a day that no one expected would be completely out of the ordinary…"

Many (Formerly) Ordinary People

In Year 2016, an incident, the details still obscure today, occurred in where over two thousand nuclear missiles were launched at Japan. They were stopped by an unknown force, called simply 'White Knight'. Its immediate seizure was stopped simply by the same force, before vanishing off the face of the Earth.

One year later, Tabane Shinonono would unveil the newest warfare technology.

Some would call it the greatest invention to ever be made.

Others would curse its name in the shadows.

Though all would call it by one name… The Infinite Stratos.

A powerful weapon, capable of taking on armies, navies, and airforces all at the same time. The catch?

It was only pilotable by women.

Society was quickly thrown upside down as the Infinite Stratos took the world by storm.

Some would call it a time of darkness. Though in that darkness, a light would shine to light the way to a better tomorrow.

"Pilot Lione Irivasel: Recognized."

Year: 2031

Connecticut, United States of America

Lione Irivasel slept peacefully in the townhouse he had lived with his father in for several years now, finally glad that they were staying someone permanently unlike before in Japan, with them constantly moving to evade the ever watchful and vigilant eye of his father's ex-wife. It had been a narrow escape, but now here they were, alive and free, just as he was taught to want.

The sound of the door opening brought him from his sleep and within a minute the young Irivasel had gone down the stairs… before checking the rest of the house, searching for his now missing father. There were no signs of a struggle, nothing that would tell him where his father had gone.

The young Irivasel quickly noticed that one of the revolvers that hung on their wall, criss-crossed with another, was missing alongside a box of bullets.

However young he was, Irivasel was far more knowledgeable than he should have been, his father eventually hiring tutors to keep up with him. He was already well aware that his father, while bodacious and spirited in conversation and in public, didn't have the same sort of life at home, where the wear and tear of a world where his smiles and joy were frowned upon were starting to take their toll.

"…Did you really do it… dad? When you taught me that I had to… never give up…?"

At this, the boy broke out into silent tears. He was never allowed to let out his cries. His father told him that if he was going to cry, then make sure that no one would hear you, for the world would instantly prey upon you.

Sinking to the ground, the young boy looked up to the ceiling, recalling the words of his father.

"Remain strong. No matter what the world throws at you, you must continue on to tomorrow, regardless of the pain, regardless of the suffering, regardless of the horror. The price of tomorrow isn't cheap."

Year: 2033

July 26th

…I wonder if my father ever knew how much his words, speeches, and everything… just helped me. Without his determined pushes in my life, things have just become a crawl and standstill.

Two years he's been gone. I don't blame him for my problems, though. I just never listened to him. I heard his speeches, his words, remembered them, kept them in my head, but not my heart, for all I did was smile and nod.

Maybe… maybe that's why I'm here.

Here, on this bridge.

While the rain pours down like the tears of the heavens themselves.

Here, on this bridge railing. This rather slippery bridge railing that if I even let go for a second, the howling winds would no doubt shove me off.

Here I am… staring at the flooding below.

This bridge railing puts me about fifty feet up, maybe? I've done the calculations, no matter how gruesome. For a thirteen year old, this fall will be fatal.

I think… I think the few friends that I've made will be disappointed, the few that have stood by me in this dark world where the sun of light never seems to be of warmth for man. Roy, Ken, Melanie, and Yuki will all be disappointed that I took this path. Ironic, the son of the man who preached about life and living would surrender like this…

…but, I'll be joining you soon. Were your words as empty as my life is right now?

The visions of each of my friends flash through my head again. Yuki… yes, that purple haired girl that I had met in school a while ago, after defending her from some girls that were trying to pressure her into acting like a tyrant. The same one I told that she had to stand up for herself. When she finds out what happened to me… she'll be disappointed.

Here we go…

I check my watch, pressing the button to let it glow. 2356 hours. I'll be with him soon enough.

…hey wait. Is someone else on this bridge railing as well? The streetlight is dim but it's enough to-!

That shade of purple! There's no way… there's no way she could be here too, could she?! Yuki's a strong person on the inside; I saw that in the way she'd hesitate to take the easy way out, every day of my life! Why is she here now?!

No, now is not the time to ask why.

Now is the time to act!

At that moment I know that I cannot remain still, cannot throw myself off the bridge, because I have to stop her. My own life be damned, it's the duty of an Irivasel to help her… even if I were to do the same thing!

"YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" I shout, voice ringing out across the blackness of the night, illuminating her world to my presence.

She gasps, putting her hands over her mouth—oh crap!

