From Aida Riko to Shigino Kisumi
Hey Shigino-kun
I know it has been a while since you send your last email but I've been really busy lately. The basket team is doing well and we are winning a lot as of late. But I can't take my mind off it for a second.
I wonder if you have any suggestions to how I can improve the team's strength. I know it's a rare question from me, but I'm running a bit low on ideas lately.
How are things at your end? Are you still playing basket? It is too bad that I haven't seen your team lately on any plans of bigger events like Inter High or the Winter Cup. Why is that?
Please don't take as long on replying as I do. I hope to see you sometime soon.
Aida Riko
From Shigino Kisumi to Aida Riko
Hi Riko
Yeah it sure took you a while, but it's fine. I've been busy too. With the exams coming up and all, friends and girls too. It has taken up a lot of my time. I haven't really taken much checking my emails as of late. Sorry about that.
No sorry. I don't have any suggestions to what you can do to improve your team at the moment. I'm not playing basketball anymore because our team disbanded. We got defeated easily last year and none from my year except myself has felt like playing basket again this year, there are only bookworms among the first and second years too. It's doubtful you'll see me at any events.
But I've heard you made it far into the Winter Cup. Congratulations.
If you can give me the date of your next game I might just show up to cheer you guys on. That is, if you want to see me that badly.
From Aida Riko to Shigino Kisumi.
Hey Shigino-kun
That's actually a brilliant idea! It's not that I want to see you THAT badly, but it could still be fun seeing you again. Last we met, wasn't that also the first time when you visited your grandparents? No matter. It would be fun seeing you again. And I'd also like you to meet the basket team. Maybe they can give you back some spirit.
It's too bad that the others of your school don't feel like playing basket so that you had to disband. If you want, you could always transfer to Seirin High School. There's always room for one more at our team.
Here are the dates of our upcoming games _/_ _/_ _/_ and _/_. You can chose from these whichever suits you the better.
Just show up whenever you want. It'll be fun meeting again.
Aida Riko
So... This idea came when I had just started on watching Kuroko no Basket and had been liked Free for a short while. I had taken a slight interest in figuring out what kind of guy Kisumi was and so I went and read on his wiki. First thing I noticed, he used to play basketball. Then I came up with this thing.
Beforehand I want to warn you that I had not read the High Speed 2nd volume and certainly not finished KnB since I actually wrote this in May or the beginning of June. I'm not sure, but around that time. I do not follow manga or anything.
Another detail: I might have gotten Kisumi's personality a bit wrong along the way. Hope it's not too bad.
This story is set around the time of Eternal Summer in Free and the year after the plot in KnB because I wanted to even out the difference between their ages.
This story is also pretty random. I really hope you don't mind that.
With that being said, try to bare with me being like this and try to make some sense of the story. If you have any questions about anything related to this story, feel free to leave a review or PM me and I will answer as best as I can.