Remember Me

Chapter 1: Accidents

Ezra's POV

"Okay kid, you're up!" Zeb yelled as the Phantom ramp lowered.

I nodded and walked to the edge, the wind whipping my raven locks wildly. Below us, an Imperial transport sped over the grassy plains. The mission was simple. Get in, stop the transport, and take the cargo. Well, that was plan anyways.

With a sudden burst of courage, I leaped out of the Phantom and plummeted down onto the roof of the transport. I pulled out my lightsaber and cut a circle through the metal, which resulted in me falling through and hitting the ground. "Ouch," I moaned, rubbing my head. Sudden gasps arose as the pilots realised the intruder and pulled out their pistols.

"I don't think so!" I growled, whipping out my lightsaber and deflecting their bolts. I quickly shot the both of them with my stun feature, the vehicle lurching as the drivers fell unconscious. Uh oh. I quickly scrambled to the controls, shoving the limp imperials out of the seats. "Spectre 6, what's going on down there?" Kanan's voice echoed over the com.

I yanked on the yoke, steering the transport back on course. "Don't worry, I've got the situation under control," I replied in relief.

"Have you disabled the tracking beacon?" he asked.

Switching the controls to auto-pilot, I bent down next to panel and pulled it open. "Working on it," I muttered, cutting some of the wires. Suddenly, a firm grasp wrapped around my neck. I chocked, kicking wildly at the now conscious Imperial. Finally prying his fingers from my throat, I spun around and punched him in the face. He stumbled backwards and countered by tackling me backwards onto the controls. Buttons clicked and the transport groaned, red lights starting to flash above. "Spectre 6! Watch out! There's a mountain up ahead!" Hera called desperately.

I glanced up from the fierce pilot to see we were in fact headed for a mountain. My eyes widened, blood going cold. I kicked the Imperial away and tried to steer the vehicle, but the yoke broke off with a defiant snap. I swallowed deeply as sweat trailed down my face. "I'm out!" I yelped, scrambling out of the seat and reaching for my personal exit. As I reached up for the hole, the Imperial grasped my ankle and dragged me down. "If I'm going down, you are too!" he snapped furiously, holding me in a headlock.

I tried to wriggle out, but I struggled to be released. "Spectre 6! Get out of there!" a voice I figured was Sabine yelled over the com.

"Kid, what's going on!?" Zeb's gravelly voice called.

I groaned, trying to kick away from the soldier as the mountain got closer and closer in the port view. "Get out of there!" the com continued to explode.

"What are you doing?!"

"Watch out!"


I sighed and closed my eyes, before everything went black and silent…

Kanan's POV

The transport exploded into flames as it made contact with the mountain. "Ezra!" I screamed in horror, landing the Phantom and scrambling out, Zeb close behind. We bolted to the wreckage, flames and charred debris lying everywhere. "Ezra! Ezra!" we called out, searching desperately for him. Smoke filled our lungs, the blistering heat burning our skin. Crumpled metal and sparking wires were everywhere, a single Imperial helmet rolling next to my feet.

As my eyes searched desperately around the carnage, I took a deep breath and focused on his signature. C'mon Ezra, where are you!

The noise began to drown out and the heat began to cool on my skin. And that's when I felt it. A single spark in a sea of darkness. My eyes snapped open as I used the force to lift a large sheet of metal. And there, to my horror, lay my unconscious padawan. Burns laced his skin, his clothes tattered and cuts scattered across his body. "Zeb!" I called as the Lasat ambled up. His eyes widened when he saw Ezra, quickly running over and scooping him up. "Let's go!" he ordered.

We ran out of the chaos and entered the Phantom again. Once we were safe, I switched it to auto-pilot and swivelled in my seat. Zeb was cradling the teen in his arms, his breathing weak and shaky. "How is he?" I asked nervously.

Zeb frowned. "Pretty beaten up, but, alive. He's got a pretty bad wound on his head though," he sighed, wiping his blood stained hand on his shirt.

I nodded, my gut churning. Worry crept into my mind as I stared at his unresponsive body. Don't worry Ezra, you'll be okay…

Two weeks later…

Everything was silent besides the heart monitor's constant beeping and Ezra's steady breaths.

No-one spoke a word.

We just watched Ezra's limp body anxiously, taking comfort from the steady rise and fall of his chest. His injuries had healed up nicely, but a bandage was still wrapped around his head from the puncture that had occurred. We had taken him to Ahsoka, their medics having to do an improvised operation on his skull. He still hadn't woken up though. And everyone was starting to worry.

"Will he be okay?" Sabine asked, her voice quite.

No one replied at first, before Hera stated "There's nothing more the medics can do. We just have to wait now."

Sabine nodded numbly, eyes fixed on Ezra. Zeb was leaning against the door, ears drooping and gaze downcast. Hera was beside Ezra and holding his hand loosely while I watched the scene from the other end of the medical bed. Everyone had been stressed, and as much as I didn't like to admit it, I was too. I couldn't sleep, and I was the one usually waiting in the medbay with Ezra, watching for the moment his eyes opened and an electric blue gaze stared into my teal ones. But it had so far been unsuccessful.

"Poor kid," Zeb mumbled.

Sabine nodded glumly. "He's tough though," she pointed out.

"Too tough for his own good sometimes," Hera whispered silently to herself.

I folded my arms and leaned against the wall, when suddenly something sparked in the force. I glanced up and watched Ezra's body expectantly. A small groan escaped the teen's lips, everyone perking up and watching tensely. Ezra's fingers twitched slightly and made Hera grasp his hand tightly. "Hun, can you hear me?" she asked hopefully, a glint in her eyes.

Ever so slowly, Ezra's eyes cracked open. Beaming blue eyes stared up at the ceiling in a daze while the others gathered around anxiously. "He's awake," Sabine gasped.

"We can see that," Zeb grumbled.

Silence descended upon us, until finally, Ezra took a deep breath and tried to push himself up on his elbows. "Ezra!" Sabine squealed joyfully, leaping to embrace him in a hug. He gasped at the contact and groaned, the Mandalorian quickly composing herself and stepping back, her cheeks blushing slightly. "Ezra," Hera grinned, trying to contain her excitement. "How are you feeling?"

The teen rubbed his head and glanced at us in confusion. "…Good?" he croaked, eyes scanning us suspiciously.

We all sighed in relief as I stepped forward with a smile. "It's good to have you back Ezra," I said, voice worn and tired.

He nodded slowly. "Okay… just a quick question," he started gently. "Who's 'Ezra'?"

Hey guys! Welcome to my new story! Remember that one I talked about in 'The Good, and Bad News' update? Well, this is it! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and will stick around for future ones. Tell me what you thought about it, I love to read your reviews. Until the next update, may the force be with you, always!


P.S Do you guys want Authors notes (like this) and/or 'Q/A's and Reactions' on this story or nah? The chapters are premade, so it's just a matter of what you guys want. Tell me what you think! :D