The winds blow and my feet kick myself into overdrive, crossing the bridge in what has to be a world record as I reach for the girl as she teeters, missing her chance to grab at the struts. With both hands and heavy breathing, I catch her before heaving her back up to safety, pulling too hard to bring her back up and launching both of us into a pretty deep puddle on the sidewalk.

Her tears are mixed in with the rain that pour on us, neither of us caring about the rather compromising situation the two of us were in, her laying on top of me, nor about how her skin is visible in her white uniform from school. "Why…"

"Did I…?

"Did you want to jump as well…?"

I didn't have an answer to that.

"Why did you want to jump?"

"I… I can't take it anymore…" she sobs, "This world… it's too dark… mom and dad always told us about happier times, and now I know that they'll never be here again… that those happy times when we could've stood together… all of us… without being looked down on… they're gone… And then… you always gave me courage… so when I saw you… up there… I knew I could do it too…"

A cold pang of guilt resonates throughout my very existence. To think that I would not have been only responsible for my own death, but one of another's… how despicable of me.

"I won't jump."

"Then… neither will I…" she hiccups.

It was so beautiful, to think, to know that there was someone there that understood. That there is someone there that felt what absolute despair was like. We aren't alone anymore. And because of that, we have someone to live for.

Which is when I come to an amazing conclusion.

The box of bullets was gone. Not one. If my father was going to commit suicide, then why take the entire box? I can't believe I didn't see it before!

"You're… smiling…?"

"Because I just realized that my entire reason for wanting to jump… was completely mistaken. Haha… hahahahaaaaa!"

The two of us begin to laugh, in that weird sort of awkward way, like two friends who had been together so much laughing over a dispute they had as kids. It was my mistake, and that lead to Yuki, and thus this situation now. It was a very morbid kind of humor…

That night… the rain continued to fall.

But we did not.

Present Day

Year: 2035

Saturday, March 14th

I let my breath out in a long, extended manner, feeling the sun's rays beam down on me. Every day, I would come out to the park dressed in the old family hakama passed down to me by my father, no matter the stares which I had become accustomed to over the years, to meditate.

It's part of my heritage, being an Irivasel. My father taught me how to channel my energy, my spirit, into doing things. To withstand sword attacks like the unmoving earth, to cut with the speed of the winds, to make your presence known like a raging fire. Everything in combat I have learned from him.

My meditation would soon be over and then it would be time for my sparring partner to arrive.

Focusing my inner spirit, I delve almost into a coma-like state as I can feel the way the world shifted around me, almost like magic, really. Perhaps the entire thing is a placebo effect, as my inner scientist and mathematician would argue, but sometimes there needed to be a bit of magic to make life interesting.

"Good morning!"

The voice that brings me out of my meditative state isn't the expected one, but the greeting after it is. Opening my eyes, I find two of my friends, Ken Helinato, who was rather gruff teen with unkempt brown hair with a history of getting into a few fights, but was well respected by most of us since he knew how to repair almost any device you could name.

The other voice, the unexpected one, is Yuki, who comes carrying a picnic basket.

"The others should be here soon! I thought we could watch you and Ken."

"Oh. A pleasant surprise. Well, then Yuki, that is appreciated."

The other two, Yuki's twin sister Melanie, who looks nothing like her since Yuki's hair was dyed while Melanie's was a long chestnut compared to Yuki's short hair, and Roy Heramus, a fiery sort of redhead who wasn't afraid to crack a perverted joke in front of girls sometimes if only to watch their reactions, arrived. Roy was raised a military family and it showed in his proficiency with weaponry and tactics and discipline (or at least, as far as paintball was concerned), while Melanie was well versed in communications.

Heh, put us together and you've got a bit of a rough fighting force. I merely jest, though.

"Shall we?" Ken asks, drawing his practice blade, being of a shortsword variety, while the other three sit on the picnic table.

I unsheath my own blade, a wooden katana, "If you do not mind me using my family's skills today? You have been training me in what you've learned, but I am in the mood to use my own."

"Then I think we both know how this will end."


My patience in combat is infinite, for Ken knows making the first strike means I can counter easily, but he has to be wary for me, since I can also launch the first flurry.

My hand shifts the blade's position and in a heartbeat Ken takes a step forward, only to see the feint and back down. Giving a smile, he rolls his eyes for half a second before resuming his guarded stance.

Closing my eyes, I take a breath. "Like winds, I shall rage as I wish."

"Holy crap!" Roy yells as I close the distance between Ken and I in the two quick steps, blocked only by his defensive stance which I meant for him to change. With the fury of a divine wind I change from the lunge (even if a katana isn't really meant for stabbing) to a slash, drawing the blade to the left to make him think that I would try for a long spinning strike.

