Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, I was working on several things and wasn't able to get done on Sat. ;) A break is coming up soon so hopefully I'll get to write more…plus when the summer finally surfaces I'll have all the time I need :) Now without further ado here is the next chapter, enjoy.


Upon the earth, located in the mountains of an island no human foot had ever set, a large alabaster castle stood. This citadel rose to the heavens it's torrents reaching towards the stars above as if in a plaintiff plea for companionship.

Within the castle hundreds of corridors winded and twisted throughout, a proverbial maze for any who had not walked the floors before. In many of these halls alcoves had been carved into the walls, inside each of these openings a single pedestal made of polished stone. Upon each pedestal a statue of chiseled jade rested, each sculpture an image of an ancient being long turned to dust.

In one corridor however instead of watching over an empty floor, the silent busts observed in quiet thought as one of the residence of their home suddenly entered their hall.

Soft footsteps echoed as a hooded figure hurried along the golden flooring. The speed of their walking caused the obsidian hood to fall back slightly, allowing strands of white hair to leak from its sides.

The being however wasn't concerned by this and simply continued towards their destination.

Within moments the hooded being paused before a golden framed doorway, then with a resigned sigh that could be heard throughout the hall, a slender hand pushed against the runes carved into the dark wood that made up the door.

At the touch the runes gleamed a bright red, then a loud boom shook the door as the seal was broken. With a low creak the door moved inwards, allowing the hooded being to enter the chamber.

The room was immense, its bowed ceiling held up by fourteen alabaster columns. Upon each of the columns were solid gold braziers that lit the room up with flickering yellows and oranges.

All along the perimeter of the room were stained-glass windows that allowed brilliant colored light to cascade into the chamber to illuminate the cheery wood floor of the chamber.

"Oh, good, sister you have come."

At the tense voice the figure's gaze went to the middle of the room where a large dais of red stone had been erected. Beside this platform stood another hooded being, this one clothed in pure white.

"I came as soon as I received your summons Fate." the black robed being hurried down the silver rug that led from the door to the dais, "I was in the middle of searching for Raze when it came." upon reaching the dais the being flung the black hood over revealing a young woman with shimmering white hair that flowed down her back now that it was no longer within the fabric, "What could possibly be so important that you'd pull me away from finding him?"

"I had no choice Destiny…" A mournful sigh escaped from Fate as he addressed the young woman, "Haruto has escaped."

"Fate…that's not possible…the chains were blessed with Divine energy." Destiny shivered, a chill running down her spine, "There is no way Haruto could have broken them!"

Fate motioned to the dais where a crystal rested, "I do not know how Haruto did it Destiny, but the Noshan does not lie."

Violet eyes glanced at the stone, within its gleaming surface was the image of an empty chamber. Her heart filled with fear at the sight of golden chains dangling listless from their fasteners, their one job of holding back a monster having failed.

"Why now…" Destiny wretched her eyes from the stone, her gaze locking with her brother as she continued, "Haruto has not been able to escape for millennia! Why now have those same chains that have held him all of this time failed!"

"There are many things that could be a factor Destiny…" Fate shook his head as he carefully waved a hand over the crystal

Destiny watched as the stone's surface emptied of the image and returned to a murky white color

"However, we will not be able to find out the answers here." The spirit's amber eyes gleamed slightly, "I believe the best way for us to find out how Haruto escaped…" Fate locked eyes with his sister, "Is to recapture him."

Destiny blinked, not sure she had heard her brother correctly, "You want…you want us to find Haruto…and capture him?"

"Not exactly sister. You need to continue to seek out Raze so that we can help him. I will go after Haruto myself." Fate frowned and crossed his arms when a hysterical laugh escaped his sister

"You…you…you think…" Destiny's words were broken due to laughter that shook her entire body, "You are going to walk up to the one who single handily turned to dust billions of galaxies and capture him?"

"That's not what…"

"Are you nuts!" Destiny cut her brother off, her slight bit of mirth now transforming into fury, "Do you think Haruto will simply allow himself to retaken?"