He buys into it, trying to bring the blade down on my head. I know that would happen and step to the right, bringing my blade back as I attempt to suddenly cut him off from my left.

But Ken, knowing what I'm capable of, shifted as well, managing to block my attack. "You've done that one before, Lione."

"I am well aware of that fact."

I spin away, breaking off our crossed blades, taking a breath. Oh, that picnic basket smells like Yuki's own cooking. I best not let it get cold.

"I apologize Ken, for I want to finish this quickly."

I sheath the blade as his eyes widen in horror, his stance becoming much more defensive. But it would be no match for the attack passed down to me.

My voice is a whisper as I began. "Irivasel Art – Cross Combination."

I explode in frenzied movement towards the still swordsman, attacks coming from all angles, too many of them to all be blocked or countered.

"Guh!" Ken grunts, clutching his side as I move the blade to his neck, his blade having been blown off in the assault. "Asshole…"

"I'm sorry, I didn't want Yuki's cooking to get cold."

"H-how did you know?!" she stammers, gripping her picnic basket like a mother would her child. "I-I might just be bringing Melanie's food!"

"The smell is distinct." I say, smiling softly at her. Heh, despite her supposedly shy demeanor, Yuki can be strong. Especially when it comes to defending people she cares for, Yuki is an iron wall of sheer determination.

"But first!" Melanie interrupts, taking away the basket, "We have a request."

"Dammit." Roy grumbles, shaking his head, "I should've known."

"Tomorrow is the big day where all the girls in the area are going to get tested for the IS sync… but… we don't want to show up and be bored with all the other girls and would like some company. Do you all mind coming?"

I raise an eyebrow at Yuki who merely gives me a pleading look.

"Very well."

"You're going to have to say ye—what?!"

I shrug in reply to Melanie's shock, "Was I supposed to say something else?"

"Well… ah… I wanted to… f-fine! Geez!" She stammers, crossing her arms as her reddened face turns away, "Go on, then, eat!"

"Eh, it's not like I got anything to do tomorrow."

"I'll toss my lot in as well." Ken finishs, "Breakfast awaits."

Melanie sighs, probably hoping to get a little out of us before handing over the basket. Yuki just smiles, taking out bread the two probably baked themselves alongside jam (again, probably self-made), and a jar of peanut butter. After that comes a few slices of ham and cheese, probably for a breakfast sandwich if anyone wanted to make that.

We probably look like a really strange bunch, considering that I'm dressed really oddly in my hakama, but oh well. Let the public think what they want.

Eventually we all part ways, going to our respective homes. I go to Roy's place, seeing that I was adopted by them since they knew my dad and didn't want me to be dragged off by Social Services, especially since I was Roy's friend.

"So, you got to show off your sword skills to Yuki, huh?" Roy jabs as we walk down the streets of the neighborhood to his house, "I'm sure she was impressed."

"It was nothing more than what she has already seen."

"Still, it looks impressive. I'm sure she'll swoon over you soon enough, Lione."

I give him a glare to that. "Please don't bring that topic up again. Again, I would like to stress that Yuki and I are not like that. To you, it may seem like that, but I can assure you that the truth is far from it."

That is a rather adverse effect of our closeness. Many people often mistake it for romance, when we are more of… evidence, proof, reason for existence and living. One might even say that we are living for each other in a very platonic way.

Have I thought of perhaps it being something more? Of course. But… it won't be like that, not without a lot of time. The baggage of that night in the rain is still heavy on both our hearts and no doubt would be interference to such a relationship.

Roy's parents greet us as we entered his home. His mother, Helen Setsuna, is sitting at her computer in the living room, blonde hair going down to her waist, "How was meditation this morning, Lione?"


"Dad's gone off to work already, right?"

"Yes, dear. Your father left a few minutes ago, something about a primary case he had to work on."

Roy's father, Aran, worked as a lawyer and rumor had it that he used to be in Special Forces back during his time with the military. His cases were high end, often involving IS personnel, so he knew the entire lawbook of the IS like the back of his hand. And then he made sure all of us knew it so we could defend ourselves as well.

"Anyways, I'll be off to work soon. It seems some more data needs looking at. Can you two boys look over the house?"

I nod first. "Of course."

Helen worked as a data analyst for IS companies, often contracted personally by companies. She had once been the operator for several famous IS pilots before settling down after she met Aran long ago, or so the story goes. I watched a few of the matches she was involved in, and her quick data computations and observations were the key to turning several matches around at the last second.

The next day comes around quickly after that, with us waiting in line… on the other side of the red velvet rope, anyways. All the girls are in line on the other side, their various draggings, or in our case, accompaniment, on our side. I also had to wake up earlier for meditation, but I suppose for a very close friend that is a small sacrifice.

Though, just because an entire day would be spent on this long weekend here at the community center didn't mean I was going to let up on Yuki academically, we had our very first AP Exam coming up, so I'm quizzing her the entire time in the line.

"Name a way that the formation of Mongolian China and the Aztec Empire were similar and different."

Yuki pauses for a second before answering. "Similar in how they both technically used warfare to build their empire, the Aztec conquering and Mongolian China also having the Mongols sweep in, because they were both aggressive groups that needed to expand to gain power. They were different in that the Aztecs destroyed the cultures of other tribes and the Mongols became signified, joining with the people they conquered."

"Excellent. Now—"

"Would you two quit it?!" The girl right ahead of Yuki yells, turning around to face us. "This isn't a study time, you know?"

"Well, I apologize if our studying and desire to do well on an Advanced Placement test is bothering you, but unless one takes every opportunity possible—"

"Shut up! I don't care what you have to say, you're just a lowly boy."

I tense up, but Yuki reaches for my wrist and holds it for a second so I won't lash out at her with the textbook in my hands. Taking a deep breath, I calm my heart and mind. "If you do not care for what I say, then it should be easy to ignore. Yuki, shall we continue?"

The girl's red hair now matches her equally red, angered face as she reaches out with a slap. But with the natural reflexes and speed that I have, I easily sidestepped it, "Excuse me, but I do believe you should just ignore us. You seem to be doing a great job of doing that to the boy you brought here."

"Shut up, shut up!" she screams, now earning the attention of the entire hallway who looks on.

"Again, I apologize if we are simply making good use of our time here to study while this agonizingly slow line crawls forward at point-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-one 'c'. Perhaps you should have invested in some form of entertainment to pass the time. Now, I will ask again, may you please ignore us so we can get back to reviewing? We both wish to earn top marks."

The entire crowd seems to have a collective gasp that I would dare ask a female to do something. Oh no, God forbid that humanity sees itself as equal and as peers! No, no, clearly because only women can pilot a machine that is so unjustly compared to other weaponry should we treat all men like dirt.

Honestly, the IS may be good in a combat sense, but that's all that it's good for. Helicopters can be rescue pilots, airplanes can put out fires, battleships can be emergency relief. But the IS? Please, all it can do right now is fight like no other fighting unit can for the moment, and even then it only compared one at a time to them. Yes, yes, of course the IS can beat a single fighter plane because so can a single missile launch site. But how about a trained squadron that knows what it's getting into?

And right now, there is no fighting between nations because of this 'Alaska Treaty' that prevents nations from using the IS in actual combat. So what good is it then, to treat it as if it is the most powerful machine if it's limited by politics? I know most weapons are like that, but this one even more so!

"You… you need to learn your place!"

I let out a long sigh. "Yuki, permission to defend myself?"

That was a funny loophole in society, really. If the man doing something supposedly wrong had permission from a woman, especially if the man in question was doing something like besting her in combat, then it was apparently really funny. An amusing loophole, but at its very core, very fucked up.

"…O-okay, Lione."

"Marissa, hold my spot. I'll be done with him quickly."

Yuki eyes the book in my hand as I give it a twirl after closing it. "Lione, please don't use the textbook…"

"Fine, fine." I grumble, "Ken, hold this, if you would."

Handing him the textbook, I pause for a second before taking off my trench coat. "The coat tends to get in the way of fighting, so I suppose I am set."

She throws the first punch after that, but I merely raise my left hand and catch the telegraphed movement easily. This girl tries to keep pushing forward, but like the unmoving earth I simply held her still.

"Yuki, I do not wish to humiliate her nor myself any further. This is a waste of our time studying. May I finish this?"

"D-do try to be gentle…"


I move in with and slip out her feet from under her, her mouth eating carpet. Without even as much as a second glance at her, I take my textbook back from Ken before opening it up. "Yuki, shall we continue?"


Security comes by eventually, but Yuki gave her half-truthful testimony and Melanie backs her up on that. And since the girl was being uncooperative, she didn't earn any points with them either.

Honestly, I think that once people saw me, since I stand out fairly well in my trench coat everywhere and next to Yuki with a very definitive characteristic of purple hair, that people would soon learn not to mess with me. Of course, I need Yuki's permission for it to be supposedly social acceptable, but regardless.