Fate bit the inside of his lip

"Haruto would tear you to pieces and laugh as he scattered your remains to the wind!" Destiny fixed her brother with a glare, "There is no way in the Void I am allowing you to go anywhere near him!"

The room fell silent, the only sound a quiet hum from the stone resting upon the dais. After a moment the silence was broken.

"Do I just leave Haruto free then sister?" Fate spoke quietly, his voice trembling "Do I allow this monster to wander the earth slaughtering all that cross his path?" the spirit straightened, "Or do I act as I should as an overseer of this Universe and recapture Haruto before too much innocent blood is spilled?"

Destiny paused a moment, then her entire body seemed to deflate as she sighed "You are right Fate…as always." Tears rimmed her eyes as she looked at him, "But you do know what lies ahead for you should you stand before Haruto?"

Fate nodded as he started out of the room, "I am well aware of what the future holds for those that face Haruto in battle." A slight smile cracked the spirit's lips, "But then again I like to test fate and see just how much I can bend it."

Destiny watched quietly as her brother left the room She could only imagine the carnage that Fate was going to encounter when he found the murderous spirit. A shiver went down her spine as the images of burning buildings, and crimson stained earth rose to the forefront of her mind.

Destiny glanced upwards tears shimmering in her eyes. "Please great Eon protect my brother…" the sprit whispered her prayer to the empty air, her heart faint at the thought of the monster her brother was about to go against.

(Town of Gaetano)

Across the world, in a quaint little town, nestled amongst the inner forest of a small island the monster that Destiny so feared had appeared. However instead of bathing the cobblestone streets with blood and fire the ancient spirit had traversed the empty streets in search of the one thing he craved after being imprisoned for a millennia…pizza.

"Are you sure about this?" Haruto frowned as he stared at the brick building before him, "This doesn't look like it would contain anything worth eating." Haruto mused as he caught sight of the green mold growing in between the bricks "Not to mention they are throwing geometry in the air…" The ancient spirit pointed to the neon picture of a man with large hat tossing a circle in the air "I want food not math."

Haruto cocked his head as if listening to someone, though there was not a soul around.

After a moment of silence Haruto rolled his eyes.

"I doubt you are an expert." Haruto smirked, "Since you've never even eaten pizza before." The ancient spirit's sneer disappeared instantly, "Hey! That wasn't my original plan…" Haruto's eyes fell, "Trust me…if there had been another way I'd have taken it. However, the branches all led to the same outcome, no matter how many I traveled down… so I felt it better to just get it over."

Haruto's face twisted into a look of pain, "I couldn't just continue to watch as you lived a life that was never going to last." The ancient spirit's voice trembled slightly, "I at least was able to find a path that saved some of your soul…that should count for something right?" Haruto stopped speaking a look of pleading now on his face.

A long silence filled the air, then a slight smile tugged at Haruto's face

"Thank you…your forgiveness means the most to me in all of this." The spirit exhaled, a bit of smoke escaping the sides of his mouth as he did so.

Haruto straightened suddenly, "All right enough of this conversation…time to try this 'pizza' thing." A grin tugged at his lips again, "I'll let you know how it tastes."

With that Haruto preceded to shove open the door and saunter into the building. The moment he stepped in Haruto's eyes scanned the area out of instinct. He had been in too many battles to not be aware of his surroundings.

However, the scene before him instantly put Haruto at ease.

Tables were set up in the middle of the room, which was empty of people. Towards the back a long counter stood a large tan box that had numbers displayed resting at one end. Behind this counter was a doorway covered by a cloth, clanking resounding behind it as if pots and pans were being tossed around.

"At least the inside is nicer than the outside." Haruto mused as he stepped to one of the tables, "Fancy." The spirit smirked as he smoothed out the white cloth that was draped over cracked wood, "Bet the owner of this establishment spent top dollar on thi…"

"Hey ya bum!"

Haruto turned his head at the booming voice, a grin parted his lips as a burly spirit in a flour covered apron stormed out from the behind the cloth. He instantly recognized the spirit's race from the tiny sparks of fire that popped from his fingers, this man was a Fire Kiln. Which made sense to Haruto if the man was a chef or in any way affiliated with the kitchen.