Yuki tries the same trick to get me into the IS testing room since, while I hated the IS' carnage to society, could not help but still marvel at the fact it was an engineer's dream come true. Things like energy shields, laser weaponry, full omnidirectional flight, all of that was fantasy before. But today? It's real. It's a shame that all of that tech's going into IS development for combat, that technology might have better effects elsewhere and actually increase my respect for the IS.

Though… I still wished to see the IS. To bear witness in person to the sheer feat of engineering that it was. Heh, being raised by Helen had that sort of effect on me.

Thanks to Yuki and Melanie, I know that testing would lead out into the track area, which is closed off for today. It's not like it was difficult to climb the chainlink fence and make my way over to the staging area.

Haaa… the American mass production model, the GI Jane, as some liked to call it. It looks kinda like a Megaman suit, but I think it's just been stripped down for easier transportation. I can see a few holographic projectors, so those must be where you're supposed to fly through.

I don't know… should I go any further? I'll already be in enough trouble as it is, but… for the sake of my curiosity.

After all, I've always wondered if genetics had anything to do with who can sync. Perhaps whatever trait in the human body allows for good synchronization is passed on enough for a male to pilot? I don't know, but I suppose there is… the empirical way of finding out.

Laughing to myself at such a preposterous theory, I put out a hand and tapped the IS' arm.

In a bright flash of light, I suddenly found that—what.

Klaxon sirens begin to blare out my ears as the holographic rings begin to light up even more, the IS suddenly becoming detached from the ground—with me still in it! What the hell is this?! Is this real? Am I hallucinating right now?!

Oh crap, that's the groun—

I sit bored in the interrogation room, glazed doughnut in my right hand, which I'm currently earing, and a completely unnecessary ice pack on my head, held steady by my left hand. It's not like I sustained any injuries, but I still had a damn headache from before.

What the hell was that? I shouldn't be able to pilot, not by the standards set today. Males can't pilot an IS. I'd seen enough demonstrations and pretty much enough proof the world over that males can't pilot. They tried effects of blood type, hair color, a variety of other traits, but none of them worked.

So what did that make me? I'm fairly sure that I'm a dude… considering what hangs between my legs. For now, anyways, before the crazed cultists chop it off and burn it on a stake.

Okay… so let's see. Technically all they can really charge me for is trespassing. I obviously had no intent to steal it, because come on, how the hell was I going to move that giant beast of a machine? With what, my own two hands? Hell no. But then again I was trespassing on the grounds of an IS Testing Ground… even if it was just temporarily repurposed. I should look into that and see if there's a loophole I can use.

I look up as a female officer enters the room, black hair and green eyes. "Hello officer. Um… I know my rights, so I'd like to be charged with something or I would like to be let go, and if I am charged with something, I would like to contact my lawyer."

"You're not being charged with anything-" she motions for me to sit down as I get up, "But we are holding you in protective custody."

"I wasn't informed."

"The officers were supposed to tell you?"

"…I got nothing besides something about desecration. It seems that the male officers were out with investigation duty, perhaps."

"Oh my…" she shakes her head, "I'll have to talk to them about that. I do apologize, our department chief has tried to keep that sort of thing at a minimum but we have the… more than occasional slipup." I think that's just playing politics, "Anyways, I suppose I'll explain your situation now, Mr. Irivasel."

I have no reason to be rude, and that would only harm my case if I was. "Thank you."

"Within the last few hours, Mr. Irivasel, it would be an understatement to say that you've become the world's most wanted young man, in a few more ways than one." She took out a tablet and pressed a few keys, displaying the news broadcast.

~This is ENB Neews, where we come to you live from Fathson, Connecticut, where we await a word from the police who are keeping Lione Irivasel, the world's first male able to pilot an IS, in protective custody. For those of you that didn't see the footage earlier, here it is again.~

The video clip has a lot of bleeps, most likely from me swearing. What else was I supposed to do in that sort of situation?

~Several experts on IS Synchronization have tried to draw up conclusions on why Mr. Irivasel can pilot, the one that has become the most popular within this time span being that it somehow came from his mother, Karin Katsugari, who came in second place in the original Mondo Grosso tournament.~

Hm, it seems they've already dug up one of my more hidden secrets.

Yes… my mother is indeed one of the greatest IS pilots mankind has known. However, my father took me away when she got swept up in the IS business and supposedly "lost herself" and we haven't had contact since. We were… always on the run, settling down for some time before having to get up and move. I've left a few friends that way, but… I have no regrets in the end.

~However, Mr. Irivasel seems to be a popular topic in this town, even before this incident. Several of his classmates said he was often involved in gender equality groups and also in a band, with his friends not being present at the moment. Others say that he was a delinquent out of school, but almost all of them agree that he was no doubt a very academically driven man.~

They got that right. And delinquent? Please.

I push the tablet away, not wanting to listen to this garbage anymore. "My friends?"

"They are being brought in discretely at the moment. Or at least, we'll try. Once they see anyone approaching the police station, no doubt they'll be swarmed."

"Anyways, Officer…?"


"Officer Williams, what else is there?"

"Most countries have publically put out a bid to have you transferred to their custody, as they would no doubt like to have the bragging rights of having you."

"…If anything like that were to go through, I'm going to call this entire station up as a witness to human trafficking." I mumble, earning a bit of a smile from Officer Williams.

"I can assure you that United States government has no plans of transferring you to another country's custody. Oh, but there are rumors that you're going to be summoned for a hearing at the UN because they'd like to know what to do with you."

"Great… How do you know all of this, anyways?"

"I suppose that would be a good time for me to step in."

I turn to the new voice, male, surprisingly. The man who comes in was dressed in a military uniform, but I didn't recognize it as Army, Air Force, or Navy, with his black hair clean and shaven, brown eyes piercing through you.

I stand up and saluted. "Sir!"

"At ease, Mr. Irivasel." He swiftly says. "I am an old friend of Officer Williams. Lieutenant Gregory Kleimer, Head of the United States Infinite Stratos Corps."

That would explain things.

"I'm here to make you a deal, Mr. Irivasel."

"With all due respect, if I can get some questions answered first, that would be nice though, sir. That, and I would like my lawyer and legal guardians here before contracting to anything. I'd also like for it to be in writing. Can I get the basic gist of the contract?"

"The United States would like to send you to the Infinite Stratos Academy in Japan after some basic training, allowing you a bit more protection, while we look after your friends and family, or adopted. While I know it bears no weight, I am sorry for the loss of your father."

He pauses after this, making me think he had something in his history that dealt with his father.

"But that is the basic idea. We know your friends will be targets, especially by radical groups."

"Yes…" I mumble, leaning back in my chair. "I have nothing to actually defend them with… and it is my own actions that got me here into this situation. I swore to my father that I would accept responsibility of all my actions… so I must. Regardless, let's wait."

The contracting stage took a bit of work and by a bit I mean three days, but it was finally over. Both parties consented to the deal, which included our international phone plans being paid for since I said that I would need to keep in contact with them daily.

The main argument for that, after all, was that this was happening in the matter of a few days. Other families that sent their kids off to IS Academy had their kids studying for years and had more time to accept the reality that their kids might be halfway across the globe. We had a few days, which meant all of us were completely caught off guard.

Yuki had taken the brunt of it, actually, somewhat pleading me not to go, but when I explained that I had to do it so I could ensure their safety, she let up. She was still sad, but so was I…

…after all, the person that I live for won't be by my side anymore…

…anyways, after that much, I was put into an intensive training unit that would get me into (somewhat) better shape. There wasn't a practice IS unit for me to use, so I ended up getting a prototype from the UN, their Extended Operation Seeker, which by the way is heavy as hell.

But of course, that means that my arms swing a lot faster and my legs can move like the wind a lot easier. Ken wanted to use one too, because at this point he can't even keep up to my swings and movements now that I had to train in that thing.

Now comes the meeting with a representative of IS Academy and apparently the creator, Tabane Shinonono, who decided to show up here of all times.

"Lione Irivasel, it's been a while, hasn't it?"

I look over my shoulder and give an even glance at the black haired woman who was still wearing that black and white suit with a skirt that made her look like a red eyed penguin. I know that my father and her… had history, some of it… a little more, let us say, risqué, than other portions, but I suppose that's all behind us now.

"Good morning, Ms. Orimura. Or do you prefer Orimura-san?"

"The former will do for now." She sighs, "It seems that Shinonono is late."


I don't even flinch at the purple haired woman who does a backflip over me, dressed in what could've been an Alice in Wonderland cosplay, landing on other side of the table. "Hehehe~ Didn't see me in the dark! Oh… ah, did you see anything?"

"I don't care. I'm here on business, and each second here is another second I could be spending with my friends."

"Mou, so serious. But that's how you always were, Lili-kun."

"Do I know you?"

"Waaaawaaaa, he's forgotten! Chi-chan, he's forgotten!"

"It's been years, Tabane."

"Your father knew us both very well. Back when he was evading his very scaaaaaary wife."

Right. Dad hadn't actually gotten divorced. Because he was old fashioned like that. "Physically separated only." That's how he termed it.