"Can't ya read?" The man's voice held a growl to it as he stomped to the table, "No shirt no service." The man's bright yellow eyes filled with anger, "Get out."

"I do apologize Fire Kiln but I simply ca…"

"Are you dumb or something?"

Haruto blinked when the man interrupted him, "Excuse me?"

"I said, get out." A sneer glossed over the spirit's face, "If your hungry there's a dumpster outback you can rummage through."

A quiet settled over the building as Haruto blinked owlishly, his pupils dilating slightly as he stared at the man as if he had lost his vision.

"Ummm hello?" the spirit sneered as he waved a hand in front of man whose expression was blank, "You still with me bum?" the fire spirit jerked back when a loud exhale of breath shook the man.

"There we go…that's the perfect branch Toma."

"How do you know my name?" The fire spirit's eyebrow's scrunched together, "Have we met?"

"Yes, and no." A manic smile parted Haruto's lips, "We have met on the road of fate, destined to cross paths from the moment this universe began to spin." A gleam sparked in Haruto's eyes, "From the moment we took breath…it was ordained that I was going to kill you."

Toma took a step back as the spirit rose to his feet

"However…" Haruto flexed his right hand, a loud crack sounding at the action, "It's just to mundane the original way you were to leave this world…me breaking your neck…"

A look of fear overcame Toma's once smug face as the man continued

"So instead, I searched the branches of your fate to find a more…delightful way to remove you from this universe…it's actually my most favorite." Haruto lashed out with his right hand, grasping the spirit's face with it, "Death by Sun's Fire!"

Before Toma could move away from the spirit searing orange erupted from Haruto's palm, a brief scream of agony filled the room as the flames seeped into the man's skin.

Haruto shoved the spirit away from him, watching as the man's body turned to smoldering ash as the fire destroyed his very core, "How poetic…fire consumes the Kiln."

The room echoed suddenly with the sound of a chime, along with the door opening.

"Boss I'm here for my shift."

At the timid voice Haruto glanced from the ash on the floor to the doorway where a young teen had walked in, "Ah good I was afraid I had messed up my chance at eating pizza."

The teen's face held confusion as he walked on into the room, "Ummmm can I help you sir?"

"Yes thank you." Haruto nodded as he retook his seat at the table, "I came to try your establishments cuisine."

A smile came to boy's face, "Of course! Geninava's is the best pizza parlor around."

Haruto smiled slightly at the boy's tone of pride, "That's perfect." He motioned to the boy, "I didn't catch your name."

"My name's Mark." The boy's face took on a look of concern, "Do you need aid sir?"

"Hmmm?" Hartuo raised an eyebrow, "For what?"

Mark motioned to the spirit's upper body, "Well…sir you are bleeding."

Haruto glanced at his body where hundreds of gashes had been left by the chains that had held him captive, "I didn't really notice…I suppose I should do something since bleeding in a place that serves food is generally frowned upon I believe."

A smile came to the teen's face, "I can go in the back and see if we have anything that can be used to cover your wounds…and I'll bring a towel for you to clean up."

Haruto watched the boy glanced at the cloth covered doorway, a look a fear on his face

"But…but you might have to leave if my boss decides to leave the kitchen." Mark frowned in disapproval, "He isn't known for his charity…"

"Oh, you don't say…shame. People need to be kinder, it's better for their health in the long run." Haruto grinned slightly, his eyes going to the ash now scattering like dust across the wooden floor.

"Well wait here for a moment and I'll grab something for those cuts." Mark smiled, "And then I'll bring you a menu…and don't worry if you do not have money sir." The boy's face lit up, "I'll take care of it."

"You are too kind." Haruto smiled as the boy rushed to the counter and disappeared behind the cloth door, the ancient spirit settling into his chair to await the teen's return.

Please review and let me know what you guys thought :) I look forward to your reviews like you look forward to the update. I am going to be continuing this in a different story Chaos 2, this one has reached 100 + chapters so I am going to start anew. I will have the first chapter up the 16th so be looking for it :) Till next time.