"It was only natural, after all. I couldn't help but get curious about the man Chi-chan was suddenly always talking with. It left me very lonely."

"He left quite suddenly too."

"We got found."


"But there were a lot of times that Lili-kun, Ik-kun, and Houki-chan needed babysitting while Chi-chan and Wi-kun were—"

"That is quite enough."

"Hehehe. But, back to business!" The purple haired woman, probably Tabane Shinonono, puts a finger to her mouth. "It's been decided you're going to stay with me before you go to IS Academy! After all, you need a guardian in Japan!"



"I came here to negotiate a trip directly to IS Academy. It's bad enough that my family, because my friends right now are my family, are going through this, being torn up like all hell and being lost and confused. I don't want to put them through the mental stress that is leaving me with you, who has been off the face of the earth for the last few months, wondering where the actual hell I have been."

"Irivasel, that is enough."

"No, Ms. Orimura, no it isn't. Because I'm not going to let this world push me around. Male, female, I don't care. I was raised to believe that when the world pushes you forcefully, you shove it back just as hard to let it know not to fuck with you.

"Now, I already have a deal with the United States Government on the fact that I'm going to IS Academy, but the details of how I'm getting there are still being hammered out. If you are not willing to negotiate with me right now, we can just sit here and wait until my adoptive father arrives and we can talk then."


Tabane sighed as Irivasel left the room, his adopted father right behind him. A deal had been negotiated. Irivasel hadn't backed down, not in the slightest.

"He's very much like his father, isn't he?" Tabane asked, before her lips curled into a catlike smirk. "I'm sure the girls at the Academy will have a very fun time competing with their queen."

"If you are insinuating that I am about to commit a crime, then I advise you stop talking. Must I warn you that I am still superior to you in hand to hand?"

"Mou, so cold."

Chifuyu crossed her arms. "If anything, I hope he doesn't turn out anything like his father."

"Are you still bitter?"


"Then I am too."

"That's no reason to be bitter about the past, Tabane."


"Only be bitter if you truly think you should. Not because I am."


"Shouldn't you be getting his unit in order? I thought you mentioned over the phone that you had a specific one in mind."

"Oh, it's not a problem. I'm sure Byakushiki's fiiiiine~"

"Why did you want to bring him to your place? Don't tell me you were the one trying to cross the age boundary."

"Why, I never~ But, I mainly wanted him to meet Houki-chan."

"Matchmaking? Really?"

"No… because the situation was like you and Irivasel-san."

"In addition, where is Katsugari? She's supposed to be here as well. I hope she's not trying to size the boy up…"

Yuki was sitting on a park bench, looking up at the blue sky, waiting for Lione to finish up.

"Excuse me."

She turned her head to find a well-dressed woman in a suit, except she couldn't determine her hair color as she wore a hood.

"…Ah, are you… Yuki Celladon?"

"W-what do you want with me?"

"Oh… I just heard about your situation with Lione Irivasel, and all of the rumors about you two. Hm… I think I have something for you."

Yuki was handed a small flower pendant.

"In my youth, I swear I used to hear my husband through it whenever I needed him or his support. Maybe it will grant you the same."


Negotiations went well.

Unfortunately… we were actually having to part.

Three days ago we had done a farewell concert of sorts. Turns out that I had actually made a small imprint on this town, that people began to believe in equality again… And with the power of music, we had changed the world, however slightly.

"So… you're leaving already, huh? It's only been a few days." Roy shakes his head in disappointment. "Never thought you'd be anywhere but here with us. Still, that farewell concert was awesome."

"Call us." Ken adds. "We'll be waiting."

"Time difference." Yuki's soft voice further adds. "We'll be asleep…"

"Then we'll all just have to stay up late every night!" Melanie cheers. "Slumber party all night every night!"

"On both ends too, now that I think about it." I say with a sigh, putting a hand on the back of my head. "More work for me, heh. Hooray international calling though."

"…I wish I hadn't purposely failed the test." Yuki mutters with a blush. Ah yeah, I had helped her study so she could purposely get the wrong answers. She didn't want to go before, but apparently her sync level was really good. However, she wasn't eligible now.

"Sucks, doesn't it?" I sigh back, shaking my head.

"Um… L-lione… can I talk to you alone?" Yuki asks, lightly grabbing onto my wrist and pulling me away. The others walked away for a second, a little too giddy if you ask me. "Please… please promise me that you won't forget about us! I… I've seen that place on TV before and there were a lot of pretty and attractive girls and I know that I'm not that great but please don't forget about your friends here!"

I hug her to calm her down.

"Yuki, I care not for those girls. I am there to fulfill my end of a deal and for research. As far as I am concerned, they are just distractions to me. So please… don't cry… please don't let my final memory of leaving my hometown be of making the girl that I live for cry."

She begins to sob as she embraces me back. I only hold her closer, breathing in the scent of her perfume and shampoo, an elegant mix of strawberry and lemon, as if I wanted to take as much as I could of her with me.

"I… I won't, then…" Yuki pulls away slightly before reaching into her sweater pocket and pulling out a small box. Inside that black velvet box was a small pendant in the shape of a heart… wait… I remember this pendant. "It's… it's from when you saved me… saved us."

"I'll treasure it forever." I whisper after she puts it around my neck before pulling her into an embrace. "I'll be sure to return it to you one day."

"Oh, and this too…"

I let her wrap the deep, majestic purple scarf around my neck. "It's cold up in the sky, right? Mmhm… here… let me warm you up…"

We hold each other in the warming sunlight, ignorant of private jet that's humming to life.

"Oi," Ken calls, bringing us to reality before throwing me a sheath as the others returned. I noted the engravings on the handle.

"No. Take it back. This is your blade, Ken."

"Yes, it is. But I am lending it to you. You don't have the Irivasel's blade, don't you? It's in Japan, right? So until… until you get it back and I know my friend, the amazing swordsman that he is, has the blade that rightfully belongs to him, that he has an unfailing blade by his side. You know how some people can be, right?"

"…I suppose."

"When you get your blade back, then return it to me. Until then, keep it with you."

"…Very well, then."

I step back and face everyone after laying the blade on my suitcases.

"I'm sure all of you know by now, but I surely will miss you. All of you. You were the ones that kept me happy, the ones that made life fun, especially you, Yuki. I'll miss you the most, and you know why.

"Remember our motto… one final time, before I go.

"It's better safe than sorry." I begin, putting my right hand in.

Yuki puts her right hand in. "If you can't be safe…"

"Be smart." Roy adds, putting in his hand.

Melanie puts her hand in. "If you can't be smart…"

"Do what you believe in." Ken finishes.

"We are the Returners of Hope." We all say together, mentioning the name of our band. "We bring hope to those who have lost it, regardless of who they are and what they have done. We stick to our values in a world that declares them wrong in the hopes they will one day see the truth."

We pull our hands away as I speak. "Wish me luck, everyone."

As I get on the plane, my heart heavy as the doors close behind me, my luggage up in the compartments above, I look out and wave to Yuki.

…I should have kissed her.

I only hope that things will go all right…

Maybe I can meet up with some old friends when I get to Japan…

And with that thought, my gaze looks over the black, leatherbound journal with a few envelopes stuff in it that's partially sticking out of my bag. I just hope that these get to the person who was supposed to get these. I doubt she's still there, but it's worth a shot.

Can't believe I found that while I was looking through all of my belongings, trying to see if I missed anything I was supposed to bring.

How interesting… I, with friends of the present and wanted future, heading back to the place of my past. Now only time will tell what happens from here…


So, Lione Irivasel seems like a bit of a jerkass/douche to people that aren't his friends. And he's smart, able to play in a band, and seems to be sort of perfect and slightly Mary/Gary Sue territory. But he's not. And also that's the whole point. He's a dysfunctional character. He contemplates suicide, exists merely for one person, and doesn't seem to care about social standards like what some people would consider "normal".

We've (as creating Lione's character was a group effort) built him up to be this character because the focus is not the smarts, the music (for now), or all of that—but rather, the distance. How well can he handle the distance? For all his smarts, ability, all of that, does it help him deal with the distance between him and his friends? In addition, with Infinite Stratos, if you're going to do the whole "add another male", you're going to have to deal with the harem element.

You know how most harem protagonists don't seem to have too many friends, maybe their bromantic foil and the childhood friend? Well, we decided to turn that on its head too. Something along the lines of "Hey, what if your usual single guy in a harem show actually had friends and companions beforehand that he'd probably place in higher importance than a bunch of members of the opposite sex trying to win his affection?" While we weren't shooting for a deconstruction, we thought it would be an interesting element.

But yes, the distance. How does one deal exactly with that, and everything else going on? After all, Lione isn't just walking around and thinking about the distance. He has other matters to attend to as well. Of course, that's what we're going to find out.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this section of our group project. We thought that the entirety was rather amusing and turned out really well, but we're not quite sure about how it turned out once we converted it into a story. Please do give us some feedback, since I, along with my writing pals, are curious about how our plot/story turned out!